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The P versus NP problem is a major unsolved problem in computer science. Informally, it asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified by a computer can also be quickly solved by a computer. It was essentially first mentioned in a 1956 letter written by Kurt Gödel to John von Neumann. Gödel asked whether a certain NP-complete problem could be solved in quadratic or linear time. The precise statement of the P versus NP problem was introduced in 1971 by Stephen Cook in his seminal paper "The complexity of theorem proving procedures" and is considered by many to be the most important...
heheh @KendallFrey i am really confused what should i go for
@RalphWiggum wanna work on that together and get 1 million
may I ask -1 thing?
@jgr208 you can work together with @JacquesMarais
@KendallFrey i have made 2player game in node js and laravel and i want to extend that 2 player to 6 player upto so for the synchronus animation orr graphics i am simply using jqueyr and other animation library and appending the same code
.... Oh... I meant a JavaScript library.
but whats the best way?
i used to love that stuff in undergrad now i dont deal with math as much or theory i should say
I just want to make something to develop my JavaScript skills...
make a graph solving page
@jacques try games
and make AI for games
1 message moved to JS trash
@rlemon was it you that showed me how Bern got shafted by CNN polls?
don't spam
@SterlingArcher yessir
oh can any one help me?
I just learned today that CNN is Hildog's biggest PAC funder
@SterlingArcher Time Warner owns CNN
How fucked up is that
Time Warner and Hillary are lovers
CNN > Clinton News Network
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@JacquesMarais Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
Is that even legal to remove a valid poll just because your supported candidate got blown out of the water on a debate?
it isn't a "valid poll"
it was a facebook poll
it is just shitty journalism
journalism should be, by definition, unbiased.
you'd think that
but money rules journalism
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@JacquesMarais Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
and one of Sanders main positions in this election is going to be stopping that
so it is funny / ironic that it keeps happening to him
I might vote for Bern
I am trying to post code......
I need to register to vote though
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@JacquesMarais Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
I haven't voted since I voted against obama when I was 18 lol
clearly you don't understand the formatting
No I don't
just post the question stackoverflow :|
i am voting for the person who wont cut defense
can any one suggest me?
@jgr208 That seems like a very limited way to vote, to me
as a non citizen, I cannot vote, but if I could I would be voting Sanders. I agree with all of his positions.
it is uncommon that I agree with everything a politician says
well its how i get paid so cutting defense = me possible out of job
Then again, I voted liberal because they have the best chance of winning over the conservatives
so what do I know
problem is in Canada most parties overlap ideals. I agree with like 60% of the NDP campaign... less with the liberals or conservatives. green is just insane like always.
Is it odd that my node framework uses an 'ini' file for configuration vs a json file?
I'm torn between liberal ethics, and conservative business models
@rlemon Thanks!
@SterlingArcher that's what's known as "sanity"
@Nick yes
@SterlingArcher I'd like to believe proper ethics would lead to a solid business model / decision
@RalphWiggum I thought an ini would be easier to digest as a user
@SomeGuy I left you a few pings
@ujwaldhakal great friend how u doin?
@SterlingArcher It's simple really, if you're not a liberal when you're young you have no heart and if you're not conservative when you're old you have no brain
@rlemon always a trade off between what you want to do for others and what you can afford to do for others
@rlemon you'd think that, but I've yet to find many liberals who hate rich people for the sheer sake that they make tons of money
Current status: having my mind blown by Simpson's paradox. The @stat110 course is *so much fun!*
@jgr208 Maybe get a better job that doesn't suck the life out of this country?
@Nick I guess it might be, but json is used a lot across platforms, whereas ini tends to be a Windows-only thing
I will conceed that some rich people are straight up assholes, but that doesn't mean the rest of the hard working rich people should be forced to give more money that will go to bad programs
@RalphWiggum really? Huh. I don't know much about the ini file history.
Simpson's Paradox really blew my mind. It's so cool
@Nick wth dude
you making a framework for win 3.1?
