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@Trasiva lots of companies offer relocation. Where were you looking to move to?
I gotta say though, I love Milwaukee. It's got its problems, but it's such an awesome city.
@SomeKittens I'm pretty much open to anything, and I have been trying to get my resume out there. I applied to Google, a few months back, and sent a follow up email last week.
@SomeKittens Nice! That list of components is pretty impressive too.
Despite the lack of software jobs compared to Chicago or other larger cities, I can't imagine living anywhere else
@Trasiva Google is problematic. Their filters are tuned to remove false positives, so they let a lot of good people slip through.
I was just offered $120k and I'm 19
@BenFortune holy shit
that is awesome
@SomeKittens It is not moving to Node.js. But nice.
what is happening
@nick What sort of job is it?
@nick Holy shit man.
@ShotgunNinja Nick is afk: picking up another rockband guitar controller and going home
full stack
@nick NICE
can you say for whom?
what kind of job?
sounds like electronic trading
cengage, they're investing in edtech heavily
@nick the question is, did you take it?!
Oh, my girlfriend uses Cengage
I love their site, actually; I'm just sad it's all in struts
@nick :O yay!
@Loktar not yet, I'm waiting on offers from other companies
her technical college uses CengageBrain for her online courses
@nick fucking don't, just take that and run with it, lol
I'm waiting to see if NetApp brings me in for an on-site interview
@nick good luck man, also grats, that is badass.
I wanna see your resume ;)
@nick What area are you in?
They've been showing a lot of interest, and it's a lot closer to me
SF bay
> The <TinyMCE /> React component is a wrapper around the TinyMCE WYWIWYG editor.
that explains it
so scary.
the cengage position is in boston though
how long have you been developing software for?
only reason why I haven't jumped on it
eeech, moving to Beantown from the City
well, I've been writing code for years but I have about a year of professional experience as a developer
a really underpaid one at that
man this is fucking awesome. Pretty big boost for react dev.
I think the price tag has to do more with relocation payments than it does with worth and risk
they'll cover relocation
but yeah, if you get a chance, go for it.
Just paste your resume so I can copy everything verbatim onto mine and when I get questioned I'll just shrug.
naw man it's not that impressive
I'm only making $70k after a year of post-graduate experience
120k salary and under 21...that's pretty impressive.
and that's high for this area
@ShotgunNinja where you at?
area i mean haha
Is there a better way to write this? (goal is to detect which side of a rectangle a point (x,y) is closer)
oh whatever
let r=element.getBoundingClientRect(), slope=r.height/r.width,
x=e.clientX-(r.left+r.right)/2, y=e.clientY-(r.bottom+r.top)/2, s=y/x, side;
if (x>0){
	if (s>slope) side='top';
	else if (s>-slope) side='right';
	else side='bottom';
	if (s>slope) side='bottom';
	else if (s>-slope) side='right';
	else side='top';
Milwaukee, WI
I mean, I get living in Iowa has a much lower cost of living...but is $45 at 26 not as good as I thought then?
kind of a fan of Beer City
dude that's not bad at all
just... 120k, wow
that's double what I made last year
and I'm 24 as of yesterday
@Trasiva I'll take that anyday.
I really need to move to the states
I suppose it's more expensive to live in Beantown, but still
My stepdad lived there for a while
With salary comes expectations. You're better off being an hour monkey, especially if you can get overtime/doubletime.
!!> [Math.atan2(-3, -2)/Math.PI, Math.atan2(3, 2)/Math.PI]
@nick teach me master
@crl "-2.158798930342464,0.982793723247329"
@AwalGarg Nick is afk: picking up another rockband guitar controller and going home
boston isn't too bad compared to where I currently live
@CapricaSix get lost
Well yeah, SF is also stupid expensive
Milwaukee's cheap
it is
@crl "-0.6871670418109987,0.3128329581890012"
@nick the cost of living is a bit cheaper in Boston as well right?
@nick ewww, Cengage.
@AmericanSlime Okay, so I'm not crazy then. It's the most I've ever made. I was making something like $22k my last year in the military, and my grocery job I was in made almost 26k a year.
their tech (at least what I've seen) is horrifying
I have a 2-bedroom in the starving-artist district of Milwaukee for $650 a month
wtf am I doing
> The cost of living is 20% higher in San Francisco, CA
@Loktar yeah, it's sorta expensive from what I've read but far lower than SF
@nick you're not in SF proper, right?
nope, san jose :)
@ShotgunNinja I have a 860 sq foot one bedroom apartment with a den, washer, dryer, and dishwasher for 850 a month.
It's all relative. Who cares what the cost of living as long as your pay is proportionate.
you literally cannot find a place for under 1k here
unless it's someone's room
@nick Renting out your place for the super bowl?
