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5:00 PM
Concussion can lead to serious issues, if it happens at the wrong place and wrong time.
@rlemon yeah, it was really bad. A fight broke out, and I got shoved taking a shot, and my head (with the shot glass between my head and the wall) got fucked up bad
I still don't remember my 17th birthday after the concussion I got from my car accident.
I wasn't even in the fight.. I was just a bystander
@SterlingArcher that's when you join
No one knows why I hit a telephone pole.... No one... lol
5:00 PM
Cause I forgot
If I had known who I was I would have lol
@RanganathanSwamy checked your question. Besides formatting issue with your code and not enough context there is nothing valid to downvote it. I have to say that some people could have downvoted due of your english. But that's not nice because not all people in this world knows fluent english
@rlemon you ok man? Got some ice and sitting up?
Don't take a nap
@SterlingArcher fun story, when I got home from the hospital I called my then gf. she chewed me out on the phone because I couldn't remember her name.
then after the bitch-fest I told her what happened.
Sleeping while concussed is a very very bad idea. Extremely bad for you. It's the equivalency of being unconcious
5:02 PM
she felt terrible.
looking back it was funny af tho
Maybe Karel
@SterlingArcher I'm almost positive they disproved that.
yea I think I'm fine. just dizzy and vision goes slightly blurred when I stand.
sucks that my desk is standing desk :D
5:02 PM
@SterlingArcher I think it has something to do with your brain potentially swelling while you're asleep...
Or is it internal bleeding pooling up in one spot?
@SterlingArcher yeah, a quick search shows a dozen hospitals saying to watch the person for an hour or two, then it's safe.
Something like that.
If their pupils are good and they aren't a total moron, let them sleep it off and the brain will heal faster.
!!afk trying not to die
5:04 PM
@ssube I thought it was as long as you can hold normal conversations and arern't dizzy/weird eyed
be safe lemon
@ssube methinks it's the degree of concussion
Basically as long as there are no symptoms lol. Which worries me because I mean most the time you get a concussion you are already intoxicated right? So how do you know which dizzy is the bad dizzy
hehe, the newest android is "marshmallow" ... let's burn it then ?
A mild one, sleep it off. If you can't remember how to pee, maybe it's best to stay awake lol
@SterlingArcher Right, as long as they seem like they just have a concussion and not a cracked skull.
5:05 PM
@SterlingArcher According to Drew Lynch, so bad for you
The one this week dude I felt out of it and weird for a good ~5 hours. It was 6-7 at night and I was still thinking shit man maybe I shouldn't be driving. Happened at ~130
@KarelG noooo dude you don't know how to cook a marshmallow
!!is ui-router good?
@crl Definitely
Scariest moment of my life was when I accidentally drove with a concussion on xanax. (wait for explanation)
5:06 PM
my boss forces me to use it
I was in richmond, about 2 hours away. I tripped and hit my head on a pole playing basketball.. my buddy gives me pain meds (asprin or something).. turns out he accidently grabbed his gfs super potent xanax
All I remember is a haze of driving, and woke up in my bed. I thought it was just the concussion till he called me and left a freaked out voicemail
Thank god I made it fine.. but I was so freaked out when I woke up
> Dude I drugged you
I don't know if my scariest moments are appropriate for the chats
He had called me like 30 times before my phone died. He thought I got into an accident and got hurt. He was crying. I felt so bad
"his girlfriend's"
5:09 PM
I'm writing from the new pc
the english keyboard layout is so unintuitive for me!
@SterlingArcher Bruh it's just xanax... lol
I woke up after a night out once, dressed, with ~USD 1000 in my pocket. Called a mate and he said I found a creditcard one the floor and used it to swindle someone. I was shitting myself untill he called me back 15 mins later to tell me that I actually had accidentally punched my PIN instead of the amount at the bar.
Didn't remember shit
Seriously though, if you drug someone you deserve the remorse of thinking they died. Hell of a thing to "accidentally" do.
^ no im serious, i stayed with him and his gf has severe anxiety (and a legal, prescription)
It was just an accident
@Gemtastic Bruh..... It was just xanax. If you give someone fuckin acid or something yeah that's a hell of a thing to do. Prescription drugs only do so much tho lol
5:11 PM
It doesn't matter, you just don't make that mistake
It's not like he said "Here dude take this handful of pills I don't know what are"
Are you insinuating my best friend drugged me on purpose..?
mistakes are called mistakes for a reason
they are unintentional.