@SterlingArcher my understand is that the hate comes from the fact that they hoard the wealth and (quantifiably) do not pay their fair share. If you heard of 40% of billionaires and millionaires being assholes you would likely make an opinion on all of them. Not justifying it, just my understanding of why people hate the 0.1%
@Loktar lol, very well. I'll change it to json or something else
change it to .sys
config.sys :p
@SterlingArcher first, since rich persons have disproportionately benefited from societies infrastructure should they have to pay a disproportionate share of its upkeep? If so how much so?
@rlemon if that's the case, they should find a way to make sure everybody pays their fair share, and not be able to send money to the Caymens to avoid taxing
ini's aren't bad, but odd to see them in web dev lol
@SterlingArcher which is a big topic for the dem party this election
specifically bern
@Nick oh you never had the joys of working with a config.sys I see
@JaredSmith I don't understand your question
@Loktar I used to have an outy, then I got fat, now I have a ini
CONFIG.SYS is the primary configuration file for the DOS and OS/2 operating systems. It is a special ASCII text file that contains user-accessible setup or configuration directives evaluated by the operating system during boot. CONFIG.SYS was introduced with DOS 2.0. == Usage == The directives in this file configure DOS for use with devices and applications in the system. The CONFIG.SYS directives also set up the memory managers in the system. After processing the CONFIG.SYS file, DOS proceeds to load and execute the command shell specified in the SHELL line of CONFIG.SYS, or COMMAND.COM if there...
@Loktar I just want something easier to digest than a JSON. Something the user could just glance at and understand quickly
is it a framework for programmers?
^ I mean not something like wordpress right?
If the intent is for programmers to use it they should understand json easily
There's always XML
Yeah, for developers
XML is shit
everyone I know who comes from other walks of life enjoy JSON over XML
if the intent is for end users then yeah something easier would be better
in that case an ini wouldnt be bad
just use json
it it possible to have a UI that modifies the configuration?
@rlemon 2 days straight at the gym. So sore.. feels good
dude. I'm pissed
I'm trying to get my routine back. I wanna look good for this girl. How pathetic am i? lol
my wrist wraps gave me a bad rash
can't wrap my wrist until it goes away :(
reaction rash or friction rash?
two fucking days now
@rlemon stop sticking your fist in places it shouldn't be
my mom doesnt like it anyway
^ oh my god
I don't get it. I use this wrist wrap daily.
randomly it decides to fuck with me
Maybe it reacted with the metal on your weights or something
wrist is itchy AF right now
I have cortisone, so should be cleared up by the weekend (I hope)
I'm not lifting too hard. I'm focusing on weight loss this time. Cardio and core exercises with light lifting for me
I'm strong, I'm just a chubby monkey
I enjoy lifting heavy. makes me want to work out
cardio is boring
cardio is boring, but i compensate by singing along to my music loudly
perks of a local community gym that's always empty
Simple. In a capitalist society rich people get rich in part by using the existing infrastructure (criminal and civil justice systems, roads, electricity, etc). Someone talented and ambitious (ie capable of becoming wealthy) in a country that lacks those things will not be able to become wealthy except by accident of birth or dint of spectacular violence.
Since they benefited more than most members of capitalist society from the existing infrastructure, should they bear a higher percentage of its upkeep?
yea if I have to do cardio, I more easily find an excuse not to
if I'm lifting heavy I make almost no excuses.
Although it's awkward when I'm screaming slipknot and an old woman walks in
like right now, with my wrist, I just don't do a couple routines I would normally.
@rlemon basketball is the best cardio workout that doesn't feel like cardio
can still curl and butterfly
> slipknot
pivots, jumps, jukes, springs, and jogs.. it's nuts
hockey is a good workout as well
any sport is, really.
3 months of basketball and lifting lost me 35lbs back at college
shameless plug for crossfit
crossfit is intense, but it's so bad for your joints
crossfit is a bullshit way to injure yourself.
crossfit is exactly how not to workout properly.
