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@Abhishrek I'm part way through making an SO chat wrapper, has node built into the dev console :>
@Abhishrek ProTip: if you care about your eyes, don't read the source behind $(..).hide()
hidden attribute, hide offscreen, hide display, hide visibility, hide opacity, hide width 0, hide height 0
@BenFortune wunder ful!
I got to 7
@jarvis I did it years ago, I stopped using jQuery around the same time.
Don't have to worry about browser inconsistencies either which is always nice
I wonder, should the interface be mutable or immutable?
@BenFortune may I contribute code :D ?
I should just base it off promises. hmm.
class $ extends Promise { lol
@Abhishrek It's heavily prototyped atm, but sure. :D
@jarvis why? like everything jQuery it needs to support 100 different argument patterns.. but it actually isn't that bad compared to other functions
function (speed, easing, callback) {
    return speed == null || typeof speed === "boolean" ? cssFn.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(genFx(name, true), speed, easing, callback);
@BenFortune link ?
I find it so terrible to animte things like that inline, instead of putting classes in .css apart
I guess Resig was very sad that javascript doesn't support overloaded function declarations
man would he have saved time
@jAndy hahaha
@rlemon the overloading part isn't done on function level. It is done library wide. But seriously... it does a fuck tonne of things just to "hide".
@crl :O did hell just freeze over? the king of pointless one liners and ugly hand compacted code just complained about a 1-liner?!?!?!?!
is that actually planned for any future ES version?
wikipedia's editor suffered havoc simply because of using jquery's hide instead of their custom utility
function overloading?
@jarvis yes I'm aware.
would be not too bad
@rlemon hehe
		width: 1024,
		height: 768,
@Abhishrek Just a random res
I just omit it
all apps should start either their smallest, or fullscreen
Does someone know how the caching of libraries works on web ? (like for jQuery) If I go to a websiteA that uses jQuery, I'm going to load it (request end 200). Now if I go to a websiteB am I going to reload it ?
@rlemon yep
@Elfayer if they are served from the same location (which is why we use CDN's)
@Abhishrek Debugging the webview is kinda hard, hence github.com/xbenjii/ChatOverflow/blob/master/app/js/menu.js#L87
@rlemon Ok sounds obvious when you say it, so this only works for CDN.
@Elfayer if you request example.com/abc.js from rlemon.ca and then again from stackoverflow.com it will be served from cache. if you ask for example.com/abc.js?123 on stackoverflow.com it will not. make sense? so this is why it is recommended we use CDNs, so when you download jQuery once from google cdn, your cache holds it for all other sites that link to that cdn/file/version/etc
@BenFortune you know you can open stackoverflow directly right ?
[without the absolute wrapper],ps yeah I know
is there anything close to jQuery's .index() method in Node.prototype/DOM ?
@rlemon thanks ;)
@Abhishrek Yeah, there's a reason I didn't do it and I can't for the life of me remember why.
Comments my friend xD
@Elfayer np
@jAndy you can get an idea when you look to the source code ( james.padolsey.com/jquery )
Node.prototype.index=function(){return [].indexOf.call(this.parentNode.children, this);}
Node.prototype.idx=function(){return [].indexOf.call(this.parentNode.childNodes, this);}
for rlemon too :p
why extending the node's prototypes :/
@crl are they functions or getters ?
if server A send request to server B and request timeout happens, is that guarantee that server B will never receive request (sounds like a strange question)
@Abhishrek fn
uh help? :) so im using findstr. anyway I can put up two words that would return all lines in between?
@Srle it just means the other server doesn't respond in time. IIRC
server B can receive the packet
i believe
@Srle two situations: (1) it didn't got the request. (2) it got the request, but it's response didn't came in before the time out elapse
yea server b can just not respond
3) It crashed
4) What lemon sent.
5) see 1)
ever not end a response in node?
shit used to happen to me all the time :P
@Abhishrek that's different, el.hidden is more akin to el.style.display = 'none'
something can also hold a packet :)
@FlorianMargaine cept it has no specificity
all other rules override it
@rlemon, so the case can be that server B will process request successfully but it will not return any response because of request timeout
@FlorianMargaine Oh okay! TIL HTML Attributes are insane!
