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@Abhishrek That should have had more stars
21 mins ago, by Abhishrek
Ooh fancy
@Jhawins :-)
!!youtube cooking with the kock
When the hell is the oculus rift coming out
next year
we won't know it's gay until then
Isn't that what they've been saying for years?
The website says Q1 2016
Which has been what they've said for a while now
@Jhawins his 2 pillars article is pretty good too!
@KendallFrey :O
I think the best thing Eric has ever said is written in that. "JavaScript will be remembered as one of the most influential languages ever created."
@SomeKittens Finally submitted my Hired.com profile half an hour ago and got approved 10 minutes later
thanks for the help man
@SterlingArcher I still need to play this...but I'm buying FO4 tonight.
!!youtube cane hill time bomb
@nick I thought you already had a job lined up.
@Loktar @GNi33 ^
@Trasiva not sure if I want to take that job
@nick Prepare for spam!
@crl Fluorine tetroxide, maybe
I can't prove it but I started getting calls like none other as soon as I signed up for that.. I think @SterlingArcher had told me about it and I yelled at him for it
which is obviously chemically impossible
@nick Well, don't hold out on it too long. You don't want to end up letting the job go holding out too long.
@KendallFrey ah :), sound like toothpaste ingredients
yeah O isn't 4-valent
@crl fluoride naturally contains fluorine
I never used hired.com
@crl You mean fluorine?
@KendallFrey only organic free-trade flouride.
thats the profile for
var wa = conductor.namedBuilders.createIdentifier('', '', 'woo');
for( var i = 0; i < 10000; i ++ ){
   wa = wa.cloneNode({ 2: 'baz' + i });
@Abhishrek don't run it from the console -_-
any clue why it idles after 900 ms ?
@AwalGarg why ?
@Abhishrek you already exit out of a lot of optimizations the moment you run code from the console
true dat
@SterlingArcher We may never know.
@SterlingArcher i'm not a fukin wizard hagrid im just harry
Is there an idiomatic pattern for having two promises running at the same time, and I want to resolve whichever comes back with a result first, or reject if both fail? (With bluebird promises)
@KendallFrey omg LOL
Hagrid youre a cunt ! redacted
a promise race?
^ Basically, yeah.
@SterlingArcher ima stick mah dick in the owl
!!youtube you're a wizard harry
Oh awesome, bluebird has actual documentation now, and not just a readme... that's new.
@Trasiva yup
but at the same time I'm not going to pack everything up and move to the other side of the country if there's better opportunities closer
Hagrid you're pushing me over the fucking LINE
@nick Did they give you a clear window in which you can accept that position?
@SterlingArcher lol
Q: Manager requesting task which I believe is unnecessary

raidensanBackground I work as a developer in a software development department with three other developers and a manager. We have a desktop application that is being modified constantly based on customer needs. Problem Recently, one of our customers asked for a modification to a feature that is already...

@Trasiva nah but its a fast hire so i really dont have much time
This fucking guy
My god, @KendallFrey I forgot how hilarious that was
Anything wrong with doing something like a = b = c = false ?
it ain't pretty but it works
I just have 2 variables that will be assigned the same values, and feel like repeating it is not the best way of doing it.
Q: Multiple left-hand assignment with JavaScript

David Calhounvar var1 = 1, var2 = 1, var3 = 1; This is equivalent to this: var var1 = var2 = var3 = 1; I'm fairly certain this is the order the variables are defined: var3, var2, var1, which would be equivalent to this: var var3 = 1, var2 = var3, var1 = var2; Is there any way to confirm this i...

Yes I'm on black twitter
theres a black twitter?
That's what imgur calls it
@Retsam Promise.some or Promise.any
@AmericanSlime Wow. Thanks for sharing that!
@Luggage Ah, thanks, I'll take a look.
Promise.any([ promiseA, promiseB ]).then(function(resultOfAOrB) { ... });
according to the docs, it'll only reject of BOTH get rejected. one reject and one success is OK. I think that's exactly what you want.
@KendallFrey Oh boy is there. It's fucking astounding.
Javascript is probably never going to die.
@AmericanSlime Never say never.
such sage
@KendallFrey . ... omg
I'm going through my code and changing all jQuery code to vanilla, which is actually teaching me things in the process.
probably posted on reddit
@AmericanSlime congrats. I also strive for a jQuery free life.
but i'm not there, yet.
what do you guys think about this (in react0
	story: {
		author: {
			name: 'string'
			profilePicture: {
				uri: 'string'
		text: 'string'
export default class Story extends React.Component {
  render() {
    var story = this.props.story;
    return (
        <Image uri={story.author.profilePicture.uri} />
@AmericanSlime I usually program with my own abstraction over DOM
@SterlingArcher Nice typo
instead of passing props from parent components
@SterlingArcher That was amazing.
each component requests the data from the (single, reduxy) store
not really like falcor/relay since there's no backend but I got the idea from those
I'm tired of passing props through hierarchies of non-reusable, view-specific components
then having to remember what came from where
$elemMatch is really weird :|
@KendallFrey fuck fuck fuck
@Luggage I believe in you! @MadaraUchiha Could you show an example?
ok ok ok
ok ok ok
var myCustomDomAbstraction = require('react');
@AmericanSlime Don't believe in yourself. Believe in the me that believes in you!
@SterlingArcher the gorilla?
let DOM = {
  select(selector) {
    return Array.of(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
    // or, return $(selector)

  append(target, element) {
    return target.appendChild(element);
    // or, return element.appendTo(target);

