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 document.getElementById('fieldname4_1').addEventListener('click', function() {
        if (parseInt(document.getElementById("fieldname4_1").value) > 100) {
            alert('more than 100')
        } else {
            alert('less 100')
@StephenWolfe You need to close the function and the addEventListener
just seen it
@StephenWolfe Also, you need to not query the DOM twice for the same element
@Cereal LOL
cosplay people have a lot of time on their hands it seems
@StephenWolfe yes you add your eventListener to 11_1, not to 4_1
if (parseInt(this.value) > 100) {
Keeping my eye on Relax, looks like it could be really nice.
@SterlingArcher yes
Inside of an event handler, this refers to the element that triggered thhe event.
@SterlingArcher lol interesting
Skyrim belongs to the Nords, fuckboy.
@MadaraUchiha He made a mistake, should be fieldname11_1 not 4_1
cosplay's awesome. Just.. not in person
@BenFortune Reminds me of a CMS that we used to have in a company I work at.
@BenFortune No demo :/
@LanaKane Not yet, I'm working on getting it running
The screenshot looks really promising though
!!should I kivy?
@AwalGarg Doubtfully
@BenFortune mongodb, lololol
@BenFortune Yea I am installing right now
Did anyone test Angular 2 or it's not even worth looking at?
> new generation
> cms
Wait it needs graphicsmagick which is a non-windows thing I think
@FlorianMargaine oh, mongodb is not cool anymore?
@dievardump not since 2 years or so?
> * @license AngularJS v1.4.4
That's a hard no to Angular 2
@FlorianMargaine what is now?
That was cool 5 years ago, it's back into the coolness?
@LanaKane GM is windows
I saw hermes, I think it's really cool. I would use it if I was not on windows ;)
@dievardump Postgres is cool because it works and can actually do mongo's job better than mongo.
Mongo is not cool because it just doesn't work.
Looks like it needs vips too, it's not picking it up on mine though :c
@FlorianMargaine /me expected rickroll
@dievardump you're on windows?
let me stop talking to you
Well I got like 4 reasons for failure on Windows, was clearly written expecting linux.
guys, how would you solve the following problem: events have a collection of invitees. events can be updated via put and invitees can be added or removed by the event creator. the invitee can fetch the route /user/:id/events and provide a modified-since header to get event updates for all events he is invited to. if he gets removed from the event collection how can he know? the route returns only events he is invited to.
I'm not going to dick around just to see what it looks like. Thumbs down from me
@FlorianMargaine Yep. I always like my windows. Never had any real problem on it. And there is no linux distribution that I like to use so far.
@LanaKane Needs vips too
how do i type a hash on a mac inside a windows vm?
alt + 3 not working
@SuperUberDuper Windows is irrelevant.
@codingrogue where are you stuck?
@SuperUberDuper Shift + 3 like always
it is now
@SuperUberDuper alt gr + 3
> mac inside a windows vm
ok not exactly
but would be cool right
@JanDvorak i don't know how to make the invitee know that he is not invited anymore
why in star trek when people go out of phase they can pass through tables and doors and crap, but not the floor?
floor is special
@codingrogue How can he know he got removed?
also they can still breath the air.
@rlemon They lock the Y coord
@MadaraUchiha thats the problem in my current design
@codingrogue separate type of event?
Just drop the connection?
Well, following the convention of other event/date based applications, the event will silently be removed, or he would get a specific notification for the removal, outside of the normal "give me all the events" endpoint.
Cannot jump or change Y position when out of phase
Can you leave the client uninformed?
@LanaKane they are on a moving starship
which they are not in phase with
@rlemon The starship never moved vertically
Or at all. It's fake
under what point of reference.
The only real part is the teleportation
I don;t even know what "out of phase" means I assumed before they get beamed around or whatever. I don't watch those shows
@Abhishrek incoming hell lot of pings, get ready (on hangouts)
Hi guys. Is this the correct room to ask about Jquery issues?
@RoddyDairion Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
You may try.
$('#question').on('asked', ignore);
can angular reference multiple pages on Google? or it will just reference the main page?
@MadaraUchiha for example the invitee will have a list of events he is invited to on the main screen but i have no way of informing him that he is not part of event X anymore. what do you mean by "outside" of the normal endpoint? my route for fetching event updates where i'm invited?
