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@RyanKinal I can totally understand that actually. I never use any "controls" in any of my applications and as far as I'm concerned webforms is quite garbage in comparison to the razor view engine where you are forced to code your own controls for everything. On that note, I guess I could be classified as one of those "ASP.NET Developers that doesn't know anything about how the web works".
however I feel quite efficient at what I do and just lack more of the technical understanding which I'm trying to slowly learn. Thanks for your input though :D
Do you know the difference between Java and JavaScript?
Haha of course
Java is more of an OOP language as to javascript being a scripting language
but can be used for web either way
javascript is OOP and not tied to web at all
if you were implying the opposite :P
> Java is to JavaScript as car is to carpet
that's just a cheesy way to get a star
No. It's true.
it's not particularly helpful to someone really wondering though
And I have to disagree with JavaScript not being tied to the web. It was created specifically for the browser.
I meant you can run it outside web browser
and yes the browser is the best environment for it
You can, but the popularity of non-browser JS is fairly recent.
best environment? Definitely not. I largely prefer server-js over browser-js
@jhartzell lol
@jhartzell ._. how can you not hate ASP.NET ?
Q: Is there a HTML/JS game engine/library that deals with stuff (HUD, menus, accounts, etc) other than the basic gameplay?

larson4I've been looking through the many HTML/Javascript game engines/libraries out there (many of which are found here https://github.com/bebraw/jswiki/wiki/Game-Engines). Most of them seem fairly focussed on the actual gameplay components: sounds, sprites & graphics management, doing 2D and 3D a...

@FlorianMargaine +1
@Raynos How can I NOT hate asp.net? I guess because it's so powerful with the razor view engine and it incorporates C# as the codebehind which makes it that much more powerful and also very rapid development times.
grabs popcorns
codebehind, viewstate, the joys of asp.net development :)

