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@SterlingArcher lol
brb, meeting
This for field disassembly under 3 minutes, full disassembly in like 2 hours:
It looks like a lightsaber magic wand
harry potter meets star wars
You can actually fire those with a crank
mad potter: the wand warrior
is anyone else watching that crypto video?
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you apply yet? :-P
it's pretty good way of describing how keys work
@AwalGarg 8 months to 18
I'm so sorry
@AwalGarg oh, you poor little soul
@littlepootis ?
Xbox players with The Division, please raise your hand. (looking for more friends)
you won't see people raising their hand behind their screen
that's not how the internet works
startup proposal: transparent internet
@ssube scrap that : I hand
an app that notifies others if your hand is raised
@Abhishrek lol
on iPad, iPhone, Android, WP (Well this one might Blue Screen while doing so)
@Abhishrek what's the difference between an app and a startup?
@ssube same, but instead of transparent internet something actually do-able
When did we stop calling them programs and start calling them apps? I miss the old days.
@Waxi Blame Steve Jobs
@Abhishrek apps and startups don't do things that you can do, they do things that they think they can do because they've never done anything
@ssube lol
!!google difference between application and program
guys is it possible to link an external URL via link-to in ember or in an anchor tag ?
Q: How to link to an external URL with LinkTo with HandelBars

OxnigarthI am currently starting to learn to use Ember.js for web app development. Currently there is something quite basic which I have not yet been able to achieve. Link to an external url like www.google.com or whatever. This is what I have: HTML <body> <script type="text/x-handlebars"> <div>...

> "Dalton described the devil figure as a horned cow head or something like that and then it would give you an assignment and it would literally take over your whole body,"
im looking for an updated version of that
coz if i use the anchor tag i get the url as localhost:4200/google.com
@SterlingArcher Can we say, split hairs?
Not really, makes sense to me
I wrote a program that looks up those sun charts and moves my solar panels. <- autonomous
I wrote an application that allows users to track the sun for their solar panels. <- not
how I look at it
web page <- static, no interaction, could be a large image and most people wouldn't notice.
web app <- 90% of what we think of today
@KevinB is there a proper way to use that ? am i doing something wrong ?
Ok, so the difference being interactive with the user or not. I can dig that.
whatever you are doing is resulting in an href value that you don't want. I'm not familiar enough with ember to help much more than that
ah okay
thanks though
@rlemon I meant Awal, but that was a really nice video (as someone who learned this before). (Watched on 1.5x)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I had an understanding, but I wasn't able to explain it
watched the video, explained it to the GF with the paint analogy, she got it
so 10/10 on that
The colors analogy is nice, I would have gone straight to modular arithmetic.
It's also inaccurate (the video) but not in a bad way.
numbers have a way of confusing people who assume numbers are hard
I just wrote DRY - KISS - WET on my whiteboard, wonder how many people will comment on it.
We had an agreement!
I just had a fucking awesome sandwich, my custom elements polyfill is working, and the weather is decent today.
@ndugger <:
@ndugger be careful, that's prime conditions for shitting yourself
@ndugger that's amazing news :)
(the weather thingie.)
Yeah, who gives a shit about my polyfill. I'm not releasing that shit
please don't.
releasing shit is not fun for anyone.
ask slides' owners.
Well fuck you too coffee
At least it wasn't the Paperclip fucker
@KendallFrey so NASA is testing fire in space again
how you ask? buy setting a capsule on fire and watching it burn!
@Waxi You know I made up every one of those acronyms the other day, except for DRY and KISS, right?
2 hours ago, by rlemon
@SomeGuy your next university project! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub6mA2m3rq4
The principals that combine the acronyms were especially made up and all made dirty sentences.
SLAP is the best principal. Steal, Lolcats, Assume, Procrastinate
@rlemon well aren't you a fancy duck
@rlemon @SomeGuy actually you can make something that actually works for shoe / sock removal
inb4 rocket gif
can even polish shoes
@SterlingArcher g+
socks that disintigrate into lotion
oh god do I even want to click that @rlemon
ok it wasn't bad
@Mosho, @Loktar, @phenomnomnominal I'm about to start a project that'll require clever dead code elimination and thought of rollup. Since you're hipsters and probably used it, any thoughts?
ahh, the old requestassult
Older than feudalism
@SomeGuy I've been reading TVTropes. Extensively.
man I dislike the no-else-return eslint rule
@SuperUberDuper Why?
do you think its worthwhile having a global state object for the whole application even for a vanilla SPA?
its dumb
and fragile
what, the use if (foo) { return;} rather than if (foo) {} else {}? because the latter results in more indentation.
Much more readable
And saner
at expense of safety
What safety?
i'm thoroughly confused at this point
depend on short circuit of if return
@SuperUberDuper Just to be clear, you're advocating against the use of early returns?
Where is the short circuit
in his brain </joke>
@Zirak no
they are fine
Then can you post an example of what you mean?
i like if else cause its clear the two code branches have equal significance
I don't always return, but when I do I store the return value in a variable and only return at at the end of the function so people have to read all the way through it
i don't see anything in that post that makes it "harmful"..
anyway im more interested in my global state qu :)
Examples without braces are crap by definition
His argument is "Urk. That’s horrible. "
Not sold
@PeeHaa y so long meme >:(
recursivelyFindObjectWithHTMLElementProto() I'm so sorry...
@ndugger It returns a boolean for extra effect right?
@ton.yeung Peanuts and soap! My favourite!
function recursivelyFindObjectWithHTMLElementProto (object) {
    const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);

