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mine is aac
That reads like you upload code compiled for ARM. Rather raw. You can use any language that can compile to native code, like C. It's surprising they don't mention a read-yto-run toolchain.
how can i fix it?
transcoding is the term you are looking for, @Jasch1
So I can't display that on Chrome without using some sort of encoding changer
isn't AAC one of the supported ones?
thats why someone said ti wasn't working
scroll up just a bit.
What else could be the issue?
No idea. Never streamed video and didn't dig into your code enough to see if that's even the problem.
Can you check real quick?
I really need help
I have no idea why this isnt working
all i do is code code code no matter what, got loops on my mind i aint never givin up cause all i do is CODE! CODE! CODE!
Alex you got any idea what may be wrong?
i wish i could help my friend
maybe in a few months X"D
So no?
guys, how do you manage multiple font families for different pages?
I implemented ITCSS for css architecture
no SASS or LESS used
we use different fonts for homepage, landing page, blog page
and I wonder how would you manage this elegantly
would you be like

in your templating language

(if page is home then load aaa font)
(else if page is landing load bbb font)
(else if page is blog load ccc font)
how can I subtract characters from a string using a loop the same way you'd add on to it?
or do something else? Loading performance is in concern too
This question may invite a beating but it is thought provoking...
HOW do computers read code so darn quick?
for (var hashTag = "#"; hashTag.length <= 14; hashTag += " #")

  for (var hashTag = "# # # # # # #"; hashTag.length <= 14; hashTag -= "# ")
@EnglishMaster personally if the fonts arent too large I would just include them all in the intial page. However if the font's were large and it was getting out of hand I would use some sort of font loader based on the path.
I mean BOOM 300 lines of code so fast it's measured by Eulers seconds
Shit... I can't even glance at it that fast
if I'm reading ITCSS right it looks like the actual font declarations would be under tools, and then included in components that need them
This is even possible with old machines and I just cant get my head around it
Pretty impressive
Please help me out
Q: Audio Working, Video Not Working HTML5

Jasch1I'm making a Node.js app that streams video, and I was using some code that I had seen worked for others, but it didn't fully work. The video player showed up and the audio played fine, but the video was only a white screen. I checked the encoding for the video I am using as a test and what I am...

@Loktar Nope i just use ITCSS's architecture idea, I have no related tools to invoke during build for ITCSS.
Problem is you can already see one fonts get loaded then another font gets loaded when you are navigation from homepage -> blog
I'm talking about that, but under tools
> The next layer houses your globally available tooling – namely mixins and functions. Any mixin or function that does not need accessing globally should belong in the partial to which it relates. The Tools layer comes after the Settings layer because a mixin may require one of the global settings as a default parameter. Examples of global tools might be gradient mixins, font-sizing mixins and so on.
idk that's why I thought that
still, it's just an architure to help me organise CSS
it's not going to solve fonts loading performance issue
right, you mentioned it so I looked into it :p
yeah cool
is it true that you cant use any mathematical operator on strings except + which concatenates them?
is that why my code doesn't do what I intended?
We have the benefit of using google fonts, so I just use googles js font loader.
@AlexGray yea
you get NaN
if the goal was to print the following in the console log, which operators or function would be used?
Can anyone help me out?
convert / parse strings into numbers before you do math. You'll save yourself headaches.
I can print the first half, it's the descending halve that I can't figure
i'll look into that
heh that looks like it could be a cool interview question
Q: Audio Working, Video Not Working HTML5

Jasch1I'm making a Node.js app that streams video, and I was using some code that I had seen worked for others, but it didn't fully work. The video player showed up and the audio played fine, but the video was only a white screen. I checked the encoding for the video I am using as a test and what I am...

