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I need to sleep
Bye bye
@Luggage We used CVS here until last year when I finally pushed them into using Git.
@Trasiva When did you start using it ? CVS was considered terrible by everybody more than 10 years ago
@DenysSéguret Using what? CVS? That was their source control since before I was working here two years ago, so probably close to 12 years or so.
@DenysSéguret openbsd still uses it
Well, my team switched from cvs to svn 12 years ago...
hehe, same. cvs -> svn abouta decade ago
and now all git. no more tree conflicts for me.
@ton.yeung Nope, that's how it goes here.
crackberry forums have to be one of the most bloated and slow forums I have ever used
@ton.yeung Not moving until I have another job lined up. I made that mistake once.
@ton.yeung I've been actively looking for the last two months or so.
Move to Canada... Bring money
We broke
@ton.yeung Exchange rates
Oh, I just see the JS team...
Canada is only broke to the rest of the world. They still internally trade in maple syrup and moose knuckles
yes, I know what I said
!!tell ton.yeung google Canada recession
We are in a recession. Our dollar is expected to drop below 58 cents
We base off your economy. :(
So lose/lose
My girlfriend is taking a Java 200+class for her degree and is mad that the class is filled with only Software Engineers lol.
@ton.yeung hahaha I don't know. If it were me, I'd expect Computer Science majors
Maybe she was hoping that because she had to take the class for her degree there would be similar people
@ton.yeung Yes
@ton.yeung Hard to differentiate between the two. But I looked at the qualifications given by the degrees and CS was more inline with what I wanted to do being "making games, large software, etc.." and SE was "keeping programs kept up to-date, best practices" something like that I think.
@ton.yeung Business and Engineering* Management
@rlemon Really? I should buy more things then.
My GF's major is in, "Imaginary Relationships"
@FlorianMargaine just to make sure, if I want a package available to me in my REPL, I need to (load) a file that contains the (defpackage) call, followed by the actual file that will usually have (in-package) at the top?
@KendallFrey by September USD is expected to close at 1.65 over CAD
@ndugger Once you add imaginary relationships to real relationships, shit gets complex
@ton.yeung bug
@ton.yeung Ahh I see. Yeah, it's not separated at her university
she somestimes holds on to old messages and sends them again
no clue why
Beyonce is my girlfriend; she just doesn't know it
> The predicted average of USD to CAD exchange rate 1.76 for December 2017.
@ndugger "We sleep together every night; she just doesn't know it"
I didn't realize the recession was predicted into 2018
@ton.yeung You know, I don't personally know, and I think I've asked in the past and there wasn't a very good answer. I believe the main difference is something about CS teaching the actual algorithm theories and such.
if you read the reports, and talk to the money people, no one in Canada is really concerned tho
@ton.yeung cascading effects
also, I don't know how accurate these predictions are
@MadaraUchiha I will go on record and officially state that I don't actually find Beyonce to be that attractive...
@ndugger I only vaguely remember how she even looks
@ton.yeung it is/was our largest export iirc, but not our only export.
Canada has the 11th (nominal) or 15th-largest (PPP) economy in the world (measured in US dollars at market exchange rates), is one of the world's wealthiest nations, and is a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Group of Seven (G7). As with other developed nations, the Canadian economy is dominated by the service industry, which employs about three quarters of Canadians. Canada is unusual among developed countries in the importance of the primary sector, with the logging and oil industries being two of Canada's most important. Canada also has a sizable...
so there is also that grain of salt you have to take
@ton.yeung everyone wants to live in TO or BC
price gouging as a resort
outside of major cities real-estate is also crazy pricey
dude, even where I live.
Thanks for removing it
Beyonce pls
@ndugger Ah, right
@ton.yeung when I was buying my house @jhawins pointed out that the price I was paying would buy like the largest house in Fort Wayne (where he lived at the time)
Everyone has at least one bad picture lol. I'm sure Beyonce doesnt' always look like that lmao
Fort Wayne isn't particularily known for its wealth, though
@BenjaminGruenbaum For a fraction of a second I looked at it and thought that our repo got to issue 59 and went "WTF?!"
@ndugger neither is my city (well, not really)
@ton.yeung not at all
@ton.yeung Nope.
It's public.
Yeah, and we're debating that
Yes, voting is reserved for room owners.