@AmericanSlime ^
Then it's trivial to introduce jQuery or get rid of it
That's if DOM is a big part of your application (which it usually is)
with most modern techniques, you don't do much dom manipulation yourself. something else takes care of that
be it react, angular, knockout, etc.
imgur.com/gallery/AD2MKGq oh my god... who reacts to a jedi like that
Lady wtf
@SterlingArcher It'd be better if she said, "I have a boyfriend"
How is that better than "Im a vegetarian"?
Like, it was 100% irrelevant
@MadaraUchiha Nice, simple and sweet...thanks.
searched my code for '$'. 666 results. fitting.
though, at least half of those are template strings, not jQuery
jQuery ruined the dollar symbol for me
now you are communist
can I get some input on my fucking idea
depends on what you're fucking what idea?
up there
oh i see it
oh I don't react :( but i'll shut up
!!afk vape
looks like relay, in a way, where each component declares their own query.
as long as the component is still dumb about how the data is retrieved, it looks good.
it's where I got the idea
I would love to use relay, but I don't think we're gonna implement that
so the point is to still have a fluxy, single store
and something that walks the component tree every time it's updated, distributing props and justice to components
after 2-3 levels of nesting it's really frustrating to find where a certain prop comes from
@Nick congrats and good luck
on what?
The date that I don't want to go on? lol
make sure she knows that
she'll appreciate the honesty
over a tub of ice cream
I'm just gonna wait it out, see what she's actually like. I only know her through text so far, which means nothing
@Nick You've been judging her strictly through texts? Are you joking?
how is her grammar?
It's not bad, but it's not perfect
I have issues
@Trasiva I know, I know... Let's just wait and see...
it's ok to not be perfect over text as long as it's not all abbreviated into oblivion
@Luggage Nuking because it makes me feel dirty
Oh god.
I felt dirty typing that.
wt r u tlk abt bb
@Nick Smart.
and i felt angry reading it.
So my avatar is really bugging me, what's the recommended dimensions so that it doesn't stretch like that?
@Nick Wow that made me flaccid
u wnt sum fuk bb
good memories
/me heads to appointment
I need git help
#on server
mkdir example.git
cd example.git
git init --bare

#on dev
git remote add network //somenetworkdrive/example.git
git push --set-upstream network develop

