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@SomeKittens Only problem with that is, if I am working on a project, it fails and I abandon it, I will only have so long before I get my next project up. Basically, I don't want to start paying until I know I will be actually using it.
What if I use the trial, put up my project and it gets no traction so I abandon it? Well, the trial doesn't stop for me. Therefore, I wasted the entire trial.
@DemCodeLines Heroku free tier?
I suppose I could. I used it once long ago. How does it compare to other guys (Azure, GAP and AWS)?
for a tiny personal project? Does it matter?
@BenjaminGruenbaum that has nothing to do with the build
Loktar pulling a page out of Sterling's book
seen't it
the build is practically instant, what sahar talked about is the time it takes the browser to run the codez
@KendallFrey I'm old and slow
Slow is good, sometimes
and that was a problem (that I also had before) that is caused by having the async checkbox on in dev tools
I removed that, and it was much better, but sometimes it was still slow for sahar. I can investigate that, but it's not about the build
Why do you guys use this as your work-related chat?
@KendallFrey see room description
seriously though why
@KendallFrey too cheap for Slack
why do we talk about random bullshit 97% of the time?
who knows
I'm guessing it's because I'm most available here :P
why does it bother you?
just seems spammy
I like seeing @Mosho get slammed
just kick back and enjoy the show
@phenomnomnominal Wanna see your mom get slammed?
@KendallFrey No, who would want that? You're gross.
yeah, that would sink NZ
she's already sinking it
fair point
grab a bailing bucket Craig
You guys have been really mean to me since I fucked both your dads.
@phenomnomnominal your server is serving me the mobile version on desktop
Of which thing?
@phenomnomnominal ofc, digging him up was a dick move
@phenomnomnominal ah, it's just the link on your profile
Yeah I should change that, but what I've been working on since isn't public
How long of a ping time would you say is too long to ping your router?
Not sure if mine is flaky or just under load
Mine jumps between 0.3ms and 10ms
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 1.117/2.137/4.360/0.836 ms
@SomeKittens Not sure
Fast learner, hard worker, super cool guy, jquery expert
you can leave the last one off though
just worked out bros; now I'm ripped like nick
How much you bench bro?
today was pull; lat pull 100lbs, sets of 15.
I'm a weak chump
@nick "can jQuery anything"
"If there's a jQuery plugin for it, he's installed it"
@SomeKittens There's no way I won't get hired if I have that glowing recommendation on my resume
@Nick it is ok
I've been slipping
I'm just getting started
learn good form and you'll build strength ez
learn poor form and you'll injure yourself constantly until you ragequit
I'm always making sure my form is good
I'd rather have perfect form and take it down 10lbs than struggle and throw out my back
solid thinking
I cancelled my match.com subscription; too retarded
I feel good about it, though. I's probably the endorphins from working out (and this dank-ass chicken pasta salad I had after).
goodnight figs
goodnight sweet prince
1 hour later…
@nick sent
@SomeKittens I love you
one kiss, no tongue
You got it
To buy or not to buy, that is the question. unofficialcardboard.com/products/2-0-plus?variant=7602798273
setting up SSL + CORS on nginx just about gave me cancer
Anyone know which are the blanked options of this comparison:
what event on the input get triggered when I click the input box of a jquery datepicker?
I tried all those on the event listeners, but I am getting nothing...
