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@ssube He's gonna make vodka, duh.
And watermelons and bananas
my soil is almost pure clay. I read potatoes are good are breaking up the soil for the following years.
Only got 1 watermelon out of it cuz I'm a bad gardener :(
so I'm planting a large potato garden this year
also, have you ever heard of Raita? It's a traditional Indian dish made of yogurt and cucumbers
@ShotgunNinja yes, its delicious
@ShotgunNinja omg I love it
@Trasiva deciding to keep it open and have a removable 'place cover' for it
and there are a ton of raita's :P
that I can take down a few weeks in
can't fucking imagine my summers without Bundi ka Raita
cucumber one is just one of the many many many to follow
@rlemon Oh, you're not going for that winterized version anymore?
@Trasiva don't get enough light for solar cells where the garden would be
don't feel like running a line from my house
+ inverter would be expensive
@Abhishrek eh frankly cucumber and bundi are the only 2 one we generally see. there are a couple more made at rajasthan but thats about it AFAIK
so yea, winter 'greenhouse' is not happening.
maybe something indoors..
Ah, that's lame.
I did watch a neat video of a couple who put a greenhouse around their entire home to cut heating costs
grow the pots
actually looked pretty neat and seemed to work
Greenhouses are really hot though
@rlemon they're pushing those in france on roofs. It's just more insulation, works really well.
You ever been in a greenhouse
@Abhishrek touche
It's like 100 degrees
@Abhishrek tomato raita sounds so fucking stupid
hi i want to fetch date and get into mysql query
small greenhouse with lots of humidity will be hot, and that is the point. you can easily regulate that tho.
@jarvis you taste by tongue not by ears
how can we do it>>
1 message moved to JS trash
!!tell TahaDhailey format
@TahaDhailey Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@jarvis sure I don't care. ES room has been chill and low traffic like I wanted anyway.
@CapricaSix i did press ctrl + K
1 message moved to JS trash
if you can't get the formatting use a third party site to paste it
b4 posting
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah been working great indeed.
!!afk soup
oh god, I want soup
I'm so sick, I think I might die
@Abhishrek oh my. I just saw a news piece describing oculus rift as "divya drishti of mahabharata with sanjay and dhritrashtra" ahahahhaha
^ @littlepootis @SomeGuy ^
@jarvis Honestly I think Hinduism is the worst of all possible religions with such claims, no credits science invents something : BAM WE HAD IT BEFORE ELECTRICITY!
@jarvis What's that translate to? Google failed me.
2 messages moved to JS trash
@TahaDhailey dude please :/
@Trasiva we had a guy who could see battles from kilometers apart
@TahaDhailey format your code.
[I'd say that claim is settled with television]
@Abhishrek That's an interesting description...
Wait a second
@Trasiva "divya" is holy. "drishti" is eyesight. "mahabharata" you can google. sanjay and dhri.. are roles in that mahaba..
i am trying but its not happening
i tried paste bin also
@jarvis Yea, I know what the Mahabharata is.
and while you are at that @Trasiva read that page too
@Abhishrek That page is making my eyes bleed.
@ssube "JS trash" sounds like a reasonable descriptor of the regulars in this room ;-) :-D
this claim though
> Cow milk is the most compatible with human mothers milk then any other species in existence. This is because the DNA of the cow was specifically constructeds to be harmonious with mammalian human DNA. So it can be clearly understood that cow DNA was designed so humans could benefit from cows products being milk, cheese, butter, cream and yoghurt.
@RyanKinal and you and I are CSS thrash ?
@Trasiva yeah basically sanjay was given holy eyesight in that epic by gods. and he narrated the second guy a major war that was happening hundreds of miles away.
@ssube It's all that raving.
because the second guy was blind
@Abhishrek Haha, I might be more JS trash than CSS trash at this point
@TahaDhailey ffs dude, stop posting the same thing.
> mammalian human DNA.
So it isn't compatible with reptilian humans
1 message moved to Trash
But probably both!