# => example.git isn't a git repo
@rlemon Dude, thanks for making filldunphy.com That guy is badass. lol
@RahulDesai rlemon is afk: giving up on the isp
I guess when you depend on jQuery, you do bad things, like this: var total = $(this).parent().prev().prev().prev().text();
never used git over a unc share.
that sounds dangerous..
@Loktar Wife/girlfriend/mistress?
his wife
She shoulda divorced him over that filthy texting.
@Loktar hey bb
Dun Fillthy
@AwalGarg self written code beats babel generated code by 800ms
for 10000 calls
gah I don't understand. Everything I read says this should work
@Cereal IIRC git automagically removes the trailing .git if accessing repo through the dumb protocol. Why are you naming your folder like that, anyways?
@AwalGarg to make people like you ask questions
there are people like me? wow
I'll remove the .git and see what happens
It probably isn't the issue though :/
sure isn't
does anyone here have experience writing ETL tools in JS?
I wonder if it's because I don't have permission to write to that directory
@NathanJones yes
@rlemon pussy
hello to you as well
Excuse you?
sorry, i have turrets you cunt
glad you could grace us with your outstanding wit
!!is he troll??
trolling, yes.
turrets? What is this, a tower defense game?
@crl Of course not
@crl I'm not so sure anymore. It can go either way
@SomeKittens At first, I was using streams but ran into problems with data callbacks not firing, so I've moved on to promises.
@NathanJones Gustav uses Observables, which are next in your progression.
The vanilla version of jQuery's show() is to set the display to an empty string, but how does that make any sense? You would never have a display property in CSS that didn't have a value with it.
Technically, they're an abstraction over streams.
@AmericanSlime element.style.display = 'none';
don't set it to an empty string
@Nick He is r3wt.
I was going to set it to block, since I do want it to show, and I do know it's a block, but their example showed an empty string. Was curious as to what that was about.
@SomeKittens hmm...I thought Observe was removed from the standard?
@AmericanSlime set it to "auto" or "initial" then; whichever is correct. I'm not sure
@NathanJones Observables !== Object.observe
Two totally different things, much like Java & JavaScript
@Nick It's initial...thanks.
@SomeKittens oh, my bad. guess i need to read more about it.
can I use gustav without using typescript?
@AmericanSlime shouldn't it do display: initial?
in my browser, show() does display: block
@NathanJones Yep! I haven't written any non-TS docs but if you have any trouble ping me.
@SomeKittens I just saw fromCallback, coolstuff.
their script is laggy and bad
@SomeKittens will do! thanks
show off yours
@NathanJones Here's some more about Observables and RxJS: gist.github.com/staltz/868e7e9bc2a7b8c1f754
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, took ages to get in, mainly because there were so many fiddly bits I missed.
It's sickening how much I learn everyday about how much I need to learn.
jsfiddle updated
and now my themes do not work :(
yea pretty big interface change
@AmericanSlime you get used to it
people are by and large completely normal*
@AmericanSlime You can also set it to null to reset it to what your stylsheet defines
If you console.dir an element, look at the style property, and you can see what it looks like
the style property directly correlates to the style attribute. It doesn't write over a stylesheet, or something like that
@rlemon What? It was almost all front end changes....
they could have used the same class names and just changed styles :D
think of the modders!
@SomeKittens Reactive Programming is not a 1 size fits all thing. in fact, i've only seen 2 instances where it was the only solution, and 1 specific instance where it was the only possible solution to prevent data races
@r3wt it's never the only possible solution... I've seen tens of cases where it was a good fit though.
@rlemon I like the new look though.
@r3wt So you're saying that a particular tool has tradeoffs?
Sure, totally agree with you. This is why we study & use new things, to better understand the underlying tradeoffs.
i'm saying its bandaids on a gunshot wound (javascript being the wound)
Good programmers aren't the ones who've spent a lot of time with something, they're ones who understand the tradeoffs of many things.
well let me rephrase, javascript in the browser is a gunshot wound
18 hours ago, by Luggage
except for all the things wrong with it, JS is perfect.
Websites wouldn't be nearly as popular without js
#Off-topic: Any idea if there's a limit to send money via Facebook? I am skeptical trusting the other sites providing this info.
you guys excited about rust
> God I hate JS. I'll go to a chatroom coded in it which also happens to be dedicated to it to complain. Ohh I know, I'll use that cool extension written in JS to make sure I can do XYZ while I'm there. JS sucks.
Is there an initiative to counter fragmentation in JS libraries? For any given task, there are a bunch of alternatives and no canonical place to look for a quality option. How does one search for a well-made library?
@MadaraUchiha I did what I wanted using (exactly what you said) sessionstorage. Tnx
@rlemon is it better to hate the truth or embrace the lie?
no, there are problems with js.
but I haven't seen you name any :P
just wait until you start having cloned objects on the heap in v8 on a production cluster
@JonathanAllard evaluate them :P best way
you'll hate it too
oh, you can see this bug in action on sails
!!s/having cloned objects on the heap in v8 on/writing bad code/
@SomeKittens just wait until you start writing bad code a production cluster (source)
y'know, think I'll pass on that one.
Question! Just discovered bookmarklet's today to inject things like Jquery libraries. So I am currently using this guy's JQuery bookmarklet javascript:if(!window.jQuery||confirm('Overwrite\x20current\x20version?\x20v'+jQuery.fn.jquery))(function(d,s){s=d.createElement('script');s.src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8/jquery.js';(d.head||d.documentElement).appendChild(s)})(document);
Is there a way to add custom functions to this bookmarklet as well now? Let's say I wanted to add the function Test, Object.prototype.test = function() {console.log('test');} Is there a way to pl
@rlemon The problem is that when there are 10+ libs to evaluate for every single task, it gets tedious. I'm used to Ruby where I have 1-2 gems to eval in a canonical (Rubygems) repo. I was wondering if there was already someone who was tackling that problem of creating an ...antidote to the fragmentation?
You probably want userscripts ^
@JonathanAllard it isn't really a "problem"
it is a side effect of the language being so popular
there are LOTS of options. read about them, maybe stick to ones that are better maintained.
then evaluate them as you go along
github 'stars' and issue tracker is a great place to get a feel for a library
@rlemon Having to spend hours of just evaluating and choosing is a problem if you ask me. Besides I prefer having the community do that job as any one of our evaluations ain'T perfect
That's true though. But sometimes some random shitty jQuery plugin will get plenty of stars... sigh
yes, but again it isn't a problem
@JonathanAllard Isn't "Find the best solution to a given problem" kind of our job?
having limited choices is a problem
then you're forced to take it regardless
@rlemon It also means new ideas take longer to gain traction (if at all)
I'd much rather have a diverse ecosystem than a stale one.
Part of it is, sure. But there are other parts as well, and I would like not to spend that much time doing the former when the community could
@JonathanAllard "Why doesn't someone else do my work for me?"
think about it like browsers. having one browser sounds like a good idea until you start to remember the IE6 days
Forced to take it, but to build on it and submit PRs as well
then you realize having choice and competition is the most important part
Well imagine there were 50 browsers and you had to read the source code for each to choose one
imagine there are 50 browsers and I have to use the top 5 popular ones to see if I like them
There is such a thing as not enough competition, as there is too much
Russian Communism (one Official Approved Way™) vs American Capitalism (Many ways, all competing)
@JonathanAllard and I'd rather have too much than too little.
I think that's a false dilemma
@rlemon or at worse, jump into a chat room and say "What's everyone's favorite browser?"

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