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Reach around, eh?
@monners reach around sounds like a positive thing to me
@monners who is that by ?
@phenomnomnominal I suppose it's the least an online advertiser can do
arrayBuffer.length -> undefined
it still logs as ArrayBuffer, wtf ?
@monners lmao
It finally works !
:D :D
Can I make this instruction $scope.sum = calcFactory.getSum($scope.a, $scope.b); asynchronous so that subsequent instructions get executed in angularJS controller?
i_i what ?
@rlemon hah!
Does browser allow multiple threads of computation to execute above code getSum?
@overexchange getting a sum in multile thread ?
what are you even trying to do
well you can use webworkers if you want.
Anybody knows an http benchmarking tool that works on windows ?
Are those yours?
Are they evil? The one on the left looks evil.
can input file (multiple) be delete certain files ?
Both are big babies
if i choose 2 file from my computer and i wanna to delete one of them , isit possible without upload to server ?
why did you de-paw them?
like your pets to stay put do you?
They wouldn't be indoor cats otherwise, and wouldn't be with me. Since both are rescues then neither would have homes
i'll swap you these two pillows for your eight feet. deal? meow!
Sure. I'll swap you your invalid feeling of justice trying to make me out to be a bad person for two dead cats otherwise. Happy?
well I've still got both feet, so yes. very happy thanks ;)
I have no regret declawing my cats, just like I have no regret fixing them. They are happy and healthy and if you wanna sit over there and judge me so be it.
and I now look at the pic and realize you mean they look like they have no legs
oh, i think we're talking about different things.
I assumed you were one of those freaks who attacks people who have indoor cats and declaw them
my bad :P
^^ nah, i said de-paw. lol
de-paw could be someone trying to say de-claw if they didn't know english fully.
damn interwebs
sorry, didn't mean to snap
I've been attacked before for it
all good.
like, "fuck you" kinda feeling now. my cats would be dead if I didn't take them in. I couldn't keep them if they destroyed all of my shit
sacrifices were made by all. we are all now happy.
really for declawing?
@rlemon Sensitive much? :P
if you have to have an indoor cat, I'm not against it.
if I lived in the country I'd have a cat that could go outdoors.
if they want to keep their paws they can get a job too imho
but cars and kids are assholes
My last cat was a rescue, and an indoor cat. Best cat I've ever owned. He was awesome
my first cat was days old, from a farmer. just dropped them off at the petsmart in a basket and said "Deal with it"
to pay for all the stuff they rip up.
second cat was ~7mo old, mid winter, emancipated and frozen
took him months to open up to us, but he'd be frozen in a snow bank otherwise.
Didn't have my cat declawed, but we went through a shitload of scratching posts. Seriously, there's nothing more terrifying than waking up to freshly sharpened claws massaging your back.
I've had outdoor cats before, didn't declaw them
@rlemon You're gonna turn into a cat lady
but indoor cats I have no ill feelings towards it.
I had outdoor cats before, they kept getting hit by cars
the cat didn't ask for his nuts to be chopped off, but we are okay with that. If I were a cat I'd take my balls over my finger tips 11/10
@monners which is why in the city I have indoor only cats :/
or summer time + supervised in the back yard
... or winter time open the door and let them out for the luls :P
> ..... OOO OUTSIDE!!!! YES!!! .... WTF IS THIS!!..... yea I'm going back to the sofa..
the one I found outside in the winter wants nothing to do with the outdoors.
@rlemon I put my cat on a leash once. He freaked the fuck out and ran back inside
you've got fur. get out there!!
the farm kitty (who is now 9 years old) tries to get out
once she gets out she freaks out at the size of it all and runs back inside
She sounds like a developer
well, sometimes she'll sit on the cement steps and roll in them. I think she likes the cement
but yea, the one on the left is max 4 years old.
The evil one?
he's a big suck. doesn't show himself to anyone but myself or the GF
he's the one we found outdoors.
Right. Evil.
missing half his teeth (might be why he looks evil)
Nah, it's the eyes
right one is the fat lazy one, my sucky.
that not evil monners, that's smug.
Actually, they've both got pretty awesome coloring
he's like "im sweet, got my spot, thanks, when's dinner?"
I think he (left) is probably the most beautiful cat I've ever owned.
she (right) is like the other 4 cats I've had in my life
I'm going to tell here you said that
ohh she is my baby
In my experience male cats are a hell of a lot more chill than female cats #suchIsLife
she was the one who was days old when the farmer dropped them off
@monners he is actually more active, but also more needy for attention
she's more concerned about food.
Keyboard invaders
actually not a bad photo, all the tones match
was that just a snap or did you set it up?
went to get a beer, came back upstairs and they took over the cushions
snapped it before they took off
@rlemon this happens to me all the time
oh. nvm.
ic wat yew did there
ahh the adventures of Florida Man
@SterlingArcher That face reminds me of yours. Sorry.