@FlorianMargaine PS1 please ;)
@nick ssl is just adding the ssl leaf to listen directive and pointing to the keyfiles and cors is just adding couple of headers. did you follow some random bullshit article on the internet instead of rtfm? ;)
$(".txt_scr").focusout(function (event) {
		var nondecimalRegex = /^\d{1,6}$/,
			inputtxt = event.target.value,
			decimalRegex = /^\d{1,6}\.\d{3}$/;
		if (inputtxt.length > 0) {
			var resultVal;
			if (/^\d{1,6}$/.test(inputtxt)) {
				resultVal = inputtxt + ".00";
			} else if (/^\d{1,6}\.\d{1,2}$/.test(inputtxt)) {
				// count of zeros to add to the end of input val
				var c = 3 - inputtxt
				resultVal = inputtxt
					+ (c == 1 ? "0" : (c == 2 ? "00" : ""));
i have this code

I have one small query in resultVal = inputtxt
can anyone tell me what was that
is guess this was an if condition
@Aval Garg
any idea please
thankfully, that doesn't qualify as a ping, leave alone pinging random people
@feniixx gonna need more context than that
@feniixx it's especially misleading that those 3 have been blanked out, because the one between webpack and browserify is SystemJS, and JSPM uses SystemJS, so JSPM + SystemJS are actually more popular than webpack
SystemJS is more popular because of babel :D
how are they related?
I love System, just not sure what the link is?
a while ago, babel defaulted to transpiling es6 modules to systemjs calls
huh, didn't know that
import something -> System.import(something).then(...)
I like System too. It is more "future friendly" to the ES ecosystem.
it's a very nice dev experience
no gulp in the way
the bundling works really well, I love the arithmetic expressions
no bower
wins all around
I wish it was more optimized. Also the way it resolves imports/exports is pretty immature (evaling is host -_-). Otherwise it got pretty much everything right. My go-to thing for SPAs.
hopefully it gets ratified as a spec and is implemented properly
@AwalGarg I don't wanna write my own browserify
@amark Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@amark Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@amark Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
but i probably will have to hack something that works (in absence of the obvious) in browser.
thanks cap
@amark Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@amark Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Abhishrek why not
@AwalGarg cause obviously i wont be able to use npm modules in browser
unless I install them somehow in my own fucked up format
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
@Abhishrek your browserify doesn't have to be compatible with browserify. just write a module loader for vis
@AwalGarg erm no
it has to import npm modules, which is a hiccup cause they don't install in Chrome fs
hi how can i get the length of the array which is a value for a particular object property
@Abhishrek shim the node standard lib for browser :D
@AwalGarg this is why i don't accept pull requests from you.
I can polyfill console but thats about it
and thats as far as I am willing to go
as this has to run in a browser (cause thats the cool point)
I thought of using IDBFS to polyfill the fs api
@Abhishrek you can polyfill fs, http(s), assert, and shitload of other things
and then write npm'ed modules straight to IDBFS
where the files are going anyways
technically that would work like bliss
cause when exporting recursively visiting keys and adding them to a zip
will work just perfectly !
(also we can always follow npmignore and gitignore) for what do we export
hi to all can anyone here help me out
but i guess its gonna be harder than I thought
maybe I shouldn't put it all on web :-| web sucks !
@Abhishrek Of all the things listed at devdocs.io/node, I can't see many things used in node everyday which can't be provided in the browser.
@AwalGarg clearly you don't use npm as much as we do
NPM has fully functional modules that work wonderfully in browser
its a repository of packages
I am missing something here. You want the browser packages to... work in the browser? Don't they already?
@AwalGarg goto hell
on it
wait you are IN it
@AwalGarg oh-my-zsh theme
don't remember which one, it's one of the default ones
@AwalGarg lets try it this way
@FlorianMargaine can't you just echo out the PS1 for me :(
1. I want people to be able to use npm modules (fucking hell i intend to use them myself)
2. With npm the modules are installed in a file system which are then "require()d" in code
I don't have a PS1, it's just "ZSH_THEME=foo"
3. Browserify walks over this require tree and merges the files into one (by walking the filesystem)
4. I don't have a file system cause the editor is working purely in a browser
@Abhishrek oohh, ok. so you want an npm compatible require in browser.
in browser's filesystem api
@Abhishrek with browserify transforms you can polyfill node modules, there are already some of them
@FlorianMargaine yep, that was the plan
but i cannot shim browserify itself :-/ which is a bummer.
@Abhishrek but it's at build time...
@FlorianMargaine the editor so far runs solely inside the browser
and so does its REPL either I have to move it to node-webkit or put a server :-/
@Abhishrek what are the dependencies of browserify?