nice comparision , but a flying carpet would sound better ;-) lol
I love it personally :)
WTF... javascript(node.js) is only 104% slower then C++ wtf wtf wtf??
see the benchmark yourself
104% means that it took only 4% more time for node.js to complete the same task as to C++
" NodeJS JavaScript is pretty fast too, but internally it works more like a compiled language. See the comments below. " lol, he does not want to say " javascript is faster than python ".
init :D :D
but on 0.2.6 woo i wanna test the same damn thing on 0.6 now
There's a difference in terminology here
"104% slower" means that it's more than twice as slow
@jhartzell but it shits all over the web. And it forces this mediocre bullshit architecture on you. How can you like that.
"104% as slow" means that it's 4% slower
So what exactly is node.js I'll be honest i've never looked into it.
it's event driven programming on server side technology :)
@Abhishek yes the difference between js & C++ is 2/3x
Sorry for the really noobie question hehe
in javascript, thanks to v8
node.js is server side javascript
@Raynos which is pretty amazing
But given the table... it looks like 4% is the correct figure
@RyanKinal Yes, he explain it below
" 3 times slower (300%) "
and since v8 has got updated recently .. since the page is like hell old .. [atleast the node.js version ] we ought to re do it :D
I like the PHP performance on this page :')
@RyanKinal if you look at the raw data he means 104% the amount of time taken, i.e. double
boootttooom off theee foodchain
Fair enough
double time is always " fast " on that case
it's a shame there isn't asp.net, though.
shame ? installing IIS on his machine would have multiply by 5 the other tests perfomances.
no, that's just to find out raw performance and compare it with other languages
I would love to see asp.net comparison to php personally performance wise hehe
@Raynos In v8 you can export the machine code of any given function, which is about as close to compiled JS as you get. In theory node could pre-compile code rather than running the full v8 each time. This would likely be absurdly fast.
@jhartzell You want to compare a framework to a language?
I would like to compare the asp.net framework to php performance wise I guess, yes if that makes sense.
That doesn't make sense.
"Lol, cars are faster than roads."
@jhartzell there's no point. Both ASP.NET and PHP are slow.
@Raynos I've been thinking of picking up yesod for the last few weeks, ever look at it?
@Incognito oh, haskell.
If I wanted a shiny functional language it's a flip between haskell and erlang
I would probably favour haskell because of the type system
as for which web framework is the best in haskell, who knows
It's interesting to say the least, I'd love to find the time and hack with it.
@Incognito What web development language do you prefer? Python?
@Raynos .. well .. nodejs is as slow as php
( unless you are into scientific calculations )
@jhartzell Assembly.
Assembly for web? News to me :o
@jhartzell there is no "best choice" for web programming ... but there are few that could be considered worse then others
Sure, adx somthing, idx something else, mov 5, you know.
IMHO , java wold be one of them ( as in "one of worst option" )
Set criteria around the actual problem you face. Then solve it.
@tereško I just hear quite a lot of bashing against ASP.NET which I'm assuming is simply because it's a Microsoft framework versus non Microsoft and I'm yet to hear valid reasons as to why ASP.NET would potentially be a bad choice.
"omg we need to be fast and server millions of things... you know, because." isn't a reason.
@tereško Depends on your definition of PHP. If your using the default PHP compiler then no, because V8 is faster then zend's PHP engine.
@Raynos I think he's being pragmatic and talking of websites driven by either tech.
when you need speed, you would not compile ( interpret ) php each time
nor you would do it for nodejs
@Incognito maybe. I still stand node is inherantly faster then PHP :P
You can compile JS, it just hasn't happened. You can compile anything so that's not really an amazing statement.
@Raynos , that does not strike me as objective opinion .. you aint even trying
@Raynos You know the language only determines how hard the parsing engine is to build, not what it can compile to. PHP will often transpile to C for some cases.
What node is, is really cool. But I wouldn't state that anything is going to be faster than something else because of language design.
he should just said "i like nodejs better then php"
It's kind of shifting blame to people who write the interpreter or compiler, but that's where your performance happens.
I like JS way more than PHP.
it would have been an honest statement , and backed up by his rep cont , a much better impression
I also hate PHP's kitchen sink.
JS in inherently easier to write faster engines for simply because the language is smaller.
@Incognito , it's because php is one of few languages which actually evolved
junk dna , if you will
Sure, but garbage like sha1() md5() mcrypt() et all belong in a STL or something, not core language.
I'm not even getting into the parameters being insane.
if you see anyone using sha1() or md5() , you have my permission to hit them
I don't even know how they're going to release php6, that's either going to be a huge mess or leave a lot of people really pissed off.
Sure, but it's in the language.
is there a flaw in the algorithm implementation or something?
it's pretty hard to get it wrong
No, it's that it's a core language feature.
So you can't easily optimize PHP for speed because you have this kitchen sink.
@Incognito , there has always been a "php has a function for this" approach , and some people still expect it
afaik, core stuff is already running before any script is executed
From a PHP engine perspective, this is why JS has a better predisposition to get faster interpreters and compile to faster machine code.
but JS as language has some strange gotcha moments
If we can get ES-next to drop eval and with, JS can compile to really fast stuff.
that is of course if you are not running in cgi bin mode where you have to restart on each request
Of course, but the interpreter is what ultimately determines how fast it can go, and having to scan PHP and account for all that bloat in the tokenizer and s-expressions leads to a hell of a lot of bloat.
umm, opcode cache is pretty much assumed
i get the feeling that @Esailija is talking to himself
it's actually faster in some cases than hiphop
@Incognito , i would agree that JS has a better potential ( but ATM , its not there ) , but in that case erlang and haskell are even better
don't have the benchmarks at hand though
@Esailija , what are you talking about ? you are comparing opcode cache with hiphop ? WHY ?!?
why not?
how about "hiphop does not support php5.3"
having done a lot of Java, PHP's kitchen sink is tiny
java was never meant for the web
I really don't see what the issue is with having batteries included; it's actually one of the few things I really like about PHP
@tereško ... so it "doesn't support some features of 5.3" makes it completely insane to compare whether it's worthwhile to even use it in the first place?
I much rather use a pre-existing function, then have to write my own version, even if it's only a few lines long
its not "some features" ... it is "all the new features" + "some of the extensions" ( like PDO Postres )
oh wait .. it supports :? shorthand for ternary operator
@tereško truthfully both have the potential to be as "fast" as each other
@tereško pragmatically the "default" PHP setup is slow
and from management point of view , php by default has more specialist
I can't tell on that one
and yes, I like node more then PHP
well .. you can both educate the developers and you can speed up setup
neither one is a real argument
if your going to go to all the expense and hassle of building a compiler for a language, I don't know you'd want to do one for something like PHP
@tereško doesn't really matter, my point was that having it in direct machine code doesn't really give much of a boost over normal php using opcode cache
@tereško Java was build for the web :P
what about memory usage?
riiight ....
@tereško I thought java was that big cool web technology of the glittering 1990s
you are talking about JRE things in the page
compiled languages often have lower memory usage
@JL235 batteries included should be in community modules, not core.
@JL235 memory managed languages have lower memory usage
java was the cool new thing , and then the web happened ... and they tried to graft it on
but community can suck; buggy, unfinished, and incomplete
at least with PHP we only have buggy
@tereško +1
@Raynos Programmers aware of memory often write programs with lower memory usage.
Has anyone else here looked through PHP's C source? It's jacked full of maintainability issues.
hell .. my only real argument against nodejs is the personal experience with it crashing a lot ... and that might not be true anymore
@tereško you've used it in production?
yeah , in combination with twitter related project
it was a small marketing thing
just curious what made you use nodejs?
whole process had to be asynchron
php was bad at it
and i am much better at JS then at erlang
@tereško Was it PHP or apache?
Don't see how server side would need to be async
i think that apache was really at fault , but it had to be done fast
Check out nginx next time, it's a bit closer to Node in terms of event loop and does all the cgi stuff.
unless its some academical restraint
Nginx has gained a huge following recently.
you can do node.js with nginx
anyway also doing a node.js project for my customer
it was gathering data from twitter stream ( by #tags ) , and then php page was just looking the data up and passing it to flash-thing
@Incognito , i still prefer Lighttpd over it .. even though i can actually read russian
Honestly I've never touched lighthttpd, I'm biased by the name of it.
@Incognito and i had no control over sever .. even adding node.js required some pushing
Have you seen the v8 extension for PHP?
nope .. but there sure as hell is one

