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why is that c++
You can't reduce the array with Math.max, because of the shitty extra arguments passed by reduce
higlight.js sucks
Random thought: you guys should try playing Enviro-Bear 2000
Soooo, which one is it? -.-
@rlemon because it's C++
it's the internal source for v8
er, maybe not c++
didn't actually read it
What is v8 written in, smarter peepholes?
I'm confused. In ISO 8601 does this "2015-09-20" mean 2015-09-20 UTC or local time?
@Ṣhmiddty C++, I'm 95% sure.
Q: AngularJS Loading Spinner Timing

Sterling Archer So, as you can see here, I'm trying to have a "saving.... done!" animation going, however, when I set saveInProgress to false, right before setting the saveComplete to true, it doesn't go away until a couple seconds later. Here is the element the spinner is in: <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin...

@Ṣhmiddty mostly C++
If anybody knows, there's reputation for you's
Your code makes me want to cry :D @SterlingArcher
Why nest timeouts?
Not my code :D
@Ṣhmiddty I could only get it to do up to 62822 parameters.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think they did it for a reason, I'm just trying to find this reason out
@SomeKittens hljs?
@SterlingArcher reason = being noob.
or mathmax?
lol I think it was put together in a huge rush so it was hacked like fuck
What's the term for # of params? I thought it was cyclomatic complexity.
but that's paths through code.
@SterlingArcher use a disposer.
I have no idea what that is
@SomeKittens arity
!!google angularjs disposer
@Retsam ah! Thank you
@rlemon so yeah. I think it's just that the node is replaced, so you need to reapply hljs to it on expand
@Ṣhmiddty rlemon is afk: driving home
Ok, someone told me this is possible: z= x++5 + y
@Bugboy1028 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks, reading when I get home!
@Bugboy1028 someone lied
@Bugboy1028 You could do z = x += 5 + y, but what they said is a bunch of shite
@Bugboy1028 z = x + 5 + ++y would be valid, or z = x++ +5+y
!!> var x = 1, y = 2, z = x+++5+y; z;
@Ṣhmiddty 8
!!urban icic
@Callum [icic](http://icic.urbanup.com/1131910) "I see, I see"