How long have you been doing crossfit to make such pronouncements?
been active my entire life. done multiple sports, taken sports medicine training in the past.
@SterlingArcher it's bad for your everything
i think we sghould make the next president someone who can run a healthcare marketplace those people are idiots
crossfit is full of shit
I studied sports science in college enough to know that you should not be doing half the things crossfit does
it's real exercise, intentionally done wrong
^^^^^^^^^^ it is asking to get injured
oh its hip to hate on crossfit I forgot
but it is bad for you
Like lifting past a 90 degree bend, doing butterflys past what your rotator cuff is able to handle
I didn't know people hated crossfit
It seems alright to me
Happen to think my deadlift/squat/clean & jerk form is pretty good.
@Loktar it's hip to hate things that are intentionally bad for you, yes.
easy ways to injure yourself
Tell him he is doing it wrong
I would love to see that
I would
because crossfit isn't how he got that way
ok ill tell him
he's being payed to promote it
@rlemon like vaping
I don't hate crossfit, many of my friends are ripped from it. But they also have hurt themselves doing it
@SterlingArcher didnt @rlemon hurt himself from working out as well?
In any sport there will always be a number of complete idiots who confuse themselves with professional atheletes. Crossfit because of both its nature and its reputation it draws more than its share.
> doing it right
you can crash a car sober
better watch out for that evil crossfit
I just know a bit of health science to know that some of those exercises are bad for your joints in the long run
you might get hurt :p
@Loktar lmao
w/e dude
And also, have to totally apologize for diverting the chat on this particular tangent. My bad.
Loktar is like the last person I'd want to have as a devils advocate. He's so damn agreeable
@JaredSmith lol it made it interesting
true dat
has anyone ever done circuit training?
@jgr208 Me!
that stuff was intenese we used to do it for football
Here's my example
This isn't bad. However, if his body was any lower, his rotator cuffs would be way past the recommended bend for lifting
@SterlingArcher yeah that looks fucked up, but I can find 100 videos of people doing terrible stuff, not doing crossfit
One of my favorites is burpees + air squats + Kettlebell swings
its just the trend to hate on right now
@Loktar not at all the same. I vape because traditional ways of quitting smoking didn't work. comparing an addiction to methods of exercise isn't really fair.
That's what I mean by bad for you workouts
keep the kettlebell away from puff daddy
4 mins ago, by rlemon
@Loktar it's hip to hate things that are intentionally bad for you, yes.
to be fair as well, vaping was also the only way I could quit smoking cigs
Vaping is still intentionally bad for you
dont even try to spin it
well I don't think it is.
I don't think vaccines work
Nicotine constricts your arteries
Therefor they don't
It's not horrble for you, but it's an alternative to cigarettes.
exercise can be bad for you, just like vaping. Crossfit is bad for you, just like smoking.
Vaccines cause communism
and vaping is (mostly) use as a smoking cessation device. do you make fun of people who use the patch?
Oxygen is slowly killing us. Spread the word!
@rlemon the patch doesnt have a huge ecosystem of people validating it
> Check out my colored patch bro
dihydrogen monoxide poisoning
> fucking MLP patch designs, such awesome
@ssube not exactly: exersize is like alcohol: some is better than none, its also better than too much. Whereas with vaping any amount of it is bad
there is no real "patch culture"
so I'm not judging crossfit on the people doing it, I'm judging it on itself as face value.
Well, we're not exactly vaping exercise.
@JaredSmith lol
same with me and vaping!