@Abhishrek anshul is gonna call you in the "next 10 minutes on [your] whatsapp number"
I don't know how else to describe it, hidden attribute is weakly mapped to display: none; but has no specificity to concern over. Any other display rule overrides it
@Abhishrek I never did
so example, server A send request about user creation to server B, sever B successfully create new user, but request timeout happens and server A does not that action was successfully finished?
so he doesn't have any clue which number I have :P
just tell him I don't even use whatsapp -_-
come to hangouts at once
@Srle say it took server B 2 minutes to do that job. and server A timesout at 1.5 minutes
@Srle no, the client refused to get the response because the time-out timer got elapsed. See that as a fence. When A sends request, it opens the fence for that traffic to B. But that fence closes when (1) it got a reply or (2) time out occurred (it closed itself).
if it's closed, no traffic can happen
In any case, it's a clever idea but also the sort of "cleverness" that's unnecessary; you can always find something to edit. Unless you're that guy who spends every day flipping a comma to a semicolon to bump, you're not really doing any harm.
(if you do this in the grace period, you don't even bump, so...)
@KarelG, agree but nothing will prevent that server B successfully finish with everything that server A ask for
@Abhishrek btw I moved to react and that css thing you told me about. working great so far
and server A will not know anything about it cause it will not receive response
@jarvis told you :P
@Srle A can request to stop the process
but in other situations, no
like at creating users
just check if it doesn't exist already
@Shog9 yeah, I was reminded of that too - I was more bothered by the part he asked people to email him to form voting rings though.
@srle what real life application are you facing this anyway?
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, that'll end up biting all of them
> If you earn roughly between $41,000 and $83,000 ($20 to $40 a hour), there is a median probability of 31% that your job will be automated.
The probability of being replaced by robotic systems is as high as 83% if you earn less than $20 an hour. Those who earn more than $40 an hour face a negligible chance of being replaced by automation. [source](http://www.computerworld.com/article/3036563/it-careers/u-s-sees-robots-taking-well-paying-jobs.html)
@KarelG Can robots program themselves?
serious research
can you automate programmers though
there are already algorithms that can write codes
@JaredT it can be whatever, imagine server that communicate with some 3rd pary API for email sending. User just registered, sever send request to API for email sending if request timeout happens, should server repeat the call?
@Shog9 right, but it encourages people to try to abuse the system. I'm concerned about people who are not the author that have read it.
you only have to specify states
is there any syntax I'm not aware of to assign getter/setting functions directly?
yeah but not as complex as business requirements
like foo.bar = get() { return whatever; }; ?
@Shog9 That was actually a great read.
@Abhishrek ahahahahahaha "call me here" lmao
the only way I know of is in object literals or defineProperty
@JaredT state diagram + class diagram -> possible working program generated.
Promises are eager, my abstraction was not, that was my problem.
@SterlingArcher perfect!
but it's a theoretical debate that i had at CS
var obj = {
  get latest () {
    if (log.length == 0) return undefined;
    return log[log.length - 1]
@jAndy es6
@karelG depends on business requirements. some business requirements are funky
@rlemon that's ES5 :P
@rlemon yea that's in object literals, ES5
I should either use Rx or tasks or something else - but not promises. The intermediate values can't be promises only the result - or the request should be eager.
@srle that actually happens all the time
@jarvis so I'm not wrong. it is in es6 :P
but if obj is already defined.. we can't say something like obj.getter = get foo() {} I guess
@srle but does it apply to you with your application?
has to be defineProperty
That would mean I have to do IO in the constructor though, fml.
yeah, you are technically correct. the worst kind of correct :D
Maybe Domenic was right after all :D
@Abhishrek it's a DOM property
@JaredT, why my application is important in this discussion :) ?
wow, is it ok to be using my sock while shog is here? :o
@srle Because I probably missed why you need to know these things :)
there is nothing in the rules stating you cannot have multiple accounts. you just can't do fucky voting things with them
this has been discussed on meta many times before
@BenjaminGruenbaum either the system can accommodate and correct for it, or we have a problem even without the post. This stuff is all documented on meta too (as I noted yesterday).
@JaredT i'm just saying that it is possible to develop a software with only a class and state diagram. Of course you need a human interaction to convert requirements to the diagrams. But that's a part of requirement analysis. Don't forget that you cannot automate everything.
@jarvis hangouts
@jarvis You're not doing anything abusive, and you publically made it clear who you are. I see no issue.
@JaredT, because i dont want to send same email for N times
@Srle let B handle that email task ...
@KarelG then it would be called a tool. More so than automation?
