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@SterlingArcher is there any other kind of proof?
Is anyone else NOT surprised it's the Frenchman who wants proof?
I'm surprised he's still around after the mention of war.
gotta go
@KendallFrey He surrendered at the mentioning of it.
@FlorianMargaine there's a reasonable chance that in 24 hours I may hate you
so sorry about that
@phenomnomnominal so, in 48 hours for me?
Yes, since I'm from the future
36h, sorry
why are you going to hate me anyway?
This dude is shit scary youtube.com/watch?v=abmTVDWCc0g
He wants to consume all of the virginities with his smile
@Zirak That might be the single creepiest sentence I've heard.
@FlorianMargaine NZ v France, Rugby World Cup
@phenomnomnominal ah
@rlemon Mother of fuck
rugby world cup is right now?
I hate you
Had no aspirations until now
@FlorianMargaine yeah, quarter finals this weekend
I'm kinda cut off the world since a few weeks...
Now I know what I'll never be as good as
@Zirak Hey, at least you can't be any worse than Lamar Odom right now.
!!youtube ice nine kills me, myself & hyde
good song
!!youtube don't fuck with our drea,s
^ better song
$.grep( array, function( h, i ) {
  return (h => h.name === value);
Hey guys any idea why that is returning the whole array and not just the matching object?
@JoelL such consistent
why not $.grep(array, h => h => h.name === value);
jquery grep or angular?
The better question is why not array.filter
@Zirak that was gonna be my next question
let [value] = array.filter(h => h.name === value);
god thats hot
var arr = [{ name: 'foo' }, { name: 'bar' }, { name: 'foo' }];
R.filter(R.propEq('name', 'foo'))(arr);
> ))(
what is this, lisp?
You wish
Thanks guys!
this is how you get parse errors
whats the difference between grep and filter?
grep is inferior
filter is better
!!xkcd bells theorum
At least post the alt text, or use !!xkcd
@FlorianMargaine btw I've been trying to be a better person, so to play with fusepy I used hy. It's an interesting experience.
Not really
!!help xkcd
@Zirak xkcd: Returns an XKCD. Call with no args for random, new for latest, or a number for a specific one.
Fuck Amazon, Fuck Canada Post.
don't give me shipping dates if you are just going to ignore them
also, don't charge for express shipping if you are using local post to deliver it
if its amazons date, send customer support an email complaining
theyve given me free stuff when that happens
I'm not paying so you can send me shit via Canada Post.
@BenCraig I tweeted them
I'm going to find their complain section soon
tweeted so hard
what the fuck is the point of paying for 3 days shipping if it isn't delivered in three days?!
plot twist: the post man is in the hospital
@FlorianMargaine fusepy is a python wrapper for fuse. hy is that lisp-in-python dialect. I've been dabbling. It's interesting.
I'm not very good.
When I finish something I'll want a CR and you'll give it to me
You'll give it to me goood
@Zirak I know, you already told me about it
and I showed you !!xkcd standards
@FlorianMargaine You sounded confused
Yes but I was writing in python anyway >_>
@FlorianMargaine Code Review
but I just learned about for/else in python this week
so we'll see if I can help
(defn match [self path-parts]
    (print "match:" path-parts)
    (if path-parts
      (if (in (car path-parts) self.children)
        (let [[handler (get (car path-parts) self.children)]
              [rest (cdr path-parts)]]
          (if (hasattr handler "match")
            (.match handler rest)
            (, handler rest)))
        (, nil (,)))
      (, self (,))))
Like this ^ I don't like it very much
That looks hard to read
There's no return-from construct so my early returns are shoved to a later date
that sucks
the amount of brackets brings back nightmares from first year
@Zirak do you have when?
I can flip the ifs to if-not
@FlorianMargaine Yep
my personal rule of thumb is: "use when/unless, except if you need the else"
oh, of course. But I need to somehow return in each branch.
Language guru said he didn't like early returns, so that's probably not going in
what does (, self (,)) mean?
sigh tuple creation
It's (self, ()) in Python
A tuple with two elements: self and the empty tuple
yeah I see
lisp is fugly
There're some things I'm half-and-half on, like:
(self.match (tuple (-> path (.strip "/") (.split "/"))))))
Which is self.match(tuple(path.strip("/").split("/")))
yup, the arrow is funny
I wish I had access to tuples in C#. But noooooo, we're still using the 2.0/3.5 framework.
hy is more like clojure than CL
Seems to be heavily inspired by Clojure
@Zirak you can't really help it, the logic itself is a lot of ugly ifs
@rlemon Three day shipping? What kind of pleb are you? Amazon Prime shipping e'ry day son!
# the python version is so much nicer though:
def match(self, path_parts):
        print('match:', path_parts)

        if not path_parts:
            return (self, ())

        sub_path = path_parts[0]
        if sub_path in self.handlers:
            handler = self.handlers[sub_path]
            rest = path_parts[1:]

            if hasattr(handler, 'match'):
                return handler.match(rest)

            return (handler, rest)

        return (None, ())
add whitespaces and it's just as nice
That's another thing! I noticed a habit of not tapping on whitespace. Will try to combat
just use javascript
Q: Main diffence between Javasript application and Java applet

Fon NoelIts clear that JavaScript is used for web development but its not clear whether applets are for the web development and desktop or what there's some confusion among them, I basically Know Applets can be good for real time applications(like banking systems) is that correct? If I can make canvases ...