That is how you paste formatted code
1 message moved to Trash
in your case though it makes no difference
@jhawins WHAT THE HECK ?
@Abhishrek He's already been kicked.
shrek pls
It was formatted atleast with ctrl + k
Stop posting long pieces of code in the room.
ah fine -_-
@ndugger it probably is
It's not like he kicked you - he just moved it.
There was no indentation lol
@jarvis So basically he's saying the Rift is the vision gift of the gods? Huh...
Just because you hit ctrl+k, it doesn't actually mean that it's formatted
it pings me T_T
@ndugger no, but that does meet the reqs for Cap
thats the point I was trying to make to him :'(
your whitespace doesn't have to be perfect, you just can't post completely unformatted code
Cap is not the last line of defense
@Trasiva they are comparing it to that, yeah. but it really is about how they portray it - that is fucking brilliant
@Meredith yep
@jarvis you should have heard my father telling me Ravan's pushpak vimaan was the basis for wright brothers airplane
@jarvis I'll take your word for it. This is why I just stay away from religion.
@Trasiva it is analogous to ars technica publishing an article saying "how google was hacked by a 13yo" when they mean "13yo mistakenly opened devtools and deleted google's logo from the inspector".
@jarvis ...
@Abhishrek it wasn't ravan's lol
Don't change India.
@jarvis I don't even think raavan was even real
i want to take js date format into php variable??
start.format('MMMM D, YYYY') + ' - ' + end.format('MMMM D, YYYY')
@TahaDhailey you do realize when you are handling dates almost every language support EPOCH right ?
Pretend you are using javascript on the server
Does "I want to take js date format into js variable" make sense?
just serialize the date to number of seconds / milliseconds passed since 1970 by .getTime() in javascript and deserialize on server
!!google javascript date to php variable
is it like this .getTime(MMMM D, YYYY)
@Trasiva Oh wow
We should gather around and have it lift off, then host a version exclusive for the JS chatroom
Then Benji can own us :D
@TahaDhailey please read those links. Your question shows no effort what so ever. You have been already kicked twice -- a third time will bring a moderator in.
That's an amazing concept though, kudos
anyways, gtg now. sorry for all the ignore drama guys, nothing personal :) cya!
@MadaraUchiha I played it a while back, it's really cool concept wise. Definitely a good way to practice your skills.
see ya @jarvis
Wont see ya @jarvis
@SterlingArcher i pressed ctrl+K twice b4 posting my code
and i used paste bin too
but it was just not working
@SterlingArcher See ya.
@TahaDhailey if you're not willing to put effort into your question, we have no reason to put effort into helping you.
Finally I am going to get back to writing my game :D
@jarvis No drama man, it's understandable. Take it easy.
is there anything that we can edit text and save it and when it refresh it shows the text we updated without saving it on a database?
I mean, you could put it in local storage I guess
@ssube you're going to love this
!!tell anatp_123 mdn LocalStorage
but don't do that if the text is huge.
huge being like 10MB, which is pretty good size
@karelg at its going to be its editing numbers , nothing huge at all , simple really
then it's ok
@ssube omg this is amazing. Watch this video asap omg
@SterlingArcher That was pretty neat.
The limit is 5MB
@Trasiva did you get to the actual drum part? I'm blown away
And characters are 2 bytes so anything less than 2.5m characters is fine
Chat just auto upgraded me mobile to the new one.
@SterlingArcher hang on I'm lunch
Looks fancy
Well, "fine"
I'm sure it's pretty slow
Still no upload button :(
I need function that given {foo: 1, fooBar:2, qux:2, wat:3} and ['foo', 'wat'] filters the first object to {foo: 1, fooBar:2, wat:3}
go write one then
it keeps keys where it has an entry in the second array (checking only the prefix)
I know the sun isn't out today, but srsly, enough vamps
@SterlingArcher I did, yea. Pretty fantastic.