Used in chat channels, mmorpg, you name it.
Oh, should of 'c'n it before.
!!> var x = 1, y = 2, z = x+++++y; z;
@Ṣhmiddty "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
haha, that should be valid
This is actually question on my worksheet
Teacher looks like he's first teaching the class
!!> var x = 1, y = 2, z = x++ + ++y; z;
@Callum 4
Formatting, grasshoppah
!!> var x = 1, y = 2, z = x+++ ++y; z;
@crl 4
I will be back
@Callum nah, bug in the parser
or perhaps it's a case they intentionally ignored
@Bugboy1028 correct answer: "It doesn't matter if it's valid. It's confusing and therefor should not be in your code."
unless it's codegolf
Not only confusing, but wrong
if it's a class, they shouldn't have 'abuse-of-language' trivia.
@Callum wrong how?
@Luggage why not?
you have a range of skillsets and it does nothing but confuse those on the lower end of the spectrum and offers nothing for those on the higher end
@Ṣhmiddty x++5 I suppose technically it could be read as "x add positive five", however parser will probably read as "add one to x, oh look! a 5!"
I guess I see some value in a strictly academic "follow the syntax, compile in your head" way, so I partially retract my opinion.
but only partially.
@Luggage debugging skills are important
!!>var x = 0; x++5
@Ṣhmiddty "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
ok, you win.
either x+(+5) or x+ +5
I guess the parser really associate '++' with increments
Could be a possible suggestion for ES7 -> Check to see if there is a number or sout' after a ++, if so treat it as a+ +b.
!!> var x=0; x+-1
@crl -1
!!> var x=0; x--1
@Callum "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
easiest way to send an array as response from node js to angular js
I'm not even sure a + -b is mathematically correct, I think it needs parenthesis
I'm pretty sure it is,
a +- b?
Hey Callum mate
@RanganathanSwamy how are you sending data, now?
!!google send array as response node to angular
@Luggage json format generally sire!
when I am doing the same
then just json format an array.
it gives some get error
Do go on.
on angularjs
@CapricaSix I am going to check all of them
!!> JSON.stringify([1, 2, 'a', { a: 2 }])
@Callum "[1,2,\"a\"]"
have you looked at the data in the network tab of the debug tools to see that it's a proper json response with your data in it?
BTW I had been searching about the same. I am not being lazy.
@Callum "[1,2,\"a\",{\"a\":2}]"
I will come right back up after trying
^^I screwed it
/me uses <table>
What's wrong with using <table>? /endnoob
<table> makes sense when you are, ya know, doing stuff that tables are for.
Tabular data
Or just making a website that belongs in the 2000s
or for doing a few things that only tables and flex-box can do
@Luggage ie7 is dead
though, you can use css display:table rules so that you don't have to use actual <table> elements for that.
yea, but i support ie 9+
Sure, but what you said :)
lol oh shit. I have triggered the Google Tag Manager debug mode in my Chrome and it won't go away
There's no buttons in this panel
No way to close it lol
reinstall windows
a simple stringify on the angular side has done the trick
hala madrid
my team won today BTW
@SomeKittens batarang looks useful
@FlorianMargaine It's very useful
@SomeKittens well, as always, it depends. If you are using table for making a HTML form, you should be take out back and shot
easy there, killer, it looks like tabular data to me.
contact form is definitely not "tabular data"
what contact form, where?
You're being set up. Get a lawyer.
can I use CCv3.0 assets in BSD/MIT software?
@SomeKittens did you write that?
in b4 it's shit
@Mosho go to sleep we have meetings tomorrow morning and stuff :D
We’ve got 11ty tabs that all have their own XHR request when a thing is selected. Some of them are slow - 10+ seconds. The slow ones clog up the # of HTTP connections we’re allowed to make and things grind to a halt. We don’t care about failures (they’re handled in promiseFunc)
@BenjaminGruenbaum u go :<
@Mosho naw, I saw a real doge yesterday. You can't tell me what to do anymore MOM
@SomeKittens Why do you have native promise constructors though? Is this like "map with concurrency"?
@SomeKittens I actually wrote pretty similar code last week, only in C# and with threads (with Task)s. There's also Promise.map that does something similar.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah.
see problem statement - can't fire 'em all at once because we only get so many simultaneous HTTP requests
Yeah, like map with concurrency from bluebird
Also constructor because I needed to translate it to $q
Vs. not using the constructor and just using thens
Here's the Angular version:
    function throttle(taskNames, limit, promiseFunc) {
      return $q(function (resolve, reject) {
        var completed = 0;
        var idx = 0;

        function throttle() {
          if (idx < taskNames.length) {
          if (completed === taskNames.length) {
            return resolve();