!!please help
@Jasch1 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: phlease
!!welcome Jasch1
@Jasch1 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Can you help me out tho?
It seems pretty basic and I can't figure out why its not working
don't you see the type of questions i'm posting lol
You've asked. If we could help and wanted to we would.
I think technologies surrounding CSS is over bloated at the momment
You're over bloated at the moment.
i know
I just had 10 grams of creatine
would I use the number function for doing what I want? I think not, because each character has a certain number value and that's not necesarily what I want to return
I cannot pee, it's all absorbed in my muscles
If I were to try to make a search bar for lets say ~50 different pages would it be logical to just put them in a javascript array instead of mysql?
SO I guess thats a no
Thanks for the lack of effort guys, always appreciated
@AlexGray LMAO Good response to a salty person
if I could help I would , your project sounds interesting and like something I could end up doing in the future
but I am a lowly newb
@Alesana Just do whatever you want, we are living in free world now
Alex: see if this leads you somewhere: stackoverflow.com/questions/14343844/…
you can even goto North Korea and live there if you want
I'm making something that scrapes torrent sites and streams movies from torrrent files
This is the last piece I need that I am unfamiliar with
Did you hear about that college student who went there and got arrested for "stealing a flag"?
The rest I know how to do
I even saw some dude who's working for Korean Government created their own custom Captcha in-house and he literally has div elements saying

  <span class="captcha1">C</span>
  <span class="captcha2">D</span>
  <span class="captcha3">E</span>
this is free world bra
This might be a free world but that is definitely not a logical solution for a captcha
I choose to believe that's not real.
for( let i = 0, a = 1, j = 6; i !== j; i+= a ) {
  console.log( Array(i).fill('#').join('') );
  if( i === 5 ) j = 0, a = -1;
I don't even care.
Do you guys have any idea what I may be able to try or nah?
I stick with es5 for newbs since they don't start with babel.
Because I posted on stackoverflow with no responses
@Jasch1 No, stop asking. Well.. at least space it out some, jeez.
dammit copy
Badly golfed
.. well done
mine is terrible
lol nice @copy wth
don't forget to surround your code like

  //your code
} catch (e) {
   window.location.href = "http://www.stackoverflow.com/q=" + e.message;
yeah korean captchas don't use our keyboard letters xD
I'm a little bit late on that one
@copy you ever participate in the js1ks?
I imagine you would make something pretty damn cool
psh, he won the js 256.
@Loktar I wanted to, but never had enough time while they were open
I participated in JS1K
it was fun
parseFloat or parseInt is what I need?
I'm not a runner.
yeah, I haven't in the past 3 or 4 because of the same reason copy mentioned
to print in the log

scroll up, alex. people have given examples.
also, get schwifty.
man 2 of mine don't even work anymore ;(
you guys can make huge money in Korea, they suck ass in coding
first one ever, works still js1k.com/2010-first/demo/755
other.. non working one js1k.com/2010-xmas/demo/849
@EnglishMaster stop trying to lure us into your work camp trap.
/me debugs non working demos
codepen blocking imgur cors images kills most of my demos
We have a strict policy here against it.
I guess that's too advanced for me
i see the example now and I don't understand it at all. I haven't read about arrays yet
that one still works but isn't down to 1k, that was the 2011 trail one.
@rlemon yeah wtf is up with that?!
idk, but all of a sudden half my pens don't work
yeah same here
I couldnt figure out why cors wasn't working
didn't realize they actually blocked imgur
I don't think it is strictly imgur
I haven't tested it
but I suspect they'll block all external requests
@AlexGray then start with just printing something else. the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
man that's pretty lame
break up any problem into smaller ones
@rlemon just throw in dataurls lol that's what I did on all my old pens
could be some security thing seeings how they blast everyone pens on the front page
makes the pen friggin huge, but whatever
@Luggage You can literally revolutionalise that Korean government captcha and make million dollars instantly in Korea
oh also you can upload your own resources.. wonder if it works for iimages
and get all women
I'm not a pro account
I thought that was pro only
the trick (I think) to make the pen smaller is to write other pens and include them as resources
so you could have const sprite = dataurl; and include that pen
look at the code section, I embedded the images
@rlemon yeah that is a good idea
!!s/n/nis/ 29655093
@KendallFrey makes the penis friggin huge, but whatever (source)
you man child
@KendallFrey penis mightier
@Loktar Can you use images in js1k now?
@EnglishMaster no
6 mins ago, by EnglishMaster
you guys can make huge money in Korea, they suck ass in coding
hah I'd almost forgotten about this replacement
after a time you need to get this on github so I can suggest more replacements :D
I think I'll write a general purpose library for such extensions
make a family of them
we should come up with a competition who can write the longest lines of code to do something super simple
like 1+2 = 3
make it the most longest ever
that's not a competition