    if (prototype !== HTMLElement)
        return recursivelyFindObjectWithHTMLElementProto(prototype);

    return object;
boo needs more wtfness
only the name is wtf...
It's a shit name, but it's exactly what it says
Meh. The name is fine imo
It's too long for my taste
> Urk. That’s horrible. Any time you’re using an ‘if’ without a corresponding ‘else’, you’re relying on an impure feature
WTF I just read?
I hate when a property name returns a boolean but has no indication it is a boolean
but it's on a blog post, it must be correct
(also wrong getters which should be functions --- ugh)
@ndugger If it says what it does and what to expect it's just fine ™
@PeeHaa why should it be recursive? a simple while loop and the name would be findParentWithHTMLElementProto()
@AminRoosta Wrong ping though :-)
recursion should be a developer's best friend
loop all the things
@ndugger Neh recursion is horrible
jordan pls
I love me some recursion
Don't be a h8r
And I do agree with the sentiment of @AminRoosta. If it can be sanely avoided do so
the same can happen with a while loop,
I don't want to avoid recursion. Recursion is clean and legible
just a diff error
@ton.yeung Are you parroting an article you read or an actual problem you have faced?
Hello guys,
Why I cannot draw multiple curved arrows with sceneFunc() in Shape object using KonvaJS?
please here is the full question http://stackoverflow.com/q/36043209/3530081
@ton.yeung Can you give the example?
1 message moved to Trash can
@AminRoosta Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@CapricaSix thanks man, didn't know about the shortcut. i tried formatting with spaces but didn't worked.
I really hate when people shorten variable names. It's lazy and makes your code cryptic.
@ndugger i hate to see names with more than 2 words.
@ndugger You wanna know what is really fucked up?
So you hate readable code?
Hungarian notation is an identifier naming convention in computer programming, in which the name of a variable or function indicates its type or intended use. There are two types of Hungarian notation: Systems Hungarian notation and Apps Hungarian notation. Hungarian notation was designed to be language-independent, and found its first major use with the BCPL programming language. Because BCPL has no data types other than the machine word, nothing in the language itself helps a programmer remember variables' types. Hungarian notation aims to remedy this by providing the programmer with explicit...
I hope I never have to work with you
it is not java, or c-sharp, with those sentences as variable names.
Uggghh that is so horrible
WTF flagger?
like contactsArr rather than contacts
Don't flag stupid shit it's annoying for every room
@PeeHaa Hungarian notation is not relevant, it was when people was writing C++ code and wanted to show the type of variables. not any more.
@KevinB ew
contacts implies an array
plural implies some sort of list
Hello, Can I demonstrate my question
@MadaraUchiha can you kick the person flagging random message plox?
@ton.yeung I think I am missing the point?
it results in an infinite loop
because number is passed to addOne rather than number incremented by 1
@KevinB actually stack-overflow :-)
Oh damnit. I just got lost in the threads in here
eh, yeah, but because it's an infinite loop
@ton.yeung no they don't
Nope, as I'm currently smoking a Cuban cigar and drinking whisky with my team.
@MadaraUchiha Shouldn't you actually... idunno... work first?
it's probably 8pm there now
Work? Whuzzat?
That's it. I'm going to get a beer
Probably a good idea
@MadaraUchiha I'm smoking a whisky and drinking a cuban
@MadaraUchiha @Zirak we haven't had a beer in a while by the way.
At least you guys, have beer in your country :-|
What country doesn't have beer?
