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What's going on with lounge?
Never been there, thought it was just the c++ room
Some people got offended because site rules were being enforced
some commented something about women and raping. fireworks started.
a non-regular maybe
There's always a meta post
The guy that posted that has the same display picture as riccardo, the guy who was in here vamping while driving
I read some comments on the the other day. Apparently it's a diabetic medication?
Makes me wonder how many other common medications might have longevity side effects
I'm surprised nobody has made the connection before
it either doesn't do anything or nobody was wondering why diabetes patients were living to be 140
How long has that drug been in use?
ah, good point, maybe we couldn't have made that connection
No idea, but it costs only pennies to make
I doubt if it ever gets marketed as a longevity pill that it will stay only pennies, but hopefully not even 1000 dollar pills
@Cerbrus Hmm, I just realized, the question is only a "complaint" of a single message by @MadaraUchiha and doesn't talk about the context (and all the "context" there was added by shog). That is so apparently unfair, I am surprised the lounge stands on it.
@Neil Not for long, if this turns out viable
would be an interesting social experiment though
we invent a pill that can increase lifespans significantly and costs little to make.. what happens?
good day guys, Is there anyone of you knows how to integrate google calendar on a localhost?
or have already tried to integrate?
but the question is, who will experiment it first. what will happen if opposite happens.
i don't think they will do experimentation on rats
Guys, who of you use js.org?
	$('.upload').submit(function(e) {
		var myForm = new FormData(this);
		console.log('Posting to addAttachment');
			url: 'ajax/addAttachment.php',
			method: 'POST',
			dataType: 'json',
			data: myForm,
			contentType: false,
			processData: false,
			cache: false
Nothing obv. missing, right?
if it's multiple upload then missing
> Responsive HTLM file for all the mailers is awaited
oh boy, this guy is calling it "HTLM" everywhere
@nickB it's just one at a time
after it's done, i'll remove the html and replace it with the next form
hypertext language markup
then i don't see any problem.
is it not working?
I'll contiune to poke
did you enclose it within document ready?
oddly, when I submit, the whole page reloads
try type:'POST'
@djsmiley2k What's your HTML?
@djsmiley2k That would imply the functions not running at all
@Cereal but then I'd expect it to go to ajax/attach...
Shouldn't e.preventDefault() be on the submit button?
it doesn't, it reloads the current page
@djsmiley2k: .upload is a button?
errrr let me check :)
like $('.submit').on('click', doStuff)
How do I prevent this: http://imgur.com/3iRVIiX

When I load the page, it looks like the one to the left and I have to touch the menu in order for it to collapse properly
 	echo '<form class="upload" method="post" role="form" id="' . $jiraID . 'Form" enctype="multipart/form-data" ><div class="row"><div class="col-md-6 form-group">
	<input type="text" hidden name="key" value="' . $jiraID . '">
		<div class="fileUpload col-md-5"><input class="attachBtn form-inline" type="file" id="' . $jiraID . '" name="file" ></div></div>
		<input type="submit" id="attach" value="Attach" />
omg That ate the indenting XD
so class="upload" should be on the input button?
You're just submitting the form. That's not an event
Yeah, .submit() actually submits the forms
it's doesn't bind an event
so, how do I do it correctly? :D
.on('click', function(e){})
<input type="button" id="attach" value="Attach" />

