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I suppose I could start there. The most sad problem is that I don't know what I want: Software dev or Web dev...
@EvanPlaice that and if somehow the time would stop
^ Think small, expand
most of my project ideas end at git init
5-6 per day
was dat the bot, or a person in the bot?
@DemCodeLines Same here, so I treat my web dev projects like software, and develop them in a manner that would be like developing a piece of desktop software.
Then don't start with code. Create a repository that stores notes.
Also, my ideas are generally desktop apps but written in web technologies
which is the trend now (and I like it)
You can create desktop apps with things like Electron, and then you can explore how to do wit in non web languages, like Java, C#, C++, etc
You guys are motivating me, what the heck.
this will end soon, just after git init
I mainly do whatever interest me. Mainly D&D and video games related techs.
and masturbate.js
you, sir, are a man after my own heart
Hi, Morning @All,
I have a very simple question,
I have to make a simple page with 4-5 buttons on it, and rest of the display should be black screen,
So, on click of any button, perticular action should be taken at back-end and it has to send stdout of it and that stdout should be printed on screen,
Can any one telll me how will achive that?
I'm taking a break from side projects, and I almost never want to do one again. I spend way too much time on the computer, and I want to live my life, dammit
fuck. before @Luggage intervene
Or do something like github.com/evanplaice/config to store configurations. Most experienced devs keep a GH repo called 'dotfiles' for that exact reason. Just be careful not to share private ssh keys.
@crl @Lemony-Andrew Fortunately, I can address you both with the same reply. It's a matter of understanding what problem Reactive programming solves. You really don't want to deal with state. State is what creates complexity and works against everything good (like composability). RxJS is letting you declare all the behavior and state of the application all at once. There NEVER is any variable that may have changed that you have to consider in how it may change the application flow and
bugs that may be produced.
All future state is already included and accounted for.
@ndugger I don't understand human. I thought human lives on computer, mobile, and internet. No?
It's just plain to reason about, and you can even store this behavior in a variable and compose it.
@Chirag make a REST api, and bind events to the buttons. Make the buttons with CSS. Then do server stuff
@Sheepy Yes, I do, which is the problem
Sounds like you haven't tried anything, so we won't be able to help much there
$('button').click(function() {
do ajax request here
Imagine how absolutely crappy it would be if you needed to change the UI based on the point that the user has clicked something twice, and 3 different AJAX calls have completed, especially considering that some of them may have failed. That's a lot of state to keep up with. Reactive makes that cakework. You can describe those exact things just like they sound. No state variables needed.
Yes, you are right, @SterlingArcher
Ew, jQuery.
I have never done web designinig so
@EvanPlaice god no
I liked jQuery until I started understanding javascript
@Chirag start with basic tutorials. Learn HTML, learn CSS. Design your page. Then learn basic JavaScript. Do NOT use jQuery until you learn JS, it's where 99% of all failure and bad methology comes from
Well, I could suggest what I've been using lately. Angular2. But that would require an ES6-module loader polyfill, transpiler, build automation, etc...
From there, then start your server stuff (or do it in parallel)
Ok, Thank you @SterlingArcher
Good luck
The only problem with jquery is that newbies learn it before actually learning javascript, and it produces the worst code possible, and then you end up with a million jquery questions that could just be solved by not using jquery.
Otherwise, it in itself is not a bad library
@Lemony-Andrew So, you don't just increment some number because there IS no number. There's just input and output. What comes in is user intent (clicks) and what goes out are numbers (incrementing). So, you're declaring an association of click => +1 and that's it. Nothing to increment. You declare behavior NOT STATE. If the word "state" doesn't make you cringe, then... give it time and write complicated stuff. State = complexity.
jQuery is only useful to me when legacy browser support is required
omg, see? This is what you get when jQuery gets brought up. Every time. :)
Even then, I'd rather just polyfill
Aside from that, I won't use it anymore.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier JS is a gem. Unpolished, but still a precious gem. Unlike PHP which is a cheap stone polished to become a gem...
@ndugger Right, I guess I learned JS long before I ever touched jQuery. So I never had that problem.
@Sheepy are you trying to generate some sort of reaction on my end? :p
@EvanPlaice I definitely had that problem... lol
With pretty much every company investing in machine learning, how come no one has been able to come up with a legit bot that learns from humans and talks back like a human?
My college taught me jQuery before JS. It took months to remove bad habits from that
Jquery just makes life 'easy' when it comes to building simple web pages.
nothing you can't do with js
@Sheepy php.. polished?
it's getting quite polished yeah
@crl since I now believe Reactive programming is hands down the best tool we have, Mithril is outdated to me =D
we even get typehint now
They had to purge Watson's knowledge because it learned from Urban and started swearing lol
@EvanPlaice document.onload = function
jQuery only adds convenience if you don't know the APIs that you already have, which are already easy and convenient
