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@SterlingArcher sup bro?
@crl babies always taste better
what a sexy freaking desk.
but $2000 :(
@rlemon nice shank you got there.
@rlemon form design brah. Always fun. Got a huge demo today for my project, and I'm behind because I got pulled off for another project
@SterlingArcher forms are the worst
@Shmiddty Forms are easy af
Web development would be so much easier without UI
@Failsafe === boring af
no one said you had to enjoy your job
murica did
boring === tedious
anything css related I'd rather get someone else to do
I'm actually pretty proud of my designs for this particular project. It's very smooth
it's like web design and web development are different jobs
Oh holy shit, how did I not know Drowning Pool released a new song
!!youtube by the blood drowning pool
@Shmiddty standing desk bro
I need a standing desk
@rlemon who needs to stand when you can lay down?
gonna be taking cap down in a few while I re-arrange my office
she went down over the holidays because windows decided to install updates
blame MS
for a second I read "cap" as "crap"
That guys face says "I've heard of HTML"
what I really want is this
but boss won't let me
@SterlingArcher haha
rlemon evolved into rhamster
@rlemon hamster standing desk?
hell yea
omg @Neoares just discovered rlemon's porn name
@rlemon why?
my porn name is also my indian name; "runs with wood".
I want that:
it's only a life savings
nah jk, I prefer to bike normally
guys, stop showing me stupid desks.
I don't want to sit
sitting while working is lame
but.. it's a saddle
what if you could rollerblade across the city and work
like the movie Hackers
@Failsafe we already have a @Cereal [killer]
They asked why, and they said fuck you, why not
I could do an aquarium desk
use my cpu as the aquarium heater :D
> 8 days later
you play a game, and hop, you get fried fish
> ... Guys help I fried all my fish.
!!afk moving shit around my office... which means cap will be down and this command is pointless.
@KendallFrey crank up new Cap plz
do me
i mean it
do it
beer!>new Date()
@crl "2016-01-04T15:21:14.807Z"
@rlemon am I a movie hacker now?
Mmm, I'm not sure how I should implement this. I have a canvas based app which uses keyboard shortcuts, but I don't want to break shortcuts on text fields in the rest of the page. Capturing keyboard events on the canvas doesn't work in old IE (not focusable, can't be). What do?
event listener on the canvas? oh you don't hae to care of old IE
@JacqueGoupil focus/blur events on canvas? if focus, capture, otherwise, don't.
a canvas wrapper with the event listener?
Guys, the webscale, it is destroying everything
beer!urban webscale
@crl webscale Having enough bandwidth or capacity to serve millions of concurrent users.
meh, not fun
Isn't webscale the reason NoSQL is the hotness
I think it's just a keyword as "synergy" or "initiative" is to business
@SterlingArcher no
nosql is nice because you don't need a structured database, migrations, etc
people hate writing schemas
But transactional interactions are so much more manageable, even if less scalable :\
nosql can totally be transactional (pretty sure postgres is)
@ssube lol MySQL and just keep adding columns xD
@ssube postgres isn't nosql though
How does NoSQL work for complex data?
It stores it
Do you still join stuff
Postgres is NoSQL? I thought they just had JSON support. I really wish I could use Postgres :\
@MadaraUchiha it's got that whole thing that can secretly replace mongo
@ton.yeung What's acid supposed to mean in this context?
postgresql is sql
postgre is NjSQL (not just)
@crl Hmm, it seems the issue is that you can't get focus on click on elements which are not normally focusable (non inputs). A wrapper won't fix this.
What benefits does Postgre offer over MySQL?
@JacqueGoupil fiddle it
@SterlingArcher one million times faster
I'm using the MEAN stack for SourceUndead, but I'll consider changing the stack up
@crl will do
@ssube Using postgres like that is basically like using Java and have everything be Object and Object[].
I may drop angular too
better sharding/splitting
Isn't NoSQL just "not only SQL"? How is "NjSQL" supposed to be different?
It can be made to work, and even work well, but meh.
I really need to dive into Postgres though.
@MadaraUchiha nah dude, postgres has a whole suite of document-store stuff, like their GIS plugins
@SterlingArcher purely preference in my case, it just feels sturdy
@SterlingArcher It's more sane.
A lot more sane.
postgres is a lot more strict and does less magic than mysql
In type conversion, in constraint violation, etc.
it does a few things (plus plugins) very well and ignores all the easy-to-use stuff that oracle threw into mysql
"easy to use" meaning case-insensitivity that breaks every other program
So I guess I'll either the MEN or PEN stack next lol
for me, the main positive thing of postgres is the plugins
especially GIS
@MadaraUchiha not sure if you've seen it, but postgres takes nosql seriously enough they have a whole syntax subset for it: withouttheloop.com/articles/2014-09-30-postgresql-nosql
@SterlingArcher Inheritance and triggers
MySQL has triggers too
Doesn't it have all those transactional statements?