No, I'm saying he deserved to be worried because you need to make sure you don't just hand any pill to someone
Tbh the burden falls on @SterlingArcher to google the pill label and he knows that ;P
5:12 PM
I don't see this as a karma thing
What if you had killed yourself or someone else driving home?
Of course he was worried he called me 30 times lol. He just grabbed the wrong bottle
@Gemtastic no offense, but I don't want to get into the what ifs on that one.
And now he won't ever do that again
then it is his fault for blindly taking a pill, and the other dudes fault for giving him the wrong one. mistakes made on all accounts.
5:13 PM
@rlemon I could go with that too.
It's your own responsibility to check what you take tho.
Anyway that's a funny story lol
In my defense I had a concussion
5:14 PM
Who was it on here that said they "accidentally" took way too much Robo?
And freaked the hell out hahaha
I also question your decision to drive with a concussion :S
@Gemtastic He had a concussion, his decision-making was flawed.
@MadaraUchiha Obviously, which is why I kinda question it.
5:15 PM
> When you die, you aren't aware of it. It only hurts those around you.
Same goes for when you're stupid.
what you could blame your buddies for is letting you drive concussed
I made bad decisions in college. Everybody did. It's not like I habitually drunk drove or something
@rlemon That
So many things to question in the whole scenario
@SterlingArcher I've never driven drunk
And I've never let my friends do that either
5:15 PM
I haven't either. That's not my forte
I've driven after two beers. I didn't feel right about it.
I wasn't drunk by far.
but still didn't feel right about it
I was called a party pooper and a paranoid loads of times, but plenty of the times, I got calls in the morning after with thanks.
Don't let the story warp anything. I don't do stuff like that ever.
Hey guys, how do I disable the links in the iframes? I am using a solution from SO but it doesnt really work. jsbin.com/sehekiferi/1/edit?html,css,js,console,output
@MadaraUchiha I can't honestly say I've ever had to stop a friend from driving drunk
worked at a bar tho and had to forcibly remove keys from a few people
5:16 PM
I got into a fight with my friend because I physically wouldn't let him angry drive drunk home. He woke up, apologized, and bought me dinner
We're a little too anal with drinking and driving here; one glass of wine and you're legally too drunk to drive
One time I drove like 1.5 miles wasted as fuck. Not sure why. I just got up and left lol
@rlemon Well, I had to stop a few friends from drinking when I knew they came with their cars.
That's the only time I ever did. I don't even drink lol
@MadaraUchiha yea here we just make them get a cab
5:17 PM
I drink a lot, but I walk everywhere :D
the people who drink and drive aren't the ones who had a glass of wine...
@rlemon Yup
leaving a car at the club/pub is no problem
@SterlingArcher thumbs up to that
@SterlingArcher I drink a lot.. and stay at home. I have no friends.. someone save me.
5:18 PM
@rlemon At least you have cats.
My only issue is I've been threatened with drunk in publics a lot, despite my ability to not stumble home.
Taking the tram to the pub because YOLO
I think the rule is 0.08% BAC for driving cars and 0.8% BAC for motorcycles
@SterlingArcher I had a cop nail me with this. fight it. "was walking to the buss stop" got me off.
Like... officer I'm walking .2 miles home, I'm not driving, I'm just vaping and listening to music. Why am I (potentially, they let me off) a hassle
5:19 PM
@SterlingArcher It doesn't help when you piss on the cop.
@LanaKane 0.8% BAC kills you
I can understand shitfaced stumbling, falling over, but if you're calming shuffling, maybe a slight wiggle in your step.. just let em go. They're harmless
lol exactly.
anything above 0.5% you risk serious alcohol poisoning.
0.8% is several times over the lethal dose.
(In terms of how many drinks you need to have)
5:20 PM
Maybe it was just college that drunk in public was a huge deal. I've only been hassled twice for wlaking home drunk since college
@rlemon the bars in my home town all would drive you to/from for free if you had at least 3 people and were within 25min drive
@MadaraUchiha >0.5% results in "high risk of death"
Whoo, got my framework to respond with a cached response. I should be a professional or something
If you had 6 they'd bring the limo. No charge
They are gonna make the money off your drinks anyway
5:20 PM
@LanaKane Wow, that's... very thoughtful.