Hah, I can't even use that site. It doesn't have any of the cities near me in it.
@SomeKittens aw hell naw
just couchsurf, lol
> The cost of living is 50% higher in Boston, MA
I just realized javascript has a switch statement. Can someone advise on if I should continue to use if...else if, or use a switch? Pros and cons? I need a damn definite.
@AmericanSlime how many things are you choosing between?
At least 5
@Trasiva sf -> boston is 17% lower :P
Are you using absolute conditionals, and how many conditionals are there.
just don't forget the break
Yea, switches for sure then.
Conditional is just a single value check.
@nick Yea well, pfffffht.
@Trasiva Nick is afk: picking up another rockband guitar controller and going home
@Loktar I actually had a job offer from Boeing when I got out.
wrong Nick, lol
@JaredSmith I always forget the break :/
Another day where I level up. Fuck ya to switches. Gonna save me some lines of code.
But since I didn't have a degree, they wanted to pay me 27k a year for the Baltimore/DC area. I told them to get stuffed promptly.
@nick If you use a switch and forget the break, you're gonna have a bad time.
@Trasiva LOL
@nick yeah, don't we all
cap you're a little slow
she's a toaster, what did you expect
with a 56k modem
@Trasiva ouch wtf man
that is ridiculous
@Loktar I know, right?
especially if the job required a clearance
A TS generally demands 30k at least, on top of whatever you're making
@ShotgunNinja ps5?
@Loktar what about it
@Loktar Considering my debriefing for all my read ons took me almost three days of eight hour days....yea. It was a blatant slap to the face.
2010: I got my toaster to run Linux!
2015: My toaster comes with Linux!
2020: Why can't I find a toaster without Linux?
I'd have been going right back into the same shop, with almost all the same read ons, just a different capacity.
@ShotgunNinja they added a keyboard, Sony finally gave in.
@SomeKittens Did you see the guy who made Doom run with toaster controls?
@Trasiva YEAH
that was awesome
!!youtube doom toaster
That was just amazing.
I don't know if I should feel sorry for this person, or be amazed by them...this toaster mod.
@nderscore hows life
@AmericanSlime why feel sorry? They did something awesome they enjoyed?
@d-_-b sleepy
we could look down at someone with different hobbies than us to make our ego feel better.
Feel inspired.
Model M representing as well.
@AwalGarg ping
@FlorianMargaine pong
I love when he's got the minigun and he's just hammering with both fist on the toaster.
Getting a toaster to control your computer doesn't seem like a good use of time.
@Loktar ahah you noticed
heh and a sidewinder!
@AwalGarg do you remember which project/file had word wraps?
that dude is a boss.
Other than to say you did it.
@AwalGarg I have a small css bug that I'm not sure how to fix
Of course, Brutal Doom is amazing as well.
I wish you could do if (-angle<a<angle) in js..
@Trasiva holy hell that game is great!
@FlorianMargaine the word wraps bug, you mean? sure sec
@AmericanSlime ...so?
ooo, youtube has a lightsaber progress bar now
Welp, that's a new one for me.
@AmericanSlime I imagine you would learn a bit honestly.
@Loktar I can't wait until the new Doom game comes out, it looks like they genuinely took parts of brutal doom to heart.
Useful in other areas of life.
@SterlingArcher That's been around almost as long as the internet, haha.
8 hours ago, by Awal Garg
@FlorianMargaine http://dpsv.margaine.com/packages/stable/sudo/1.8.10p3-1+deb8u2/common/regress/a‌​tofoo/atofoo_test.c :/
@CapricaSix "they leave the USB port in the toaster because its cheaper than removing it"
@Trasiva yeah it looks pretty badass
it seems to be fixed now
I plan on grabbing it for sure
That's what the comment said, but I've literally never seen that before lol
@AwalGarg hmf.
and reappears on 33% zoom.
@AwalGarg I need bigger lines :)
@FlorianMargaine add them from the inspector?
@AwalGarg I've added an overflow: auto
The only weird thing is no Carmack :/
so a vertical scroll bar appears when the line is too big
@FlorianMargaine that shall cause... horizontal scrolling :(
the thing is, the scrollbar makes the code slightly higher
right sorry, horizontal scrolling
and so the issue is, the code is slightly higher, but the line numbers haven't moved
@FlorianMargaine what highlight lib are you using?
because the horizontal scrollbar is only on the code, not on the line numbers :/
@AwalGarg pygments
So uh.. are people struck by runaway tires instantly ded?
@SterlingArcher No, but they feel tired afterwards.
There is a lot of factors that go into death by tire.
@FlorianMargaine IIRC it does server side highlighting and sends highlighted markup to client?
@Trasiva you leave this room right now.