@rlemon epic beard, bro
i can't tell if it's real or not
4 hours later…
is there anybody with BackBone and Marionette experience here?
Could anyone explain what for are plugins like newer and similar to it for grunt/gulp. Usually used for file selection/filtering out. e.g. tasks: ['newer:jshint:all']. I did read about plugins and what for are they used, but when using I didn't find and difference, to not using them.
TrendMicro makes it possible for random websites to execute shell commands: code.google.com/p/google-security-research/issues/detail?id=693
that entire thread is golden
good morning room 17
> TrendMicro helpfully adds a self-signed https certificate for localhost to the trust store, so you don't need to click through any security errors.
> I happened to notice that the /api/showSB endpoint will spawn an ancient build of Chromium (version 41) with --disable-sandbox. To add insult to injury, they append "(Secure Browser)" to the UserAgent.
> So this means, anyone on the internet can steal all of your passwords completely silently, as well as execute arbitrary code with zero user interaction. I really hope the gravity of this is clear to you, because I'm astonished about this.
morn. Is there anybody who have experience with react + flux/utils + es6 ?
Windows update this morning... Visual studio stopped being able to build my projects... Goddamnit
@AwalGarg I'm amazed that people willingly install anti-virus. The alternative is probably better.
Apparently, the whole "C:/Documents and Settings" folder has been moved around -.-
Can't understand how properly calculate state in flux container
criticisms for go (the language). Start.
How do I call parent's version of a fucntion from overridden one?
@khajvah Assuming this is Backbone, you can call it via its prototype
@ivarni It's Marionette.
Same thing then
So I should do this.prototype.render(), right(for render's case)?
@Cerbrus never used VS for JS
I don't think it works this way
Another question: how do I access the prototype of an object? this.prototype doesn't work.
@khajvah this.constructor.prototype
Or this.__proto__
prototype.render.apply(this) worked. Thanks
@MadaraUchiha is this.__proto__ specific to Backbone?
@khajvah Nope.
@khajvah I'd do Marionette.View.prototype.render.apply(this) instead as it makes it a bit clearer what function is being invoked
Especially since Marionette views are in a class hierarchy
@ivarni yeah, thanks. This solution looks good.
"I want to render 1000 d3.js charts, but my browser is crapping it's pants" (link)
OP just needs a (much) better computer ;)
@Cerbrus You mean computers in 2016 don't have infinite memory and processing power?
Tell me it isn't so!
Oh, @MadaraUchiha!
Just who we need
Q: How to deal with serial tag-only edits from Sub 2k users?

MagischI was reviewing Suggested Edits today and came across a good 10 reviews in a row with tag only edits from a single user Example Now at first I thought, okay nothing suspicious. But I quickly realised this guy was just re-tagging a bunch of questions with the c++builder tag. I rejected some of h...

There's this guy suggesting about 5 edits per minute, at the moment
All "Add tag to question"
@MadaraUchiha: I updated my answer on the 1k charts a bit :P
nginx is bullshit, doesn't even have an elseif
@crl I guess that's why everyone use it :P
I struggle to add cors
People rarely use if statements in ngninx
@khajvah They do use nginx though :P
yeah, a lot
just wanted to improve enable-cors.org/server_nginx.html
@crl oh I have the same configuration, again with ifs only
@khajvah here's an example: jsbin.com/wekudu/edit?html,js,output and here's my nginx conf:
anyone in england interested in a hackaton in Reading this weekend?
@crl I used the same snippet but had to make some changes, as it wasn't working by default.
can you give me some hints, the idea is to make cors work for all locations
I don't get it
@crl What's not working?
cors, (the jsbin above ^ )
@crl Your JS has some problems
@khajvah the proxy is woeking fine example: vps144972.ovh.net/so/questions/34738694/…
@khajvah no, it's valid
what browser you have?
@crl FF
oh damn hoisting ok
Let me try to find my configuration. It is in one of my servers
jsfiddle.net/crl/svmw93a8/1 sorry, now it's working on FF, and jsbin is shitting
@crl y u know set header allow get and post from connection? :D
@khajvah also it's not due to google, since jsfiddle.net/crl/svmw93a8/2 isn't working too
@crl so it works for / as expected
but when the location changes, it doesn't work
it doesn't go to / block
I've just added the headers to all locations
did you restart nignx? Can I check now?
vpaste.net/UhfYf yes restarted
* reload, but now restart to make sure too :)
now vps144972.ovh.net/so/questions/34738694/… isn't working with the above conf when just adding the headers... man it's stupid
@crl everyting returns 404
yes, damn nginx...
my suggestion is to control urls from a web app
this might be proxy_pass issue
proxy_pass is not working with headers
there is proxy_set_header directive. Try that.
well I'm stupid the cors problem isn't with the proxied site, but just with te server
@crl the problem is that you are using proxy_pass
/ location works just as expected. using a proxy requires some other stuff.
yes I guess
@crl Try asking in serverfault
there you go
Default: proxy_pass_request_headers on; // meh it's on by default
@crl I guess that's for sending headers to the server. You want to append additional fields to the server's response
hmm right
but proxy_set_header pass it to the proxied site on the request ,not after the response
making a serverfault question
How can i set default value to select options using Typescript?