$('#attach').on('click', function(e) {
So, change the input's type, and change the .submit to the example .on
var myForm = new FormData(this);
will that still work?
No, this is the button
oh you are not submitting the form
!!urban fornicate
@jAndy fornicate Upper class fuckery, or more especially, a word designed to roll off the tongues of royalty....
@djsmiley2k I'm afraid I can't let you do that, djsmiley2k
@AwalGarg I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Awal Garg
what the fornicate is going on
I can't get over the "Upper class fuckery" ... that's boss
You can only undo messages that are in response to your own commands, afaik
I'll fornicate the shit out of that
hmm, it must have changed recently
@Cerbrus Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
Someone !!undo
what will undo actually undo if it works for fornicates sakes ?
Eh, weird
Cap doesn't like me (or her cache doesn't like me, maybe)
She must have rebelious memory banks installed
so does my var myForm = new FormData(this); work or not? XD
@SomeGuy I was just about to
/me just tries it
!!tell awal try to undo
what's the command jquery does?
!!jquery submit
^ That
!!tell awalgarg echo try to undo
Ah, there we go.
hehe, caching :P
Maybe she got confused because you're now RO
urgh it still reloaded the page :/
!!>var do; do || !do; try();
@Neil "SyntaxError: missing variable name"
do's a keyword :)
I would have loved if do was a contextual keyword
and on the request for the original page, I can also see it passed the payload too
today was a nice day. i've been running around, met a nice lady ( appearance ++ ) and got her phone nr. But we had nothing to write, so i used mud to write her number on my arm. Sent a text message. Got a reply. \o/
i'm like Sterling archer atm ... @SterlingArcher
that's some inspiration
@KarelG Love story level shit
@Cereal better than Twilight
!!youtube psy daddy
the creator of that gif is probably on weed
On console..
 var str = "one line \n another line";
  "one line
     another line"
@CapricaSix Still a better love story than twilight
@rlemon wt actual f
I thought I had my quota of random today. I was wrong
On Debugger console, I see str on single line
debuggers are their own tools that play by their own rules when it comes to displaying shit
it was surely random. I had to perform a weird face. Then a co-worker noticed that and was like "something wrong pal ? "
so i passed him that gif through our LAN irc
@KarelG heh
@overexchange aren't you the guy who posted a question about some css graphics stuffs?
@rlemon Not sure how that relates to random or psy-daddy
@Cerbrus I may be talking to a mini user for you
I see
es6's template strings allow much simpler multi-line strings. Very useful.
^-- sauce ?
!! mdn template string
Yeah that's a neat feature
I need to start using that
Also: github.com/brianc/node-postgres/wiki/… is a good example use of Tagged Template Strings
eh, just backticking it ? didn't knew that
@overexchange That only happens in Chrome devtools, and other inferior REPL implementations :P Firefox doesn't do that blasphemy ^^
(j/k, chrome devtools are great)
> Template strings MUST NOT be constructed by untrusted users, because they have access to variables and functions
yeah logical
but template strings get resolved at transpile time.. at least with babel..
@KarelG anyone could just change the javascript though and do whatever they want
@AwalGarg yes, firefox debugger console is working fine
@Luggage since ES has no concept of "transpile time", that is only with babel
Still don't understand where the problem lies
but even without babel, i don't know of a way to make a normal string then say, after the fact, "Now treat this as a template string"
I only know of a template string literal.
I find myself often using MessageFormat in java and I'm glad to see there's an equivalent in javascript now
Yes, that's right. Wrapping in a function with an object literal parameter is the only way to create reusable templates from template strings.
actually better, it isn't equivalent
Q: something terrible has happened, using an apache server. related to javascript

CodeNewbieI have javascript that worked before, my php has not been altered so it cant be my code (it worked before). i added a .htaccess to my root folder of my website. code: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^(.*)$ //my website root address// [R=301,L] this did make my website b...

Oh the horror
@AwalGarg which i do SQL, now.
using the technique I linked above
That's a good use case.
indeed. proper parameterized query that's not subject to sql injection, but a nice straightforward syntax.
template string syntax var str = `one line \n another line`; does not work on chrome debugger tool again firefox debugger tool supports this syntax
@overexchange no, it works on chrome too. Just that chrome's REPL doesn't let you visualize it correctly.
On soundcloud, I noticed you can navigate around and sounds continue to play
13 mins ago, by rlemon
debuggers are their own tools that play by their own rules when it comes to displaying shit
13 mins ago, by rlemon
that could just be ajax, I understand, though when I hit the back key I wouldn't expect music to continue playing..
how do they do that?
History API
but chrome displays newlines for me: snag.gy/MC7vP.jpg
@Luggage console.log does that, not the repl
console.log is not your everyday function :P
I'm using Chrome 48 (dev build)
@overexchange again... what lemon said applies here.
I don't know why it is even a debate.
they are non-standard tools we use
they try their best
Also, you don't need console.log to print it pretty; It's for debugging. Just use two separate ones if you really want two lines
chrome is the standard
Most of the Console API was actually "standardized" by Firebug. We owe that tool :)

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