onload... bind event... to function that handles the click... with lots of weird cross browser compatible XMLHttpRequest garbage.
@EvanPlaice Uhhhh..... no
XMLHttpRequest is getting pretty much standard
Yeah, but that's not actually like the computer/robot we see in the sci-fi movies. The ones that can actually behave like humans.
except for old ie versions, iirc
Oh... I honestly haven't used XMLHttpRequest directly since lack of standards was still a huge issue.
If you are on IE9+ (and you better be), then most of the old cross-browser fear is outdated. Not all, but most.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', someUrlHere);
xhr.onload = function (e) {
    // ...
yep, that's the basic. that and define callables for managing the response
@DemCodeLines I think the machine would have to comprehend emotion to act like a human. Emotion drives tone of voice, etc. A machine with emotion is bad
@Luggage Well, I didn't say PHP shines, even after polishing. Even PHP7 can't make it shine...
according to every scifi ever lol
Makes jquery's ajax method seem bloated and silly
Plus, how would you program emotion, let alone the ability to learn it?
@Sheepy Can't polish a turd.
I wouldn't even know where to start on that
@SterlingArcher You don't start on that.
If a computer has the ability to understand normal, everyday conversations between itself and some other human, it will automatically "learn".
@SterlingArcher Well, our brains are just organic computers, so theoretically, one could program a proverbial soul, but I don't think we have the technology to handle that much computation
@EvanPlaice I've seen worse. There are still companies that do classic asp, perl cgi, and even in-house (web) language.
Ewww. I wish you hand't said that.
Made me physically lurch.
ColdFusion AI ftw
lol the hate
@Sheepy don't forget balsamic
> After achieving existence, the AI machine built with ColdFusion promptly committed suicide, stating, "pls"
Hating on CGI and classic asp specifically. PHP at least has continued to improve over the years. Many dedicated turd polishers on that team...
What the heck is "Gujarati"? There's like half a dozen chat rooms with that word in the title, and it's just Indians
@EvanPlaice Indeed :D
Gujarati /ɡʊdʒəˈrɑːti/ (ગુજરાતી Gujarātī [ɡudʒəˈɾɑːt̪i]) is an Indo-Aryan language native to the Indian state of Gujarat. It is part of the greater Indo-European language family. Gujarati is descended from Old Gujarati (circa 1100 – 1500 AD). In India, it is the chief language in the state of Gujarat, as well as an official language in the union territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Gujarati is the language of the Gujjars, who had ruled Rajputana and Punjab. According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 4.5% of the Indian population (1.21 billion according to the 2011 census...
out-googled like a chump
we need a lmgtfy command built in all chats on se
I've never even heard of that till now
really bad (that is, how much we need it)
!!tell FélixGagnon-Grenier google lmgtfy
!!tell FélixGagnon​ google lmgtfy
!!tell FélixGagnon​ google lmgtfy
well are you fucking kidding me now
I was doing the same thing but stopped when I saw the others. :)
Cap didn't like mine anyways
Who's going to take one for the team and tell them to talk in the regular iOS/Android rooms?
no u
She usually needs a smoke break after 2 commands.
We are team JavaScript!
i.imgur.com/BfxvRoE.gifv god could you imagine the traffic jam...
@DemCodeLines Nah, they can have their weird rooms. If SO has issues with it, the mods will step in
lol. me who just started liking the bot in room 11. I know what particular bot I'll be upgrading next time I can't sleep..
HaHa. The 'features' section is comedy gold.
@DemCodeLines Never heard of Donald Trump... or any other non-Clinton candidates...
how similar is Stack Overflow to Nazi Germany?
@QQMusic Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@QQMusic Not very.
aaaaannnnddd... let's tiny that before it answers
Hi All
How to add https in node server using expressjs
I have godadday .key, .crt, bundle.crt files with me.
Any help please??
can we see historical messages in this chat?
@doesnt_matter Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@doesnt_matter yeah scroll to the top and click load older messages
or use the search field top right
@FélixGagnon-Grenier cool!
1 hour later…
Good morning, ladies and gentleman
Anyone use Visual Studio?
Any idea how to make FF open all tabs in a single window when starting multiple projects?
Will aws let me make a free policy if I try to delete mySQL its not supported on free tuer
Or is a traffic policy enough
@rism good question. never started multiple projects...
Ah. Got an SSO app which tries to hit one page (one project) and if not authenticated redirects to a server with a logon page (proj 2). So need to run both. Chrome does it nicely but FF always opens 2 windows cascaded. annoying.
So, this edit was suggested to an answer of mine: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/10956028
At least it got unanimously rejected xD
anyone knows the optimized iframe for youtube videos?
@Cerbrus wat
I want to suggest an edit using just 4 console.log statements now but I can't suggest edits :´(
Yea, 2k+ users can't suggest edits
has anyone worked with the google + api ?
what does it mean to fetch photos from google + for a particular user .
so at teh end of the day I let someone know my password ? :P
What ? A site that just asks you your password ?
All hello
@Niko_D Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DenysSéguret the password problem in effect
Help me please. How i can use - mar-scss?
$colors: (
sexy: #FA6ACC,
glamour: #F02A52,
sky: #09A6E4
.element {
background-color: map-get($colors, sky);
I edit question
1 message moved to Trash can
@Niko_D Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
        Easter Eggs: jeff, correcthorsebatterystaple

