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if I don't want to write HTML for my electron app's UI, what (besides jade) is a good language alternative?
still looks a lot like jade
slim, though it's just like jade
but it's an option
would emmet be an option?
Just conducted my first interview :D
@SterlingArcher Nice, how'd it go?
Also, I still think jade is one of the best HTML pre-processors
Pretty well, he was easy to talk to, displayed a good thought process, and knew more about NodeJS than I thought he would.
He fumbled on the app routing assignment I gave him, but he was able to explain what he wanted to do well enough that if he looked at the docs during he'd have nailed it
I like the syntax of QML, though I don't see a mature QML node module.
@SterlingArcher you didn't give him access to the docs?
@ndugger emmet
Nope :D I let him know it was ok not to know method names
I just wanted to hear his logical track
if an interviewer ever told me "you can't use google/docs" I wouldn't interview
that isn't really "real world"
that's a joke
Well we didn't exactly have a computer at hand for him :P
It was a whiteboard task
yea I don't like those either.
give the guy a pc, or don't ask him to produce code
Computers are for squares
Gosh, Jordan; you did everything wrong.
I hole punch all my JS
> Hello Jordan, I see you are applying for position as top chef. Please draw on this whiteboard pictograms of you cooking me a meal. No, don't cook me anything.. just draw it.
^ how I truly feel about those types of interviews
> Hello Top Chef? Can you cook me a plate of "Fuck off"?
I would, but you didn't give me any ingredients. just this fucking marker
lol if I was the lead interviewer I'd have brought my laptop with me
Hello Top Chef, please make me an onion sandwich with olive loaf on the side; I'm trying to watch my figure.
But I was just there to gauge JS skillz
None pizza left beef pls
Hey guys, I found a liveleak of @ndugger. Check it out
already posted
@SterlingArcher I absolutely love sfm videos
!!afk angry vape
@SterlingArcher calm your nips, it was Trasiva
I actually have calming techniques that I use while driving so I don't get mad. Not that I have anger issues, but I feel like it's healthy to be able to control your anger.
so do I, I open my window and tell the other driver off.
no really. someone cuts me off, I don't drive like a loon, I just wait till the next light, open my window, then say something rude and sarcastic to them in a polite tone.
@rlemon Now that sounds Canadian
@SterlingArcher Don't be angry, I was just quicker on the draw.
@Trasiva SterlingArcher is afk: angry vape
Q: Javascript ternary operator result

ArnabI am making small utility to compile javascript block using C#. I am trying to understand ternary operator's execution flow. Now when I am running a javascript using Chrome or Firefox : var k = 27; var o = 78; var a = k < 100 ? o+=2 > 11 ? "T" : "F" : o < 100 ? "J" : "P"; alert(a); It should h...

jesus that ternary...
Well, poo. I guess I'll just stick with HTML for now... It's a shame someone doesn't have a mature QML parser for javascript yet.
I have an exports file that I am using with NodeJs, in that file I also have a utility function that I don't need/don't want to expose. It's just a formatting function that I want to reuse inside the file. When I run the process in node it says the function does not exist. I was wondering if anyone could help with the syntax to accomplish that.
$.fn.wrapInTag = function(opts) {

  var tag = opts.tag || 'strong'
    , words = opts.words || []
    , regex = RegExp(words.join('|'), 'gi') // case insensitive
    , replacement = '<'+ tag +'>$&</'+ tag +'>';

  return this.html(function() {
    return $(this).text().replace(regex, replacement);

// Usage
  tag: 'em',
  words: ['eroul', 'red']
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@smobx Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
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@smobx Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
is it good now?
sorry again. i hit command K
!!afk sammich
@smobx what does console.log(opts.tag) yield
Because it defaults to strong if it's undefined or falsy
just a sec
it looks like opts is not defined
@Bmo Can you post some small example code reproducing the issue? Preferably on gist.github.com
@smobx I'm not familiar with creating custom jQuery methods, but it looks like you need to figure out why opts isn't being passed in
A: Android textview whitespaces are disappearing

Michell BakAs noted by Addrallyn, the question has been asked and answered previously here: Android - String concatenate - how to keep the spaces at the end and/or beginning of String?