Judging it on face value
and at face value its bad for your health
Vaping is great for its intended use; to quit smoking. I haven't had a single cigarette since I started vaping. My lungs thank me
crossfit itself is bad for you, because the way they teach you to do things is very questionable
^ I agree with Nuck
nuck u
@SterlingArcher my condolences
Not everyone who vapes used to smoke traditional cigarettes
Because I stopped smoking cigs, on my first day back on the treadmill, while it was a slow mile and a half, I was still able to run non-stop and not be sucking wind after
you can spin it to say "hey at least I'm not smoking" which is good
@ssube depends on where you go. I've been places where they didn't let you work out until your form was textbook, I've also seenplaces that more than fit every horrid desciption you've ever heard about crossfit
So I can already tell my lungs are healthier
however, its still an evil, even if its a lesser evil
@JaredSmith crossfit textbook form is the problem
Any form of smoking is still bad for you. Vaping is just a lesser evil bad
@JaredSmith yeah thats my experience as well
crossfit melts steel beams
thats why I laugh at the crossfit hating really
its so gym dependent.
@ssube I meant 'Olympic Weightlifting Textbook'
I feel like vaping really doesn't have anything to do with quitting smoking, I know lots of people who have never smoked but vape. It's portable hookah.
@Loktar do you have friends that do crossfit?
@loktar sad but true, they should arguably do a better job of protecting their brand
vape juice melts steel beams
@SterlingArcher I did, and my wife does as well
well she did, she stopped last month
@LanaKane the overwhelming majority of vapers are ex smokers
and then they died, of crossfit
crossfit kills... gains
Do they hashtag like 20 different tags when they talk about it?
she did it for over a year or so
@ssube no dude, the price is whats nutty
@rlemon I guess I wouldn't be surprised but do you have stats?
Guys, please help me
Q: AJAX request submits, but doesn't recieve POST values

Jacques MaraisI am working on something and I have a very weird problem. I submit an AJAX request like following: x = new XMLHttpRequest(); x.open('POST', url, true); x.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); x.onload = function(){ console.log(x.responseText); }; x.send(data...

$130 a month
and that was cheap
Stop spamming your question
@Loktar coughthesexmustbegreatcough nice!
Sorry, just wanted to post it in the correct format.
So hey, anybody have experience with rxjs
nay, sorry
The one thing crossfitters do that I think is utterly stupid are kipping pullups.
@loktar no question
@Loktar I see the benefit, and I think it looks cool, but it seems so jarring on the arms
that and I'd be like 10ft up miss a bar and break my coxxcyx
or however that is spelt. coccyx?
my assbone.
> Little is known about change in the behaviour of users of electronic cigarettes over time.
If you get the right juice, it's actually not bad for you at all
No nicotine, mostly organic vege oil with food flavorings
@SterlingArcher you mean the kind w/out nicotine?
well it is at least 95% less bad than cigs.
I haven't smoked in 24h
nice @FlorianMargaine
@FlorianMargaine nice!
wondering when I'm going to buy a pack
@rlemon I don't think anyone suggesxted it wasnt better than cigs
It's been... 4 weeks for me, with 1 drunken cig last weekend
@JaredSmith @SterlingArcher said they were healthy
I haven't smoked because there's no pack left at home, and I'm too lazy to take the car
they are not "healthy"
but neither is standing on the corner of a busy road
@FlorianMargaine being lazy could save your life
true true
keep being lazy
When i say healthy I mean healthier than cigs
nicotine in ecigs is about as benign as caffeine in your coffee (recent studies show) -- the real problem is the unknown factor for the flavourings.
@FlorianMargaine quitttttt, do it for your son :)
@rlemon lol bro put in some effort....
quit October of 2005....still want one half the time
almost anything is healthier than cigs, except AIDS cigs
> Participants were enrolled on websites dedicated to e-cigarettes and smoking cessation.
> Most participants (72%) were former smokers
Think of all that cig money you wont be spending and buy an occulus rift
@LanaKane the sample size is crazy small t oo
@SterlingArcher cigs are more useful
That's just the demographics of this individual study (which found it's participants through smoke cessation websites)
@SterlingArcher as if I were buying an oculus rift
We have a word in Hebrew called פארש (Farsh) for smoking just tobacco. It roughly translates to "smoking without a purpose"
money is not a motivator
I spend like $80/mo in cigs
!!is there something worse than cigarettes in the world?