@BenFortune npm install running since forever :(
@codingrogue That is, have some sort of "notification" endpoint or websocket, that will inform users of various events (you have been added to event X, you have been removed from event Y, event Z has been updated)
Then to grab more details, they can go to the events endpoint and get the complete event object again
I am trying to write a piece of Jquery script, which will allow a user to select and deselect a list of user listed in a <div>. When selected the text move from one <div> element into another <div> element. But for some reason I cannot get the script to do the unselect.
@AwalGarg Can't get sharp installed :c
@BenFortune lemme know if you get it sorted :D
@codingrogue Well if the event does not show up on the main stream, he will understand that he is not invited anymore, won't he?
and I'm not the boss
@dievardump sure. but how to i even get to the point of not showing the event anymore?
@SuperUberDuper report to the boss?
have done
@AwalGarg Building vips now
I raised a PR today and it took and extra 4 hours to resolve
@MadaraUchiha thats harder than you think, for example with APNS you can miss the notification and open the app normally
he went and deleted my commits and added his lol
in this case nothing gets notified
@codingrogue event have ids (I hope). Keep the ids front side. When you update, compare list of ids, the one that are not here anymore are the one you should remove.
> <theTrick> Canada volunteered 10 Battleships, 4 Jet Fighters, and 200 Soldiers to the U.S. anti-terrorism cause, after the exchange rate, that came up to 4 canoes, 2 flying squirrels and 3 canadian mounties
@RoddyDairion you won't get any answers with the details you posted. We have no idea what your code looks like
@RoddyDairion create a fiddle at jsfiddle.net with the minimum amount of code possible, showing the exact issue
@dievardump i'm working with modified-since headers so the invitee gets only the events he belongs to where something changed
the industry has a problem with weak coders who sit in contracts
with none to sack them
i don't have access to a full list
in this case it would have worked, yes
@Cereal flying squirrels are really expensive. They should have asked for gliding squirrels.
the controversial thing is that the event where he is being removed gets updated but at the same time he is not part of the event anymore and the route does not deliver the event anymore
Movies to teach "my friend" social skills, shoot (as short and technical as possible)
@AwalGarg It's called outside
I said short and technical, not humid and hot.
Code review please, if anyone has the time. Focusing on speed, not readability. gist.github.com/carbonrobot/e2a9fadc31e1543cbf36
@AwalGarg Your mother?
I give up.
Basically I have a class for "Communication Skills" at college, and my lecturer told me to get ready for it. Specially me.
@AwalGarg Get drunk, remember how you talk. Now do that sober, without insulting anyone
Arguably a little better than being socially retarded
I don't get drunk. I just turned 18.
That's no excuse
If you're 18, you should have atleast 5 years of alcohol experience
I didn't drink till I was like 4 weeks from 18, I got drunk in the barn with 2 horses on UV Blue vodka
@RoddyDairion 319 lines of code is way too much to look at. Are you sure it couldn't be shortened? And put the JS in the JS section, not in the markup.
You did what with horses?!
@AwalGarg Got it running, can't login though xD
Should probably wait for a first release
@SterlingArcher They were my bros, bro
@AwalGarg Ok I've changed it. JS is in correct panel. The bit I need looked at is a line 46 on in the JS section.
@rlemon I need to play some Skyrim
@RoddyDairion updated link?
I wonder if Skyrim is on the xbox live store for XBone yet
I could play so much Sky's Rim
@SterlingArcher XBone lol
!!urban xbone
@LanaKane xbone Microsoft's third console. The xbox, the 360, the xbone. 1. Xbox (sixth generation) 2. Xbox 360 (seventh generation) 3. Xbox One (eighth generation).
!!urban xbone 2
@LanaKane xbone Pronounced Ex-Bone; A term used to describe the new Xbox One in a derogatory fashion. In what can only be described as having a "boner" for the new xbox release, both fanboys and tech enthusiasts alike were heavily disappointed by the release information for the new console, as well as restrictions on gameplay and always on requirements. Deflating the "boner" as it were that the once excited crowd once had.
derogatory? bah
Maybe it's zero-indexed...
