first you need to create a HTML, CSS, and javascript parser - then you need to create a web browser - for all of this I suggest c/c++ but I know you'll use Go/Dart. Then once you have a fully functioning web browser akin to Chrome or FireFox you can learn how to program, open up @Zirak 's example, realize it was a stupid noobish question, and go away.
look at something like and you'll see that classes are much better suited for defining styles, and they tend to keep your css files smaller and more readable.
going back to my original question about preventing console.log() from causing errors, there are a bunch of methods on console, e.g., console.error() etc.
is there a way to prevent all of these from causing errors when running without firebug?
it seems like if ( typeof console === 'undefined' ) { console = { log : function(){} }; } will only work for console.log()
@Zirak: what do you think about'menu').dataStyle instead of'menu').getAttribute( 'data-style' ) Any reason why you'd like one better than the other?
Write a function that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".
Write a function to find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
Write a function that accepts an array of integers and returns the second largest value of that array.
@Incognito: to display fizzbuzzes, I'm thinking about using var arr.length = 100 then iterating over the keys with a triple check, would that be the way you call computationally efficient?
or is the triple check the "computationally efficient" there is to work around?
@Loktar get a fake boogie and hang it out of your node during the interview - half way through as the candidate looks down you switch the nostril it is hanging out of.
@Zirak function (b,c){function d(d){var e,f;d.result_type==="no_results"?e="Y U NO MAEK SENSE!!!???!!?11 No results.":(f=d.list[0],e="["+b+"]("+f.permalink+"): "+f.definition),a[b]=e,c&&}if(!b.length)return"Y U NO PROVIDE ARGUMENTS!?";IO.jsonp({url:"",data:{term:b.content},jsonpName:"callback",fun:d})} @Zirak function (b,c){function d(d){var e,f;d.result_type==="no_results"?e="Y U NO MAEK SENSE!!!???!!?11 No results.":(f=d.list[0],e="["+b+"]("+f.permalink+"): "+f.definition),a[b]=e,c&&}if(!b.lengt…
My question is about storing data offline and potentially whether I will need to bring in an outside programmer or could this be learned within a few weeks?
The website I am working on will have an interface where users will login and go through a series of quizzes in the form of checkbox, drop ...
According to I need to integrate bootstrap-dropdown.js into my website, for dropdowns to work. However, they stop working when I add the dropdown plugin. Anybody here experienced the same thing?
does anyone here use git? I have an open pull request on a repo, and the code in that request needs some corrections. After I have made these corrections and merge them into my repo, how do I update the pull requests with my new changes?
The reasoning is so inherently flawed. I think it might come from the philosophy in schools these days: the just-pass-the-test philosophy, instead of actually learning. Like someone said earlier in here, the common thought is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". It should be "if it ain't broke, break it, and then fix it again, until you've exhausted all possibilities"
so they just provide jQuery answers because it solves the problem, for now.