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@DenysSéguret just ran a very shitty test on chrome console and it isn't babels fault
for..of isn't implemented very fast native
of course
for-of: 93758.786ms

for: 3.503ms
looping over 1000 items
@rlemon babel produces a special loop with a try catch when I write for of. What makes it slow is the for of (on an array)
I taught myself the basics of Git, GitHub, and Node.js over the weekend...long overdue.
changed my test
for-of: 1.151ms
for: 2.622ms
instead of creating a new variable inside of the loop I just push the value off to a new array
now for-of wins
I'm bad at writing performance tests :D
@rlemon The thing is you're not using babel. Babel changes my for-of to this kind of thing:
                    try {
                        for (var _iterator = this.defects[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = _iterator.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
                            var defect = _step.value;
The try is the reason it's slow, I think
I keep running the test and it keep going back and fourth
I give up
it lets me use a cleaner code (for loops can be tedious) and is compatible with old browsers but it should not be used where performance matters
and yea, I know I'm not using babel, I'm just fucking around now and trying to figure out why my results are changing
@rlemon yeah technically my holiday was last week (I worked 3 days though) but we have friday off for new years
@SterlingArcher LAME
ON :p
@SterlingArcher in other news, I bought two turtles. donatello and raphael are their names. cept donatello is a chick. :P
Turtles or tortoises?
red eared sliders
!!wiki red eared slider
The red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans), also known as the red-eared terrapin, is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of the pond slider. It is the most popular pet turtle in the United States and is also popular as a pet in the rest of the world. It has, therefore, become the most commonly-traded turtle in the world. It is native to the southern United States and northern Mexico, but has become established in other places because of pet releases, and has become an invasive species in many areas, where it outcompetes native species. The red-eared slider...
it's a tortle then, or a turtoise (semi-aquatic)
Oh ok so it can swim
yea I have a large tank for them in the winter, and they can go in the pond in the summer
Now all you need is a rat, some pizza and I guess.. toxic waste
I've been watching The Flash and The Arrow on netflix. So fucking good
gf watches those
a turtle would be pretty nice, how much did you approx. spend on the tank?
Also started watching Jessica Jones but couldn't really get into it
@SterlingArcher is the Flash even worth it? saw one or two episodes on TV and it was just bad
Jessica Jones is brilliant pretty good though, just finished the season
@GNi33 I watched it because it ties into The Arrow nicely, and I'm really enjoying it
I like the character. He's a good feel actor. Nerdy, quirky and makes you grin
@GNi33 had the tank from before. so nothing :P but if you wanted to do a turtle setup (and have the space) I would go with a 50-60 gallon tank (~200L) tank. you don't fill it all of the way, they need a resting area and a heat lamp as well as deeper water (2-3X their width) to swim in
ofc you see people put them in smaller tanks.. but please don't
420 helpful flags
Watch this movie. Don't listen to the 5/10 on imdb, it has 4.5 stars on netflix
@GNi33 I suppose you could get away with something like this: gumtree.com/p/pet-equipment-accessories/… for the first bit
but turtles grow pretty large.
yeah, I've been looking at some that can reach 60cm or so
so I'd definitely go for a bigger than "minimum" setup anyways
the one I bought is going to (realistically) grow to be about 9-11 inches
I like to look after my animals
the female will likely reach closer to 11, while the male maybe will get to be 7-8
I just happen to have a lot of tanks on hand, so I can migrate them from smaller to larger tanks with no cost.
right now they are in a 40L small tank while they get used to me and the food and shit
but today or tomorrow they go into a 100L, then into a 200L once they've grown a bit more
sadly when I moved most of my saltwater fish / corals didn't survive :/
@SterlingArcher lets do it
starting in 3....
fucking ad
starting in 5...
lol no ad for me, i puased for you
okay GO!!!
that back flop was majestic
I've seen the peen rocket before
Can I reasonnably make a CMS that doesn't support IE? (all versions), my wysiwyg would work a lot with document.execCommand('insertHTML', ..) but not supported on Ie (document.queryCommandSupported('insertHTML')//false
