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need halp, review my talk proposal pl0x
> Everything you ever needed to know about git (but were too afraid to ask)
> Virtually every modern developer will use git as their source control system today. Once you've mastered the fine art of `git commit` and `git push`, a massive wall of difficulty arises before you. On top are juicy secrets available to the git master - a rich reward for anyone daring enough to challenge the wall.
> In the first half of this talk, we'll scale that wall together, learning about branches, merging and (yikes!) rebase, all through the command line. We’ll cover what to do in the event of a confli
well it's a pre-populated .db and i'm grabbing the table names
@chronotrigga Use a prepared query
@SomeKittens I like it.
@Trasiva whoooo. Anything you'd change? Would you want to watch this talk?
@SomeKittens Sounds good except the last sentence (the one before the note). It sounds a bit cheesy and generic.
(say, if someone posted that description and a YouTube link)
@Zirak Yep. I'm bad at closing sentences.
@Tuvia do you have any documentation
@SomeKittens If it's pre-recorded absolutely. The last sentence needs something stronger though I think.
@SomeKittens > By the time this talk is completed, you should be able to utilize git as a powerful tool for your development, not a mythical beast that stands in the way of your productivity.
@AwalGarg can you send me the link to that page whose source you obfuscated?
that you made
@Zirak probably has something better in his head.
nvm, found it
@Trasiva hmmm, nice
@chronotrigga No.
@SomeKittens If you use it, I want royalties. ;)
@Trasiva I'll give you 100% of the jellybeans I get from giving this talk
@SomeKittens I'm on a diet. Trying to get back into shape. The civy uh....60 have got to go.
I am a diet
@Trasiva were you not that guy with butter on mixed potatoes ?
i had a question from someone
@KarelG Yea, diet started last week. Nothing but chicken, veg, fruit, and water in.
@KarelG What's your question.
well, it's common here to add butter sauce (just melted butter) to the potatoes before mixing it to mixed potatoes. Some people does that. She asked why you place a piece of butter on top of mixed potatoes.
She's a cook
she tried it.
not approved
Why var a = []; a === []; a is false ?
@KarelG americans put butter on everything. It's both gross and why we all get heart disease.
yup, should be false. no one object is exactly equal to another, unless it is the same object.
@AndréSilva because you're comparing it to a different array
strict comparison checks to see if you're looking at the same array
Makes sense, but it is confusing ;p
how's that confusing ?
Because if you look through the eyes from a newbie, it seems like you're comparing two empty arrays
And both the type and the value are equal
@KarelG I think "non-intuitive" is a better term
@AndréSilva you are
@AndréSilva they are
=== is asking for a very specific type of equality, though
while they are both arrays and both empty, they are two empty arrays, not the same one. === is instance-equality, i.e., the same empty array.
!!> var a = []; a == [];
I thought === means you're comparing type and value instead of only value
@KarelG false
should give T
@KarelG I hadn't added much in butter to the potatoes when I mashed them. The pats put into the dimples like I had are no different than adding the butter sauce. I think the biggest difference is that it's already melted and easy to work into the potatoes, whereas I still have to mix mine together on the plate. Usually I eat my protein while my potatoes melt the butter, mostly it's just a plating thing here for presentation.
@AndréSilva and the value of an object is the instance
Yeah, that came to mind after the first answer ;x
I can't compare arrays ? ._. It seems that even with == it is still wrong
You can compare them, but you have to do so at the value level
@AndréSilva [] creates oranges. a = [], b = [] Both a and b are oranges, but they're different oranges.
@AndréSilva nope, not with any of the built in operators
Hm, thankfully I just need to check if the array is empty ;p [].length === 0 should do the trick
It isn't beautiful though :(
@AndréSilva zero is falsy so you can get away with if (myArray.length) {
:) Yey thanks
@KarelG The other difference is probably that I used real butter that I left out at room temperature, so it was already quite soft, versus butter fresh from the fridge, which is hard.
or even if(ary+"")
@Trasiva still, it's different than melted butter in a cooking pot
It is so hard to find actual butter here in Brazil ~.~
Just go and milk the local cow
@rlemon If that's bad I am so fucked dude. I put EVERYTHING in hydrogen peroxide
Butter you only find in fancy stores
It feels really cool when it reacts with your blood lol
But you can find margarine every-fucking-where
Plus the foaming helps to pull out dirt and grease and shit that has gotten into the cut
@ndugger Your mom's Brazilian?
@KarelG Well, this is true as well. Once I get my weight back where I want to and I can afford to add butter back in, I'll test out that method instead for potatoes. Usually I only do melted butter for fish.
Her brazillian, or she is brazillian? Because yes.