A file system ?
from the node standard lib, I meant
@Abhishrek or run browserify on your server
'fs' is an obvious guess
@FlorianMargaine yep put it on a server.
Shamlessly, I don't have a server.
I am going to try to make FileSystem API work with browserify / npm
if nothing, I will learn a lot about npm and browserify.
@AwalGarg @FlorianMargaine or I should just use electron shell to get things done.
right ?
hell no
please, for the love of god, don't
wow, I did not know that Array.prototype.reverse() modifies the array in place
it depends of the implementation
this sucks... my provider doesn't support nodejs...
@towc checkout nodejitsu or heroku or you can try some vps from aws
@towc just out of curiosity, what do they support ?
@towc I know a provider who supports nodejs 4.2.2... :P
(disclaimer: this is where I work)
@KarelG it's aruba: php, python, perl and ruby
@FlorianMargaine what's the cost?
@towc depends on what you want, it starts at $10/mo
and can go up to $17k+ for high sla stuff
this other host is for 20euros par year...
@towc the perl part is useless. rest are all pretty good to work with.
@AwalGarg I doubt I'll ever use python or ruby either
Why not?
it is not a good provider IMO (heh even perl support ?). a buddy of mine subscribed at a provider that supports PHP for his website. What he clearly didn't check was checking the version ... (the PHP was seriously outdated)
@AwalGarg we support php 7.0 rc7 :D
php can be quite useful, but do I really have a reason to use python or ruby>
@FlorianMargaine U WOT M8. link or didn't happen
well, "support" as in "it works"
> PHP API 20151012
@FlorianMargaine that's really cool
your company is one of the least providers which invests in maintenance: ie frequent update checks
@phenomnomnominal what did you expect ?
although @FlorianMargaine cgi.fix_pathinfo is enabled :P
a new array, reversed
some implementations give you a new array, other reuses the array
@AwalGarg you can provide your own php.ini
arr.slice(0).reverse(); would be that but way to bad
@Abhishrek the 0 is redundant :D
I didn't know that
@AwalGarg on your advice, I am going to try to do the most ugly task of my life
slice(0) ? :p
* gives coffee *
@Abhishrek I am glad I contributed in ruining your life :P
@KarelG what, no
It is always the same array, mutated in place, and returned as a ref.
Florian's advice, okay 1 part is done ^
@AwalGarg browserify is the easy part
the harder part is the godforsaken npm
@AwalGarg in Prolog, using reserve on a list L1 gives you L2. (well ... list ... )
@Abhishrek requiring from which is part of browserify, so it is browserify all the way down
@AwalGarg actually leveldb-fs solves the "fs" part
so don't really have to put my head into it
npm is a different story altogether
I really doubt if I can even resolve it
@KarelG yeah, we try to stay in sync with upstream releases, e.g. we deployed hhvm 3.10 support less than a week after it was released
keyword here is "try" though :)
@FlorianMargaine do you also offer database installations and stuff?
@AwalGarg obviously. mariadb, postgres, redis, solr, elasticsearch, etc
NPM won't work in browser
insert klingon curses
@AwalGarg I'm going to host dpsv on it
that'll let me have github PRs integrations
which builds a full environment (i.e. node, postgres, etc) for each PR
@Abhishrek CORS? :)
@FlorianMargaine It relies too much on node core modules
CORS would come last, http, https etc
@FlorianMargaine dpsv?
debian, packaging...?
@Abhishrek writing npm from scratch is always an option
@AwalGarg I'll pass
for now browserify + level-fs should be fine
Ssup guys?
@MehulTandale Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AwalGarg the screenshot I showed last night was dpsv updater
fuck it i am writing an npm install for browserfs
linux guys: in my terminal I always get this thing, any way to make it shorter? like towc@towc-C maybe?
wait, I should go to the ubuntu room I guess
actually nevermind since wzrd.in @FlorianMargaine \o/
not needed hurrah
how come nobody has mentioned this before ?
@towc run this: PS1=
@AwalGarg oh, cool!
how do I add a space?