!!urban xbone 1
@LanaKane xbone Xbone - The next generation console by Microsoft. Specifically designed to bone as many victims that it can, by deceiving them into purchasing an overpriced 13in black dildo. Starting at just 500$, you can purchase this big black behemoth and start dry fucking the money right out of your wallet. Key features include: loss of friends (since those friends will all be having fun with their new PS4, computer,(snip)
That's what I was looking for
@Loktar github.com/relax/Relax now we can redo the CMS right
@LanaKane mon-fucking-godb
@FlorianMargaine I'll port it to sequelize after the first release :>
@BenFortune good luck with that
/joke. The config is all written expecting OSX anyway going to be too much of a bitch to try it out on Windows and there is no preview just a screenshot on the repo. So AFAIC it's just another wannabe
@BenFortune since I think they're using dynamic schemas for dynamic fields
@FlorianMargaine Mongoose
@CharlieBrown are you sure of this result file : gist.github.com/carbonrobot/e2a9fadc31e1543cbf36#file-1_data-js ?
@LanaKane Worked on linux
@BenFortune Well yea, close enough.
Should also work on windows if you want to build vips
As well as get Sharper installed, show it where Python is etc
@dievardump yes, the jasmine tests pass as well
@CharlieBrown yeah but the "result" you show in comment is not good, is it?
Don't see why you'd run it on Windows anyway
For anything other than testing
Cause people do that. Cause .NET shop and I'm at work lol
@BenFortune You know people actually use Windows for Node apps too right? :P
@LanaKane I bet they run it behind IIS too
@AwalGarg any luck mate?
@dievardump its correct
I'm just saying. There's nothing about it that says "not something you'd run on windows"
Also if you haven't noticed, I'm a die-hard Windows fan
I hate it..
@dievardump ah! the result is correct, but the input is incorrect
<needs more coffee>
Anyone using a K65/70/95 RGB?
They finally released the SDK for CUE
Expected lua, got C++
@dievardump corrected
dilemma - I want more coffee but I'm too lazy to go downstairs to make some
solution: bring the coffee maker upstairs
Oh man, rock band 4 comes out soon
Pipe coffee through your wwater pipes
@Cereal I'm so damn good at that game
@rlemon I will bring you some
And you bring me some
@BenFortune I'm so fucking excited
My girlfriend's going to slap me for spending a couple hundred dollars on a game
Don't caaare
Does it not work with the old equipment?
@BenFortune noooope
Can anybody else help?
@ssube I thought they said it did?
I always wanted to try Rocksmith too
Anyway, my old stuff is borked
@BenFortune I have that
I can already play guitar, but it's fun anyway
@CharlieBrown will the path always be ordonned like in this example?
Not guaranteed... but good point, i forgot a test for that
@rlemon Have your cat bring you some
Played a bit of guitar, I'm a drummer though.
@CharlieBrown because if so, you can do that with only one loop
could always sort it first
> <ShaggyShaggs> heh, my grandmother amused me earlier
<ShaggyShaggs> I got up, got dressed, took a leak, washed my face, got out of the bathroom and mom's there holding the phone telling me it's for me
<ShaggyShaggs> I grab the phone and mutter "Is this more important than coffee?"
<ShaggyShaggs> and my grandmother says "Nothing is more important than coffee, call me back later"
how do you call the thing that allows you to call a function defined after/lower in code? and why doesn't it work in es6 es6fiddle.net/ieyf6uh0?
@Cereal ah tat thanks
passes spec, running perf now
@dievardump wow, nice. 364kop/s > 260kop/s
this is so much better than my version just out of simplicity
For production, I would sort the input by path before processing. length and alphabetic, to be sure parents paths are already mapped
All of them?
@SterlingArcher I have the K70 RGB with cherry browns
you don't like the clicky sounds?
Is there any better way to do this query?