@Tuvia You are thinking of alcohol. Hydrogen peroxide should be painless
Where are you from @ndugger ?
@Josiah Maybe
I am from brazillian
@AndréSilva he's just nikky from the block, he used to code a little now he codes a lot.
@ndugger Don't knock it man, milk fresh from the cow's hard to beat.
I only ingest highly processed foods
I'm confused ;-;
@Zirak ooh, nice
@Trasiva you don't have to do that often, but it makes the mixed potatoes somewhat doughier :) But surely not healthy
i use only milk to achieve that
@Zirak nice. Reminds me to the timing attacks at SQL
timing attacks make me feel all snuggly inside
@KarelG Potatoes are too starchy, my meals put me pretty close to where I should be losing three pounds a week now that I'm starting to work out.
let's all get matching bionicles
@Trasiva depends of the potato though.
@SomeKittens They're one of those things which on the one hand make you go all "then do why I bother" because they're so friggen powerful; on the other...well, he talks about it towards the end, so I won't spoil.
If you have a div that takes up 100% of it's container, how the hell do you float a box over a corner of it responsively?
Right now I have to adjust the margins with media queries, but that feels wrong
@KarelG Right now I'm sticking to baked sweet potatoes. I can dress them up with some salt, pepper, and olive oil, maybe different seasonings. Then I can dice, slice, or make them into fries depending on the meal.
@SterlingArcher make a jsfiddle
I'm off to college, bye bye all :) Thanks for the help.
@Trasiva baked potatoes aren't really healthy either. If you ask me, a mixed potatoes by milk (and herbs/spices) is healthier
still, being healthy isn't about food only, but also movement
@KarelG When I say baked I mean I dice/slice them, dress them in olive oil, season them, and then put them under the broiler until they're done.
@KarelG potatoes aren't very good for you
@SterlingArcher position: absolute, i think.
jsfiddle.net/d5b7fb5x trying to get that grey box to always be top left
no matter the media query effecting it
@KarelG I know, I have a bum knee, so my first goal is to be able to walk a mile (0.61 KM) before my knee gives out.
@ssube i eat it frequently. My dad almost daily. It depends how you're consuming it. Mostly we just eat boiled potatoes without making it "exotic" : baked / mixed / frying
or even in cheese mix (patatte de gratin )
@SterlingArcher jsfiddle.net/d5b7fb5x/1 3 lines added to the end of equip-badge, 1 to equip-box
@KarelG Boiling is the worst way to eat things.
Potatoes (and most white foods) have very little nutritional value to begin with and boiling removes most of it.
@ssube Sweet potatoes actually are. They're packed with vitamins, potassium, and fiber.
it lowers the nutritions true
Mashed potatoes (boiled and mashed with milk) is pretty much paper.
@SterlingArcher position relative parents position absolute their children relative to them
@Trasiva only the skin, and even then, not a whole lot
you are using wrong kind of potatoes
Ohhh I didn't know I needed relative to it. Thanks guys!
@rlemon That can't be English
and you need to boil some vegs before consuming it... really. Did you have consumed black salsify without boiling it ?
@KarelG what is "black salsify"?
!!wiki black salsify
Scorzonera hispanica, black salsify or Spanish salsify, also known as black oyster plant, serpent root, viper's herb, viper's grass or simply scorzonera, is a perennial member of the genus Scorzonera in the sunflower family (Asteraceae), cultivated as a root vegetable in the same way as salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius), also in the sunflower family. The scorzonera sweet is a crystallized dessert made from scorzonera in Évora, Alentejo, Portugal. It is listed on the Ark of Taste. == Description == The black salsify plant has heads of yellow ray flowers. The thin black taproot grows up to one meter...
that is not a plant we have here
we consume the roots of it
most of the vegetables that are traditionally boiled and are good for you can be prepared some other way and taste better
it depends :p
blanched broccoli is far, far better than boiled
i know other vegs that is hard to consume without boiling
for winter vegetables, which I think are close to what you're thinking about, roasting is better
the only thing I boil are noodles, which are bad for you already
blanched IS boiling.
@ssube Uh, I'm not sure you know what you're talking about homeslice.
it just means you put it in cold water right after it's done boiling.
you have a strange approach to food. Like everything is bad
@Luggage very quick, very hot boiling that doesn't break down the nutrition as much.
it's not wrong to eat french fries, but don't do it daily
@rlemon @Luggage thanks! Works great
Steaming and long boiling are both really bad at leaving any value in the food.
@Trasiva All potatoes are mostly empty carbs, although sweet potatoes manage to get some sugar involved just to make things worse.
The nutrition, what little there is, is all in the skin.
@SterlingArcher I think that's good for any non-ancient browser, too, so you can feel free to apply it everywhere.
