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I upvoted that, fucking hilarious
lol zero width joiner
I love that one
@BenFortune I submitted that one :D CNR
Is there anything wrong with naming your IIFEs all with the same name?
(function _() { console.log("A"); })();
(function _() { console.log("B"); })();
Like so
Why name them?
We have a JSCS rule that requires functions to be named
No, there shouldn't be a problem
@OliverSalzburg no
We would like to keep it and I don't see how to add an exception, except wrapping them in //jscs comments :P
lol deleted by @FlorianMargaine, trolled by @rlemon
Awesome. Thanks guys
@OliverSalzburg You're just breaking your own conventions. Which is meh.
@SterlingArcher I still have the original screenshot saved
The decision tree made me lol
> What have you tried?
@RoelvanUden I should have been more clear. We wrap all out Angular modules in an IIFE. So we have a style complaint in every single file. This is the only case where we want to make an exception
-17 and she still has 7 rep
@BenFortune you can't go below 1 rep, so she probably got two upvotes and then some downvotes or whatever
in the screeny, we see whoever clipped it has upvoted it
that was me
I thought it was funny
makes sense
oh my god I forgot about this one XD
shit was so cash
@SterlingArcher What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target...
gorilla warfare xD
I'm out of lemon pledge
Drink some water, you'll have more in a couple hours
This wasn't meant offensive or somewhat. Just sayin-
Doesn't matter what context that word is in, it's offensive. Unless you mean pork faggots.
or a bundle of sticks
Is.. is that a thing?
A faggot, in the meaning of "bundle", is an archaic English unit applied to bundles of certain items. Alternate spellings in Early Modern English include fagate, faget, fagett, faggott, fagot, fagatt, fagott, ffagott, and faggat. Sometimes called a short faggot, a faggot of sticks equals a bundle of wood sticks or billets that is 3 feet (0.91 m) in length and 2 feet (0.61 m) in circumference. The measurement was standardised in ordinances by 1474. A small short faggot was also called a nicket. A brush-faggot (sometimes shortened to brush) was a bundle of similar size made of brushwood. A long...
Is there any reason why this shouldn't work?
  navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({ video: true }, function (stream) {
    stream.getVideoTracks().forEach(function (track) {
        _id: track.id,
        label: track.label
  }, function (fail) {
    console.warn('Failed to fetch available cameras');
@SterlingArcher Yeah, they're actually quite tasty.
I am amazed you still try asking meteor questions here, @corvid
20 hours ago, by rlemon
// fuck it gets worse dude
@rlemon I'm still chuckling over this one
@AwalGarg It's hardly meteor, it's mostly navigator which is pretty standard
how about isolate it to that, then
@BenFortune pork faggots, this is exactly what I meant.
@Maurize Ok, sure
@corvid probably
Only have to take out Meteor.startup for that, and all that does is wait for the DOM to be loaded the first time
What is Camera.cameras?
@corvid Camera?
hey guys, we have an internal app.. with a form tech support uses.. if they make changes to the form (dirty form) and close the tab is there any legitimate way to as them to save first? I thought I had it working but some browsers do not show the prompt, I am guessing for security/browser setting reasons?
Camera is a wrapper object for dealing with the camera. Camera.cameras is a document store (should store id and label for selection later). I'm trying to capture all attached cameras and save their ids for a config file on setup
@corvid I just tried your code changing Came...insert to someArray.push and it works perfectly
getUserMedia() is deprecated on insecure origins
not the navigator version, I assume?
@JoJo you can use beforeunload to put up the "are you sure you want to leave, you have unsaved work" warning.
@AwalGarg They're deprecating it on HTTP
@BenFortune that's weird
@luggage doing as such but some browsers are not seeing the prompt
        var _isDirty = false;

        function setDirty() {
            _isDirty = true;

        function checkSave() {
            if (_isDirty) {
                var sSave = window.confirm("You have some changes that have not been saved. Click OK to save now or CANCEL to continue without saving.");
                if (sSave) {
                    return false;
                } else {
yeah, just reading that @BenFortune
one users ie9 machine is not showing the prompt, though on browserstack ie9 performs just fine
yea... i don't know of a good cross-browser solution, I think I'm mostly ie10+
> How did the middle ages dispose of dysgraphic people?