@Zirak yeah, I usually use a lot less newlines in lisp than in other code. But I also write many more small functions, so it's still readable
> Java Script, is a relatively shorter uncompiled bit of scripting that is compiled on and by the user's browser at the time it is needed.
@Trasiva I have Prime
which is why I'm annoyed
Who updooted the stupid answer?
doot doot mother fucker
jk wasn't me
@rlemon Yea, that's doubly unacceptable. Someone deserves to take a trip to pound town for that.
@BenCraig lol they just offered me one free month of Prime for my trouble
bitch! you give three months of prime free for signing up?!
Is there someone here who is familiar with jquery plugin development? got a scope problem and cant figure it out on how to make it work
@rlemon A month free? For something that cost you almost four times that? BWAHAHAHA.
Only Jordan will understand
@phenomnomnominal (@rlemon) youtube.com/watch?v=O7EcT5YzKhQ
@Zirak Are you just looking up mandolin songs now?
@Trasiva ...maybe.
I'm totes getting a mandolin.
I got it :D
@Zirak I expect you to be playing at this proficiency in three months. Starting two months and twenty nine days ago.
My ears are dripping someone else's vaginal juices
Prolly Kendall's
I can neither confirm nor deny
Spoiler: Not vaginal juices.
Another spoiler: Totes baby batter.
6 hours ago, by Kendall Frey
I can do goatse
@Zirak Also, thanks, that song now makes me want to go pick up another violin.
It's all starting to come apart together
When we all come together, come together, come together
@KendallFrey It's a homosexual baby batter spatter kind of love mess?
@FlorianMargaine There's also the problem that some things are just not ready or are sometimes broken, it's not a stable language.
On one compilation I can use multi-var let, in another I can't
@Trasiva brb soothing my raging erection
@SterlingArcher cannot view tumblr
what is that filled with? buckles???
@KendallFrey it's a gif of Mallory hitting Sterling with her purse
@Pheonixblade9 god I'm so happy you said that
@Trasiva Command !!s/buckles/nickles/ does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@Trasiva what is that filled with? nickles??? (source)
!!urban nickle
@KendallFrey nickle a gram of weed
That's a damn lie
FUCK YEA, 1600. I'm off like a dirty pair of underwear. Later haters.
@SterlingArcher <3
a nickle is a $5 bag o weed
can anyone help me ? i have a question on algorithm
@MDSijadFaisal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SterlingArcher I live in Seattle, weed is more expensive than that here :(
!!youtube family guy bag of weed
@MDSijadFaisal Always divide by zero.
but on the plus side, I can go to a store down the street and buy it :P
lol @Trasiva you got flagged
I did see I got flagged.
also weed cookies, chocolate, medical cream, concentrate, butter... all sorts of things
@Pheonixblade9 lol yeah that part of my life is over
It made me laugh.
@KendallFrey I'll molest you later bbycakes.
@SterlingArcher shrug I've never done anything weed related in my life
I'm just glad it's legal here 'cause it's stupid that it's illegal most places
!!youtube miles away memphis may fire
this song is beautiful
no, your mother is beautiful
and her loins are frothing for me
ok I give up, cant figure this thing out, spend 4 hours on this and cant figure it out, at the end of the js code I got 2 initializations with 2 different options, but somehow it only takes the latest option that i give ti the .bird, I asume that it is a scope problem at the begining of the code at the each function, here is the link codepen.io/ZetCoby/pen/PPmmKg please someone give me a hint on how to make it so that each initialzation keeps its own options
!!afk ragequit
@KendallFrey if you EVER use my mother and the word FROTHING in the same sentence... well... I don't know what I'll do... but it will be BAD!
In an unrelated note, emacs is so awesome. C-M-t
!!> var o={x: 1, y: o.x}; o
@crl "TypeError: o is undefined"
well logic
@CapricaSix until you close the } o is still not defined, the declaration was not finished
y: o.x fails
!!> var o = {x:1, y: o.x};
@towc "TypeError: o is undefined"
!!> var o={x: 1}; o['y']=o.x; o
@NathanJones {"x":1,"y":1}
@KendallFrey like you would know what to do with them
Es7 looks cool, lets get ES7 now
Just adopt babel and use what you want from it
why wait
it's not like es6 is really widely supported
but it's practically set in stone now
Object observers and Promise.await/async look like two hugely helpful tools, not sure what else is great
Object.observe is being dropped
but there are other observable libraries for that, so no worries
as is function bind syntax
what;s function bind syntax?
yeah, but the point of using babel is using things that are as much guaranteed to last as possible
What does this syntax even mean though? function^/await Source
@Mosho I can't parse that sentence, but i think i agree
i stick with es6 since it's a standard
try reading it instead