        do {
        } while(idx < limit && idx < taskNames.length && ++idx); // Only increment if we're doing anot
hmm, lemme see if I can write something like that without the promise constructor
@SomeKittens do you actually do anything with the results? Because you seem to just discard them.
I can do that
@BenjaminGruenbaum how bad is it to never handle reject on a prommise
i.e. never calling a reject, only a resolve
> We don’t care about failures (they’re handled in promiseFunc)
not you
(we just display an error message in the corner)
I saw it in other code today
return new Promise(resolve => {
no reject
wondering how common that actually is
@SomeKittens ok
@rlemon Perfectly fine
@SomeKittens have you thought on batch request?
@rlemon Some things can't fail.
not me
@RoyMiloh That's what it was doing before this.
:sheds a single tear:
@rlemon Can't you Promise.resolve(blah);?
@SomeKittens and?
@SomeKittens not my code
just wondering if it was valid
@RoyMiloh Pretty sure you can figure out the downsides of batching vs throttling on your own.
@BenjaminGruenbaum reviewing
@SomeKittens of course there are (on the other hand, what about the pros?); it really depends on what you try achieve...
Basically, 99% of times you have explicit construction you're working too hard.
@RoyMiloh I think he's well aware of batching and what it brings to the table, as he himself said before.
@BenjaminGruenbaum very nice. Stealing that. Good lesson for me in the process.
@SomeKittens it's essentially very similar to yours with the .then(recurseAndCheck), the difference is that instead of using a promise constructor and resolveing when I'm done I return the recursion and let promise assimilation take care of things.
I like using a copy of the array as the job queue
ah, wait
yours dies if one halfway through dies.
@SomeKittens Observable libraries like RxJS tend to do a better job expressing concepts like throttling IMHO.
Yeah, you said that the inner promise takes care of this. I can just .then(recurse, recurse)
@Lalaland lol
@Lalaland I built an entire realtime data processing library on top of RxJS, and rewrote the whole thing on top of rx-next.
I am aware that I can include a massive library and rewrite how everything works to take advantage of a single function in that library.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hmm, lemme check
The way RxJS does throttling is both terrible and backwards which is why they're replacing the whole API. rx-next does a better job but still, the last gen of reactive extensions doesn't deal with backpressure too well.
don't recall if it actually handles the error
because this codebase.
oh, yeah, catches it.
coolio, stealing yours
@Lalaland Promises don't express throttling at all, promises are started operations, function activations are what you throttle, anyway.
@SomeKittens it's a bitch to get right in C#. Then again I do more things there like generate an AggregateException with all the errors, and I deal with much longer queues and thread safety.
Makes me not appreciate C#
Single-threaded JS, yey
<3 js
@BenjaminGruenbaum try Dataflow :-)
Map reduce natively, yey
@JohnCarlson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RoyMiloh are you talking about anything specific or just the concept of reactive programming?
yeah, the c# library
Well, the TPL all uses blocking calls. One thing I hate about C# is how inconsistent its model is.
And how poorly the TPL plays with tasks and async/await, and how little control tasks actually give you.
Why the [].concat?
@SomeKittens because the person who specified splice has a special place in hell
!!> [1,2,3].splice(1,2)
@BenjaminGruenbaum [2,3]
!!> [1,2,3].splice(1,1)
@BenjaminGruenbaum [2]
Wait what? Maybe I'm just stupid and it's not needed, I was under the impression splice returns a single element and not an array if its result is a single element in a weird quirky way.
> Returns

An array containing the deleted elements. If only one element is removed, an array of one element is returned. If no elements are removed, an empty array is returned.
My mistake, the [].concat is completely redundant.
been a long time since I've written a do/while loop
@BenjaminGruenbaum actually it's not that bad. the big downside is the exception handling (AggregateException :P).
and now we're not even using it!
@RoyMiloh that, and none of it works with their newer APIs.
Here is roughly how I would do a throttle: jsfiddle.net/7h9q1rfk/2
@RoyMiloh I have a list of 100 urls and I want to use httpclient to download them 4 by 4 like @SomeKittens is doing now. It's super simple with the blocking API, with the task APIs they use now it's often unclear how scheduling and performance works (is it really single threaded?) and you don't have the primitives built in.
There is no urls.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(4).Select(x => new WebClient().DownloadString(x))
@Lalaland why would a throttle be a class?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It has state. And it's useful to add new requests after creation.
@Lalaland wouldn't it make sense to transform a function instead of creating a throttle object? Isn't the thing throttled here function calls?
@BenjaminGruenbaum have you worked with Dataflow? it's not easy as you wrote, but not that difficult.
import Promise from 'Bluebird';
return Promise.map(urls, download, { concurrency: 4 });
@RoyMiloh no, I worked plenty with the TPL and other tooling. (Lots of Rx)
@Luggage we're talking about how to implement it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ok, let me transform my code to the equivalent function form.
@RoyMiloh is it any good?
... and you have a built-in throttling support
@BenjaminGruenbaum jsfiddle.net/5ec52vgf
Same idea, but some would argue a little less clear.
Yes, you also have 10 other libraries that do that, and implementing it is around 8 LoC, takes more than that to impress me.
Bluebird is not open source?
  var maxToProcess = maxToProcess;
@JohnCarlson yes, it is. Why?
Oops, forgot to delete those.
@JohnCarlson not a good idea
Bluebird's source is aimed at being fast, not obvious. It's not poorly written but it's not written to be readable either.
There, jsfiddle.net/5ec52vgf/2, "cleaner"
> return (req) -> {
var transform = transform; <- does this do anything?
probably error in strict mode
@Luggage That was an accidental leftover from the class version. jsfiddle.net/5ec52vgf/2 is cleaner.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oops, accidentally swapped the Java and JavaScript lambda syntax.
I guess that's what I deserve for now trying to run the code.
Such high demands: jsfiddle.net/0k57q157
Although it's better than the class thing
but is an anon function really a lambda? or in js is it still just an anon function
=> is just an anon right?

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