for( var hashTag = 0; hashTag <= 7; hashTag += 1)

for( var hashTag = 7; hashTag >= 0; hashTag -= 1)
because it's trivial to make code of infinite length
yeah but there are rules
not exactly what you said though...hmm back to the fiddle
@KendallFrey Show me one
it's much more interesting to make code as short as possible
idiot|moron = dial tone
I know = as sure as god wears sandals,
eval = fieldHockey
kiddie = hoser
there is so many good canadianisms
That's neither code nor has infinite length
for( var hashTag = 0; hashTag <= 7; hashTag += 1)

for( var hashTag = 6; hashTag >= 0; hashTag -= 1)
winner of this competition must have very good structure
@copy I showed you one
in his / her / misc's code
<cough>that link</cough>
I started to put "misc" in list of genders
for people who are inbetween
@EnglishMaster Maybe this is your style
does anyone else thing the transgender/sex change/ woman man man woman thing has really blown up within the past 5 years
does anyone else think it's not worth discussing
in Norway they officially specify netutrals
they call them hen
men, women, hen
if tls <> None then (* a little ad... *)
  failwith "Rpc_server: It is not supported to use TLS with datagrams. \
            Generally, there is an approach to solve this (via the \
            DTLS protocol variant of TLS), but this has not yet been \
            implemented. If it happens that you have some money left \
            in your pockets, you may support Gerd Stolpmann to \
            implement this feature. Contact [email protected]";
blown up = less people in hiding, yes.
Great error message
my philosophy for such things is a) more socially acceptable to come out, b) the internet makes sure everyone knows about everything so we don't miss a beat. therefore things we thought didn't happen en masse do and we only now know about it
@EnglishMaster hen, as in female chicken?
the b one is big for a lot of other reasons
> Great moose message
@rlemon good point
er, translates to a lot of other places I mean
2 hours ago, by rlemon
!!cowsay I hope this works.
< I hope this works. >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
@AlexGray That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!cowsay function is good
< function is good >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
@KendallFrey yes
They are called Hen, and they have hen parties
ah yeah that's right, forgot those pronouns
@EnglishMaster schlimself or schlerself*
either is acceptable
!!summon rlemon
@AlexGray Already registered; still need 1 more
!!urban Blue Waffles
bleh coworker asked me why I dont use typescript
gave him this answer.. then did some research and we totally could
didn't realize you can use babel and TS
however, I really don't want to use something that could fall out of favor in a few years
yea, es2015 is solid
yeah I keep seeing these arguments though that TS is es2015 so it confuses me a bit I guess
typescript is like coffee is the sense it could just fall out any time
like you can just name any .js to .ts and it works still
@rlemon lol that is exactly what I said actually
otherwise it is es2015 + stuff
so it is like es6
> but the biggest issue is the same issue with coffeescript really
[8:09] coffeescript was the hot language to JS tool, and coffeescript fell out of favor after a few years
[8:09] so now people are kind of stuck maintaining coffescript projects or trying to convert them
^ that was my response
The difference is that CS was terrible
@copy yeah I'm seeing a ton of TS praise
I was with coffee at the end. I held it's hand and told it everything was going to be OK. It wasn't.
but I also saw a ton of CS praises too, so idk :/
I should just try it myself and mess with it, I never have
I think TS is adopting es6 syntax that overlaps, right?
but I don't really see where I need strong types
I've looked at TS, and it does look nice. I really can't disagree with using it aside from the fact that it is a risk of keeping it alive.
which is a risk I take with all libs.
@rlemon yeah true, I mean we use React which may not be the thing forever
Yes.. i think TS doesn't transpile to nice JS either. That would make it risk-free.
but with something so core.. idk, I just would prefer something I can theoretically remove one day
@Loktar CS was just some syntastic sugar, while TS actually adds a type system
haha I am just hesitant of any MS technology honestly. I am just really jaded.
Quite different. Doesn't mean that you want to switch everything to TS now, though
I think that's where my hesitation comes from
@Luggage yeah apparently you can transpile TS, to es6 for babel, and then use babel to transpile it further..
but that just seems kind of icky
I like the idea (haven't really used it) of facebook's flowtype, too
I suppose there may be edge cases where I get bitten in the ass switching from babel to pure es2015 once supported, but that (imo) is a hell of a lot better than fixing shit if TS one day falls wayside
@Luggage apparently it's mac/linux only :(
is the es6 output well formatted and keeping of comments?
but read above. this is understandably a weak argument.
yeah @rlemon it's my primary argument as well though
also how fast is the TS team on top of new features
I really like TypeScript
There is a lot riskier than typescript.
@Luggage yes
it's almost 1 to 1
who can guess?
yeah I guess I just need to try it myself, might as well do that this weekend
@phenomnomnominal yea, that's why I say it is a weak argument
overall. but it is still a technical concern
To be honest, the nicest thing is when your unit tests fail to compile
so Loke could use it to argue against switching
and the tooling is so much better
yeah that will be my weekend project, I should have messed with it by now anyway
@AlexGray @CapricaSix actually has a hangman game.
i was playing it in another room :P
I'm personally adverse to using compile to js languages in production. I'm not against trying them out... but I am biased against using them for real projects
babel being the exception for reasons stated above
i didn't want to lose. I was on the last guess but I got it. It was documentarily which I'm not even sure is a word lol
> I'm personally adverse to using compile to hockey languages in production. I'm not against trying them out... but I am biased against using them for real projects
@KendallFrey every fucking time man.
I can't handle it :D
@KendallFrey you mentioned doing a few of these scripts and grouping them?
Might be a cool project for a few of us chatroom users wink wink
I would love to do a murica one, or something of the likes
But you know what is involved in that workflow because you use babel. The risk of a language going unsupported overnight is low with TS and not the end of the world and you can just migrate to JS easily.
@Loktar @KendallFrey I still think it would be cool to geolocate users and convert accordingly.
@Loktar with a red and blue version.
florian can be all baguette and retreat.
The Bernie one is just a white circle.
that's his hair
user image
it doubles as a nice slack icon
I need to make that
huffingtonpost.com/entry/… This is just sad "Suck up all of suns energy"
@Loktar :json:
@Abhishrek that's so ignorant it makes me sick laugh
> His wife, Jane, a retired science teacher
American education system sounds great.
@phenomnomnominal I don't get it
@KendallFrey speaking of, american = south canadian, american = south canada
@Loktar, is that name from Warcraft?
Loktar Ogar!
haha Loktar Ogar!
I am proud level 99 Orc Shaman, how can I help you today? LOKTAR OGAR!
I have strict diet plan to have consistent weight as my Orc Shaman Level
for(var n = 1; n <= 100; n++){
var output = "";
if (n % 3 == 0)
output += "fizz";

