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Pft, that's just anti-dev pheromones
worst shot I've ever had was a rocky mountain bear fucker
was not prepared for it
also took it as a "muff dive" (not sure other names, basically the shot is put into a martini glass then the thing is covered in whipped cream and you have to take the shot hands free.)
so you get a mouth of whipped cream followed by the worst shot known to man
@rlemon how does that work?
what is that thing coming out of his mouth? an alien tongue?
vomit? a straw made of straw?
@ssube the shot glass.
how do you get to the booze if you can't pick the cup up?
I'm so confused
I need a drink
you lean in, get a mouth full of whipped cream while grabbing the shot glass with your mouth.. then lean your head back and take the shot + cream in one
it's in the glass but under the whipped cream?
so you've gotta go diving for it. gotcha
my ex gf did that on her birthday
I... may know some girls who would play that
I did that on my 21st
worst shot ever
I wish you could use a lambda like this (...args) => {} , when you don't know how many args can exist (probably works in ES6, but not yet in Chome)
and there's this whole zombie pub crawl this weekend
@crl arguments keyword m8
My 21st was a blackout night, followed by worst hangover in recorded history @ warped tour VA beach
@crl you can
@rlemon ah right
@SterlingArcher I threw up black zambooka in my bed
but I did take 36 shots in 3 hours
so it was expected
I threw up sand and punched a minor
beat that lol
@rlemon holy shit son
damn, I cannot spell that at all
I can drink enough not to be ashamed, but that's like 10-12 shots in 3 hours
@ssube I was 21, worked at a bar, celebrated at the bar I worked at
omg fail video brb
EVERYONE was buying me shots all night
!!afk vape
brb making a pull request for cap to say "WE GET IT" on those afks
@rlemon 36 shots is damn near a whole handle
@rlemon wait
!!> '..foo||bar..'.replace(/.*(foo).*(bar).*/g,function(){return ..${arguments[2]}||${arguments[1]}..})
@crl "..bar||foo.."
did you mean this ^?
some .* are unecessary
@ssube yup. But I didn't keep it down so I can't brag about it.
@India more simply
seriously I don't see how to swap 'foo' and 'bar' in a sentence, except maybe using an intermediary word
@crl Pragmatically? In JS?
what's wrong with a simple .replace?
!!> 'sentence with both foo and bar'.replace(/(foo|bar)/g, function (r) { return r === 'foo' ? 'bar' : 'foo'; })
@ssube "sentence with both bar and foo"
I built this array with strings, some of which have brackets in them, then I'm joining at the end to make a super string, but how do I pass this to a variable and have it recognize the brackets as code and not just string characters?
oh, nice, thanks ssu+awa
@AmericanSlime make sure it's JSON, then JSON.parse
in case you wanna get cynical, you can also split on \b, map the resulting array and join
fuck yeah
My ending string looks like this, [1420174800000,74.59],[1420261200000,40.26]
I put that into a variable, then tried passing that variable to another...but I believe it's ignoring the brackets. I tried the JSON.parse(myData) but nothing.
18 minute data transfer @ 35 mbps ._.
@AmericanSlime that is valid JSON, I think
> I took nunchaku I made ​​two days ago. I gave him many blows to the head.
!!> JSON.parse("[[1420174800000,74.59],[1420261200000,40.26]]")
@AmericanSlime wrap it in an extra pair of brackets
[[1, 1.2], [2, 2.3]] is valid
@MadaraUchiha I was slightly concerned when I heard about the terror attacks happening yesterday(?)
@crl [[1420174800000,74.59],[1420261200000,40.26]]
being such a large country, I often underestimate the size of others.
@AwalGarg Relay seems like the better choice ATM
@rlemon It's not just yesterday
People are getting stabbed daily for the past week and a half/two weeks
@MadaraUchiha I know, I'm commenting on what I read yesterday
It's insane
when things happen in israel, because it is so small in comparison to Canada, I assume it is like in you back yard.
Just make sure to carry around ninja weapons
Had an incident on the street where I work
Wrapping it in extra brackets didn't do shit...hmmm.
Scary stuff
I'm considering buying my own set of nunchucks now.
Yeah, these past two weeks have been crazy here. Still a lot more people die from car accidents, but it's not a fair comparison.
@AmericanSlime paste your data and the json call
I'm not scared, I'm mostly confused.
that should be valid
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just can never remember what cities you all live in and whether or not the attacks are close by
Oh god, I didn't read the convo my of homer gif. Bad timing :x
@BenjaminGruenbaum interesting
Maybe israel should ban knives
That should stop the stabbings, right?
@SterlingArcher and dinner
If I copy and paste the console log where myData is supposed to go, it works, so my best guess is that it's ignoring the brackets?
@AmericanSlime myData = '[' + myData.join() + ']';
the one thing I've learned, if the news article is about Israel or even just about Palestinians ... avoid the comment section.
people dun go cray
@SterlingArcher man, this group has so much anger
The Plot In You
ssube, didn't do anything
@AmericanSlime did ya parse it?
No? The code you see is what I got, let me try to parse it at teh bottom.
@Loktar you can feel it eh?
@AmericanSlime it's kind of hacky, but try myData = JSON.parse('[' + myData.join() + ']');
clean it up if it works
I moved my desk to my closet
it's kinda weird
I've done that before. It's a good way to conserve space if you don't use your closet too heavily
Temporary hacks are always hacks but never temporary
Just fix it next release, no worries.
@tymeJV cause that always happens
:D - not before I make sure that 4 other crucial components now rely on it
@JanDvorak // TODO:
@Lana .
Unfortunately that didn't work ssube, I pasted all of my code. Getting frustrating cause I know I'm missing something simple.
@Lana !!!
Hah. I geddit
Welcome to the...
I use gedit too. it's great and does all the things
linux's notepad, bit better though
somebody feel free to fix/finish my dangerzone script
need something about gators in there
I feel free but not obligated to fix/finish your dangerzone script
lol a gator command.. "@user who do I look like?" if (response !== "Burt Reynolds in gator") .. "NO! Haha.. Burt Reynolds in GATOR! CMON SERIOUSLY?!"
That would be funny too
@JanDvorak are hacks not temporary if it got patched afterwards ?
then the hack wouldn't work anymore
As if that ever happens
the patching ? Depends of the company :p
our company has two people checking the world wide web daily for hacks/exploits of our software programs
if one found, it usually gets patched within a month
Q: Why won't this regex expression match HTML tags?

slicksterI am writing a HTML parser with python and in order to extract HTML attributes out of the tags I am using regular expressions. This is the expression I am using tag_exp = r'</?(?P<name>[a-z A-Z]+) (?P<attribute>[a-z A-Z]+="[\w]+")* /?>' matches = re.match(tag_exp, '<img src="test.jpg" alt="test">...

they're literally using google ... opens browser with google ... enters "hack ...." >.>
Hacks as in kludges, not as in cracker attacks
Dear lord, pray for this dev
ohwait, python
Is regexing HTML in python ok?
@KarelG Sounds like a job for us!
We sell analyst services for that sort of thing (and can monitor live attacks against your stuff)
@SterlingArcher no, python SHIPS with like 7 libraries to parse html
@SterlingArcher regex fails at HTML period
@Cereal That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
It just wasn't built for HTML, right?
regular expressions. HTML is not a regular language.
what a topic
@user1644643 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Regex is a topic
It's like trying to build a JSON parser in regex... you just can't... I've tried...
Why would you even try? ._. r u ok
regular expressions are meant for regular languages.
HTML is not one
i ded

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