DOM.value ? -> Each HTML element where a value="" can be setted, can be called by .value. This works with each other attribute
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's the same with his actions on Code Review, he went out of line and personally insulted me once on one of my answers
@Maurize I am binding dropdown dynamically
Maybe you should share your code with us.
@crl Before that. Try putting proxy_pass url on top of ifs
sure I am using Jade and typescript
getUserMedia Api no longer work, do anyone have alternative?
each item in subjects
option #{item.name}

This is code for Jade
set the value attribute @RonakBhatt
is ng-control some kind of new thing introduced in Angular2? or am i misunderstanding
 this.buildEngineForm = this.fb.group({
        subjects: ["", Validators.required]
Thanks, Dan, for repeating me. If he did not accept my answer he will definitely accept yours.
Yes it is introduced in angular 2
no no.. not like that
@Maurize No problem! do you have any other snarky comments you'd like to throw my way or is that all?
@DanPantry @Maurize this way if i do.. i am getting blank in dropdownlist
@RonakBhatt please create a fiddle on jsfiddle.net to reproduce the error.
@RonakBhatt Have you seen this?
i am not getting any errot but sure will create it.. sorry i forgot
in angular 1.X, this occurs because you aren't using ng-options; just creating <option> elements doesn't allow Angular to model-bind correctly, so the selected value when you open the dialog will be <option value='? undefined ?'></option>.
@khajvah hehe thanks I've tried everything, I hope someone will find the problem serverfault.com/questions/748421/set-cors-headers-on-nginx thanks a lot
Your angular 1.X analogue would look like this, @RonakBhatt...
@DanPantry i am working with angular 2.0 not 1.x
<select ng-options='subject in subjects' ng-model='...'>
I'm aware, but there is a similar analogue in Angular 2.0.
Take a look at the link I gave you.. you'll want NgSelectOption and NgFor.
You can select the initially selected value using NgModel - Set the initially selected value in the component.
yea i have not taken *ng-for except that i have taken each
because i am using it with jade files
You're using Jade to populate your views, which won't work....
Jade is rendered on the server side by a preprocessor
By the time it reaches Angular, your subjects will already be built
Guys, I am having a problem with backbone
for every request, it reloads the entire application
is Angular 2.0 ok for production although in beta, i mean the code i write today wont need to be rewritten so it can run in the stable version when its ready, right?
further, the each in Jade isn't compatible with NgSelectOption in Angular because, like I said earlier, you need to use NgSelectOption with *ngFor for it to model bind correctly.
@GeoPhoenix I wouldn't recommend using it in production yet, no.
Any code you write in the currently Angular 1.X can be 'upgraded' to work in Angular 2.0, so don't worry about it unless you want to live on the bleeding edge.
@crl Aren't you only adding the CORS header to / ?
@BenFortune I don't really know what I'm doing :), yes, I'd like to add those headers for any request
At the very least, @RonakBhatt, you'll need to use NgModel for your binding to work correctly.
So while using constructor we are assigning validation as you saw in above code it won't work?
The above code i shared is under constructor
:28071465 even
}); // isn't working, so it shows there' s a real problem
with those damn headers
@crl btw, / works for google right now
Q: What is the difference between angularJS and nodeJS?

Chintan GoswamiWhat is the exact difference between angularJS and node.js? I just know that angularJS is working in front-end where node.js is used for back-end purpose that's it!! Is there any more difference between these JS??

Dear lord.
@crl If you're using proxy_pass, there's a chance it's passing the headers from so/google too.
as I said, you just had to put ifs after proxy_pass
@khajvah in the browser address bar yes it works
but in JS does it?
@crl yes
not in my browsrs (just tested Chrme and FF)
I just ran it locally
did you test it from a console under a google domain?
@crl I included your script from an index.html
and just opened it
function ajax (url, meth, body, headers) {
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhr.open(meth || 'GET', url);
  return new Promise(function (resolve) {
    xhr.onload = function () {
If I run that in the console, it doesn't work
let's try in a .html
yes me too
@FlorianMargaine because that's redirected url. The original one works
@DanPantry you idiot. It is copied and I've added reference because this. stackoverflow.com/a/33425737/3119231
@khajvah xhr follows redirects
hmm let me add a gfr proxying google.fr but I agree with Florian ^
Right, so I'm getting a ton of negative feedback for overexchange, I think we might just ban him from the room altogether although I'm not sure how/if that can be done automatically.