The following countries have or had comprehensive prohibitions against alcohol. All the countries and regions that presently ban alcohol have a Muslim majority. == Present == Currently, alcohol prohibition is enforced in many Muslim-majority countries and some parts of India. Afghanistan Bangladesh Brunei Iran Libya Kuwait Maldives Mauritania Pakistan Saudi Arabia Sudan Somalia Emirate of Sharjah in United Arab Emirates Yemen == Past == United States - 1920-1933 Canada - 1918-1920 Faroe Islands - 1907-1992 Russian Empire and the Soviet Union - 1914-1923 Iceland - 1915-1935; beer with an alcohol...
islamic ones!
not many
honey and yeast is easier
beer is harder to make
@ton.yeung how, can you give a really really really simple solution :-)
simple way.
rice wine is also nice
wine / mead in general is much easier to make
It is?
we don't have wine of any times and @rlemon says his favorite ones :|
anyone want to make a website for a clothing designer with little to no info, but claims price is no problem?
Me neither
having made beer, wine, cider and mead. cider is the easiest, mead second, wine then beer
I've heard tons of stories of muslim families in afghanistan stockpiling jack daniels. Don't ever try to tell me prohibition works, lol
Why do Asian desserts always look so gross?
Why is that?
@ton.yeung i will try :)
take apples, crush apples, store juice / crushed bits in a pressure able container (2L pop bottles work, but you have to vent them)
@ndugger because they're suspended in water
That's fair
easy cider
pickled stuff always looks funny
you take an Italian desert, it's some sort of cake or crunchy cookie wrapper around cheese and chocolate, and looks great
put some blob in a jar with juice, it looks nasty
@ton.yeung you can pickle with fermentation
so still pickled
pickling is just a form of chemical cooking
@ton.yeung anaerobic fermentation [commonly] in brine and vinegar
you can do it with vinegar, alcohol, salt, or other things. You can also treat food with enough sugar to do something similar.
deep fry everything
found the american
I love good fried food, where the oil is hot enough it doesn't soak in, but can't eat fast food fried stuff anymore
fried foods don't agree with me anymore
I enjoy the taste.. but not the feeling it gives me
same, despite being able to eat piles of jerk and curry
^ I can't eat fast food anymore, same thing
Or pizza, for that matter
I was at the bar last weekend and got chicken strips, because they're the best food, and they did a great job frying them. Light crunchy breading around thick chicken.
I still do eat pizza, but I regret it later
ohh yea, so after 6 hours my little motion capture device recorded 85 meg of video. didn't blow up, worked first try when I tried to retrieve the videos
so a solid 8/10
Breading with corn flakes usually ends well
video was sideways
I forgot which way was up
well, I've almost given up with a complex vanilla app, and thinking of just using react
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's true
Let's amend that somewhen
@rlemon Were you serious about the motive?
@BenFortune you mean to capture the person who lets their dog crap on my lawn? Yes
Yeah haha
I'm going to get actual IP cameras. This was mostly for fun.
But the dog crap triggered it
stop offending dogcrap-kin, they are people with feelings too
@tereško It wouldn't surprise me if that were a thing
it's probably part of a multiple system, though
anyone dumping support for ie11?
when installing angular npm package, it goes into node_modules, as usual, so the way to access it is from node_modules directory. Is that ok? or it is not right to expose the node_modules directory?
I don't think that's something most people do
hi guys, anyone familiar with elastic search
@KevinB is that answer to me?
yes, but i guess it works for super's question too,
@Zirak rollup is for tree shaking with es6 modules, for DCE you just use uglifyjs like everyone else
like a peasant
@JoeSaad It's OK for development time, when deploying to production you usually want to cdnify it

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