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@rlemon yeah but this is a lot more obscure than reddit
@AwalGarg Are prototypes then essentially the base level of Javascript, in terms of programming? I see that all types (String, Object, ect..) have .prototype. But you can't go deeper into another 'prototype' on those. You also can't seem to just type in 'prototype' into the console by itself
The fact that they were wearing tactical gear is a little disturbing, not to mention they got away...lol.
@BenFortune Oh, nice! Thanks
Tactical gear isn't hard to come by
@monners It's from 2010, it's waaaay more popular now though
I'd triple the rate
True, but it shows your commitment to the cause.
I think firing the gun is commitment enough..
So we're still not under 24 hours, but getting close
I am bored, some good JS book can explain this with enough dearth sorry :(
I wonder if that takes into account single player mode, and zombies
@SterlingArcher just gave them a weird impression of us lmfao before I left
Okay, sorry! Thank you for the help thus far!
Fuck sake, literally just bought some new wireless headphones yesterday
@SterlingArcher lol yeah, but a shooter in street clothes is not as scary as a shooter in fatigues
Which aren't very comfortable, but I've opened them and can't return them :c
Eh, typically highly trained people don't just go on random shootings
I wanna find a good way to store app specific user preferences in a fault proof way under the linux system.
@BenFortune Whats so good about them
Plus, terror organizations tend to claim responsibility quickly
@Jhawins I have the wired ones which are amazing
why is .config so much full of shit
Quality is great, very comfortable too.
I just wanted wireless
> This man has an ego. When Trump bangs a supermodel he closes his eyes and imagines he's jerking off.
Those orange ones look mint
@KarelG In the US, when you go to the emergency department, they run a bunch of tests and evaluate your symptoms. If you're sick enough, they admit you to the hospital, if not, they send you home.
@SterlingArcher If they are terrorists then that's bad news for US.
no shit lol
@SterlingArcher they have pills for that
As sick as it sounds, let's hope the shooters were Americans gone rogue.
oh, fun story of the day
@BenFortune Nice. Decent specs too. I bought some Bose SoundTrue recently and have been loving them but I need some over-ear soon
Had my mind blown yesterday when I got a .NET project that had been built to run on the latest version's cross-platform framework. Running .NET from the console in OSX... It just feels wrong
you know, sometimes you have to give suppositories to babies
that's the word, right?
the thing to put in the anus
Did Robin poop on you?
if you mean a pill, yes, that's the word.
well. I was putting one in, pushing with my finger, and at some point it went all the way back.
@Jhawins Beyerdynamics. You'll never go back
@BadgerCat that's called "triage" and it's something normally reserved for war wounds.
Yeah. I have a friend who says "suppository" when he means "repository", which always makes me laugh.
@Jhawins philips.co.uk/c-p/SHB3185BK_00/bluetooth-headset These are the ones I just bought. Need to mod the top with padding or something
@BadgerCat yes, some of it went on my finger indeed
@FlorianMargaine god no not here
Pushing to the git suppository
@monners Ooh German
Just grab my suppository
He's not a coder, so I'm thinking it's more likely he says something like "a suppository of knowledge"
hello everyone
I have these right now
@monners Good news everyone, it's a suppository!
@Jhawins I don't like earphones, they never have any bass
@Retsam I pronounce analyze "Anal eyes" just to throw people off. Its fun.
@Trasiva Read that in his voice :D
My comp sci professor laughed at me when I pronounced "cache" as "ca-shay".
@FlorianMargaine nice, I'm definitely not ready for that
read that in his voice too...
@Retsam Cache Rules Everything Around Me
I dunno whose voice I'm supposed to read it in so I read it in Morgan Freeman's voice.
@BadgerCat meh, it's fun
I used to pronounce it as "catch-ey"
Morgan Freeman Now, let's not get hasty here, everyone just sit down, relax, and chill out.
@KendallFrey Professor Farnsworth from Futurama.
@Retsam my chinese friend pronounces it like that haha
ah yes of course
@BenFortune These ones do!! So do my Sony XtraBass ones, they have a ported enclosure even.
@Nick triggered
@BadgerCat it's funny how anything out of your baby isn't disgusting at all... whether it's poop, vomit, buttons, whatever
@BenCraig but I get enough bass from my 1ohm CompR in the truck xD.
Just make Nazi jokes; Nazis are the one group of people you can shoot, use as villains, and make jokes about and nobody gets offended.
@BadgerCat ask me to do that for anyone and I'm outta here
Don't need to bump everywhere
@FlorianMargaine buttons?
I have a lot to learn about babies
@KendallFrey maybe that's not the right word.