@MadaraUchiha It's 10* the legal limit
@LanaKane here, if a bar lets you drive drunk they are liable
so bars are very anal about making sure people don't leave and drive home
@rlemon Exactly. Same. Or at least people make it a hassle.
@SterlingArcher Wrong ping
5:21 PM
@MadaraUchiha Right I thought so too. My bro would often get people together for the limo ride haha
Plus it helps pick up chicks
Question: Should I cache each controller method (FooController.bar) or should I cache each URL (/foo/bar vs /foo/baz)?
> Hey girl wanna drive to the bar in my shitty Chevy Cavelier?
I like bartenders that help you out like that. My bartender always offers to drive me home
5:22 PM
> Hey girl the limo is on it's way you wanna get a drink
He's a good guy
@SterlingArcher we just payed the cab
@Nick Caching individual models is more standard than either one of those.
lol if it's further than a mile I grab an uber. But he knows I live in a sketchy area and doesn't like me walking home alone after 12am
5:23 PM
@Retsam I'm not defining a Model system as of yet. Models in javascript are a bit retarded since we don't have proper typing
ohh this is the bartender who buys you shots
dude, he wants the JorDan
Yeah, we drink and play golf n stuff
@Nick It doesn't have to be "Models" with a capital M, but cache on the data you're returning.
I wingman'd for him so good a couple weeks ago
@SterlingArcher so you play hide the ball in the hole with the stick?!
and you are claiming he doesn't want the JorDan?
5:24 PM
Only you would make golf like that xD
> <questionable quote, see edits>
@Retsam So, cache just the data instead of the entire response? What would be bad about caching the entire response, like a full HTML page?
Caching the data is more granular: other routes using the same data could use the same cache, even if it generates a different HTML page
Hmm, good point
I'll have to figure out how to get that to work
Plus, constructing an HTML page from the data isn't the expensive part; looking the data up is the expensive part.
5:26 PM
ohh, she texted me :)
@Nick Models are useless but DAOs and services are even more important.
Oh.. god. Oh god no
@ssube DAO?
@SterlingArcher WAS IT A WINKY FACE
@SterlingArcher which one? the bartender? the blonde? or the gonna-get-you-killed-has-a-ring-on-it ??
The latter
5:26 PM
Data access object. consumerDao.find({name: 'Bob'})
don't do it man (again)
She wants to do hot yoga. Last time I did hot yoga I passed out
never do yoga with a girl
@ssube Oh, like an ORM?
@Nick An ORM is an auto-generated DAO, usually. They always do it wrong.
5:27 PM
I only do yoga in my room when I'm alone (seriously, it's great for you)
Use promises and write your own.
fair enough
@rlemon what blonde?
I remember your description before but was on mobile and couldn't give a proper reply. "in a broken relationship" is what all married women say before convincing you that adultery is okay.
@SterlingArcher I thought the one texting you before (not the redhead) was blonde.
maybe I was wrong.
Ohhhh no no that one is dyed black hair
5:28 PM
@ssube I don't think "roll your own ORM" is necessarily the best advice.
The one I have 0% chance with
@SterlingArcher Me and one of my housemates almost kicked my old landlord's girlfriend out of the house for studying her yoga stuff. She kept going over these creepy words, which we decided were some ancient sumerian spell to summon a plague demon, and told her to stop or leave. She got super upset and went whining to him, and he told her the same thing.
@Retsam That's not what I said. ORMs are the problem, but what they generate is necessary.
@Nick Standard caching pattern looks something like this:
tl;dr you stopped a demon worshipper?
Don't use an ORM, write your own DAOs instead of letting it generate them.
5:29 PM
function getFoo(fooId) {
    var foo = cache.get(fooId);
    if(!foo) {
        foo = fooDatabase.get(fooId)
        cache.save(fooId, foo);
    return foo;
Where'd the "format code button" go...
@Retsam Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@SterlingArcher Yes. After watching all of the Paranormal Activity movies together, we had some strict rules about voodoo and stuff.
I'm not gonna add a DAO to my framework, database shit is up to the user
Oh, it switched from CMD-K to CTRL-K...
Have you seen all the PA movies?
5:30 PM
@ssube so no Skype?
Including the netflix mexican one?
@SterlingArcher the marked ones?