PS1="foo bar $ "
:D thanks
I didn't even have a clue on what would I have had to google..
@towc how is it going with your new os?
thingie at the beginning of a command in terminal
@AwalGarg absolutely love it
google "ps1 customization"
yeah yeah, but I had no idea it was the ps1
@towc weird
why :(
it might just be temporary excitement
but I prefer this much more than windows
@towc I hope you have you have your justification if/when you get into an OS flame war :D
I don't think I have one
I just like it more? Again, it may just be because it's different
and looks hacky and all of that
why does one need a justification for liking something
which is not a proper justification, but it works for me
@FlorianMargaine in a flame war...
@AwalGarg omg wzrd.in has cors enabled
@Abhishrek neat! TIL
@AwalGarg why do you get in flame wars
> if/when
now the only problem is how do we polyfill our require with this require and done :D
@Abhishrek your thing will require internet?
@FlorianMargaine nope
well it requires for first time, then it stores the module in localForage
(so far)
will switch to BrowserFS and dump them there
@Abhishrek I am going out to get a print out of that thing. I'll remember for life you made me get out of bed on a cold evening.
@Abhishrek check hangouts real quick!!
> Raynos
@SomeGuy, @copy kongregate.com/games/TheGameKitchen/… and following chapters. Point & click adventure, partly horror, very well made.
@towc heh, in powershel, it's a clear Rename-Computer to change that
wait, it's different than what PS1 does ... ignore me please
@MadaraUchiha : wait till you get elected
is assembly any useful nowadays? Not only for front-end web dev...
or is it just an historical language that noone will ever use again?
other than for fun
Of course it's useful
do I have a reason to learn it?
(as in, I kinda want to learn it. Give me reasons)
If you ask for a reason then probably not, but aside from its practical purposes it's useful to learn before it makes you a better programmer.
Knowing more things is good.
if you comprehend assembler language, you will really understand how it works
Knowing a wide berth of things spanning multiple disciplines is great.
ok, I'm learning it
Don't threaten us.
also, it's also useful for core applications in backbone
hella fast if you have a core function which uses assembler codes in C#
also ask lemon if it's still used in embedded systems, or languages that are similar to it (@rlemon)
depends on your speciality, doesn't hurt to have a basic knowledge
ok, cool
@towc you should learn it
its actually nice :-)
and if you take any real cs course you will have to learn it anyways
@AwalGarg I wish to make a simple chrome addon
which allows you to do require('anylibrary@anyversion')
in your console
and saves it to localForage for future usage
@Abhishrek Interesting idea
maybe name it $require for obvious reason
So like, in the console, let _ = myFancyRequire('lodash'); and have it in a variable?
the only catch is doing it sync :-/
do you guys mind let _ = await $require("lodash");
TBF it's not that hard making something sync
without hanging the browser ?
@Abhishrek Of course with hanging the browser
That's what sync does :D
yeah not really a good idea :-/
Never said it was.
but what about let _ = await $require('lodash');
Is await even supported anywhere?
darn :-(
so $require('lodash').then( _ => window._ = _ ) ?
How about just require and print a debug message when it's loaded
Exactly what I was going to suggest ^
well that can work.
This is all in the console, the user knows they may have to wait.
@Zirak would you mind if I make such an addition to jsh ?
You mean jsh, and sure, there's an issue somewhen made by @AwalGarg to add an importScript, I was just too lazy
@Abhishrek Thought you wanted this as a browser extension?
@MadaraUchiha later maybe, jsh for now seems more straightforward
He suggested doing it with the server-side being a proxy, which is more intelligent.
@Zirak the require will just use wzrd.in to fetch the module
The what a what?
@Zirak browserify cdn
What does browserify have to do with anything?
basically if you do wzrd.in/bundle/colors@latest
you get the compiled colors thing
So you want a narrower version of importScript
didn't realize importScript can do that :o
It imports a script, so...
ah nvm.
@tereško Pfft, next thing you know, they'll tell us we can't own slaves anymore.

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