flag please
7k posts a SO link as answer instead of voting as dupe -_-
I've seen a lot of high-ish rep folks pull shit like that lately. They must have gotten their high rep by being shitty members.
@ndugger lots of high rep people got there by being shitty members.
Answering tons of regexp and jQuery shit
I should start doing that
And trying to game the system by posting the same answer slightly different tons of times on trivial stuff.
you sound experienced benji :D j/k
@AwalGarg well, he does have 100k rep...
It's all rep farming
99% of benji's answers are "Why not use jQuery?"
benji has so much rep because he loves to answer promise questions with jquery.defer()
@BenjaminGruenbaum here's the list I ended up using today github.com/JavaScriptRoom/InterviewJS/blob/master/NodeJS.md
My readme markup skills aren't that good, but I think it was a good gauge on NodeJS skill level for a junior dev
Node also runs on ChakraCore though, so the first one isn't really correct @SterlingArcher
You also typically don't handle a process unhandled exception, you typically restart the server when that happens and run with a flag to abort on uncaught exception with a core dump
@crl Node also runs on ChakiraCore though, so the first one isn't really correct @SterlingArcher (source)
in SO Close Vote Reviewers, 46 secs ago, by TylerH
Tell rlemon I said he smells like grain
@rlemon cc
@SterlingArcher rlemon is afk: sammich
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, there's multiple engines, but V8 or mention of multiple is what I wanted to hear
I also wouldn't say callbacks are because of the event loop - they're more because of Node's continuation passing style if anything.
Feel free to make a push with corrections :) I'm still a node newb myself
@SterlingArcher "NodeJS utilizes the express framework to handle HTTP routing and other API style services"
A: Background process while showing progressbar

ClaudiusYou can try either one of these 1 2 3-youtube video 4

@ndugger poor wording?
NodeJS doesn't utilize third party libraries. You, as the developer, may utilize them.
@ndugger V8 is third party /pedantic
oh, pish posh
@SterlingArcher "There's a library that ..."
@ndugger it's technically correct -- the most punchable kind of correct
@Zirak lib or framework?
I consider Express a framework -- is that wrong?
@SterlingArcher there's no real difference
github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/lib/path.js this is surprisingly not as ugly as I thought
Nobody cares
express is more of a library than a framework, but it walks the fine line.
Well then
framework is a subset of library, based on who takes control
if you handle the request and delegate to other code, it's a library
if they handle the request and delegate to you, it's a "framework" library
^ that's typically my consideration
Seriously though, nobody cares
@OliverSalzburg If I say that I'm the smartest man in the world, does that make me the smartest man in the world?
@OliverSalzburg people can call their shit whatever they want. It doesn't mean anything. Just ask the creator of the GIF format.
or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, where exactly one of those words is true
web scalable framework
@crl but mongo is webscale!
@Zirak I'll of you
Iirc express calls itself a library on the first page of the docs
@ssube what about middlewares
@crl library. It's all libraries.
anywhere you go to get a bunch of words you're not actually going to read is a library
Furniture company (which has already had to replace a bunch of shit and made me wait months) is telling me the new drawers for my desk will not be here till mid June.
Fuck right off.
I chewed them out
> Oooh you wanted drawers too?
> well sir we have a special process for drawers, they are on backorder
$1500 desk, drawers (two of 7) were cracked and the desk itself was missing stain in areas and one of the screw holes was never drilled out
$1500 desk... And nothing but bullshit
wow wtf
I would be fucking livid
as you are
When all is said and done I'm Gonna getit for 600 or they can come pick it up and give me everything back.
!!afk giant burrito
quick, I need advice.
sees crotchgear domain, instinctively opens in incognito
!!urban crotch
@crl [crotch](http://crotch.urbanup.com/41022) 1. Another name for groinal area.

2. Name of the groin/seat area of pants

3. Act of shoving something in your crotch
I think sometimes urban is just making shit up
@rlemon Do it
@rlemon yes
@rlemon Their testimonials are a little unfortunate though.
@AwalGarg one second. I think gist.github.com is firewalled here.
My condolences
Giving some certificate error.
It's caused me so much pain trying to get npm going, I think the install script runs from there.
One of the components did anyway.
gist renownly host porn
ascii porn
either dude is Goku, or those shields are not doing their job
Yea, I can't use gist.
they still absorb the shock
time to play Dog or Muffin!
Is there some with good skill with TweenMax here ?
!!welcome AllanRaquin
@AllanRaquin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon You spin me right round baby right round.
@AllanRaquin Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Yeah I know my code is not idented but CTRL + K not work for me
I tried CRTL + K also Super + K
if the code already has indentation it just removes it
If it's already tabbed, you shouldn't need to do it
if you cannot figure out the formatting just use a paste service
@rlemon Thanks for getting me into GMM by the way. So amazing.
@rlemon Canadian Rodeo?
I'll try to indent it in my text editor so
if you just used a paste service it would be done and we wouldn't be having this discussion
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@AllanRaquin Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
So if someone have an idea of why "myTimeline.reverse()" just make nothing (the rest of my timeline is reversing well)
@Loktar or @jhawins do this at work: i.imgur.com/kVgHzoj.jpg
then report back on the results
wow that xkcd is so wrong, so true and so funny at the same time
guys :| I think I need a new framework. What framework is best for creating an event emitter which will work on both the client and the server (in a manner of speaking)? I want a TCP socket that emits events and messages to simultaneously inform the client
@rlemon The-the cake is a lie...
@SterlingArcher that looks nearly perfect actually, thank you
ugh, I forgot to -j4
this make is going to take forever
Back a year or so ago express.io was the same -- express with integrated sockets. I think that's what express-ws branched from
Man, I've spent the last hour just wasted, looking for a front end framework that will do all of the work for me, lol. Alas, I think I will have to settle for React. I just wanted something that's mostly just CSS so I didn't have to style anything. I found a nice material-react lib, though
yeah I noticed express.io doesn't really work any more, it's super annoying
@rlemon You sunk my battleship!
fucking hell
@rlemon hahah
if it's working with Electron, can electron make a TCP connection directly, because it is an actual application? IE, it doesn't need a "server"
@Loktar @GNi33 linked earlier -- Killswitch Released their album yesterday
And Asking Alexandria released a new song too
t-minus 14 days till The Black drops
@ton.yeung [T Minus](http://t-minus.urbanup.com/4918510) The phrase is an exclamation marking the event that the user needs to take a massive dump, often one that is minutes or even less to where shit hits the fan, quite aptly.