        "The guy who made the software was called Jeff Jeffty Jeff. Born on the first of Jeff, nineteen-jeffty-jeff"
That's the first time I see documented" easter eggs...
from where?
This test looks childish, it's mostly the length (and a small dictionnary), it doesn't really teach you anything about the real difficulty of guessing your password
So "hunter" is one of the most used passwords but not "hunter2" ?
css room is empty -> Is possible to add :after background to video to simulate a layer?
@DenysSéguret Apparently "prettyfuckingsecure" would take 6 billion years to crack...
yeah, no..
People should just use password generators in my opinion
@Maurice I don't know. Please tell us.
Ironic or sarcasm?
Seriously, I don't know. Test and tell us.
Ay capitan!
I'm not sure if there's problem with same origin policy when adding a ::after to a foreign div
Some do ":after" and some do "::after". I'm confused ?:-/
it's the same
it's just that "::" is older but works now too
@Maurice ::after is the newer variant to have pseudo elements different than :checked and other state selectors.
@towc Isn't it the other way round?
usually ":" indicates a state on an already existing element, "::" indicated a new "pseudo" element
Okay, I got a video DOM and want to add a black-transparent background. Using "::after" is right?
A: :after vs. ::after

DominicIt's pseudo-class vs pseudo-element distinction. Except for ::first-line, ::first-letter, ::before and ::after (which have been around a little while and you should continue to use single colons for browser support), pseudo-elements require double colons. Pseudo-classes select actual elements ...

@kelunik not sure actually
@Maurice Does background: rgba(0,0,0,.5); not work for videos?
nope. Does not work.
@Maurice use a standard div
@towc yeah, but I thought there is a way without creating a new dom
<div class="layer"></div>
would be the classic way
found the solution: simply put the video DOM into a div (in my case class="background"). Then set the z-index of the video 1 index lower than the parent div is. This creates a layer effect
If you need that layer effect, you can also use opacity: .5; on the video element.
the video element is the background of the page. :)
@DenysSéguret It's not stealing passwords. It even says so!
I'm looking for a module that would compare strings while ignoring differences in characters that are easily misread. Like 0 and O or I and l. I remember seeing it a while ago, but I can't find it anymore :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum ping, got a little time?
is this ok for SO ?
Q: Solution Design Using any available architecture (DDD, ONION or whatever else)

Please TeachI am tasked to develop an reporting service solution by manager, I am able to make it work but end up with following project structure, as I want to make this solution extendable but it looks confusing to myself, - Product.Data -- Domain (This folder has Classes (Entities, Model, POCOs or DTO...