@AwalGarg yes
They typically bounce back though.
@FlorianMargaine might wanna switch that to the client. highlightjs lets you wordwrap TMK
@SomeKittens I was with him until he said "just use the toast remap program installed on windows"
It's even worse though when the rubber neckers just watch it happen.
@AwalGarg highlightjs doesn't have line numbers when I looked
@SterlingArcher lol you remember when he was struck by a tire... and died?!
@Codeman Have you seen the Swedish Haskell video?
@SomeKittens nah
@FlorianMargaine seems like it
@SomeKittens well... I knew that most toasters used a 4 bit MCU but I was like "uhh... it's USB? k... still seems plausible, I guess..."
@SterlingArcher I can keep rolling all day. I'm not even tired yet!
LOL omg
yeah I was thinking about the same clip
@AwalGarg I originally looked at client-side implementations, they all suck
@AwalGarg so I do like github, horizontal scrollbar.
@Loktar great minds think alike? lol
although... they don't even show the scrollbar, actually
Oh man... that impact is srs br00tal
@SterlingArcher There’s no confirmation, but the only thing written in the video description is, “The guy lived.”
^ according to an article
Well that's good then
yeah man, poor guy... all alone
@FlorianMargaine I never have an issue with scrollbars because of chrome://flags/#overlay-scrollbars in chrome and a custom stylesheet in ff :D
@AwalGarg no, I ended up wanting server-side thing, much easier on the client
I think I posted one, one day where the guy actually died
the chances lol
I felt bad when I found out
@FlorianMargaine oh, cool
@AwalGarg can you have links on the line numbers?
8 hours ago, by Florian Margaine
(technically, everything is possible)
@SomeKittens ahaha one of his comments though
> Thanks, kind fan. But I believe that you meant to type "You're funny"
@FlorianMargaine Even if the lib/fork doesn't provide a method, I can clearly see the implementation would be reaaaaly easy
@AwalGarg meh. I don't want to write code.
I know that feel
some days, it's just like, I just want to go back to playing League of Legends all day
and other days it's fucking awesome
like, explosions and rainbows
overflow: overlay
@ShotgunNinja Iiiiiit's Monday
I think I'm a tetris addict
!!wiki tetris effect
The Tetris effect (also known as Tetris Syndrome) occurs when people devote so much time and attention to an activity that it begins to pattern their thoughts, mental images, and dreams. It takes its name from the video game Tetris. People who play Tetris for a prolonged amount of time may then find themselves thinking about ways different shapes in the real world can fit together, such as the boxes on a supermarket shelf, the buildings on a street, or hallucinating pieces being generated and falling into place on an invisible layout. In this sense, the Tetris effect is a form of habit. They might...
@SomeKittens I have that :(
hah hah I just watched that swedish haskell video
I've gotten the Tetris effect from binging on cooking competition shows
I wake up sometimes and think I'm a contestant
'if you try to pronounce this word your lungs will run out of air and you'll die'
Don't we all have the tetris effect by dealing with computers all the time?
not necessarily. SO chat helps me break out of it.
because on here, it's just talking. We're not trying to implement a more efficient sarcasm response.
...or are we
@FlorianMargaine whatcha did
@BadgerCat You just have a case of kickass-itis.
@AwalGarg overflow: overlay
@FlorianMargaine that doesn't look like a valid css rule
@AwalGarg it's what github uses
@Trasiva Aw <3
it's like overflow:scroll but you don't have a scrollbar
In other news, I got a super fancy coffee machine
It was in our basement, I cleaned it and now I'm making lattes
@BadgerCat Does it simulate waiting in long lines for overpriced coffee?
@AwalGarg yes, so you can e.g. select the text to horizontally scroll
@Trasiva No, but it's very noisy
@BadgerCat Gross. This is why I'm happy to just have my keurig.
@Trasiva that looks super cool
Hey guys, I haven't found anything in documentation about this... I'm using Reactjs. For a textarea, I originally validated it in onKeyUp (button should enable or disable based on text inside). The validation lagged a bit and it annoyed me. I changed my validation to be in onChange and it works beautifully and perfectly... My question is when would someone use onKeyUp over onChange then?
@FlorianMargaine doesn't seem to work in firefox. I wonder what GH does for FF.
@BadgerCat Kinda late for coffee though, isn't it?
Yeah, but I couldn't wait until tomorrow to try it
It isn't documented on MDN either, neither is it specced :/
Only works in chrome and safari
But both copy and I hate coffee
@Nick It's almost 2300 there. She's probably gotta get up around 0600/0700.
hi Badger
@SterlingArcher hi bae
@BadgerCat ....wait, wait wait. You're making coffee....and you both hate coffee.
:) How're you?
@JaredSmith is that in response to me?