> All potatoes are mostly empty carbs
Hi, can anyone help a node.js newbee with a very basy question regarding setting up a server with express ?
@386er Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
que ?
So, just don't over-boil the broccoli? :)
Anyone familar with node.js ?
what luggage said
@Luggage so, blanch it?
So the ice-water bath is crucial, you think?
or am I wrong about that being part of the definition of blanch?
you definitely rinse it off in cold water.
The important part, nutritionally, is that you boil the veggies for seconds (or maybe a minute) rather than many minutes.
If I can't saute it, I don't eat it.
Ok, no one wants to alk about node.js ;(
Dat floaty float
Most of the vitamins and nutrients in veggies are both water-soluble (because veggies don't have much fat) and unstable in heat.
386, you never asked a question.
So how about steaming, then?
@ssube I never said -anything- about boiling my potatoes. I bake them in the oven.
@Luggage same problem, I think.
@MadaraUchiha ping ^ new section of the player profile done, and totally responsive as fuck
If you search for anything around "boiling removes nutrients" and the nutritional value of potatoes, it's all the same literature.
Again, baking my sweet potatoes keeps most of that nutrition. On top of which, I can still indulge a little with something that tastes fantastic.
@Trasiva do you eat the skins?
@ssube Every time, yes.
I'll be honest. I have no intention of reading up on this later. :)
I was just being pedantic about blanching and it went from there.
like all things, don't go all out. scientificamerican.com/article/raw-veggies-are-healthier you can really find stuff on either side of the fence
blanched broccoli is the shit
if you REALLY feel like being anal about prepping foods, it looks like you'll have to boil some and not others
I don't think anal and food prep should go together
I just say fuckit, because you're not 'ruining' the nutrition content, you're just getting rid of some of it
prep it how you like it
@SterlingArcher jammes of never ending nightmares obviously
Considering I had to take a nutritional course when I was in charge of the unit fat boy program, I know what I'm doing.
I have digitalocean Droplet
@Trasiva like body building, 'nutrition science' is very young. you'll find difference between today and last year, and next year.
I try not to get too caught up in it. most of it is common sense
There are definitely some veggies that are better for you than others.
Potatoes aren't very high on that list, just dirt cheap.
@rlemon Right, that's what I stick to. I don't pay attention to that macro versus micro bullshit and all of that.
i have a basy node.js applicatation in my home/username/applicationname folder
I can make it run
it is listening to port 3000
however, if i try to open it in my browser
it wont show
@386er Is your droplet running a firewall?
Can you ping the droplet?
let me check
yes. i can ping it
thats my Ip Adress
can you telnet to the port that node is running on?
let me check again
if telnet connects, type HTTP/1.1 and hit enter, see what happens
can i use telnet via git Bash ?
@SterlingArcher I have a couple of vague comments, but it's late for me and I'm really tired XD
basic windows command shell does not support telnet
don't think so
Can you ping me tomorrow?
@386er telnet IP_aDRESS PORT
yes, but i have to enable telnet first
(Mostly, there's too much empty space, and not enough data)
or install putty
i guess
meh, just log onto the droplet and check the firewall
@386er putty can run as a standalone without install
ok great
i think telnet is available if you install one of the windows 'features'. i forget which
@ssube hit enter twice
I wish the official putty page didn't look like the back alley of the internet.
@Luggage you've never been on 4chan
I have.
to activate telnet client from windows cmd:
pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"
@Luggage I think it's appropriate that putty's site is so bad
I am not sure it if worked
@Luggage is that why you're bald?
putty is pretty awful as well
can you guys try to telnet me ?
Never on a first date.
@386er I can
you should remove it
what should I remove ?
@386er nothing my brother :)
it's too lat.e I already posted it to 4chan, so they can help out with this problem
@386er looks like you're firewalled
yes, nary a response.
check if iptables is running and open that port
can i run it on port 80 ?
you shouldn't run node on 80, but you can put nginx in front of it
@ssube did you take a look at nftables?
@386er is it a commercial connection?
i think it needs to be root to run on 80 and that you should put nginx in front if doing that
confirmed : telnet does not go trough
what means commercial connection ?
yeah, any port under 1024 needs root, but node isn't meant for that sort of secure deployment
@happy that's his digital ocean machine
just skip down to "Set Up Reverse Proxy Server" for now
@Luggage TOS on commercial internet service provider are not the same as home use therefore regular port such as 80, 443, 25 are normally blocked for home usage
it's not that.