They do click a tiny bit
They're in between red and black
I'd totes go cherry
@dievardump should be easy, its coming from mongo
  _id: { $not: id }
}, {
  $set: { enabled: false }
}, function (err, numberUpdated) {
    _id: id
  }, {
    $set: { enabled: true }
@corvid Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Cherry what? xD
They're all cherry
Cherry is the brand of the switch
he;s asking what colour
Cherry MX Blue i think is the loudest
Mech keyboards changed my life, defo getting one at my next job
@CharlieBrown well, I would do it in the unflatten function. it's fast something like input.sort(function (current, next) { return (current.path.length > next.path.length) }); at the beginning of the unflatten function
that will ensure that regardless of input it still gets it correct
Does not even need alphabetic order. Just length order ensure that parents are already mapped
> In ECMAScript 6, let does not hoist the variable to the top of the block.
works with just current.path > next.path as well
thats true
@SterlingArcher nope, green
for normal matching is sed and javascript regex same?
Talked with a friend about what if Linus Torvalds hosted Tech Tips
> "You shouldn't touch that"
"I'm going to touch it, and I'm going to break it because the people who made it are terrible and should be castrated"
> "this is such an interesting piece of hardware but they don't provide driver documentation so we're not going to look at it today"
I've been watching Defcon videos for hours
(Hey @Loktar, did I show you that bomberman-like bta-game.herokuapp.com ? - I need to put some chat and implment the pseudonyme choosing front-end, also servers are in europe so might be laggy for you )
ooooh damn fancy man
thats pretty cool
@Loktar how the hell does he hold a keyboard for so long and not press a single key
@SterlingArcher That's what I was thinking!
hahah idk man
one more question, how do cloud9 editor simulate a bash in the web browser? is it like, I am typing bash command, its sending it to a terminal on the server and then result getting displayed on the browser?
@argentum47 maybe, maybe not. You have one way to check, guess what.
k lets me chec
@argentum47 utsl (and check the traffic)
it's just a web ui to a remote VM
it's not simulating bash, it IS bash.
what do you understand from the following question? stackoverflow.com/questions/32764147
cloud9 uses micro VMs, but they turn them off when they are inactive nd if you don't pay.
that's why you may have to wait a minute for a project to load
@Luggage sounds painful
or mount and chtoor, or soemthing. i'm not sure of the details
@AwalGarg well, you can't keep live VMS for every one that jsut stopped into C9 to play with it and see what it is
if you pay, you get a more available setup
@Luggage I meant it sounds painful for C9
chrooted environments are isolated enough to expose remotely?
no idea of the details.
I just know you are executing the project on their server, and paying prevents long load times (they say they suspend the project when it's been inactive). The rest I infer.
@RoyMiloh That he wants the alert('Submitted') trigger when the guys click on the Submit1 button, but ALSO when he does Form.submit() in the third piece of code
@AwalGarg lolno
@dievardump Yap. and what wrong with my answer? I think he wants to wrap the native function. lol.
@ssube thought so
I have no use for cloud9, but it looks neat.
if you want public containers, use openvz or docker or openshift
i #2 learn these ^
@RoyMiloh if the triggering click method is attached to an anchor tag, he needs to preventDefault the basic link action or form action.
well, it's not so much a VM for any use as a ready-to-use dev environment + IDE.
oh the good ol days.
I still don't know how is a container different from a VM on the inner side. Got any good short article to educate me?
Native library installed on Windows with no errors, what is this sorcery?
@AwalGarg it's not a short topic
container doesn't run a kernel and does tricky file system aliasing stuff
@SterlingArcher of course. I've suggested to use addEventListener, but he did not like it for any reason..
Ah, well, I'd just skip it for now then :D
a container within a machine is the equivalent of a VM within a hypervisor
u introduce new terms with every new sentence.. :P
but you also have VM-style pseudo-containers, like openvz (acts like a whole VM) or chroot (acts more like a user)
docker/openshift are real containers, vsphere/openstack are real VMs
I use pseudo-VM style-containers.
Only container I have ever used is the Rasmus Lerdorf™ Signed© PHP7® Vagrant Image, and it just registered itself as a VM in virtualbox for me.
@RoyMiloh because doing .submit() on a form element, without wrapping it in jQuery, does not seem to trigger the 'submit' event, try to frm[0].submit() and you will see that it effectively submits
But thanks to arch, I got introduced to chroot and played with it quite a bit.
Vagrant is like OpenStack light light light light all-useful-features-removed, it just manages your hypervisor
Vagrant and Openstack are to the hypervisor what Puppet is to the machine's configuration

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