@Abhishrek done
@rlemon @Trasiva hmm, possibly
@srle emails usually bounce if receiver doesnt get it. depending on your mail server. not too good with them.
not possibly :P it's been discussed to death on meta. your only 'fear' is if you've voted on your own content or used jarvis to spam vote other content
@srle or rather, the other mail server does not acknowledge a receive
@KarelG, what if action results in 400 (mistake on my end) but due request timeout i will never receive response to know that request itself is wrong
yeah I haven't done cross-account voting so I guess its fine
@Srle test. test again. test some more.
@Srle if that someone still fails, burn down your office :D
@Srle a right. Well, when there is a time out, resend the request to B. B also check if the request got processed before doing it. If x retries fails, then log the problem, send mail to admin and notify user of problem
if that test*
the x is purely an arbitrary number
does Srle control server B though is the question
it can fail eventually if maintenance is bad
not controling it, it is 3rd party
then ur doomed D:
ask for cooperation?
are you not using other servers sometimes. You cannot control everything
are you still talking about mails or user creation?
if ur directly accessing a DB, u can always query
if first action failed
query x times after your request timed out
if it was not applied. then do something
@JaredT that's a great way to knock down the other side
@ssube only if you make x, xx or xxx
@JaredT What are you talking about?
actually i mean query 1 time after request timed out
do it 3 times on a span of some time
If requests are timing out, you want to be very careful retrying.
god dammit chrome. get your shit together. I don't wanna use babel all the time for simple things
function foo(a=1) {}
Unexpected token =
@ssube well yeah thats a good point
@ssube but its merely say 3 times in a span of 3 minutes
^-- then A will time out to the user
@rlemon Isn't that working in Canary right now?
@KarelG yeah, well that
@KarelG it is really a timeout.
why are you double pinging everybody?
@Trasiva I don't run Canary
none of my target audience does. why would I
I'm just saying, I'm pretty sure it's in the pipeline to work in Chrome
@ssube to know if server B was able to do the job.
well yea, ofc it is
they just need to hurry up and get their shit together
@Trasiva everything is in the pipeline
@ssube they must not use grunt
@ssube Yes, it is if you want to get technical.
Anyone know how I could use Findstr to print out multiple lines that has world 1 at first line and word 2 at the last line?
JS doesn't have a Findstr method.
just a general question
for Findstr the cmd prompt
in the*
what have you tried, what did you get, what did you expect?
i tried google-ing
not much luck
i can do single lines
rlemon answered grep before I sued findstr
i tried findstr because work is in citrix :\
3 hours ago, by rlemon
grep -i pattern file.log >> out.txt
yes that
so just figure out the pattern :P
yeah but multiple lines man :((
you have to replace "pattern" with what you're looking for
regexp can do multiple lines
does findstr natively check multiple lines with regex
look for global flag : /g ...
@JaredT what do the docs say?
grep -i /someshit/g /path/to/log/directory/*.log >> out.txt
i doubt that you did some research ... what rlemon provided was sufficient enough
im not using grep though
using findstr
then read the documentation
why not grep ? it's much stronger
grep is the shit
cuz work is in citrix
i know, ill put it in the system tomorrow
eh, the doc shows you the solution
so, pitchforks?
@KarelG, for showing multiple lines with 2 words closing between them?
@rlemon with torches
hah hey @copy
I see you on the front page :p
Traditional ---E
Left Handed 3---
Fancy ---{
---F ---L ---e
and I see sheep.exe :P
haha this is awesome man
left handed pitchforks?
wait what?
@JaredT the docs have an entire section on that
have you tried reading them at all?
"what do the docs say?" "Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding"
At this point, this is feeling very vampy.
@Loktar Thanks to you!
and I just realized I'm using babel-cli to convert es6 to es5 in my gulpfile which takes my other es6 and converts it to es5
I've gone full circle :(
@ssube searched quickly
> Sheep.exe OMG!
I was looking for someone to mention sheep.exe
is that @BadgerCat's reddit?!
starts stalking
that is awesome @copy nj man, it runs surprisingly well
@copy ohh yea I showed my boss and he was curious about how much you cost :P
> this is the type of talent we need
thanks boss man!
@rlemon yes
damn man, soon I wont even need old machines
I will just be able to use copys code!
@rlemon I have a job, sorry
Just need to emulate 3dfx cards now and I'm set :P

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