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@Adrian I wish I were a wizard
magic.throwFireball() would be awesome
Uh, red flag moment.
Boss is asking me to back everything up before we go into administration
So he can use it in another company
@Neil magic.fire.fireball()
@Maurize *blows self up*
@Maurize You forgot to bind this ;)
@Neil damn, this really hurts.
magic.fire.ball(Neil) would be more correct
@FlorianMargaine morning o/
Oh shit, meteor works on Windows now?
Good morning
@BenFortune I looked at how to port hermes on windows last night.
@BenFortune That sounds slightly illegal?
@FlorianMargaine How'd it go?
@ivarni That's what I thought :/
@BenFortune You choose: Be a good or a bad guy:D
If it is illegal then being an accessory to it can backfire hard
the "we were just following orders" defense has been proven to not be very effective
@BenFortune so, I'd need to learn packaging, creating windows services, using Windows api for raw access to block devices, gssapi for the authentication part, and windows named pipes.
@FlorianMargaine Creating MSIs and windows services is pretty straight forward, the other stuff however :|
Depends on what "everything" includes. If it's customers contact because he's a sales guy, it's fine. If it's code and IP stuff, it's illegal.
@FlorianMargaine It's our codebase and all the documents belonging to the company
But I'm the sole dev of the company, so the codebase is in my personal git server. So I don't know where I stand with it
@BenFortune If it was me, I would respectfully decline to do that
anybody worked on facebook javascript api ..need help
@RaviMane Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Unless there's an open source license on the codebase it techincally belongs to the company
@ivarni Could he then fire me for not following orders? I'd lose out on redundancy pay if he did
I don't know the employment laws in your country, but here you'd have a strong legal case if you got fired for refusing to do an illegal act
But then, if he owns the company then it shouldn't be illegal
Change your name on chat before it's too late
He does own it
The FBI is tracing this chat
As far as I know: In our country there are laws which protect me from being fired for declining illegal stuff.
But is it illegal if he owns the company? Then he should also own the company assets?
unless it's being seized
@ivarni He does, but like I said we're going into administration
brb, there's a black van outside
Actually we're already in administration
Next step is liquidation
@BenFortune contact a lawyer
It's probably a clusterfuck to figure out who really owns what at that stage
@BenFortune So you didn't have backups prior to this event? ;D
@OliverSalzburg We do, but he wants it on an off-site resource that he can use in another company
IE: Another company that he's going to start after this one goes bust
As a legal concept, administration is a procedure under the insolvency laws of a number of common law jurisdictions. It functions as a rescue mechanism for insolvent entities and allows them to carry on running their business. The process – an alternative to liquidation – is often known as going into administration. A company in administration is operated by the administrator (as interim chief executive) on behalf of the creditors as a going concern while options are sought short of liquidation. These options include recapitalising the business, selling the business to new owners, or demerging...
In law and business, liquidation is the process by which a company (or part of a company) is brought to an end, and the assets and property of the company are redistributed. Liquidation is also sometimes referred to as winding-up or dissolution, although dissolution technically refers to the last stage of liquidation. The process of liquidation also arises when customs, an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting and safeguarding customs duties, determines the final computation or ascertainment of the duties or drawback accruing on an entry. Liquidation may either be compulsory...
here how do I position navigator element on left and 3 section elements on right? as shown below. Please ignore the labels in each block element.
Might ask on SElaw
@BenFortune contact a lawyer.
You always have the option to become a refugee in Germany
That's a hot trend I've heard
Fuck off. :D
@FlorianMargaine But that costs money
There are 1500 new refugees in my city
@BenFortune not necessarily. There are usually free time for small advices
@BenFortune Yeah, I was just wondering why he doesn't just grab a tape or something
@BenFortune in France, there's also a phone service run by the government for this kind of question
you might have something similar
@FlorianMargaine All I can find is stuff like this
@BenFortune following links from there, I found this: citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/how-we-provide-advice/advice
@FlorianMargaine Ah, thanks. I'm also in a union, so they might be able to help too
Which I forgot about
yup, call the union :)
@BenFortune basically, gov.uk/employment-tribunals
"Help you can get"
Facebook page post as admin using fb javascript api
Hello everyone, just a quick question: why is the behavior of an object whose [[Prototype ]] is an array so weird especially when it comes to subscript assignments?
@jrsala Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is there such a thing as a programmer's high?
how you @BenFortune & @BenjaminGruenbaum
Morning js room
I'm under a lot of pressure and just went to town on bugs. 13 hours of code today. Having just solved my last major problem, I am feeling FRIGGIN FANTASTIC.
morning :)
@m59 o/
\o + jumpKick
I think I backhanded you. or something. I'm tired lol
@m59 For me that is the same thing as a ballmer's peak :P
@m59 :P
No wonder I'm awful at programming. It's not that I don't drink, but I used to not drink, and I actually haven't started lol.
@PeeHaa monring
@PeeHaa what are you doing here? Lost?
I'm stalking you obviously :P
Maybe I need to get around to buying a bottle of wine :)
Night all!
@m59 noight
I wanted to share my TodoMVC implementation in Angular2 Dart:
here is the source code:
Dart is dead.
If you think so ;)
It is not so popular that is true. But I'm in love with dart.
Can anyone help me with a ionic authentication?
@BenFortune Google has quite some plans with Dart. They want to use Dart for writing android apps. They have switched their focus a little bit.
@Roger Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@copy 10 people are currently using google
sure bro
that kid
@Kasper Dart is a nice language. But I'm not sure if it has that much value compared with ES7 + typescript.
And besides that, the node.js ecosystem is gigantic compared with the dart ecosystem.
@Kasper but your todomvc is quite nice, I'm also thinking about learning angular2.
try the dart version! you will fall in love with dart i'm sure
I have used Dart. But they should make it easier to use javascript code.
Hi! I am just trying out interceptors for $httpProvider in AngularJS.
This is what I have tried.
stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/9603772 ffs, the shit that gets through the edit queue is amazing
But as the response.data is the exact html webpage I am trying to bring into the view
Not the data from the XHR request
Why is that?
Have you looked in the network tab and verified that it's different? Are there other interceptors being used?
@ivarni I'll try that
(Unrelated to that, you'll want to return something from your interceptor function)
Oh! I see the interceptor has even intercepted the XHR request for the partial page load request!
@ivarni I think I am returning a responseInterceptor am I not?
@shyam Yes, it intercepts all calls and angular fetches the templates over XHR unless they're preloaded
response: function(response) {
    return response;
OK. So how do I filter these then?
^ you should be returning something or no data gets passed on to the code that made the request
Oh.. I see..
@shyam I haven't worked with angular for ages but IIRC the response object also has the URL for the request somewhere?
You'd have to check that URL in the interceptor and just pass the data through if it's not the one you wanted to intercept
So I assume there is no generic way to avoid intercepting partial page loads via XHR then?
Well, you can preload them
Q: Is there a way to preload templates when using AngularJS routing?