You can fake it on others by using nested dives with the inner div set to overflow scroll and set to ~110% width
There is a difference, though: With auto, the scrollbar is added below the element on x-overflow. With overlay, it is added within the element! This means that no additional screen estate is taken, but the text within the element itself is obstructed by the scrollbar. It is a subtle, but useful difference. Tested on Chromium. — ypnos Oct 25 '13 at 4:13
I was talking about overflow: overlay
Yeah, but I can tolerate it if it has a lot of milk and sugar
nice description
@BadgerCat That's not coffee, that's warm milk.
@SterlingArcher good!
I like my coffee like I like my lives that matter
Bueno bueno
2 mins ago, by Awal Garg
@FlorianMargaine doesn't seem to work in firefox. I wonder what GH does for FF.
I'm glad somebody got that joke; I stole it from facebook
Estoy muy cansado :(
@AwalGarg ... see the question
@Nick copy and I always star your jokes
but he's sleeping
@SterlingArcher why?
@FlorianMargaine oh, stupid webkit.
trabaja :D sido muy concentrados durante todo el día
@David answer to your question is a somewhat unsatisfying 'when you need one event instead of the other'. Example would be you want to do something while a user is holding down a key, so you'd attach keydown and keyup listeners, change isn't going to cut it.
@AwalGarg yeah, I guess I'll add a fallback for ff
ugh, getting your head back into an old project is such a brain fuck
mierde. tengo ir. >.< adios badger! <3
@Nick White and privileged?
(how was my spanish? :D)
!!afk another meeting D:
@Trasiva obviously
@BadgerCat Later tater!
@SterlingArcher I understood it :)
@Trasiva No, I was saying bye to @SterlingArcher, I'm staying
hola seniorita; tu madre es gordo gato
@SterlingArcher Deja de chupar tanto pene entonces!
@BadgerCat Oops.
gato grodo
!!google time in new delhi
I forget you spanish folk flip the subject and the adjectives
@AwalGarg Womp womp
wtf happened to whatever ntp pool I am connected to
@AwalGarg yeah, I guess I'll add a fallback for ff
!!time New Delhi
@Trasiva wait, you speak spanish?
@Trasiva !!>new Date().toLocaleTimeString()
Hi. :]

Any Marionette users here?
@BadgerCat Hablo poquito espanol, si senora.
@Charlie I prefer sock puppets
Yo se lo suficiente como para ser peligroso...en la cama.
@AwalGarg github uses a completely different way to generate. It's a table with <td>line number</td><td>code</td>
@Nick - Muppets.
so, much easier to deal with for that
> The Backbone Framework Marionette simplifies your Backbone application code with robust views and architecture solutions. (marionettejs.com)
@FlorianMargaine is whatever they are doing opensource?
@AwalGarg looking
I saw something, but it wasn't obvious as to how to use it
@Trasiva tu madre es casa caliente
So now Marionette users?
now === no
@Nick No, no senor. Ella es bastante horrible para mirar cuando sobrio.
I only know like 8 words in spanish
but I don't see how it does that...
Translation: No sir, she's quite ugly to look at sober.
@FlorianMargaine I don't that is relevant here
3 mins ago, by Awal Garg
@FlorianMargaine so it is incorrect
@BadgerCat yay!
I think linguist just identifies stuff and relays the highlighting back to some other thing
My trip to mexico paid off
@SterlingArcher Did you get girls there?
It brought back a good amount of spanish. It's very... gringo spanish but at least you understood me haha
Actually I brought a girl there
> GitHub uses the open source Linguist library to determine file languages for syntax highlighting and repository statistics.
@FlorianMargaine ^ they most probably read wrong
@SterlingArcher did you leave her there?
@BadgerCat @SterlingArcher probably did not, because he needs to step up his game.
No but I did end up ditching the bed for the couch
and the way it is written, it is quite easy indeed to interpret it wrong
Turns out I couldn't stand her
@AwalGarg I think I found it pypi.python.org/pypi/pygments-style-github
testing locally
Spent the rest of mexico getting wasted on the beach and pointing out women in thongs to her
She was not happy
@SterlingArcher Rule number one: Unless you put a ring on it, never spend the money to take a woman abroad.
Didn't spend a dime :D
Well then.
Even better.
@FlorianMargaine yep, seems like it. (also great job gluing around stuff with exec :D)
The butts in mexico though. Oh my god.
smack the butts
@SterlingArcher Dude, Mexico is always a party.
We actually got wasted on a boat trip, snuck into an "adult experience" hotel pool... lots of topless 50 year olds there
@SterlingArcher Ikr
Turns out those adult experience hotels are for older singles
@SterlingArcher Haha, you fucked up.
Then we got chased out, and I fell off a dock

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