still is as nonsense as the first time i read it
probably because it exists in the wild
MDN documents lots of non-standard things if they exist
aurelia boasted usage of it at one point
the community is still catching up to ES6, and so are the browsers
and babel can't fix some missing things, like proxies
What are the most key features of es6 and es7? I haven't used much of them
A better sumary than I can whip up on short notice: babeljs.io/docs/learn-es2015
some of these make me feel like I don't know core js as well as I should :\
hey guys - I'm following this tutorial: scotch.io/tutorials/making-mean-apps-with-google-maps-part-i
should I just be running my Bower command in the project's root directory?
thus creating a bower_components folder alongside app and public
@FlorianMargaine github.com/Zirak/pacman-fs/blob/fusepy/fshelper.hy Anything horrible?
oops wrong room.
that's usually how bower works, yes
aww... it doesn't translate webm's?
@Luggage right - I'm just asking if - from your knowledge of JS (that is superior to mine), is that how a project structure typically looks? with the bower_components at the project root?
I just wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a more npm like behavior where it installed it machine wide onto the "server"
at the root, or maybe a separate folder for the clint root if it's a sub-project.
project root is fine, youcan always move it
many of us use npm for dependencies instead of bower, btw
so Bower doesn't install stuff to a server like npm does - it just says "I need these files for this project (often js/css files)" and downloads them automatically to the directory?
bower is just like npm, with a few tweaks for browser JS that are needed less and less as times goes on
any idea why the author of this article uses both?
it just d/ls other people code into subfolder like npm. you still need a tool to pluck those files out and make a package for the browser
probably npm for the server, bower for the client
that is probably right
the bower stuff is angular/bootstrap/modernizr, npm stuff is express, mongoose, etc
that makes sense - I just wanted to know the split, even if the logic is ultimately questionable. Thanks
right. npm can do all that, but if you are following along with a tutorial that uses bower, just use bower like they do
somebody add !!changetip to the bot! :P
you'll learn the nuances as time goes on and then make your own choices
yeah. I generally try to follow a tutorial exactly to the end, then tweak it myself later
yeah, I just want to do a few hello world type things and see what is out there so I can make informed decisions
and I have nothing to do at work, yet I need to sit here... so why not learn some full stack JS :P
sounds awesome
or boring, depending how you use that time
or both
well... I find it to be immoral
since it's billable time
who is being billed?
but I have been asking for a month for stuff to do and have done probably 20 hours of actual work, so I'm sick of sitting here with my thumb up my ass
the client. I'm a consultant.
in a "hurry up and wait" situation
you have a client that lets you bill for ass-thumbery?
we have a 120 page (and growing) spec that is changing every day
and we have to have meeting to discuss what the spec actually means, making it worthless
so testing out technology isn't doing nothing
IMO as a developer I shouldn't have to look at the spec, that is a document for the FAs
well, it's self development.
I'm not doing anything relevant to the client.
and I know pretty much the whole tech stack for the client so there isn't any training to be done there
and I'm sick of waiting for stuff to do... so I'm finding my own stuff to do
well, still.. sounds like a lot of work is coming so trying out tools to do that job is maybe the best you can do
well... if I had any say in what tools I used, sure ;)
this is for personal development. but... it's better than doing nothing, as you said
ooo, my stepdad got an oculus rift for the weekend...
So Amazon guarentees my stuff will no longer be sent via Canada Post.
I suppose that is a win.
@rlemon are they a shitty carrier?
they use some random local carriers around here I assume because they're cheaper
also I live a mile from Amazon corporate HQ so we get some fancy stuff here :D
free 2 hour delivery, nbd
@Pheonixblade9 it is the national postal service here. akin to USPS
ah, I see
slow, unreliable, etc.
heh, USPS is actually quite reliable here
but yes, slow
Amazon sent me my order in three boxes. all scheduled to arrive today. one didn't make it off the truck, I have no idea why.
Canada post says I can't even pick it up.
have to wait until monday
I don't understand how the bot's commands regex work
!!learn test1 "$0,$1,$2" .*
@crl Command test already exists
!!test1 foo bar qux
@crl Das
!!info test
@crl Command test, created by catgocat on Fri, 21 Aug 2015 21:35:19 GMT, invoked 1 times
@crl Command test1 learned
@crl foo bar qux12

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