$v8 = new V8Js();

/* basic.js */
$JS = <<< EOT
len = print('Hello' + ' ' + 'World!' + "\\n");

try {
  var_dump($v8->executeString($JS, 'basic.js'));
} catch (V8JsException $e) {

ooooo, I have a use for that
Yo dawg...
I have a browser building site, where games compile to JS, and I wanted to add server-side compilation
*browser game building site
It annoys me when people treat people with a few hundred thousand rep as being instantly right, when they are entirely wrong. <_<
@Incognito with is already banned within strict-mode, but getting rid of it has no perf gains (you can statically determine whether it exists and do the same optimizations)
@gsnedders It's a reflection of how well you play the game.
@Incognito eval isn't that bad given now in ES5 you can statically determine whether a direct eval call exists or not.
Eh, removing them gives no perf gain is the bottom line.
In strict mode. So you're saying the parser branches off into an alternate subset that ignores with and eval?
@Incognito Also, PHP is written as if most of it is the stdlib. The core language is only that in the Zend Engine, which is very little.
@Incognito No, check if you're in strict-mode when they're reached, and if you are, throw SyntaxError.
@Incognito eval is still valid in strict-mode, but has semantic changes which get rid of the only thing that stops static lexical binding.
The only issue with eval is you can't guarantee the type of anything in a scope containing it.
Is there anything that is still dynamic?
The global scope.
Both through indirect eval and through appending another script element.
A: How can I prevent extra array elements being created in Javascript?

DiodeusUse an associative array: fred['10'] = 1;

If people want to help me disprove this.
Do you want me to say gsnedders is correct or what ?:P
I was just about to say to link to the spec :D
I just dropped a pic, solved proble,.
@Incognito don't you mean a small difference
seems pretty small to me
Arrays and Objects?
a magical setter to numeric properties and a prototype
What's different about them?
Q: javascript game debugging help

saiy2kI have board game developed in html5 which have a game loop running initialized with settimeout. At some random point, the game freezes abruptly and it happens only rarely (atleast for me). My friends told its happening often for them. I tried putting in console.log to find out where the crash h...