(for now)
But users are always welcome to voice opinions regardless
Noooooooo it got removed :(
I see that also
God damn you imgur
God doesn't get involved in your petty image hosting disputes, unless cats are in the picture.
@ssube There was a cat in the picture!
damn missed a webpack/gulp duscussion
@MadaraUchiha Then goddammit
I guess I just don't see the need for gulp much anymore personally, since most tools seem to have cli scripts you can just run anyway
if you're using webpack that is
if you're just minifying/concat/doing some preprocessor work then gulp is perfect
Gulp is great for Node, where you don't need to bundle your modules
bundling like @Luggage said basically
when you need to bundle your modules for the client-side
webpack reads the code, finds the require()s (or import, etc) and can let you custommize WHAT to do when it processes them.
I bundle all the assets.
I'll bundle your assets, if you know what I mean
Example: "take pngs, put them in a /static folder with a hash as the name and have the require() return a full URL to that"
That was a kendall joke
I've stooped so low
Yes, but even the JS stuff. You don't need to bundle anything when using Node, so you wouldn't use webpack
You could, but it would be silly
@ton.yeung not at all
You probably don't need to use webpack if you aren't using any js module system
webpack combines your scripts, so you can use "npm modules" on the web
it's also nice for CSS, so you can conditionally apply it
and self-defined modules
@ton.yeung not the loading
webpack turns require/import into the actual loading. It's the linker to typescript/babel's compiler.
Typescript will translate the imports into requires, but you're gonna need something like webpack to bundle them all together
I think
@ndugger TS can do a very limited form of bundling, but it's mostly all-inputs-one-output, rather than actually bundling modules.
I'm not that familiar with typescript
or you can use System which does it all
webpack does it all, too
with less config
but i plan to investigate system at some point
and less doing
@ton.yeung bundle is concat+minify
@ton.yeung because you can bundle based on other things
eg route based bundling
webpack replaces require, minify, uglify, concat, etc
but if you try to do that with webpack your brain with explode from config overload
yeah, all 15 lines of it :(
these bundling tools let you separate how you want to organize the code locally from how you want it presented to the browser.
unless they stole arithmetic bundling from System
if you use System, your brain will get bored when nothing happens, and then nothing will happen
@phenomnomnominal you don't get hot reloading with system/jspm do you?
yep you do
and then it will claim all your module names are wrong and you're making things up
even though that's not true at all
webpack's docs are really bad, but the config isn't
because everything is served over http2 you don't even have to compile at dev time
@ton.yeung i have typescript files that look like this:
You would see the difference if you used webpack. I didn't understand either until I finally tried it out
@ton.yeung would you serve 250 JS files and 13 CSS files in prod?
webpack bundles them into 1 large file
@rlemon lol right
yeah I need to mess with jspm, but for work I will definitely stick with webpack for the foreseeable future.
import foo from './foo'
import template from './template.html';
import styles from './styles.scss;

@ndugger It isn't known for being poor, either.
webpack, or System or whatever will let you transform that
there's more than just minifying etc going on
@Loktar I tried it after going from require to browserify (briefly) to webpack and couldn't get it to work.
When I did get it to do anything, it wouldn't pick up anything new.
@ssube when did you try it?
@ton.yeung how do you include other files?
yeah idk, I've never had any issues with webpack personally
What's the ES6 rule for requiring {} in import statements?
and it's super easy to split up my bundles
@phenomnomnominal a month or so ago, when you started talking about it :P
@jhawins I have no idea, I was just making shit up again
Is it when the function is NOT default?
@ssube then you just suck :P
We've been using it and loving it for like 5 months now
@phenomnomnominal maybe, but I could figure out webpack, and that's not intuitive at all
Maybe you've been conditioned to unintuitive things :)
Systemjs is bad simply because you like it
no, the module naming/resolution is just weird
jspm init
jspm install angular
`import angular from 'angular';`
@SterlingArcher Basically yea
I only like things that are the most popular, because I'm a javascript developer
Q: difference between alert("Hi!") and function(){alert("Hi!")}

3yKWhen we are doing inline command in the button: <button id="myButton" onclick="alert('Hi!')"> Why does document.getElementById("myButton").onclick = alert('Hi!') not work but give the alert as the page is loaded? I can't understand how it works with function() added to it and without fun...

Why is this a featured question?
It's a duplicate...