if (n % 5 == 0)
output += "buzz";

console.log(output || n)};

Am I correct in my understanding of this program?

First the for loop says that firstly 'n' = 1. Then it says as long as 'n' is less than or equal to 100, add one to 'n'.

Then the {} indicate that while that loop is going on, there will be multiple statements executed.

The first statement defines output as an empty string.

The next statement says that if 'n' is divisible by 3 evenly, add "fizz" string to 'output'.
when the number is either divisible by 3, or 5, or both, it produces a boolean value of true, which the or operator then uses to print the lefthand variable, Output. If none of those conditions are met it produces a false, which cause the or operator to print the 'n' variable
why is it so hard to find the jquery.com on $.pjax
can anyone find my syntax error?
for(var n = 1; n <= 100; n++){
    var output = "";
    if (n % 3 == 0)
    	output += "fizz";

    if (n % 5 == 0)
    	output += "buzz";

    if (n % 5 == 0 && n % 3 == 0)
        output = "fizz buzz";

    console.log(output || n);
@AlexGray "SyntaxError: missing } in compound statement"
1 message moved to Trash can
@AlexGray Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
> can anyone find my syntax moose eh?
@AlexGray lol there are a few out there
i see there should be a space between for and (
for one
but I don't get what Caprica is telling me
Q: FizzBuzz Problem Solution

YodismI wrote this simple solution about FizzBuzz. Is there any possible way to solve or optimize the solution, such as with bitwise tricks? public class FizzBuzz{ public static void main(String[] args){ for(int i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; ++i){ if(i % (5*3) == 0){ System.out.println("Fizz...

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