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please help me i am creating a radit system
please vote up "FLUX Vs MVC" post at end of on nomadasdigitales.org
@MayankVadiya why?
@MayankVadiya why?
i want to test in another server but
@Maurice because you touch yourself at night
fair enough
please guys its test site
but design got some issues
I'm not sure if just bought a wash machine or voted up
just i want to check its work or not.
Asking for upvotes here is not allowed...
@KendallFrey \o/
everyones in spirit
I love it
Yeah, Scott has done similar things in the past
his epic nyan cat video
I have two checkboxes on which if first one is checked a date picker shows up .Similarly when the second one is clicked a time picker comes up.Now these two are present in a radio group and i want to show time picker and date picker depending on the checked item
now if i use .hide in jquery
it does provide me the result
but when the form is submitted
the hidden element value go as well
@Loktar @FlorianMargaine happy friday!
ii tried remove but it just removes the element
anyone ?
I just hate you. Both of you.
DT 2016 :D
SO is also in the spirit
im gona vote for the guy
@rlemon scumbag
if you are upset by this, you are not going to enjoy today
@FlorianMargaine celebrations!!
@rlemon ohhhh sneaky
I know that URL
I clicked it anyway
I don't think Florian clicked it
he \o/'d me without clicking it
So where is all the april foolery.. give me the whole bias... after you played the game.
@jAndy Can you speak English?
I... don't .. know... Kendall? :P
how do you change video source in javascript html?
googled it, found broken answers that dont work when run
what is "javascript html"
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My title</title>
	<script src="jquery-1.12.2.js"></script>

    <video width="100%" height="100%" preload="auto"  controls>
        <!-- your video source, verify so that type is accurate -->
        <source id="vidsrc" src="Adan_FTP/Video/G-Empty sense of self.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>

	//fetch and list all the files found in the video folder. Make sure to change the path to your video folder.
	foreach(glob('Adan_FTP/Video/*') as $video){
here's what i tried
plays video, clicking the <a href's dont work
<!DOCTYPE Tim Horton's>
it's supposed to change video src when i click <ahref>
@Zirak looks like this has matured quite well.
eh, sorry bout that
i feel like im closes
did you check the network log
the problem lies when i 'click' the link, it does not do anything
//this will change the video source to the chosen video

    		$('#vidsrc').attr('src', $(this).data('video'));

    		return false;
yes, how do you know that isn't doing anything? just because the video doesn't change or play?
i found something that does, but i dont know how to add it to my original
var vid = document.getElementById("myVideo");

