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I just fixed it. I'm recloning my repo to make sure it runs simply with npm install
@SterlingArcher I'm tempted to write myself a puppet/vagrant/something to do that daily
package.json shouldn't be under root ownership
I mean I own it now
spin a new development vm, clone my stuff
make sure it's all clean
@ssube Because that's why
@Trasiva set up a rule so if there are two arrows consecutively, the padding/margin is shrunk
@ssube That's zero padding.
@Trasiva negative margin
That's how material design works for Google icons.
there are a million ways to do that with css
just suck em together
...why did I not think of negative margin.
@Trasiva because you're a nooob
Yay my repo is perfect <3 clone, npm install, babel-node server
that's it
So cool
@SterlingArcher now set that up in travis
@phenomnomnominal Don't you have a sheep that needs some attention?
tf is travis?
@SterlingArcher travis-ci.org
it's a build server
@Trasiva nope, already fucked them all today
I think I will go with these homedepot.ca/en/home/…
@rlemon Holy shit 12lb/gallon what are you cooking?!
Mercury lol
@ssube maybe later lol I figured at some point I'd just write a shell script that creates an ubuntu user/mysql etc, then starts the server
But deployment isn't on my mind. I've spend a lot of effort already and I'm not even working on actual game play xD
@Jhawins 55lbs of liquid and ~15lbs for the weight of the carboy.
Hell I still have to design the game page. The one you saw was just a landing page :(
design is the boring part
@SterlingArcher CI isn't deploy
@rlemon Damn your math is perfect and this angers me
CI just checks out your code and runs your unit tests, which you should write alongside the code
@Jhawins doing fish tanks, I know off the top of my head how much water weighs.
CD pushes it out somewhere
I've never written a unit test in my entire life
salt water being like a lb per us gallon heavier
@rlemon 8lb/gallon, no?
Well I know it's ~8lb/gallon
@ssube closer to ten
I know gasoline is 6 lol cause that's something I would know
but again, I'm basing my math on salt water.
I -1lb for fresh
@SterlingArcher then you should probably put down the wiener and start doing code right
or go liters, 1L is 2.2lbs
@SterlingArcher PUT. DOWN. THE WIENER.
pick up the mocha
the perfect hot dog
that looks delicious
you don't even need all of that for server-side stuff
needs a few hot peppers
but otherwise.
but seriously man, write unit tests and hook up lint before you get into the code
it will save your ass at some point
!!youtube can't stop rhcp
@ssube how is unit testing with React? Have you done it yet
I like to put a bit of mayo on the buns before the wiener goes in
How will that save my ass? I don't even understand what that's doing
@Jhawins haven't used React for a big project yet
Ah ok
@SterlingArcher running unit tests
Well you should report back with your findings, curious over here.
Is that like not even JS or something? jesus
@Jhawins going to start with it this week, both on a work thing and a game I'm working on at home
@SterlingArcher it's js...
is nobody going to comment on how close my previous message came to being a reference to Kendall's mum?
I don't know unit testing. I dont know what it does, I don't know why, who, how etc
@SterlingArcher it's really simple.
Doesn't look simple
IUt's like reading english until the code
@SterlingArcher you write a test that calls some function (unit). You give it a parameter and make sure the result is what you expect. It tests each unit to make sure it meets the contract (expectations).
real men let their clients do the testing for them
  it('should store params', () => { // name the test
    let params = {foo: 3}; // run the test
    let app = new MainApp(params); // run the test
    expect(app.params).to.equal(params); // run the test
You'll have a few good tests (good params, valid output), a few bad tests (bad params, correct errors), etc
It's all javascript lol. I've never done unit testing or read much about it but it seems fairly intuitive to me.
I don't see myself unit testing lol
when I worked QA I was anal about tests. passionate about every little test case.. now that I'm mostly dev I don't unit test :/ ironic isn't it
I assume expect to be something along the lines of expect(expected, actual) { return expected === actual}
@SterlingArcher you write code, right?
@Jhawins it's a fluent builder type deal, but close
I breathe it
I live it
I am it
if you're writing code, you should be writing tests
it takes like 10 minutes to set up
and then you run them before you commit and have a vague idea if your commit will break everything
Eh. I have enough on my plate to learn as is
tests are for squares
they're kind of useful
I'll get to it someday
@Jhawins for what it's worth, I write all my tests with mocha and plain ol' assert.