@ssube Interesting
@SterlingArcher bro, if you're ever in chicago: shawscrabhouse.com/sunday-brunch
@rlemon that ohiodesign link timeouts always at me :/
fresh seafood brunch <3
@SterlingArcher Now im hungry...
@SterlingArcher Yeah, but pg can notify connected clients of database events
I really need to dive into Postgres and start using it more regularly.
I need to get off my lazy ass and start the many projects I have backed up.
Yo dudes :) , any of you guys here have any opinions on freecodecamp?
I got into it by swapping our tools mysql for a postgres, migrating the data, and going from there.
it's a video ?
shhh shh, just enjoy it
@SterlingArcher The gif looks like shit
Video looks good tho
You guys suck
Are you guys all working JS developers?
ugh, sitting... like a bloody commoner
@ConorB bah, developers
@ConorB not all of us are strictly JS developers for work
I am, but several here are not
@rlemon welcome to the plebs
@ConorB I do web development
that means everything from .net to other stacks
Sorry, I should have specified working developers that use JS or some tech related to it as part of their stack
I don't think i've used a stack that doesn't involve js somehow
Mmm, it seems my issue is actually somewhere else, it actually works fine in fiddle. I assumed it was a tabindex thing for some reason.
My work stack is about 90% JS, 8% CSS/HTML, and 2% command line
That sounds glorious
My old job was much more distributed.
@SterlingArcher when you say 90% JS what libraries/frameworks?
40% ColdFusion, 30% jQuery, 10% MSSQL, and 20% HTML/CSS
Angular and vanilla
@SterlingArcher none of those are real things
the fact that you mentioned CF gave me ptsd
holy shit
I developed ColdFusion for 2 years ;) I'm the rooms go-to guy for CFM lol
same here
had to upgrade from cf9 to cf10 recently
like 70 applications
Nick always pings me when somebody has a CF question here -_-
it sucks to be that guy
I'd say 80% JS, 10% HTML/CSS, 5% PHP, 5% MSSQL
And when I say JS and PHP, I mean without framework.
i cannot determine my work stack because i'm a QA kiddie :/
temporary desk
Ew. I had to use 3 different versions... 7, 8, and 9. All on different servers, because fuck me that's why
@rlemon get a mouse pad
@KarelG that's because QA doesn't do any work, duh
@rlemon MFW only 3 monitors lol
I have only two, and one of them is a laptop.
@Failsafe other two don't fit on the desk
@rlemon where's the mini CMD monitor? That little guy was so cute :D
@ssube * ahem *
@rlemon get rid of those screens that you only use to see the time, it's already displayed on your laptop
@KarelG you know you don't
that's why you get arms, put them in portrait mode and use terminal on them
so i get paid by doing nothing. Nice :D
@Cereal it's somewhere
that's why everybody wants to be a tester for something
behind me is still boxes full of the old office crap
poke around all day, report obvious bugs, don't actually dig in
whelp, it's an interesting job. But sometimes i have "wtf" moments because the dev wrote a dirty snippet fe ... Or unclearable ... or messy
devs get work, you get paid, customers still get shit. The status quo is unchanged and nobody is upset.
@ssube as someone who worked sqa for 5 years, qa is very under appreciated and does a lot more work than people think.
other thing i have to do is scheduling the employers work times.
@rlemon in a good QA team, yeah. Not here. :(
well then don't smack talk all QA :P
@rlemon As a person who did QA for a year, i am never doing it again and will quit any job that tells me to do it
@rlemon but generalizations
@Failsafe QA is fun if you approach it right
this is america, we're all about generalizing
without generals, how would we bomb other places to get our oil back?
@rlemon It's too late im already jaded
@ton.yeung lol
hello, is this the right chatroom for questions regarding meteorJs and testing?
@SterlingArcher I have a notebook just like that
QA tests the product, unit tests test the code
i love it
I love my notebook
@Ronin testing, yes. meteor, no, we all hate it or have never used it.
@SterlingArcher did you make sure the fields have source association yet?
why do u hate it
heh, i only have a laptop as workplatform... i have a desk with extra screens but i don't use it
Would the primarily JS focused stack people here have any advice for a soon-to-be graduate of comp sci with one internship under his belt getting a job with such a stack?
corvid is the only one to use keep using meteor and only because he doesn't listen
@rlemon what?
@ConorB there isn't one. The tech depends on what you're using it for.