Hm, that github turned into a large meta rather quickly...
@Mathematics: nope, opinion based
@Cerbrus would it be same @programmers SE
@Cerbrus yes, I checked it doesn't (but if I had such a thing, I could serve a different page for chosen targets...)
okay, I deleted it
not sure where can I get help for it then
google would never going to help me for this case
@OliverSalzburg character per character ? Not handling character inversions, missing characters, common typos, etc? This would be very easy to code
Denys, do you have any experience with DDD or application architecture
@DenysSéguret I know it would be easy to code. But if there's an existing solution that's been around for a while, it might consider cases I'm not even aware of yet
@Mathematics is that some kind of breast size ? If it isn't, then no.
@MadaraUchiha very little, sup?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Wanted to discuss that clustering problem with you
Wanted to yesterday evening but drama XD
I'm actually pretty satisfied with the drama yesterday, I think we've made real progress.
@DenysSéguret it#'s a type of architecture
don't think anyone here got any application arch knowledge
@MadaraUchiha you wanna talk about me hashing passwords with me
@DenysSéguret haha
@Mathematics hi?
Domain driven development
We all read that book, we're just not particularly impressed :D
@Mathematics It might also be that when you grow older you find those boring and not very useful. I knew all the cool methodologies 15 years ago
Same here, am just trying to make my solution look less confusing and more practically but it just seems to be possible
I saw an interesting video on it recently that combined DDD + CQRS. Seems very hand wavey.
Anyone have an idea for a good company name?
damn, too slow
Use google or just google?
The Google
@DenysSéguret it's not so important for (more Front End developer or even mix end developer) but I want to be an architect
@DenysSéguret :D
@Mathematics which means approximately bullshit
Da gzoogle
I have a list of a few good company names, I won't of course give you the ones I didn't already use for a company, because I might in the future...
@DenysSéguret no, "Boobs" is not a good company name, you shouldn't use it.
Accepted as valid answer.
(trivia: I founded the French company dystroy)
@FlorianMargaine Can't agree.
@DenysSéguret really?
yes, a very long time ago
I closed it
@Maurice does that look french?
Furry Balls Plopped Menacingly On The Table, Incorporated!
I don't know how french looks like? baguette, frogs?
you know what German looks like though, I hope :)
@Maurice not related
@FlorianMargaine Damn, you win.
1:0 for you
Or, keep it simple. maurice.ly is still available. Go for it!
(or any french guy)
@OliverSalzburg Not for long!!!
@OliverSalzburg yeah, because I can name a external startup company "maurice".
Also, don't call your company based on your name
@Maurice No that'd be lame. Name it "Mauricely"
@MadaraUchiha true. Comes unprofessional
@MadaraUchiha my life in a nutshell
What about the name "Midna", What do you think about it?
Company based on your name is good for local things.
If you're going around fixing PCs then absolutely, use your name.
Yeah it depends on what you want to do
"Midna.com/.de/..." is taken. So I have to think about other names. :D
Won't this question be opinion based too
Q: Clean solution (project) structure with EF, Repositories, Entities

Nazar GargolI like to keep the structure of the project as clean as possible. Sample: --BlogApp.sln --BlogApp.Data BlogModel.edmx (the EF mappings) Post.cs (I end up having partial classes in here with attributes) --BlogApp.Domain --Entities Post.cs (I would like to have my POCO...

Q: What is the best project structure for a Python application?

kbluckImagine that you want to develop a non-trivial end-user desktop (not web) application in Python. What is the best way to structure the project's folder hierarchy? Desirable features are ease of maintenance, IDE-friendliness, suitability for source control branching/merging, and easy generation o...

maybe I posted my question at wrong time
this is my structure. Don't know if good or not...
@Maurice Why wouldn't it be good?
Does it work?
@MadaraUchiha of course it does. replace "know" with "mind"
@Maurice see how easy life is for FE devs :D
Front End 4 Life? (sadly I have to be both) :D
@Mathematics FE can be quite as complicated as back-end. Or even more so.
@RoelvanUden You don't need to tell me. I know both sides. Both are sometimes hard af.
@Maurice Wrong ping, sorry :)
@Maurice If you're talking about the front-end and plan to use web components, then organize by domain.
@RoelvanUden I agree
web components should be self contained for max reusability
The latest generation of SPA frameworks are moving away from the MVC structure (ie organize by-type).
Hashing (alone) is never appropriate for cryptography. But there are times when hashing is sufficient, and security still matters. — Flimzy 2 mins ago
Is that comment as ridiculous as I think it is ?
why on meta people negative vote you for just discussing stuff
Wow. Just saw a 500 rep bounty on js sound that I may be able to answer if it is not going to end in 4 hours...
Q: How to use createPeriodicWave instead of createScriptProcessor and getChannelData

timaschewI found some libraries which do instrument synthesizing with the Web Audio API. One of them (Band.js) uses createOscillator(), in combination with the oscillator type (sine, square, ...) see source. But it sounds too synthetic (example to listen) I want something which sounds more realistic, bu...