So yeah @SterlingArcher look at the function body, you assign the params you have and then send them along with your expected params to a function that sees if they're equal (more-or-less)
I find that dsls for assertions are mostly a painful way to write obvious code.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I went back and forth until I started using promises heavily, then expect(foo).to.eventually... became really convenient.
@ssube Until Mocha got promises support
Now it's exactly as easy as synchronous test.
async/await your tests
@ndugger fuck async await
what the hell? Everybody loves async/await!!!!
Your opinions are disturbing
it doesn't belong in the language
yes it does
I want to actually know when something will be async
Is there a way to make this ignore lib code?
 it('should store params', async () => { // name the test
    let params = {foo: 3};
    let app = await MainApp.async(params); // promise test
    assert.equal(app.params, params); // check assertions
@SterlingArcher don't include your lib code
@BenjaminGruenbaum I stole the code out of @ssube's repo for example. I don't do testing
protip: ssube doesn't like anything that's good, he's just a grumpy curmudgeon
@ssube am I not supposed to anyways?
@ssube that's exactly what async/await does - it's an explicit way to know when something is async (you're literally writing "async" in front of it)
@SterlingArcher you're never supposed to include libs in the repo
So what's the convention for that?
Libs belong in your package.json
Your .gitignore includes node_modules
@SterlingArcher gitignore your node_modules directory. If it's not a node module, pull it from a CDN.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I really don't like the syntax for that. Much prefer promises.
Are they installed via npm or is it up to the forker to put them in?
I thought CDNs were bad for production
CDNs are vital for production
When you install a package it will come with only the src, then be built, then you have the lib locally
async await uses promises, it's just sugar over chaining them
@ssube it doesn't replace promises, it supplements them with syntax sugar - much like => and function() {} or function F(x) {this.x = x; } F.prototype.foo = ... and classes.
@ndugger I'm aware of what it is.
no more .then().then().then().then()
I don't like the inline syntax.
@SterlingArcher basically the convention is compiled code doesn't go in the repo.
you're weird
Prefer the builder-esque chaining.
No really, why?
Because the source to build said code is already there lol
How many people do you think can implement the most trivial promise combinators correctly (like .all)?
Compare that to the number of people who can code a for loop.
@BenjaminGruenbaum few hundred, prolly
Are you talking about dart? (mm, nevermind, doesn't seem like it)
@ssube @phenomnomnominal Yep, that did the job, thanks.
Promises are a DSL, having DSLs is a good shim for stuff - but async needs language syntax because it's a core thing to do in JS.
I like the explicit callback pattern. Not entirely sure why.
Not nested callbacks and nodebacks, mind. Those are poor design.
But a single chain with then is pretty nice. await gets weird.
await > then, and if you disagree, your username is ssube
@SomeKittens what's the best version of Batarang these days?
i know
keep up with the times, ken
did you preorder one
@BenjaminGruenbaum what practical benefits does async/await have over promises right now?
@ssube then is a DSL. I'll go farther and say I would have preferred async/await to land much sooner and to have non-monadic (non chaining) promises.
Freylo Ken
then don't you fucking tell ME to keep up
14 mins ago, by ndugger
I like to put a bit of mayo on the buns before the wiener goes in
@ssube you have asynchronous code but it requires exactly the same skills as writing synchronous code. To put it simply - you can return the response from an AJAX call trivially.
I like the monadic promises, they fit well into functional code.
You don't have alternative looping constructs, error handling constructs etc.
@ndugger you suck at life
@ssube using CDNs then
Cleaned up my repo lol
I really like how dart has the .. operator, which pretty much just retrieves the last object that was used with .. in the current instruction. AKA

..append('how are you?');

Would call append twice on element. So functions don't have to return this to be chained.
@KendallFrey lol, that was totes out of context.
Oh wait you totally started with that, I was just assuming this was another "why is my code not working!" lol, sorry.
@Benjamin Yeah. That's one of my favorite things about it.
My issue with CDNs... what if they go down?
@JacqueGoupil So Perl's $_ basically :D
@SterlingArcher then the internet is down and you're fucked anyway
cdns don't go down..?