Although you could have a default as well as other ones. There isn't exactly a rule
@SterlingArcher It's also just stupid
I only like the stuff that actually works in my environment because I need to get paid :p
@SterlingArcher Then close it
@MadaraUchiha I'm looking for the proper question
Money is overrated. I work for promises and rainbows
@ndugger So does Benji.
He also adds Observables to the mix though
Observable extends Promise<Rainbow>
I don't understand Observables... I mean, Object.observe was removed from the spec, so what do I do? MutationObservers on the DOM? That's not the same thing...
@ndugger That's not what I'm talking about.
@ndugger not sure if kidding
Inform me
I can't know everything, guys
Observables are just in-spec pubsub
the question is, do you know anything?
@ndugger An Observable to a Promise is like an Array to a single value.
@towc Don't be a pissant
wassup? :D
an abstraction around responding to streams of events that may happen
!!afk more meetings
Is this a specced API, or just a methodology?
@ndugger Promises are a very good abstraction over a value from an async operation
But they can't model things that "resolve" more than once very well
Event handlers, websocket messages, etc.
Observables are promise generator streams :D
Observables handle those cases well.
@SterlingArcher yeah that's ridiculous. Everyone see's an easy question and wants to take their shot at the claim to fame.
Know of a good article I can read on observables? All I get when I google for it is garbage about Object.observe
@ndugger define garbage? I've read an article by mozzila
@Lemony-Andrew Garbage as in, Object.observe is no longer a part of the spec, and is therefore garbage
@ndugger That doesn't matter, its still Observable. Right?
the cycle.js intro is pretty good from what I remember
@ndugger Look into RxJS
It absolutely does matter. All these people talk about is implimenting observables with Object.observe, but if it's no longer in the spec, their article is useless
Although I'd admit it's a very large topic
@MadaraUchiha Will do
@ndugger The pollyfills that exist pretty much follow the old spec, so those pages aren't garbage.
@ndugger so you know how events and callbacks were added so you can have multiple listeners when something happens and tie into other libraries using standard, regular names?
@ndugger Object.observe is about reacting to changes on objects. They're not the only thing you can observe
It used to be, you only knew about things you made happen. Then there were crazy message queues and buffers. Then events. Now observables.
We already have things that emit streams of events. AKA every user interaction, sockets, Web Audio stuff etc etc
It makes events more generic, largely. That lets you write code that reacts to standard events in other code.
That means you can fire fake events and nobody needs to know.
@Lemony-Andrew Why would I polyfill deprecated methods? Do I also want to polyfill attachEvent now too? lol
That's just silly
In parallel to events, we had callbacks, then promises, then generators and async.
Each an improvement on async calls.
@ndugger You're looking into observables altogether, arent you? Again, it doesn't matter if the articles are old.
Observables combine generators and events.
@ssube This. Thank you, this is the very small statement I was looking for
So you get named, async, multiple read, loose binding.
Promises only resolve once, generators have a single subscriber.
Observables resolve repeatedly but have multiple subs.
The difference between observables and streams, though, is that observables usually imply "something will eventually happen that you care about" where streams are typically single-thing.
So, is there any good ORM for usage with Node and Postgres? Sequelize?
I use Sequelize, and I like it. @ssube will tell you not to use an ORM, though
What's wrong with using an ORM? I mostly just need to rapidly prototype something
I used an ORM with coldfusion in the past and loved it initially, but then began to hate it as I started needing to do things that the ORM couldn't handle very well.
Just use it; ssube is just really anal about database performance, which is a good thing, but not something I personally care about
yeah performance was another issue i was having with it.
@ndugger Depends on the ORM. Java ORMs, no. They tend to produce bad queries.
We've got one query that ends up joining close to 30 tables, thanks to GORM+Hibernate.
A simpler ORM like Knex or Linq, absolutely. Don't write queries yourself, but don't let the ORM try to infer what you mean.
Tell it what you mean and let it optimize, like a good compiler.
Most of my queries are geolocation based, do ORMs handle those well?
@SterlingArcher .. ping ..
on hangouts
@Abhishrek SterlingArcher is afk: more meetings
@copy bring me my ipad?
@corvid no idea, but check if knex and friends have postgis support
@BadgerCat lol, can I text you on skype ?
@Abhishrek I'm in a meeting
do you have snapchat?
Nope, I do but I forgot what it was probably darkyen
Ping me when you are done.
@udidu Do you really have 4 dogs at the office?
@Abhishrek will get back to you, swamped at work atm
New project standup

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