I'll do it, but nothing better than n*m as complexity? length of first arg * length of second arg
@ssube Sun's out here. :D
Your goal here would be to make the code clean, rather than fast
Cuz it won't be fast no matter what
hmm ok thanks, I'll rather iterate the second one
can optimize the shit, it's actually style attributes
why are you trying to parse style attributes
Parse all the things
@Meredith Parseception.
I wonder if I can parse sensor obscuration in this satellite array
hrrnnnggg #parsed
Is there anything that can't be parsed?
The Danger Zone can't be parsed
Kenny Loggins!
@rlemon your "ignore me" gist doesn't work; now everyone's avatar is red, and they won't talk to me. Clearly, it's broken.
who said that
I haven't heard nick talk in a while...is he okay?
He changed his username to jarvis
But did he upload his personality matrix
nah 2 diff accounts
two matrixes
one personality
unlimited letters
actually, the only user in here that has me ignored is @crl
you can take your mattrices and chuck em off a bridge
and then get arrested for causing a pileup on the freeway
mattress fucks me up
@ssube Is it queen sized?
@Meredith Let's not make things weird now.
I never remember if it's one 1 t or 2
@Trasiva what kind of pathetic heathen buys a mattress below queen size?
you can't possibly fit two people on a full with room for activities
I mean I have a full
Am I really a heathen to you
@AwalGarg react to this youtube.com/… /cc @SomeGuy I can barely stop laughing [the song is mutd though]
@ssube That's why a twin is economical and makes sense for me. :D
Queen is almost too small if you have to sleep with a roller.
I have a queen, but I need a king because I'm too tall for a queen
@SterlingArcher what? I can fit on a queen comfortably
@Trasiva don't just give up, man
Jesus how tall are you
@SterlingArcher no, but I'm pretty tall
I need a king too
Also 6'3
yeah, I'm taller than you and can fit
kings and queens are the same length
80 inches
Sorry, California King
you're doing bed wrong
It must be the way I sleep or something.. I end up sliding down and my toes hang off
I am sleeping on a twin D:
Sometimes I lay horizontally on my bed
@ssube teach me how to bed?
you gotta keep your pillows up at the top
@Meredith well aren't you an odd duck
I have a queen bed
but then a queen works
All these queen beds and no queens
I also sometimes lay horizontally, like if I'm watching a video or something
no rhyme or reason; it just happens
I will rip your mattress tag off and report you to the FBI
@ssube you must be short
My bed is too tall :( I have to jump into it
I am an Indian and I can't fit on a Queen!
Is there any alternative template engine for nodejs worth using (instead of jade)
@rlemon I just recently got a bedframe and it was a weird change
They're all pretty ehh
Marko > EJS
suck a dick if you disagree
@ssube Oh, I didn't. I bought a queen.
@ApathyBear also if you are using react on client side don't use anything just react.render
although folks seem to be less weirded out if you have a real bed than just a mattress
I need a damn bedframe
Yeah don't throw your mattress on the floor
but I can't find one I like
@Abhishrek good point..
That's trash af
were you o_O
@Abhishrek That's because you guys divorced her!
@SterlingArcher just get a simple metal one that hides under the bed
I don't do bandaid solutions
I don't have a frame yet; just a box spring underneath the actual mattress
I gotta go balls deep and find the headboard and stuff I want
@Trasiva Lol
I don't want a headboard or anything
my current one is quiet, which is good
I love this room :P
I want a leather headboard
modern af
My bed is 35inches tall. Box spring + bed frame + pillow top :\
the foam mattress and metal frame make it super quiet and give you a lot of control
My pillows always fall between my bed and my wall
^ I hate that
@rlemon Jesus fuck dude.
Get a head board.
Solves falling pillows
Does it come with stairs to get into bed?
or put your bed against the wall
But wait, there's more!
Also it has a thing where it makes a really loud clicking sound when I move in the right direction
@Trasiva I jump in and roll out
Like idk what that is
@rlemon Heh
It sounds like two pieces of metal hitting each other
We're getting a slim boxspring. Back order.