@SterlingArcher if cloudflare goes down you're mostly screwed anyway. You can have fallbacks though (we do).
they're, at least, multicasted
if cloudflare and google are both down, you won't be hearing about it because the lights will be off and airplanes will be falling out of the sky
@JacqueGoupil I mostly want a this shorthand like in CoffeeScript. Although .. is a nice idea, I think Hack stole it (the idea).
@ssube hopefully!
@BenjaminGruenbaum I want a?.b
@phenomnomnominal back when those fancy method were a thing, I wrote a library for that
then they got rid of the infix methods :(
or postfix or foofix or whatever
@phenomnomnominal you just want :: let's be honest.
@ssube abstract refs aren't dead yet :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum but my heart is
@BenjaminGruenbaum that too
@ssube lol this is likely true
even if they come back, I won't love them like I used to
they've been gone too long
I want to be able to do something like this::{ foo, bar } = passedInObj for setting properties of an object as properties of another object
lmao, they actually changed it to "this binding syntax", <3 zenparsing.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that proposal is the bane of my github notifications
@ssube you're very lucky lol :D
p.sure the whole thing will fall apart if they go with the prefix notation
foo::bar is going to go further than ::foo.bar
makes more sense with the rest of the language
So I put in my package.json dependencies that SourceUndead needs skeleton.css, normalize.css and font-awesome?
that is fugggggly
Won't npm try to install those
@SterlingArcher yep
(are they even installable?)
they should be on npm
@SterlingArcher You shouldn't need to manually edit your package.json, just FYI
@SterlingArcher well, you had to install them to get them into package.json, so... yeah?
--save adds it automatically
@SterlingArcher yes they are
I didn't npm install skeleton --save, I didn't know you could do that
and do what @Jhawins suggested. Its the best thing ever.
@SterlingArcher Just do it again but this time with --save
And then look at your package.json it will add it
You would manually edit it if you needed a specific version or something
I aliased it nis = npm install --save packageName and nus npm uninstall --save packageName
never touch your package.json manually
Unless you are writing description ?
Unless you need a specific version...
except for updating version numbers
Or can you do that with an npm command too? There's be no reason to prefer one over the other.
npm install thing --SE
@Jhawins I know --save, I just didn't know css libraries were NPM packages
yeah all of those things can be done with npm commands.
@ndugger updates have a command
or --DE more often
@ssube what about scripts? Do you add those with an npm command?
lmao I just found the es-pipeline-operator proposal
pretty sure specific numbers do too
Aside from editting my repo URL i havent touched my package
@BenjaminGruenbaum is that the |> one?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, I saw that
lmao, such terrible examples
that's just a bad proposal
Also |> is much less ergonomic to type than ::
bad feature, too
@BenjaminGruenbaum make up your mind with strings :P
pipeline as a side-effect of adding binding, sure
oh, you just modified the example
It's a code sample from the home page @phenomnomnominal
forgiven :P
|> looks so much cooler than :: tho
nah, I like the double colon
gimme a 8=> operator
much better
@SterlingArcher link ?
@SterlingArcher I hate that you break up your imports
@SterlingArcher totally unwanted but use PEN stack instead of MEN Stack.
import foo from 'foo';
const bar = foo();
import thing from 'otherThings';
Nuuuu I already have MySQL setup
I like MySQL. I know it well
@SterlingArcher if you like it, you don't know it well
@rlemon you prefer chaining them? Gross
Plus I like saying I'm using the MEN stack
all imports have to be at the very top of the file; IIRC, having the const there in between two imports is invalid
@Jhawins no, I prefer organizing my import statements together
@SterlingArcher github.com/RUJodan/SourceUndead/blob/master/routes/login.js#L32 always return promises from then and spread even if you don't chain off it.
Gross because syntax error lol
I destroyed VIS :-/
@rlemon I know :P
by adding the cordova things in the same repo :-(
(although java's color is so perfect : the color of shit)
@BenjaminGruenbaum you mean return bcrypt.compareAsync?