function myFunction() {
    isSupp = vid.canPlayType("video/mp4");
    if (isSupp == "") {
        vid.src = "movie.ogg";
    } else {
        vid.src = "movie.mp4";
the video doesent change, however, this code does change it
notice 'vid.load();'
does the network log show the video gets downloaded?
that's what's missing in the original, but i dont know how to add it in
1 sec
network shows only the first src loads, not what i clicked
so then that is likely a problem :P
yup, found a work around
maybe u can help me out, how do i grab the string from a text box?
i wana put what's in a textbox into a variable
hmm example?
if (isSupp == "") {
how do you set global variables in javascript?
@AdanRamirez var value = element.value
@AdanRamirez you don't
well, you avoid it
const poop = 1; // if you are on the global scope, this is global.
where do you put it?
<body> </body>?
you are very new to web dev correct?
well not that new
just basics
you'll want to read up on javascript a bit more. What is scope, how does the DOM parse/work, and how to not pollute scopes
all of those are googleable topics
@AdanRamirez you put it in script file or script tag
Script tags should only be in head, but you see them just as often in body
^ how is this true
they should go where appropriate
theverge.com/2016/3/31/11335272/… companies need to realize they can't do this shit today.
no one will believe it is real
@littlepootis the fuck?
@rlemon you're on the verge of my foot in your ass
hey asswipe. did you click the link. no, no you did not
You can import JSON in es6/7 right? import fixture from "../fixtures/fixture.json"
I've clicked 5 god damn friday links in under a minute
I hate all of you
rlemon's link is actually safe
Here's a good music video instead youtube.com/watch?v=I83Xp7itj8c
trust me, I tried
@SterlingArcher even google is friday bait today!
Since when did April Fools Day become synonymous with "act like an asshat and get away with it" day?
@Neil since ever
is link baiting people makes you an asshole.. then I need to re-adjust my definition of asshole apparently.
Some people just act like an asshat and expect to get away with it
> Why does the usage of .closest work and the usage of :closest doesn't? What is the specific reason for this?
April fool's day in the tech world is usually more like "hey you know that thing you always really wished existed? We're totally gonna make it! ... but not really lol go away"
@corvid ikr?
even google.com ?
this was not my doing, but I know what happened.
How do I make it stop
The date is even march 31 11:58 pm... they can't do that. . It's against the rules
I have to learn how to generate an SSL cert for a server
@SterlingArcher who is a bigger troll than me?
think about it
@rlemon: I think I might have an idea what happened... Was it prepared 2 days ago? (Or earlier?)
@SterlingArcher try watching the Saturday video, maybe you'll fool your computer into thinking it's tomorrow already
@SterlingArcher self-signed?
No seriously how do I make it stop, I need to get work done
I can't even open up a new window or my settings
@Cerbrus ;)
well planted
That's clever
@SterlingArcher once the tab is open, you can just use it as normal
I did put the Saturday thing in, but I didn't test it properly, and it's only temporary
or just disable the extension
Oh my fucking god the canada extrension?!
That is hilarious. I am sorry for you, but it's also hilarious
I can't believe he didn't realize it was your extension
@SterlingArcher ignore it
Don't tell Loke he has it installed
oh god, yes! :D
so, I received an employment contract finally :D
They asked me if there's anything in it that I disapprove of or would like to discuss, as par norm...
The law person pressed space twice at one point, do you think I should tell my employers? :D
I assume double spaces have no hidden meaning in law
Oh, I thought it was the pinned extension
double space is convention in writing
Close guess
double spaces are fucking stupid
stupid yes, convention in a low of places, also yes
my english teacher in grade ten demanded it for certain rules I can no longer remember
to be clear are you talking about sentence spacing or line spacing?
sentence spacing
@towc means that your soul belongs to them. That or a decent dental plan. It is a bit ambiguous on that point
it shouldn't even matter
iirc, you always double space after a period.
that must be a typo...
word processors and typesetters should handle sentence spacing, not people
@KendallFrey well I was in grade ten a while ago
and only know of old people who do it
I have coworkers that double or even triple space and it kills me
probably from the typerwriter days
@KendallFrey Yeah, screw spaces. They should use tabs.
hides in a corner after the bad joke
Exac.... no
@Cerbrus between the sources tab and the extension page you can make like 90% of the code out
I was taught to use two spaces, and in Italy they don't do that apparently
you can also open the code directly (the folder name is the app id)
This was literally the most well planted Friday bomb ever
@SterlingArcher bows
@rlemon: That requires you to install the plugin though
I've been wanting to do this for a while
@Cerbrus install, don't activate.
done and done
Kendall for RO. Owwait, he already is.
Finally did it since I have a Chrome Web Store account
@rlemon: good point
but the other extension is easier. just pointing it out
@SterlingArcher I am guessing that your colleagues think that you have a thing for Rebecca black
Also, I will point out that I didn't think of today's date until after I'd published
The fridge is making a noise that sounds like Captain Kirk just walked onto the bridge of the enterprise
@Neil thankfully I sit in a spot where nobody can see my screen without me knowing they're walking over
@KendallFrey Happy coincidence :D
@KendallFrey these factorio textures are getting damn good
@Cerbrus ikr
ack is broke :\
One of the things in my contract states:
> The holiday year is from 1 January to 31 December
doesn't seem to be any further reference to the holiday year...
so that means I can always be on holiday?
no it means you get X weeks off and it rolls over on the 1st
they call it the holiday year I suspect so it is not confused with the fiscal year
fair enough
@towc Unless they add a 32nd of Dec.
then the next thing makes even less sense
You say what?
I swear I'm trying...
I have a roommate setup for December when I move out :D
congrats :D
what's "fte"?
Full Time Equivalent according to google
We have an agreement -- no porn in the living room unless you're fully clothed and not into it
faster than eggs?
@SterlingArcher lemmy guess, your bartender
10 = hours par week that I do
@rlemon no but that was an option
@SterlingArcher "into it"
I'm sure it was :P
lol yeah
he's keeping you as a option bro
@rlemon Rebecca Black
I would totally room with Rebecca Black
Rule #42, man.
I thought it was rule 34
Hey guys can I have a bit of help on a problem of binding elements ? I don't find why my function is working only once :/
Q: Can't link a function to javascript created element