> They burned them at steaks.
@JoJo never use confirm
I feel like using window.confirm was a mistake also
ohh, right, didn' see that
window_beforeUnload(evt) {
    if (this.isViewModelDirty()) {
        let message = 'There are UNSAVED changes. If you leave, they will be LOST.';
        evt.returnValue = message;
        return message;
i will definately learn not to use window.confirm after this blunder
I will definitely not correct that grammar mistake
confirm, alert, prompt, any of those
@JanDvorak you bolded the wrong letter
@JoJo you return a message or set event.returnValue (depending on browser) from beforeunload, don't use a confirm
see my example
@FlorianMargaine fixed
@luggage, ty
so dirty
@ssube or eval or document.write
@ssube so then what is left? show a div?
@JanDvorak well played.
@JoJo yep
do it right, use a modal in the page
@ssube grrr.. work...
@JoJo return a string on beforeUnload
but not in beforeunload. you can't do shit there. you need to use the supplied prompt
is any one using dual boot mode?
@AwalGarg Maybe it has something to do with DOMString, I am trying to insert into mongodb
@JoJo if you want to be lazy, go do mall security
@luggage aye good point
karma strikes again: youtube.com/watch?v=Q2brBqHXshA nsfw, loud
@Maurize tl;dw?
(where l = loud)
Thanks Jan, I forget this too often.
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function(event) {
    if (isDirty) {
        return event.returnValue = 'There are UNSAVED changes. If you leave, they will be LOST.';
I forgot which browsers uses event.returnValue, but..
so.. use beforeunload.. but dont use a prompt
@Luggage just return
The team quickly noticed that _ is a shitty name for our IIFEs, because of lodash. Now the suggestions are pouring in…
(function ಠ_ಠ() {
why do you want to name your IIFEs?
@JanDvorak I went with the second example: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/…
@OliverSalzburg can't go wrong with a zero-width joiner
It's taking anonymous to a new level.
26 mins ago, by Oliver Salzburg
We have a JSCS rule that requires functions to be named
@SterlingArcher Already came up ;)
(function jscssucks() {
@OliverSalzburg use a build system that doesn't require you to use IIFEs then
@FlorianMargaine Ah! Awesome idea
or perhaps actually name them? You know, there's a reason to do so...
that's fixing something that doesn't need to be originally fixed
not if it's just an IIFE around a whole module for scope
What's wrong with IIFEs?
@JanDvorak …which is why we're discussing useless names to use ;P
name it after the module
name it after Disney characters
nothing, but they aren't needed to prevent globals as long as you use var and a concat/build/pckage tool that does it for you
@SterlingArcher they're a hack needed because JS doesn't have a "per-file" scope, which most current build systems fix (browserify etc)
@JanDvorak Nice idea, but I actually prefer just adding them in the build system. That also gets rid of one level of indentation in our modules
as far as i'm concerned js DOES have per-file scope since I always use some form of build tool.
@FlorianMargaine per file scope meaning variables in derp.js are accessible in herp.js (assuming herpis loaded after derp)?
@SterlingArcher no, the opposite
no, the opposite. per-file scoping means that only things you explicitly export are available from other files.
it means if I do var foo = 'bar'; in the top-level of one file, it won't be available in other files
if you include scripts with <script src="foo.js"></script>, it's all in the same global scope
Ah, sorry I was thinking coldfusion scope
the build tools acheive that just by wrapping your file in an IIFE. so IIFE aren't bag, just redundant.
That makes sense
yea, cf scopes are fucked.
var is different than JS, which is confusing since cfscript looks so similar.
Are any other languages 1-indexed?
Pascal, Ada
mostly very old languages
(no, not lisp)
Visual Basic (accidentally edited previous message)
Any benefits to 0 index over 1?
i think so.
it seems to be a more natural fit since it's all 0-based underneath.
@SterlingArcher None. Just how you think about it.
@SterlingArcher The name of the array is a reference to the first element. When you add 0 to the index, you still have the first element. When you add 1, you get the second element
0 makes sense to reference the first element when it's an actual contiguous array in memory or a linked list
If you've ever working with C or similar languages, 1-based is just weird
^ I haven't lol
Java is probably the closest I've ever gotten to C, which isn't close at all
i started in VB6/VBA, so I kno wwhere you are coming from. Also I did lots of coldfusion
Well, maybe Swift actually..
but once you get used to 0, you'll see it makes more sense.
the math works better
Yeah 0 just "feels" right, especially after using both
> Particularly in C, where arrays are closely tied to pointer arithmetic, this makes for a simpler implementation: the subscript refers to an offset from the starting position of an array, so the first element has an offset of zero.
Zero-based numbering or index origin = 0 is a way of numbering in which the initial element of a sequence is assigned the index 0, rather than the index 1 as is typical in everyday non-programming circumstances. Under zero-based numbering, the initial element is sometimes termed the zeroth element, rather than the first element; zeroth is a coined ordinal number corresponding to the number zero. In some cases, an object or value that does not (originally) belong to a given sequence, but which could be naturally placed before its initial element, may be termed the zeroth element. There is not wide...
I feel like ColdFusion could have been good if they didn't use tag-based syntax. That was just a horrible idea. Writing a simple function was massive file overhead
Shit even calling a function was massive overhead
// 0 based
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {}
// 1 based
for (var i = 1; i <= array.length; i++) {}
the extra = is the dealbreaker.
while(i) {
  // do something
Can anyone see an error in this one line of code. pastie.org/10441715
@SterlingArcher CfScript syntax is decent, at least in later version of CF wher they support almost all the tags as script syntax.
by decent, i mean "slightly better than tags"
I am trying to get a value of a field and then trigger an alert
@Luggage I never really got a chance to do much CFScript except for this one time
looks like JS, and lots of tags are avail in function form
Q: Importing Excel Spreadsheet Into SQL Database (Coldfusion 9)