@SterlingArcher ya
once you're async, there's no going back
@BenjaminGruenbaum but why?
once you go babel, you never go back
@SterlingArcher so you can never forget code you put at the bottom by mistake, and also to chain off things more cleanly
I'm literally only using babel for import
@SterlingArcher the fuck man
use JN stack, pure front JS + node + some db eventually
omg what now
@ssube before I started with the canvas version I worked on something jsfiddle.net/testopia/ovu9da90/1 before I cancel working on this jsfiddle could you tell me why the horizontal scrollbar if I set the wrapper to 100%? The divs are absolutely positioned
@SterlingArcher at least use block-scoping variables and classes
!!youtube jenny nothing more
@Asperger create.style.position = 'fixed';
@ssube those are supported by node --harmony
import export/destructuring requires babel
@SterlingArcher then don't use babel, just run node with --harmony-modules
@BenFortune ya that does it but how can this be fixed with position absolute?
then carry on for now
but we'll get you in the future
Also, can someone confirm/deny; I thought it was invalid to have ANYTHING before an import other than other imports. example: jordan's code where he has a chunk of imports, then some random code, and then another chunk of imports.
async functions, destructuring, decorators, lots of cool things in babel
Babel used to throw an error on that
"Use babel, oh you don't need babel, ffs use babel, dude why are you using babel?"
I hate you all lol
Don't listen to ssube; just use babel
use classes
I will cut you
@BenFortune I mean I dont want the stuff to move while scrolling, would be weird.
use let/const
use babel
use babel
use promises, or if you have to, async/await
use babel if your runtime doesn't support those
I'm going to have a mental breakdown
@ssube classes are in v8
use alcohol
keep calm and use babel
It's like a flock of seagulls screaming babel at me
@ssube const/let, classes, etc I'm using
It's shockingly good code quality for me
I actually don't use babel much in the backend.
Thanks to @rlemon routing module, I have a kickass routing foundation
For the frontend I get it for free with React anyway so why not.
In the backend I'd rather get better errors.
I use it more in the back end than in the front end; classes make more sense to me on the server, where you don't have to slit your wrists in sacrifice to the DOM gods
@SterlingArcher then tests should be pretty easy
@BenjaminGruenbaum sourcemaps?
Code so good I don't need unit tests
@SterlingArcher good code makes unit tests cheap
@ssube meh, those never really work that cleanly.
@SterlingArcher I have a new trick for writing unit tests.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've had pretty good luck on the backend
@BenjaminGruenbaum is it by not writing them?
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol get @Mosho to write them?
lol, @Mosho doesn't write tests except for the code he publishes on GH :D
using webpack to produce the lib actually made it easier to set up unit tests
Not sure if to cry or not
made entry points a little tricky
@SterlingArcher PR
tests are like going to the dentist after 3 years of brushing irregularly
@SterlingArcher whenever you get stuck debugging something - remind yourself "why the f didn't I write unit tests, why the f didn't I write unit tests, why the f didn't I write unit tests, I could be having a beer now, but I didn't write unit tests, I could have left work at 6pm and not 10pm but I didn't write unit tests." and so on.
I swear to god if it's another dick PR
You get the point.
the sooner you start writing tests, the easier they'll be
just having tests forces you to avoid some code smells
import express from "express";
const router = express.Router();
import bcrypt from "bcryptjs";
import {login} from "../lib/posts";
import Promise from "bluebird";
I really don't wanna PR every file
group your damn imports
I made a PR that turns the repo into the old repo that he deleted a half hour ago lmao
@Jhawins you son of a bitch
@rlemon I thought that was invalid ES anyways... I thought all imports had to be before anything else... Babel used to throw an error over that
Babel is smart. Be like babel.
Q: Matching Anything But a Newline - Javascript

Ishu nandaThe dot (.) matches anything (except for a newline). Note: If you want to match (.) in the test string, you need to escape the dot by using a slash .. In JavaScript and Java, use \. instead of .. Task You have a test string S. Your task is to match the pattern xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx where x denotes...

hey look a really really bad question
@ndugger I can't find anything to say it is invalid
in the spec
RU chode an
can't think of a reason NOT to only include them at the top though
so Ryan Reynolds apparently tweed this about the new Deadpool romcom 'branding'
Ken Doll
apparently it is a plot to get more wives and girlfriends to see it with the men
so fucking good
@Jhawins god dammit stop opening pull requests!
@SterlingArcher Can Doll Fry ?
@rlemon that's great
@SterlingArcher Hahaha JUST. DO IT!
and totally appropriate for deadpool
from reddit: "IT WORKS!"
Hahaha wow
@rlemon That's awesome
Lest we forgot my first PR
@BenjaminGruenbaum >=(
they's trollin
Why didn't you merge?
^ +1 on that PR
@rlemon so proud
@rlemon link?

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