It's origin stems from the "T minus ____ seconds/minutes/hours etc.." announced for important events, such as New Year's ball dropping, bombs going off, or in this case a shit-storm.

When T Minus is yelled, followed by a time for m(snip)
Their album lol
To be fair, urban has some spot on definitions
Never expect a real education from urban
!!urban word up
@SterlingArcher word up I comprehend what you are saying and verify that your statement is true, my good brother.
@ton.yeung up (adjective) hard or erect
@ton.yeung You do not have permission to use the command undo
Nodejs issue
I am running the following script to start server
    fs.readFile("site/index.html", function(err, data){
        response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
this is loading .html file but not dependent css and js files
Very true, or you could just follow typical debugging convention and be a good developer ;) — Sterling Archer 14 secs ago
how to load css and js files also?
Too harsh?
@SterlingArcher Not even remotely harsh enough.
any help with the above nodejs issue? I can provide more info if necessary
I'm still in hell.
A: Easiest way to define associative array

bugytYou can use a JSON Object like : var obj = { 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2 }

@SterlingArcher I flagged that crap because it made me want to vomit.
@Mr_Green my guess is your CSS and JS files are not exposed to the public
So you either have to serve them as static content, or somehow render them
sorry, I am unable to understand
does visual studio have ANY way to edit ES6 without it complaining about syntanx and screwing up the indentation? I am on VS2015 with WebEssentials..
I have no knowledge about nodejs
@Mr_Green Then it's a good time to google "nodejs intro"
16k rep and you can't google keywords of what I said? ._.
it is just rep got from some simple answers
I did google though but I think I am missing some crucial context here
Your code is specifically sending ONE file. A web server typically replies to requests to ALL static files. Are you using express? If so, look up "express serve static files"
ok, back to archlinux
you mean back to "installing archlinux" or that you successfully installed archlinux in the morning and switched to another distro then and are now back to it?
3 more hours until I go home and play the shit out of The Division.
@Trasiva That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Trasiva 3 more hours until I go home and play the shit out of The Bugvision. (source)
Shaddap Cap
thanks all
ffmpeg takes FOREVER to build
it's been going at it for well over an hour now
Hey guys, I've an interesting question for you:
Q: How many parameters are too many in JavaScript?

Aadit M ShahI came across the following question on StackOverflow: How many parameters are too many? This got me thinking, is there a practical limit imposed on the number of parameters of a JS function? test(65536); // okay test(65537); // too many function test(n) { try { new Functi...

I installed express from CLI
like: npm install express
but the package.json is not updated
npm install --save express
you need --save for dependancies, --save-dev for devDependancies
yes got it
I know this shit but somehow get confuse :/
@rlemon how much have you played with the photon/electron?
installed archlinux, rewrote it completely, making my own version which is much better than arch, with such widespread acknowledgement that it's now referenced to as the true arch. Nobody will remember the old arch. No, I'm frigging stupid, no way I can install it without your help :P
@AaditMShah spidermonkey has a much lower limit than 65536. I think you only tested on v8? :P And spec doesn't expose any such limits.
@BenCraig I got it working. sending messages
put it aside for other projects for now
will re-visit soon
also hi!
@rlemon Would you be able to help me map pins from an arduino to photon?
I dont really know how either of them work
what do you need to do?
I want to get this https://github.com/wnew/fencing_scoring_box/blob/master/hardware/circuit
working on a photon
a Pharduinon?
not sorry
the A's are analog inputs, the photon should have (7?) 12bit ADC which is nice to have on such a small board. that easily maps (might have to change code a bit) and the rest look to be digitial inputs and outputs
should be pretty simple

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