Sterling ArcherI'm writing a script to import a large excel spreadhseet into an SQL Server 2008 database. Everything is working fine except for one minor detail: If a cell in the sheet has multiple options (like a <select> dropdown menu), only the selected option gets grabbed. I want to grab every possible opt...

@StephenWolfe value is a string, you need to convert it probably
Ahh how do i do that?
Im afraid this is not working in chrome.. ugh if it ain't one things its another..
        window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (event) {
            if (_isDirty) {
                return 'There are UNSAVED changes. If you leave, they will be LOST.';
if (parseInt(document.getElementById('trout').value) > 100) { // dosomething }
@copy you might like own-mailbox.com
@JoJo you took out my webkit fix, that's why
@dievardump thanks
I'm not convinced by it though
argh @Luggage lol
(dunno how it handles DNS, and haven't seen if it publishes the sources, which is kinda essential.)
event.returnValue = message; the MDN docs I liked explain it
ok I will mdn event.returnValue
You listened to @JanDvorak. Mistake.
@JoJo developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/… exmaple section, second example
yes exactly
> Your email address will be like [email protected] . The domain name name.omb.one will belong to your for free for life and will automatically point to your Own- Mailbox, even when you change IP.

You may also use your own domain name, then your address will be like surname.name@yourdomain .
not bad
@Nickk I like how the sote look like old MSWord, too.
@StephenWolfe I'm not sure though, might be something else. And I would use addEventListener('click', function () {}, false) instead of onclick=function () {}
> ➜Where can I download the sources?

You can download source code for our modified version of Linux- libre kernel, and the design files of the working PCB on our source page.

You will also find our github repository, with our current modified version of courier-imap and roundcube.

Note though that these files are still under development, and that we have a newer board under test. We are publishing those designs to show that we are really open, but please don't emit any technical jugement based on them.
not bad either.
> Our research shows that people love two things: failed Microsoft technologies and obscure Javascript libraries. Naturally, we decided to combine the two.
@dievardump I am just trying to add it to the onclick="" part of a button. Not sure it will work though :(
I don't remember MSWord having a "fork" link in the upper right, though
> Trying to get through security as an engineer
@SterlingArcher Nice looking clock
@StephenWolfe addEventListener('click', function (event) {}) is better than onclick=
I laughed at her expression.
@dievardump like this ? directcouriersolutions.com/semi-dedicated-service inspect the button.
Oh wow no. Don't put that in the HTML, put that in a JavaScript file.
That's incredible
onclick="addEventListener('click', function () {if(parseInt(document.getElementById("fieldname4_1").value) > 100){alert('more than 100')}};"
very thankful, I wont be able to do the form save for them but this is a nice compromise
@dievardump was just trying to test it
In your JavaScript file : document.getElementById('fieldname11_1').addEventListener('click', function () {if(parseInt(document.getElementById("fieldname4_1").value) > 100){alert('more than 100')}};
It is a compromise. I had to do something similar.
@dievardump yeah i just realised I was adding the event listener but not specifying where. will do it in the Js file
user image
@StephenWolfe This form as the divite. div > div > div > div> div
@Abhishrek that console thingy didn't install for whatever reason :/ but cygwin seems to be working pretty good till now
@Maurize There are many developer jobs out there
More than many. Even Spain and Greece, where there is no Job at all, have Developer Openings.
but the guy in the picture studied communications
Except half of them are startups that "Will pay you in stocks"
stocks+beer and we have a deel.
Many jobs? Where are they? LET ME AT THEM!
@Nick I got a job, so thanks.
Like, recruiters are offering me ipads and cash incentives if I find them devs that get hired
> that get hired
Yeah that's basically how much they need people.
There's always a catch
Do generated dom strings generate on page load or something?
@Cereal then finally it
@FlorianMargaine I hate you so much right now
Well if they paid you for shit people I'd send them homeless on the daily lol
@FlorianMargaine haha
@SterlingArcher Exactly
> <TOZTWO> I was kinda shy, and still am, so right after sex, I started getting dressed before she could turn on the lights......
<TOZTWO> Well, she turns the light on, and I have my clothes on already, and she can't find her undies.......
<TOZTWO> But she finds my undies next to the bed.
<TOZTWO> Guess whose undies I'm wearing?
i music is especially loud and shitty at the coffee-shop, today.

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