Just in time for the poop talk
pimple looks like the right word
You seem to be all about poop these days @FlorianMargaine
@Zirak What's your favorite consistency?
If you know...where can I see the latest changes made by stackoverflow's website?
@Zirak well, who isn't?
@BenFortune Consistent until the end
@Jhawins ????
@BenCraig I think he meant to ping me :P
@MadaraUchiha I like how sbi didn't answer the question and changed topic (sorta)
ahh, makes more sense
@FlorianMargaine, @Abhishrek Thanks
It's pretty negligible, but great fun
@Jhawins Pffht, busting my balls when I'm just pointing something out. C'mon now.
I'm sure those guys are good at C++ but they're not the only C++ pros on the entire site...
@Retsam fuck
@BenCraig The sub in my truck. It is teh best kicker makes in it's class lol my rear-view mirror didn't fall off but the corners of it have cracked... Nothing is even attached to the corners lol
@Retsam I laughed*
@Zirak yup. That's the feeling when doing small contributions to big projects.
@Trasiva I just wanted to fit in :O
you also know that it's going to be used by a lot of people, so that's nice.
Except that it took like two weeks for the commit to get merged
@Jhawins I got something you can fit in.
@Trasiva no honestly I wanted to do it first before one of those guys started berating you thinking you thought they were exactly the same
!!api first or not?
@AwalGarg api first
@Jhawins Oh, I was instigating Puppy.
@Zirak kernel commit was faster
@Trasiva Your van?
Can someone help me find the documentation for Ng-filter for non-array expressions ? The docs in here is for array(!) only , but there is a sample in here for non-array ....help?
@BenFortune I just got it detailed too.
So I'm working on the company's new timeclock, and I realized that luckily I'm an honest person because otherwise I could just code something into it where it tacked on extra time for every hour I worked.
@FlorianMargaine when are you going to send us a new pic?
@BadgerCat I have to :(
But on the same note, I'm gonna have to do some security thing in here so people who think they're clever can't change their shit with js.
what is the name for the class of functions like map, reduce, fold, etc.?
that's funny lol
@user2066880 array functions?
@user2066880 higher order functions?
Meh... Nothing good will come from it
kick him too
@SterlingArcher Right?
Any recommendations for what I should use to minify and obfuscate my js?
I didn't want to bring it up myself because I know it would just incite everything up again
So glad you did.
@AmericanSlime You should write pre-minified code, ask @towc about it
@AmericanSlime uglify
LMFAO @towc just a joke about old times :P
@Jhawins no offense received ;)
@KendallFrey Not sure if serious?
@AmericanSlime Serious.
!!tell AmericanSlime google uglify js
@BadgerCat ahh yep higher order functions. thanks
@AmericanSlime You need to run stuff on the server, not obfuscate your client-side code
!!tell MadaraUchiha nukeitfromorbit
@MadaraUchiha You know you want to, go ahead. nudge
@MadaraUchiha Thank you...will look into it.
Whenever I see the word obfuscate, my whole body just cringes
One of my favorite bumper stickers is "eschew obfuscation"
@rlemon me IRL
@copy Could you give an example? I don't want my clients being able to mess with my js.
@AmericanSlime You can't prevent that, you have to put the code on the server
Any client-side code should be assumed to be insecure and that people can, and will, mess with it.
@Jhawins thankyou
@BadgerCat I bet Copy just loves that too.
I just struggled to hook up my phone as a wifi hotspot to my laptop to get a 'desktop' gui
took too long
@rlemon My phone doesn't mind running the full site. Everything works fine pretty much
@Trasiva Not when I throw things off his desk
@Jhawins yea but I have stubby thumbs
hard to hit the tiny icons
I understand that you can't trust client data and it needs to be checked on the server, but I also want the client having a hard time to even mess with the data. I only knew about the minifying and "obfuscating". Is there something more I should be doing on their end? Or maybe I don't understand the technology enough.
@BadgerCat Really? I had fun the last time a woman cleared my desk.
@Zirak that's nice. Looks like it takes a lot from paredit
Maybe if I had a server that used JS I could move the code around, hmmm.
Where is @ziGi ?
Good god
Accidentally entered 1000 hours on my timecard
you're rich!
leave it.
Oh shit, just remembered Just Cause 3 is out
@SomeKittens I'll need more than that :/
@KendallFrey I could live very comfortably on a thousand hours of pay....IF I WAS HOURLY.
A thousand hours would last me a while, but only because my expenses are so low
hourly -> salary -> hourly. You strat off hourly, get a nice salary job, then go contractor.