I would like to see this "pass" and get into the specification. What can we do to make that happen?
I mean, in javascript, there is very little difference with object Array and object Object
That would be AWESOME if we had that.
Hell, all you need to do is to set .__proto__ to array prototype and the differences are pretty much resolved :P
var o = {1: "one" "-1": "lol", 0: "wtf", "ohsh!t":"Cake is a lie"}

for (i in o)...
I'm gonna get me a donair for lunch. Grease town here I come!
@Esailija No, it doesn't actually change the big difference, which is [[DefineOwnProperty]] magic
well I just tested it quickly, it seemed to set 3 undefined properties when I set 4th element
In what?
(This is all unspecified.)
var a = {};
a.__proto__ = Array.prototype
a[3] = 4;
in google chrome
funny thing is that the length is still 0
but it logs [undefined, undefined, undefined, 4]
Ah, all your observing is the different toString.
I don't think you're observing anything else.
well I tested "0" in a
false, but that's false for array as well
var b = [];
b[3] = 4
"0" in b
but yeah my original point was that there is very little difference when you compare to say PHP arrays and objects
or any other language arrays and objects
@Raynos wouldn't it be cool to have an OPTIONS form?
or a HEAD form
Q: Mootools against the world

NachiketI was full time java developers, now I also work on JavaScript, android. couple of years back when I started learning JavaScript, first library I tried was jquery like most of the people. But it made my life harder, and after sometime I started writing fairly large JavaScript app. It wasn't comi...

Q: Is mootools alternative of jquery + backbone / spine / sprouteCore

NachiketI was full time java developers, now I also work on JavaScript. couple of years back when I started learning JavaScript, first library I tried was jquery like most of the people. But it made my life harder, and after sometime I started writing fairly large JavaScript app. It wasn't coming togethe...

gotta love the angry responses I got
dem trolls
@MattMcDonald yes it would
an updated version of my cover is up for anyone that wants to dig up the link
I'm going to send it off tonight
y u no link it again
@Raynos I'm checking out the source to your blog on GitHub while I (attempt to) learn Node, but it'd be nice to have full tutorial. do you know of any good ones?
@ThomasShields nodetuts.com
yesterday, by Matt McDonald
Also don't use trinity, it leaks memory like hell
@Raynos awesome. thanks.
@MattMcDonald Remove "(somewhat)" from the opening paragraph
@MattMcDonald the ASCII "Mozilla" is a nice touch.
@MattMcDonald what's lacking is illustrating just how much you know about DOM
@MattMcDonald you also didn't mention you read specifications like a breakfast newspaper
@MattMcDonald Also, on your home/front page, get rid of the div hover effect. It annoying as hell.
all done
A: Is mootools alternative of jquery + backbone / spine / sprouteCore

Adam CrosslandIf you are missing anything, I think that it is only that the large number of JS frameworks/libraries give you the option to choose the one that works best for you. I'm not personally a fan of techniques that try to force the round peg of JavaScript into the square hole of classic OOP, but my per...

> You should get shot for comparing C and jQuery
from a semantics point of view, what's the best way to do something like this, where "Big Part small part" should all be inside an <h1> but one half needs to be visually styled different?
(as you can see, currently I just stick it inside a <span>. It feels wrong though)
Don't put anything except text in a H tag.
Can't you just make an h2 for the smaller text?
yeah, but to me, "Thomas Shields Essay and Design Portfolio" is the full title of the site
I guess I could keep the <title> intact, but split the visual title into an h1 and an h2
Actually, if it were me, I'd have "Essay and Design Portfolio" as the h1, and "Thomas Shields" as the h2. An h1 should have a title relevant to the page (IMO)
@RyanKinal good point. agreed.
That's a good demonstration of separation of concerns, too. Semantically, the fact that it's a portfolio is more important - hence the h1. That helps with SEO, for people reading in Lynx, w/ accessibility, etc. Visually, however, I'm trying to promote myself (narcissistic, much?) and stamp the page with my identity.
Woo Hoo! FlatPress is only half as buggy as I expected!
... what?
A: Is mootools alternative of jquery + backbone / spine / sprouteCore

Ryan KinalYou aren't missing anything. The pseudo-classical method of Object Oriented JavaScript has been an accepted technique for a very long time. There's certainly no reason you can't use it. There are a couple reasons some people eschew it, though (myself included): It's a misdirection - the pseud...