@Meredith then yknow that's probably what it is
I've looked
I can't find the source of the noise
We need to go deeper
Add a debug statement
Bed.addEventListener('noise', console.log.bind(console))
I retract that last comment.
@SterlingArcher phrasing
Do you guys have any favorite modules for circuit breaking on REST APIs? Bailing out of a request that's hanging so you're not just sitting there blocking new requests.
make everything async so it's non-blocking
then you can use promise cancellation
How to use a modifier in this regex?
var FindName = /@(\S*)/.exec(val);
This doesn't work: var FindName = /@(\S*)/u.exec(val);
@Shafizadeh does your browser support u?
this has a syntax error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor 'u'
So your browser doesn't support u?
eem maybe ..
doesn't look like it
Well there isn't any work around to do that?
does babel polyfill regexp u?
@ndugger works for me
fix yo shit
@ssube ok never mind, I removed it .. tnx
Yeah that plugin ads /u to regex
Hello folks. Anyone knows how to replace expressions in Babel (via plugins obviously)?
wow. TIL.. I mean I suppose it makes sense.. I was hoping it would do magic for me tho.
!!> JSON.stringify(/abc/)
@rlemon "{}"
> Top 11 GPUs for Valve SteamVR Benchmark

NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan X (11.0) – VRWorld Tested
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti (11.0) – VRWorld Tested
AMD Radeon R9 Fury X (9.6) – AMD in-house / VRWorld Tested
AMD Radeon R9 Fury (9.2)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 (8.1)
AMD Radeon R9 Nano (8.0)
AMD Radeon R9 390X (7.8)
AMD Radeon R9 290X (7.6) – VRWorld Tested
AMD Radeon R9 390 (7.0)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (6.5)
AMD Radeon R9 380 (5.5)
dem scores :)
@ssube yeah
@AwalGarg Hi Awal!
bloody hell. serializing then re-using a regexp is not as easy as it should be
i did that in one of my node endpoints, don't recall it being that difficult
well my test data isn't a string already :/ it's a regexp literal
just get the source property of the regexp object?
Just trust the AI
take the literal, get the string, check for flags, strip them, strip the / surrounding the literal, store that and the flags.
you can then split it into two parts, flags/literal
rebuilding is fine
but really, storing it for JSON should be a single step. JSON.stringify should be that good.
i just passed it along as "/abc/i" in the json, then parsed it from there serverside
this is an extension. so it doesn't matter where I do it
it's all the same place
chrome storage has the same restrictions as localStorage tho
@Loktar My 970 only just runs it, not paying bloody $800 for a vr headset though
@BenFortune me neither
only $650 ;)
Though I would like to try one
yisssssss....... I'll release it once it works. but my 'demo' now works. userscript that works similar to stylish but injects js into the page from gists
so you just give it a url matching regexp and a gist url, it injects the js to the page on load
@rlemon :O
it has no ui currently. I can hand inject stuff to chrome.store to get it to work
I got sick of writing userscripts that I wouldn't publish because they are crap and only for me
and unpublished userscripts don't sync
this is my solution.
Why would my server be accessible from localhost but not my internal ip?
because your router doesn't forward that port
localhost doesn't hit your router (afaik), local-ip does
I see
Ill have to try to get access to the router then :S
idk, might be the issue
Guys :\ I got a weird problem with js again
@corvid did he cheat on you again? In front of the kids?????
yes :( with Scala
what a Scalut
how unfaithful...
at least it wasn't jQuery... that bitch
Cheating with Elm must be acceptable though
@towc What a jQunt.
@Trasiva yup
anyone here from India and has experience working with amazon's ec2 virtual machine?
!!get a coffee or vape
@rlemon vape
!!rampage or rampage
@Trasiva Sounds like you have already decided
@Trasiva Rampage
@SterlingArcher You have your chemo medicine?

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