1000 * 100 = happy Kittens
Salary is better
@Nick Depends how much you work.
I need help getting text data from a pastebin: pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Wxxr2aFp to a string. The javascript file is local. I heard that I have to use JSONP but still no idea how to do it.
I probably don't even break 40 hours a week on my salary pay. My current job is awesome
Salary comes with expectations, fuck that.
If you're working a shit ton of hours (like 50+) then you lose out salary in some cases.
@AmericanSlime Hourly doesn't?
@Nick I average about 46 hours a week.
46 isn't bad
I bill ~10 hours/week. I work about 20-30.
@KendallFrey How could it? You're paying me for the time I'm actually here instead of paying me for time that hasn't even happened yet, which is where the expectations come from. I know here, our salary is based on a 56 hour work week.
I put in my time earlier in life.
@AmericanSlime I'm generally expected to work 8-5
I don't always
@KendallFrey That includes an hour lunch though, yea?
I think I hit an average of 40-45h a week
@Trasiva geez, I wish
typically lunch is like 15 minutes
@KendallFrey I'm expected to average around 42 hours a week, with an hour lunch, which I never take. I just eat at my desk as I work.
I could take 30m if I wanted legally
If I could work 40 and get salary, sure sign me up, but that's not going to happen. It makes more sense to be hourly and get the overtime/doubletime...make more money that way.
On many sample code it says something about a callback, and I don't understand how it works.
... I'm at work 18h a week, but I only declare 16 because I spend too much time on SO and I don't feel qualified for the job. Still it's a student job and they don't have any other web dev.
But they do say work smart, not hard, so it all ties in somehow.
47.5 at this new place.
I'm at 35h/week
@Loktar great news, @rlemon got a new office building and set us up a big 3-person office ;)
I landed on a collision-detection library in JS (called SAT.js) and one thing that annoyed me was how verbose it was to use. Say, if I want to increase the speed of a player object I would need something like:


Which made me wonder: should vectors be immutable?
like most french are
I wanna go to Canada but actually I don't.
@Jhawins we have a few extra offices actually.
Americans on average get 2 weeks vacation time while Europeans get a month...ain't that some shit!
@JacqueGoupil Should for maintainability's sake? a thousand times fucking yes.
@rlemon Yayyy o/
@AmericanSlime 5 weeks
a developer should get more than two weeks if he's been working a while.
well, in France
in US, too.
I get 20 days
@Jhawins lemmy snap a pic
Not including bank holidays
@Luggage I mean legally
I've been working here about two years, I get a week.
@FlorianMargaine Must be nice...enjoy it!
I get 18 days.
@KendallFrey What do you mean?
ohh, not sure there are any legal requirements here. they vary state-to-state anyway
I get 15 days + 3 floating holidays
I don't know any of this stuff
Plus a floating holiday and 10 holidays
I just leave when I want
@JacqueGoupil What part of "a thousand times fucking yes" are you confused about?
@KendallFrey Haha, I was more uncertain about "maintainability"
In some situations mutability is more performant
especially in OOP languages
That one has enough ethernet cords I think
Can I have it?
@rlemon Is that your new office?
Why don't the windows open
Kindly help pls, how can i check if an element has a parent of a given class in jquery?
Which jerk made that decision
@crl ele.parentNode.className === 'thing'
@Jhawins yea those are all the junky cords I replaced
@Trasiva yes
@Jhawins any parenting level :p
@rlemon So much room for activities.
and 'contains' the class
well, server is running and works.
i work about 35h
!!xkcd 1425
@crl .closest('.thing').length > 0
so I'm heading home
@crl It's one of those lol
@FlorianMargaine oh :) thanks
Oh yeah closest
That doesn't really answer tho
Or does it traverse upward?
if not satelites this bird is easier
@Jhawins yes
clients wont care about jan 12 ie thing
you still have to support it
well i will
@SuperUberDuper That's what you think.
still have to support ie8
I already emailed our client base and sent them a friendly reminder.
our apps only work on ie8
several millions to upgrade
@Jhawins sweeet
@rlemon I'm moving in dude! :p
btw edge has date inputs))
FF doesnt
On a scale of 1-10, how difficult is it to get Node.js up and running?
I will give you family sharing access to my steam account
use nvm @AmericanSlime
So office poll, is it worth getting FO4 for PC?
that'd mean getting a PC
@SuperUberDuper Thank you.
Shouldn't you be working?

Have you found StayFocusd useful? Please make a $10 donation!
i added github to the blocked list
that's pretty stupid
I use github a lot at work to look at code
does anyone know if jqueryui is open source?

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