waits for rage and downvotes
@RyanKinal should I order it like h2 h1 or h1 h2? The latter makes for more CSS work.
Yeah, that's the problem with that technique. Search engines (supposedly) don't like misordered heading tags.
so... I'm honestly not sure :-P
I guess it's better to stick with the traditional h1 > h2. So, back to CSS
Does "Thomas Shields" actually have to be a heading? If it's not the front page of your site, then maybe not.
Y U NO DIE >:(
@RyanKinal you mean, just put it as a span?
sup @ThomasShields haven't seen you in a while.
@Nathan yeah, Senioritis.
like, that's why you're back right?
@Nathan that's simultaneously why I was gone and why I'm back
I have been absent here for a coupla months too, mostly because of a vacation and hardly any JS at work.
Looks like it's largely the same people here, slamming jQuery, etc.
not everyone is slamming...
Hey I ran in to an issue a couple weeks ago that I thought people here would have valuable advice about...
In fact I'm sure someone has made it a SO question but I couldn't google it up instantly.
this is .. da woot .. nerdgasm !
¿Where is the stackoverflow chat?
I've got a dynamic table including form fields, and the user can duplicate rows. I've got an jquery-based autocompleter on one of the fields, which is normally set up during page load. How should I set up the autocompleter on the new elements?
I'm currently using .delegate() on the 'focus' event... but that seems overkill.
Since it doesn't really need to be set up more than once.
@Nathan i'd go ahead and block 50% of the users here before you get spammed with anti-jQuery hate
.delegate() is obsolete, use .on()
I guess I could do it explicitly or fire a custom event inside the code that makes the new field, but is there a way to just make it happen automatically?
@ThomasShields good idea :D
@jAndy yeah I know but still presently have jQ 1.6.something .
@Nathan: I don't really get it. You're looking for an event which fires once you insert a new tr element?
Same difference though between .on() and .delegate().
yeah, like there's no "document ready" event for a new element.
For the ones that exist on page load, I'm all like, $(function(){ $('select all the things').autocomplete(); });
the only way I know still are the mutation events, like DOMNodeInserted or DOMSubtreeModified
but also, those are still declared as "obsolete", "subject to change" and maybe aren't even available
@jAndy Thanks, I did not know of such things... I will google them!
ah, this discussion is better. But it doesn't look like there's a super great cross-platform solution.
seems like its still supported tho
and also that they're "not going away for a while"
Maybe I need to just do it in the code that inserts the new elements.
yes, maybe you should do that
honestly, I never had the need to use those mutation events. I think its always avoidable to use them if your design/code is well
it just seems to repeat myself to say at document load $('all the things').autocomplete(), but then have to explicitly say it again for the new things.
yes, you have to call .autocomplete on new nodes. but as you already mentioned, somewhere you insert that new row, which makes it a perfect place for that
another option is the use that .liveQuery (I guess that was the name?) plugin
OK well thanks for your help!
I did see some liveQuery stuff but was suspicious.
I guess it also uses mutation events if available
I got the "Vox Populi" badge even though I only voted for one answer today.
yeah me too
I was just looking to see if I could see what else I supposedly voted for but I don't see a record in my profile....
oh I see at the top my activity thing only shows 1 vote today.
1 vote today, 6 votes this month. I think it's very weird for me to earn the "Vox Populi".
And ... I can't even find the badge in my badges anymore.
maybe it was a badge bug
Q: Vox Populi, Civic Duty, and Electorate badges being awarded en masse

Thomas McDonaldI've just been awarded the Vox Populi badge on Meta Stack Overflow, Stack Overflow, Gaming & WordPress. I don't think I've voted once today, let alone 40 times on each site. Reports indicate that this is affecting all of the voting-related badges, including Vox Populi, Civic Duty, and Electo...

hah Nick Craver claimed responsibility :)
lol :(
well that's better than the browser hijacking shenanigans I was fearing at first.
Yes, I thought someone was using my account to upvote his posts. But I liked having the badge.
@jAndy "next I'll show the people lense"
And I'm like "wat? There are "lenses" on that screen? Oh shit there's a whole bunch of useful functionality there. Y U NO MAEK IT MORE OBVOUIS"
@Raynos: have a look at this please. Are you aware of that it seems like any HTMLxxxElement object overwrites the Node.prototype.appendChild method? (I guess if thats true, those overwrite a whole lot more functions)
Node.prototype.appendChild = function() {

var foo = document.createElement('span');
foo.textContent = 'FOO';

that will just work like expected, only if you patch HTMLDivElement.prototype.appendChild you can hook into that method
(section_1 indeed is a div node)
neither Node.prototype.appendChild nor Element.prototype.appendChild nor HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild seems to get used
got a problem with webgl. here is the question: stackoverflow.com/questions/9404404/…
@Raynos Any ideas? Need me to explain more?
@jAndy not in chrome
@Raynos my apologies ^_^
@JamesT NO U
@Raynos: in chrome modifying Node.prototype.appendChild reflects on HTMLxxxElements ?
It reflects on body
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