I can't fucking wait for the new ghost dimension one
@ssube yaaaa
all 5
I watched that one super drunk and alone.. bad idea
5:31 PM
[REC] >>>> PA
But I'm so glad it actually tied into the story line
that's why we came up with rules to keep the tobies away
Isn't [REC] foreign?
aint nobody got time for a hainting
5:31 PM
yeah it's spanish. filmed in barcelona
and don't see the american remake version of it, Quarantine. the original's effects and ending are so much better
omg all my animations render at 60fps on this new pc, it's so beautiful :D
I love my past self so much right now! I'm seeing the world with new eyes :D
the speed is really redonkulous
my internet speed is extremely bad tho
impressive maybe, but effective in combat? perhaps not lol
@SterlingArcher still.. try to do that across your office.
$10 says you fall and people laugh.
5:44 PM
Anyone tinkered around falcor's json graph thing? It looks cool-ish, but that way of disambiguation between arrays and lists looks really hackish to me. Any opinions?
cc @BenjaminGruenbaum ^
Falcor's been on my list to look into for awhile but haven't gotten around to it yet...
omg why are my abs sore
Falcor itself is meh. It's just the JSON graph thing which interests me.
5:46 PM
Did anyone here use Divshot? They're shutting down.
I'm more interested in GraphQL
I got banned for 30 minutes today
for calling caprica a bitch
and I've come back to say that everyone who flagged that
is a bitch
!!are you one?
@crl Frankly my dear, I don't give a dean
Frankly my clam, I don't give a deer.
5:48 PM
@Mosho Timed out yet?
still here
@Mosho so how did you enjoy your 30 minutes of productivity? :P
@rlemon I saw that product on Shark Tank. It's actually much healthier to squat than to sit.
5:50 PM
@AwalGarg your mom was alright
@Mosho lmao, you got flagged hard? xD
@SterlingArcher it is healthiest to stand and shit.
Just vacuum it
!!define dean
5:51 PM
@SterlingArcher yeah, bunch of flaggots
@crl dean A senior official in a college or university, who may be in charge of a division or faculty (for example, the dean of science) or have some other advisory or disciplinary function (for example, the dean of students).
I am the dean of carelessness
I took a shower, I'm clean
@rlemon you are my voice of reason. Ty for that talk <3
5:53 PM
@SterlingArcher have that same talk with me once I get 5 beers in me and my advice might change
@AwalGarg I was going to make a dick joke, then I realized that you are a child. You should be ashamed.
> "Bro, remember what I said early? Disregard."
@ssube I am not a child anymore
@AwalGarg orly?
5:54 PM
@SterlingArcher but I really do think you should pursue that bartender. dude isn't giving you free shots and offering to drive you home to be a bro. Those are signs bruh. mad signs.
regex lookahead is boss. I wish JS had lookbehind
you had a hippo birdy?
err, I mean, legally
"hippo birdy" is "happy birthday" when you're absolutely trashed
@rlemon omg LOL
5:55 PM
sigh, @ssube yep
I wish you could select 2 things with regex and swap them
They do love feeding me booze
@crl you can
Damn Irish bartenders
@AwalGarg so you're 18 now? you can visit the states and we can all get hookers and blow?
5:56 PM
@rlemon show me :/
@ssube yes
> "Hey Jordan, we made 5 new types of fuck you up shots. Here's all of them in a 30 minute span!"
That was my friday night
@SterlingArcher Four Horsemen, Christmas style, is the worst.
@crl capture groups, when you pass a function as the replacer, are arguments.
Like, the worst shot ever.
Jaeg, Rump, Goldschlaeger, and Everclear
5:57 PM
One of them was a Five Horseman. I don't even know what the 5th J was
The other was a 302 with some flavor.. aka a double shot of 151
Normal four horsemen is bad. The variants are all worse.
@ssube you be the urban language dean of the room, I shall be the first student to enroll
Normal 4.. Jack, jameson, jim bean, jose cuervo?
@SterlingArcher somem like that, yeah
I think the 5ft horseman they added was Jerry's Spiced Rum
It was horrible
5:59 PM
you can swap jack for johnny, add something else with a J, there's a ton of variations
the christmas one is the worst
Worst shot I've ever taken was unskilled moonshine
It tasted like gasoline and smelled like a rotting bucket of ass

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