> I love helmets!
would support Chrome, Firefox, Edge
10/10 would wear again
happy Monday after a holiday
oh the big girl on the bull lol
how was that going to end well
I rode a bull not last weekend but the weekend before
@crl fun fact: IE has better support for triggering actions than most other browsers.
I did well, but it was one of those cheap plastic ones that you can't grip
who sets their damn hat on fire
i've seen that before as well
it does something well at least (other bug of chrome: code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=572683)
legit cringed at the cray fish
You wanna keep it and pee on it?
well now
I wanna live!
@AwalGarg triggering intensifies
oh man the double tap with the soccer ball lol
hey you read that esdiscuss therad
everyone should read it, because that guy is right
hate the JSC people for not listening to him :(
@SterlingArcher half of these were on /r/idiotsfightingthings
I haven't seen Chewbacca getting arrested lol
I died
slow cops are slow
Is there a better way of doing timers other than setting variables with the amount of time then subtracting from them with the setInterval function
Not really
here I wrote up an example jsbin.com/nofeganajo/edit?html,js,output
theres not a better way of doing that?
if I wanted to stop that timer though, would I pass as an arg through the clearInterval function? or would I have to save the set interval function into a var and pass that in.
Im new to workign with time and setinterval
set the interval to a variable, it will return an id. then clearInterval(intervalVariable) to stop it
the setInterval does its cycles in milliseconds. Yours 600 means 600 miliseconds
to cycle it each second, pick 1000 instead
@rlemon @Jhawins lol wow
ahhha thats what I thought sterling archer thanks
alright thanks for the tip karelG
the cycle of life
I snorted hard. That poor bear was so scared
hey towatercloset :) (jk don't take itbad)
Am I just a noob or do programmers make concepts sound more difficult than they should be because of their word salad usage?
I'll just have to go there btw
!!urban salad
@crl salad a polite way of saying sex
I'm holding back tears and I'm in a meeting
Dear lord baby jesus, pray for that poor rat
oh my god lol amazing
jsbin.com/nofeganajo/edit?html,js,output I gave the setInterval function an intervalID however when I pass it to clearInterval and hit stop, nothing happens, when I want it to stop.
!!> stop
@crl "stop"
@Laere "var stopTimer = ..."
so you've created a new stopTimer variable and set its scope to the function you are in
the clearInterval is looking at an entirely different variable.
man I suck at JS
if you used console.log you'd see: ReferenceError: stopTimer is not defined
nahh, just don't redeclare the variable with var
I always forget about the console too
@crl I didn't see that error :P
He's paraphrasing? :P
he has stopTimer defined in the global scope
there is no console error here
he just redefines in within another scope (which he shouldn't do)
simply dropping the var inside of the setTimer function would solve it
(in stopTime)
mmm, dat global scope
wewt, he's currently busy with his changes. i'm not a fast tracker
well I was trying to go off the MDn example for clearInterval
mustve looked at it wrong cause it ddint worrk here
@Laere and that is all fine. there is nothing wrong with your code except the erroneous use of var
o man.. see your code
you're defining the stopHandler inside the startHandler, ok not anymore
@crl ??
no, both listener functions are defined inside of an iife
tbh I really haven't learned how to not pollute the global namespace with vars
if there are betters ways to do it please point me where I can learn that
i just wanna learn to do things right
and now you're not affecting stopTimer, so that's normal you can't stop it
quick and simple
one approach
Thanks relmon I see now. But is there a way to not have to globally declare variables and still have things work?
I keep hearing the same mantra "polluting the global namespace is b ad"
wrap it in an object ?
fadeIn and FadeIn are the same @DenysSéguret — Salim 18 mins ago
Hu ?
!!> var stop = function() {console.log('stop', stop.ref)}; stop.ref=12; stop();
@crl "TypeError: this is undefined"
Do people alias $.fn.fadeIn as $.fn.FadeIn ? Or what ?
chrome accepts my shit code
@crl "undefined" Logged: stop,12
@DenysSéguret You don't have jQuery in your ignore list yet?
@MadaraUchiha Hey, jQuery is the only thing I know, how do you imagine I got this rep ?
that's actually pretty cool
@DenysSéguret Sounds like a great time to learn something new :P
@DenysSéguret Also, congrats on your recent 3000th answer on
@GNi33 sweet!
@MadaraUchiha Oh thanks, I hadn't looked at those numbers much
Top 5 artists:

1. Amity Affliction - 2621 Streams
2. blessthefall - 1343 Streams
3. Hopes Die Last - 1017 Streams
4. Asking Alexandrai - 907 Streams
5. I See Stars - 906 Streams
@DenysSéguret i'm curious too ...
@SterlingArcher I listen to at least 8 hours of music/week just commuting
I listen to music constantly at work lol
@SterlingArcher Same
is that spotify?
where can I see my stats
It says my most played song in a single day was played 24 times lol
!!youtube case 67 till the last breath
this song xD
7 mins ago, by GNi33
@SterlingArcher https://yearinmusic.spotify.com
@SterlingArcher haha, wow. I'm lacking with 25.000 there
I don't listen on Spotify all the time though.
I'm all about spootifu
The music I like isn't in spotify.
Also, there's no Spotify in Israel.
i was searching for the opposite word of "peak of a graph" ... google fu gave me "valley" or "base" or "dip" ? can someone help me ?
@KarelG local minimum
or absolute minimum
is there no other term for that ? A peak is the local maximum
"valley" is the nomenclature I'm familiar with
gotcha use "dips"
why would you use peak for anyway? what type of graphs?
@crl Any sort of graph
Can be a sales graph, performance graph, stress, requests
i'm analyzing performance of some algorithms
for most graphs we use maximum/minimum
I'd say either "dips" or "valleys"
a peak infers something 'thin', in a short time lapse
> Rising peaks and troughs can be seen easily on a chart by recognizing the higher peaks, or tops, and higher troughs, or bottoms, creating the uptrend. source
never heard of that word ... keh
yeah, trough (pronounced troff) can be used as well
I love the English language
it's so quirky
I can't get enough
I listened to so much Killswitch
90 close reviews away from a gold badge
@SterlingArcher : i saw this on FP, and there is a name of that person as first comment. It has a lot dots. But some comments were strange, so i googled that name. That's surely a trap :P
nsfw how?
it's a person with big breasts, but in bikini. That's not for work :p
it's a trap
@SterlingArcher requesting immediate help
Q: How to Fetch Serial Number from Android Mobile Browser using Java Scripting which will be from web application source running in mobile browser

harikrishnanI can able to find UniqueId,Serial,IMEI,OS and IP Address from Android Mobile Native Application. But, I could not able to find the above device information via mobile browser app, which will be from web application source running in mobile browser. Note: I reffered many links, regarding this,...

@Abhishrek potentially able to help
@harikrishnan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
just check hangouts
11k minutes on spotify and I had 3 accounts
Does nobody here have over 52 thousand minutes of music listened to this year? lol
@rlemon .. germany
Why is this hilarious to me
because it's a ridiculous response to an action with a 3 minute delay
Oh shit, I lost a knife fight. I'd better go and hunt the guy down and stab him IRL
it's way better than waiting literally 3 minutes for the next round
or less
Seriously though, wtf
someone could help me to find the source code of Array.prototype.indexOf here? GH search sucks
k thanks
updated link to correct line number
pretty long for that function :)
it's just weird that indexOf wasn't defined in JS until so late in its life span
!!> var x=[]; x[5]=2; x.indexOf(2)
@crl -1
@crl 5
@ShotgunNinja there was String.prototype.indexOf
Anyone have experience with any small projects that helped you learn closures/callbacks
I feel like I need to really get closures/callbacks under my belt, but not sure where to begin.
@FlorianMargaine yeah...
@Laere screw callbacks, learn promises
closures should flow pretty naturally from that
heard of promises but never looked them up
my goal is be able to use closures/callbacks in a new project instead of just creating 200 functions you know?
@Laere Promise me that you will.
I just wanna learn functional programming
@Laere Callbacks won't help you there.
why not?
jsbin.com/jotakoxeda/edit?js,console,output this is something that I want to understand better, and how to use
It's small but it's a closure from my understanding
Try to follow this rule: Every function you write must accept values as parameters, and return a value as result. Also, try your best to not change any values you pass in.
That's a good rule of thumb to follow when starting with FP

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