Hey guys. I'm having a small issue on my website using Bootstrap and Masonry. For the first 2-3 seconds the masonry grid shifts from left to right and looks ugly.
I am updating some data on the client side every minute. Currently I just let the client do an ajax request every minute to get the new data from my node.js server. Just wondering if there are any good reason to switch to websockets here.
installed archlinux, rewrote it completely, making my own version which is much better than arch, with such widespread acknowledgement that it's now referenced to as the true arch. Nobody will remember the old arch. No, I'm frigging stupid, no way I can install it without your help :P
@AwalGarg maybe I have another storage size problem. The guide again says that 20GB of HDD are required minimum, but the USB I'm using can only hold 16GB. I mean, it's weird because I don't think one's expected to have a larger usb...
@AwalGarg So that's why I've been getting lone and confused nomads at night offering me viagra substitutes.
It was all fun and games until the groping started. They weren't pleased with the groping.
@towc You normally don't install the OS on the usb drive. If it's a VM you also don't have to do anything usb related - just mount the arch iso on the VM and boot.
As for sharing stuff, there's shared folders and networking.
@towc Hello, this is Aakar Robert Dawkins from Amalapur Detroit. Thanks for contacting Arch Linux tech support. Your request for refund has been received.
I am trying to creating my own read More/less function for comments.
ReadMore ReadLess Image.
During developing this, I followed by a problem.
Suppose, I have 3 comments(see first Image) with more than 500 chars. In these comments all/full text is not shown, so i add ReadMore Links to read al...
kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6 Is not working for me. A quick test showed that even Opera mini supports arrow functions. What website are you guys using to know what stuff ES6 is ready?
@Loktar from your facebook things I'm not sure where do you stand on trump... do you just not hate him? Do you support him? Or is it just further mocking?
@sabbir Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@towc I guess I should remember to stop posting things where FB acquaintances can see so discussions don't spill off of there ;). But I am a supporter.
hi guys i have a query I have a web page this was responsive. In the desktop view initially if I click the icon a div will show but in the mobile it has to come as popup
Every minute I want to sync my server with data from an external servers database. I was thinking to just do a loop with get requests every minute. But I would like to know if that is dumb or ok to do. I need to do around 500 of those get requests in that loop.
The 1 positive I see is that it exposes people to the new syntax if they find the answers on Google. Although you are right it is more or less plagiarism.
I've spent the last 2 hours translating a giant hunk of poorly written java into javascript. I'm doing a 1:1 translation, so the the javascript is also poorly written now too, lol
@FlorianMargaine I may have been doing things wrong but can't you simply create folder in the Temporary Directory as long as it doesn't exist and if it does assign a random name?
@FlorianMargaine Having read through the examples I believe my solution would work just fine. Simple create random folder names until you find free name. Prefix with something useful like Spring if you want its name to be more or less meaningful.
So it does appear Python, php and Ruby have a similar function so I can see how it is certainly less convenient.
I think it would be harder to convert node.js code to Java(depending on the version) but I haven't really tried large code bases before
SO CLOSE to almost being done with this filthy java -> js translation... the code is pretty bad. It's gonna require a lot of cleanup before I'm ok with it.
Function.bind vs Function.prototype.bind what is the differnce .. specifically the difference between Function.prototype.call.bind(Array.prototype.slice); and Function.bind.call(Function.call, Array.prototype.reduce);
it would be helpful if someone helped to help me learn how to interpret stuff like those?