Reputation is worthless
I keep away from bounty questions. Most of them are bad, that's why they didn't get any answer. And when I answer, OP usually forgot the question and doesn't even answer to comments.
The bounty system is flawed.
I believe different domains should have different solutions - then using

@DenysSéguret some of them are just hard. I admit I've awarded plenty of bounties and it never helped me get an answer.
The bounty system is flawed IMO. It doesn't help at all.
I got better answer respond with them than with normal questions, curiously.
And I will certainly stay away from Benjamin's bounty questions, just this fact tells me they must be hard XD

- controllers/
- models/
- views/
- controllers/
- models/
- views/

is the suggested model for web component based front-end apps
@MBalajivaishnav Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MadaraUchiha you can actually do things like neoar.es if neoares.com is taken :) for example
@EvanPlaice yes that's what am proposing
@Mathematics Gotcha
they are different domains because they have nothing in common or very least (at least)
The idea for web components, is to optimize for reuse. It's not difficult to just copy a domain directory over to another project. Or, ideally, extract a reusable component to its own repository and install it via an ES6-loader compatible package manager (ex JSPM).
That's exactly how I use <ng2-markdown-component>
@EvanPlaice that's just wrapping for the sake of wrapping.
I often send youtu.be links. Many does not recognize them as youtube.
I think most netizens are trained to separate the TLD and the other parts...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not really, I can version that module separately and reuse it in many projects. Install can be done with jspm install ng2-markdown-component because it's included in the JSPM registry. And I can update it to the latest using the same command.
Only if you're using an Angular 2 project.
The pattern isn't specific to NG2 web components. It should be applicable to all custom web components.
ES6 will include an official module standard for JS, so loading 3rd party modules is going to be much easier going forward.
I’m using jquery infinite scroll in my magento installation. The page loads quite fine. But when i scroll down, where additional products are supposed to be shown, it shows an error in console. Here is the error description:

Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: {“status”:”SUCCESS”,”viewpanel”:”Complete 2nd Page Code here” on jquery.min.js(line 4)
I literally hate it, when people take piss on meta and DV for no apparent reason
You can install a non NG2-specific markdown web component here. That's what I based the NG2-specific model on.
@BoopathiRajan Some code is feeding jQuery this text when it is supposed to be, say, a selector, html, css, xml, json, etc. We won't know why; you will have to debug the code.
Do I have to create an ec2 instance to host a website
@Sheepy okay thank you
I'm booting red hat from a piece of tin foil
@GettingNifty No. You can get a DigitalOcean droplet for pretty cheap and deploy via a Docker container.
Or, if it's a static-only site you can host it directly from Amazon S3 for super cheap.
I use S3 to host evanplaice.com
Syncing to a bucket can be done easily using grunt-aws-s3
I have my hosted zones set up and I keep having to wait 24-48 hours. Can u give me a general run down of the modules I need to configure? I had s3 roite53 all correct fixed permissions, today launched ububtu instance... And yesterday added a traffic policy that points to the endpoint, so I have my endpoint and ns records right.. But I keep getting no server found, I have two buckets hravyevil.gq and www sub domain and unhosted log domain
Three* buckets... And my domain says active and when I click on manage DNS it says zone not active
Once I get it configured I'm going to move it to a better domain and pay for it
If you're hosting directly from the S3 bucket you need to set the bucket permissions so everybody has list and view permissions. Then enable static website hosting on the bucket
I'm hosting a SPA so I have a auto redirect setup to reroute all requests to index.html
For Route 53 I create an A record. Then select alias, when you click on the text field it should list available buckets to point the record to.
Also, create an empty www.hravyevil.gq bucket that redirects to the hravyevil.gq bucket.
can any body answer my question please
OK I've done all of that so far I will just have to wait I guess
But I changed the permissions to what you said

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