@crl Probably
it's not a lot
Hrm. What motivates you @FlorianMargaine?
sure Crack is worse
@BenjaminGruenbaum as apposed to smoking what? lol
I just think smoking is a nasty habit.
@SterlingArcher nothing
> I stopped smoking crack and now smoke cigarettes
@LanaKane well, things that are not tobacco, mostly people refer to weed.
I haven't smoke since ~ 25871 hours
I mean in that case they are healthier right?
Is there some kind of Jeweed
nasty for everyone around, that's the prob
@FlorianMargaine not even blackjack and hookers?
@crl so's your mom, but you don't see us smoking her
@dievardump so, ~3.5 years?
@ssube wait, were not smoking moms anymore?
@SterlingArcher I'm married
@FlorianMargaine 3, 1st November 2012
@Loktar I totally agree with the point you are trying to make and I'm a smoker..
@FlorianMargaine didn't stop Bill Clinton!
@LanaKane I always forget you are
(im kidding)
@SterlingArcher I quit moms last year
@SterlingArcher look at the rep he's got now
I don't vape tho
Hum it was 1st october, not november.
@FlorianMargaine It's not a bad one
hey, anybody know how to remove a circular dependency in event streams?
People think he's kind of a tool, but a pretty good president (at least around here)
Vaping cannabis flowers is fun
I was reading perfectly fine, very fast, but it removes the implied emotion from words when you do that
postgres has a steeper learning curve than other relational databases :(
@SterlingArcher yeah, 250wpm is quite slow
@SterlingArcher it really increases concentration though, in my experience
I read very fast.. not sure how fast. Maybe 400 wpm naturally
I have a long <ul> on my page. I'm trying to use JQuery to iterate through the items, but it keeps showing the length as zero, even though there's a couple hundred items in the list.
@Hypersapien Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Hypersapien jsfiddle
@Hypersapien your selector is wrong
I've never really wanted to "speed read". I'm either reading for enjoyment or comprehension, neither of which I think is much improved by reading faster.
@Nick in what way?
@SterlingArcher can they do UML diagrams?
no idea
.. imagine feeding it with PoEAA
@nick only thing I've really noticed about postgres compared to SQL server/Oracle/etc is that its compression isn't nearly as good.
@tereško UML is terrible :D
you don't say
can you do $scope.$watch(['foo', 'bar'], ... in angular? watching the changes of either of 2 models, nvm , I can just put the same callback or $watchGroup
@Hypersapien look in your console.
You can't call text on a non jquery object.
removeAttr ?
They seriously just decided to take off the ibute ?
If you're talking about inside the loop, I'm not even getting to that point. listitems has a length of zero. It's not even entering the loop.
@Hypersapien it enters the loop and it throws an error.
@Hypersapien what Im seeing is a lot of idkwtf I am doing
you should check out some tutorials.
please, cache your elements ($(li), and use .eq(index) if you want to get a jQuery object
or do as Loktar says. Loktar is always right.
@Hypersapien jsfiddle.net/mLoc3eaa/1 use .first() over [0] to retain the jQuery object
damnit cap you're too late
She just agrees with me more
(just sandbox SterlingArcher message)
I will sandbox my foot in your ass
That won't be the first, nor the last, thing sandboxed in this.
I've stepped through the code. It's not even getting into the loop. I realize there are problems inside the loop. I can fix them when the code is capable of hitting them.
It's going in the loop, look at your console. Do you know what the console is?
Did you see my fiddle? It works for me
(this .each with (index, element) is also pretty disturbing)
Generally speaking, how is an optional last parameter added of a certain type?
k bb
const userId = args[0];
const email = _.isString(args[1] ? args[1] : undefined);
let extendedOptions = _.isObject(args[args.length] ? args[args.length] : {
  headers: { 'X-MC-MergeVars': { planLink: null } }

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