BaldrániSo I've search a bit/lot and came up with this post for sure but still it is not working and I dont get why... I clearly use the function to bind event to elements created by javascript.. I don't understand where is my failure since it works once if I try with .click() So why is it not working ...

@SterlingArcher it's like rule 34, but without the midget porn
That's awful
@Neil jesus bro lol
Never scare a gator
I have a rule: never click the first link following the words midget and porn
never scare a spider
I'm not clicking a single link you post today lemon
I've been burned 7 times in a single morning
lol, "garden leave" is a thing
13 hours ago, by rlemon
@SterlingArcher I promise you no less than 3 friday links from me
@SterlingArcher and we're complete
If it's clever, post it lol
but check out that spider
That link tightened my butthole in several ways
Brrr the spider shit is disturbing !
In celebration of archer season 7... imgur.com/gallery/q0Huo usually car pics get downvotes :D
@Baldráni I don't have time to read your code, but I like the design you've made for that form
Haha ty :)
Anyway ever encouter problem with binding element to bootstrap pan ? This could be the main reason
I love the spider pic of the spider under toilet paper roll
Maybe love isn't the right word here
a polyfill for execCommand, for ppl wholikebrowser consistency
I like huge files and I cannot lie..
@ndugger see my space key is broken ^, that's why :)
this is some black magic shit right here imgur.com/gallery/2dUCuH0
Holy crap
@ndugger WOAH!
I think your isrebecca script is broken
Hey @ndugger @Loktar @rlemon hangouts ?
at work
not as in a group one, can you check it for a minute
lol perl 6 has JS-like promises
@Abhishrek I don't see any messages
:-( uploading
@SterlingArcher New special April Fools Fail Army today!!! youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
!!mdn fetch
I just learned that rebecca black owns a pretty successful youtube channel with over 1M sub's.. with the same braindead content like it was done in "Friday"..
wtf this world has come to
@jAndy Failing upwards
I just fail to figure how 170.000 people watch stuff like this:
@jAndy and boxy hosts an animal show now. What has this world come to?
and this is on regular basis
@jAndy still better than beiber
Can anybody help me on the above ?
@Codester there is no average task for a web developer lol
I mean is it an easy task ?
!!s/task for a//
I'm a web developer and I'm currently making a site I stood up with Ant into SSL
@Cerbrus @Codester there is no average web developer lol (source)
@Codester yes
@littlepootis @Cerbrus @Codester there is no web developer lol (source) (source)
My mistake I mean a person who is having a basic idea on Javascript would it be an easy task for him ?
For a world where the sensibility level of people is not negative, ours would be a world stuck at April Fools for eternity.
@Codester Kinda depends on what you mean with "spreadsheet".
If it's just a rendered table, easy as pie
If it's an actual Excel document, not quite as easy
@Codester yes, though it doesn't make much sense to load using email and save name and last name
Google spreadsheet
@jAndy by linking to it like you did :p?
@Abhishrek ffs stop appearing and unappearing on skype >:( it sends me a notification each time and the linux client's "disable notif" option doesn't work
@Cerbrus Google spreadsheet I meant
@AwalGarg do you skype?
Ah, ok, you realize there's a small difference from a Google spreadsheet and what you said
fix your skype bro :p
@littlepootis why yes, I do
I am sorry
@Codester Yea, that's kindof tricky
Some one told me that it is an easy task
So I was wondering
if it was
@Cerbrus I think they've got pretty easy to deal with APIs
Having half the functionality of a Google spreadsheet would either take some time or would break easily. Pick one
@crl fair enough. But I'm not one from 1,2M voluntarily subs :p
there are over a million people who want to see this shit
I subbed her

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