My desk. Not pictured: Espresso machine on the right
@rlemon look what I cooked yesterday
@ssube we also provide unit test targets btw. Then the devs don't have to focus a lot on these expectations
Philly cheese steak dip (from imgur)
ok guys, tell me more about why u don't like meteor
@KarelG how do you know what the unit tests can test? QA doesn't see the code
@Ronin because it killed the nice lady in Deep Impact
larger tests (functional/integration) I can see QA getting involved with
@Ronin not many if any at all use meteor here
im thinking about bringing my steelseries kana and razer BW chroma to work
@ssube you don't allow black and white box testing for your QA?
how many people will want to kill me at the end of the first day
@Ronin it's over-encompassing (tries to do everything, does it poorly), has a bunch of security problems, and is slow (to work with)
It's not that we hate it, most of us just don't use it
what are the alternatives?
This room mainly likes to focus on raw JS, and if it's not cancer, jQuery
alternatives on meteor pls
@rlemon QA gets the product reqs and the product, but no source
@Ronin JS?
@ssube sounds like the big problem is your company's views on what SQA should do.. not SQA as a whole.
yea but u dont want to do all by yourself, you want to use a framework, right?
@rlemon oh yeah
@Ronin you use some libraries that do what you need, where you need. Templates, MVC, data access, etc.
@rlemon what do you mean source association?!?!
Using one giant framework that does "everything" is almost always a bad idea.
That page has been open since november xD yes I did create the field association
I'm doing my yearly Java update
angular is only for the view right?
@Ronin nope
@Ronin no
we are involved in the requirement analysis. it leads to UML stuff with unit testing targets. Like you have x income in this class method, and expects y results. The work is being distributed in parts.

If the dev has written his part of the code, and all tests succeeds, the code comes to us.

We do our final job if all parts gets done. This is done in different phases
angular (and friends) are MVC, then you get something for data
@ssube so u can use angular for the backend as well?
that's really all you need
@SterlingArcher windows. Not cool.
@Ronin no, that's a web server of some sort.
Angular handles how data is presented to the user
with angular u usually have some REST-api in the backend, if I'm not mistaken, and u use angular for the frontend
@FlorianMargaine most of the devs here use Windows, and I typically use what the majority uses so that I'm not stuck because of an OS compat issue
I do miss the apple chicklet keyboard though
@Ronin usually, yep
getting the data and manipulating it is a different thing
that's intentional
@SterlingArcher Oh my, how did you do the icon tab thing in chrome?
The idea about using Angular is that templating is done on the client.
@FlorianMargaine Psh Windows is the coolest
in fact for the last month I used Win98 more than any other OS
12 secs ago, by Florian Margaine
user image
@BenFortune those are my pinned tabs :D
Nvm found it, pin tab
Why have I never used this?
Calendar, drive, email, JS chat, and Meta SE chat
so what do most devs here use for the backend? java? node?
@BenFortune pinned tabs are great
web api
@BenFortune SO chat has been pinned forever
if you close chrome and reopen, it will reopen those pinned tabs as well
@Ronin depends on the app, but it's always a REST-ish API
Can you still get the title notifications with pinned tabs?
@Cereal : do you have a personal espresso machine ? :p
@Ronin my works back end is Java. I have most experience in Java, ColdFusion, PHP nad NodeJS
@KarelG Yop
no, no title notifications :/
the point of SOAP/REST is you don't care what the backend is written in
It feeds my caffeine addiction
@BenFortune unfortunately no
@BenFortune sort of
@Loktar inorite? :/ indeed
but pinned tabs look super cute
so that's all that matters
... I'd use Python, Dart, NodeJS or even C# before Java. And I want to get rid of PHP. I hate it.
@SterlingArcher do you drink a lot
@Cereal nice. And what do the co-workers think of that? That you're awesome ?
@Failsafe I do, why do you ask?
@BenFortune If you mouseover.. lol
@JacqueGoupil PHP is bad, but Python for a website isn't necessarily better...
mh but isnt it more complicated than if u just go with meteor? cuz u dont need to worry about a backend, u already have all in one. I'm reading a book about meteor and doing my first project, sounds like u can do things really easier than using a "manually built" stack
Oh yeah, I've also used Python. Love python
you guys should use desktop notifications for SO chat anyway
@SterlingArcher your list of languages led me to that conclusion
CFML(java) for old shit, node.js for new projects
@Ronin no. Meteor and other "solve everything for you" frameworks tend to cause more problems in the long run.
@ssube Well, I've never used python on the web, but I like Python's design principles.
@ssube ?
I no longer use Java/CFM/PHP, I simply know them now at this point in life
oh well, php. I don't like it
I use NodeJS and Python mostly
You can spin up a MEAN stack just as quickly as Meteor
@ton.yeung firebug memleak ?
all node all the time for me
well, that is a lie
@FlorianMargaine never had good experience with python HTTP stuff
but like 90% of the time
client or server, actually
@rlemon did you heard I'm going to redo SourceUndead?
@ssube using it at work, wsgi stuff, it's fine
@SterlingArcher yes
Once I get some time (after work, I have a spare hour)

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