Maybe we should teach caprica to autokick users :D What a terrible idea.
I don't mind him personally, you can ignore him when necessary
Just mute him?
though I suppose as an RO muting users isn't a terribly good idea
@FlorianMargaine take a look at the screenshot. The first one is the original url
@BenjaminGruenbaum Didn't you have something like that before with the muting? :P
@khajvah I've changed it to proxy_pass stackoverflow.com on location / (and then add headers)
@BenjaminGruenbaum ROs can do that, in the access tab of the chat page
You can change him to not be able to speak
@crl Well, CORS headers work.
@Maurize Can you do anything other than act like you have a massive stick up your ass? You open your answer with "we don't usually like help vampires, but you're new".. and then throw in a plagiarised answer?
@crl But it redirects to SO itself after, so it's not using your proxy any more.
never mind the fact that in that answer you didnt' credit the original author as the helpdesk says - you just provided a link to his answer
hmm ok, so I'll need to add headers to the response, normally it should do that
@crl You don't get the response. Every time I request from your server, it makes two requests.
so I'm screwed :) ok well those servers aren't meant to be requested like that
oh my god. I won't discuss with someone I don't know. And this is how much fucks I give on your comments or annoying messages ->
@crl The second one is SO or Google themselves.
it works for sites like api.something.com, that don't do other redirects flushing headers
You can control that but I guess, proxy_pass is not the way of doing it.
@crl Yeah
how you think? (google and so were just tests, but I was curious to know why it didn't work, thanks a lot)
@crl You can do it from a web app.
Is this similiar to the notifications on android?
Push notifications, yes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum see my ping in hangouts
Could be useful in cordova
Though use this one instead.
Ben, what are the main differences?
The one you linked isn't in the W3C standard and is only supported on FF
Thank you, Mr. Fortune.
@FlorianMargaine yes, but.. not working with google and SO main sites, they do a trick
@crl There should be a way of modifying the returned redirection url but I am not sure if nginx does that.
yea the way is to do it with an app (a more programmable thing than nginx :))
if there's a Location header in the response, change the url to your host
@FlorianMargaine nice idea
nice. Nginx is cool again.
Guys, I have a prject with require.js that has lots of files. Is there a way of grouping all(or some) those files into one minified js?
wow thanks. that was fast
@DanPantry hey thank you for your help
can anyone look at the verbose output of the curl command behind a proxy and tell me what went wrong: gist.github.com/anonymous/f5b0be893321c8973fdb#file-curl-txt
@deostroll https://dl/google.com/
I am trying to use passport authorize .. passportjs.org/docs/authorize but the callback goes to ` app.get("/auth/facebook/callback"` instead of app.get('/connect/facebook/callback'
var classes = {
    base: 'js-read-more',
    isClosed: this.base + '--is-closed',
    isTransition: this.base + '--is-transition'
is it possible to achieve what I am trying to do here?
Is there a rule/guideline against editing the solution into a bug fixed question here on SO?
I know using this and classes doesn't work, just returns undefined
@Quill Answers to questions should be posted as answers and not edited into the question, at least in my opinion
Not sure if there's an explicit rule about it
I'm not asking opinion, I'm asking rule
and particularly using someone's answer to fix the bug, so you add the fixed code into the question
var classes = {
    base: 'js-read-more',
    get isClosed() {
    	return this.base + '--is-closed';
    get isTransition() {
    	return this.base + '--is-transition';
@Billy ^
never seen the get syntax before, thanks!
but, as these are static values, would it be more efficient to do something like
var base = 'js-read-more',
    classes = {
        base: base,
        isClosed: base + '--is-closed'
Not really.
You don't have to call it as a method, you can still do classes.isClosed
But it's still a dynamic function, right? Which is great if you need it, but surely slightly less efficient?
I know that the difference is more than likely negligible
functions are always dynamic
I like the get method more, but with more lines and possibly slight extra overhead for no real benefit, my noodle is telling me to use the other method :P
The benefit is that it works...
So does the second method I posted :p
Ideally I did want to keep base inside classes, just to reduce scope pollution, but it's no biggie really
But you're introducing an external variable that you don't need. It doesn't really tie in with the object.
Yep. It's that vs. more verbose code with extra overhead; both have identical functionality in my use case
Well what if you want to change base?
Dynamically? In this use case, I don't
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't think he "harms" room quality, but he spins up discussions needlessly for sure. My solution was tiny avataring him, and I suggest others to do the same.
he was struggling for things, not need to push him down (< that wold be actual trolling) (ignoring is fine)

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