@happy it's a VPS on Digital Ocean
@ssube okay
that article you linked is pretty close to my setup.
nginx -> pm2 -> node
I confirm port 22 opened on ssh as well as regular 80 for apache
and ssh accept connection
var express = require("express");
var app = express();
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('socket.io')(http);
var _ = require('underscore');
and scp gets all the files
that is the code of my index.js
very basy
1 message moved to Trash can
@386er Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@FlorianMargaine hadn't heard of it. Do we really need another firewall?
1 message moved to Trash can
@386er Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
app.get('/', function(req, res){

http.listen(3000, function(){
  console.log('listening on *:3000');
did a scan and still 3000 not opened, seem like you must allow the connection from somewhere else
but i cannot just use a different port ?
@386er you can use any port above 1024
open 3000 or config a reverse proxy on 80.
@ssube well, it's BC with iptables
you can either open that port in your firewall or use nginx/apache to proxy requests through to node
@FlorianMargaine that's a step up from firewalld
ok, Its late, I will have to try tomorrow
thanks anyway guys !
how would you guys handle a coworker who keeps checking in code that breaks shit you wrote?
@Codeman What is he changing that breaks your code?
Is he changing your code?
@KendallFrey yes
in one example, he changed a bunch of markup that had a file upload that was working before and it is not working now.
it's happened four times or so in the last sprint
Do you have a test suite?
What kind of review/merge process do you have?
Have you tried being passive aggressive? works for me, most of the time.
@Codeman Start with a cricket bat, move up to aluminum baseball bat
we have a very large test suite, but this is a JS ui bug on a brand new page that we haven't written UI tests for yet
we have a code review with a minimum requirement for reviewers (two juniors, one intermediate or above are sufficient)
the reviewers generally review with the understanding that an engineer has somewhat thoroughly tested their code
_Somehow_ my code was broken with commit 3df12a, 4ffe321, 2344ad and 1fa340b. I wonder if anyone can tell how this keeps happening.
Otherwise, you'll be introduced to Mr. Smashy Plate
I love JS since writing first alert('ass'); 15 years ago
@Pawel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Codeman You're the team lead, right?
he's steve ballmer
@Trasiva no, I'm the project lead
@Codeman potato tomato
it's mostly me working on the project, he is working on one page and some CSS stuff
@Codeman I'd bring his immediate supervisor in on this, and make sure that on no uncertain terms, is he allowed to push changes until they've been properly verified. He's causing stop loss and it needs to stop, last month.
@Trasiva I reviewed the changes. They looked fine in code, but we are expected to test our own code. Code review is for things like catching bad patterns, bad design, code smells, etc. You're not supposed to check in straight up broken code, that's not okay
@Codeman Part of the verification process might need to be that his supervisor has to hand hold for a while and watch him test. It'll not only embarrass him, but it should reinforce that -no one else- needs to be babysat like that.
Unfortunately, you can't make him walk into the door a few times to get the message.
You're cold, man.
5 minutes ago I started to learn JavaScript.
@Trasiva that didn't work at a former company.
Then all the time you were in this room before 5 minutes ago you were an imposter? a spy?!
if he's not testing because he doesn't want to, good luck with that battle of wills
@SomeKittens The battle is easy. You cut the dead weight.
Wow 300 reputation my first day :-)
this is a cool place :-D
I have points!
What if dead weight is the only kind of weight you have?
Now what?
ohh right. get a new job.
@Tuvia show that to your boss.
@TodoPertin HA
@Trasiva Yeah, and his manager should make it clear to him that "not testing" makes him dead weight
or drink it.
@SomeKittens Exactly.
This hand holding bullshit in the workplace hurts more than helps.
I just started learning JS 10-15 minutes ago. How long is it going to take me to do useful things like developing simple games with it? Could somebody tell me?
@TodoPertin with library or like writing your own stuff from scratch?
@TodoPertin what sort of graphics?
@happy scratch.
@MikeAsdf I do not understand.
@TodoPertin 2 or 3 d?
TodoPertin depends on your previous experience.. if JS your first?
JS is known to slow down websites. where else is it useful and do not slow down?
depending of what you see as cool it could be very basic
Text based games you could do today. Using a table to do grid-based 2d graphics (like a roguelike) would also be simple.
@TodoPertin JS is everything bro
@MikeAsdf, @happy both sort of graphics
@Tuvia ok.
@TodoPertin :-D
HTML5 canvas based 2d stuff would be more professional and would take longer to get a knack for.
of course there is pure CSS game but they are to prove the world nothing is impossible
@Luggage I know some PHP
and some C
some=very little.
javascript is very nice
You could do 3d graphics by writing a raytracing algorithm in PHP and making 30 web requests per second
@MikeAsdf lol
@happy ok
@MikeAsdf lol.
what is slowing down the world is poorly designed code
like poorly timed traffic lights?
@Luggage like that

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