andershAfter the Angular app is loaded I need some of the templates to be available offline. Something like this would be ideal: $routeProvider .when('/p1', { controller: controller1, templateUrl: 'Template1.html', preload: true })

the gist of it is to manually insert templates into the $templateCache service
did someone say templates
your template is broken
@shyam You can also check the path for /\.html$/ and avoid doing stuff on that
@shyam Otherwise, pre-loading them is a nice way, too.
preloading has the additional benefit of reducing the number of requests
@RoelvanUden That sounds good too..
Probably want to be doing that regardless of interceptor-strategy
@FlorianMargaine If you pack all the templates into one script file, angular won't have to fetch them one by one
@ivarni oh, that
downside: you don't get lazy fetching
but IMO packing a few more templates into the initial load outweighs that
@ivarni But wouldn't that cause initial load time to be slow?
"slow" is a relative word
but it can be, yes
@shyam In practice, you'll probably find that the combined size of your templates are still smaller than the framework itself, but yes, if you have a big application and time to first render is super important then yes you might see a tiny slowdown
but maybe your current choice is already slow for each template, so this will reduce this one
Hmm.. I see the trade off..
But if time to first render is important you'll probably want to serve some server-generated markup on the first request anyway
Nope. I am fetching everything from a REST API. I don't think that is an option for me.
@shyam I've done it using npmjs.com/package/isomorphic-fetch but that was for a React application, not sure how you'd set it up using angular (or if angular even attempts to support server side rendering) but I'm way off topic now :)
Then you'll take a hit for being a SPA anyway.
@ivari And I'm way out of my league now! :D I am an utter noob in Angular or even JS for that matter. I'm a Java guy ;)
Thank you for helping out though! Cheers! :)
@shyam If you're gonna jump into a pool, it hurts less if you pick the deep end :)
Also, put water into the pool
has any one used amazon web services?
This is a list of serious injuries and deaths that occurred during, or in immediate connection with, the taking of a selfie. == Selfie-related injuries and deaths == === 2014 === In March 2014, a 21 year old Spanish man died from electrocution after climbing on top of a train to take a selfie with friends and touching a wire that contrary to the assumptions of the group turned out to be live. One of the friends was taken to hospital and reported to subsequently be "in serious condition." In April 2014, a Russian amateur photographer (17 years), climbed atop a railway bridge in Saint Pet...
Q: Why 'Cannot read property 'x' of undefined' is not evaluated to false?

men1n2I have encountered the error 'Cannot read property 'x' of undefined' multiple times, and I know that I can manage to work around it by doing the famous if (foo && foo.bar) But the question is WHY ? Why do we need to check that object exists to test that his properties are defined or not ? Wou...

> "Why do I need to do if(foo && foo.bar)?"
> "Why can't the JS interpreter do these checks itself?"
He must be new to programming.
Or new to interpreted languages
oh wait, Java has the same problem
PHP, C#, python, .....
Tell him to use Ceylon
@Oliver LOL! That's true!
In an alternate universe, men2n1 asked "Why is accessing a property on an undefined/null giving me false and not an error? Is it to laugh at newbies?" — Zirak 11 secs ago
I'll answer for real though
how can I add this style and not break ie8:
transition max-height 2s ease-out 1s
Fuck IE8, they don't deserve pretty things
it pays my bill
can you guys suggest me any javascript library to validate html snippets?
Seriously, you don't have to cater to IE8 users on everything. Also see dowebsitesneedtolookexactlythesameineverybrowser.com
@SuperUberDuper tell your boss how much he will save by you not supporting IE8
@Zirak That website looks the same in all browsers I have installed.
@Cerbrus won't in IE9
Haven't tried that
i have already
@Tarun Snippet? No. Full document? Yes.
@Sheepy Using display css property I was able to get the required layout here. I want to understand, how to create the same layout using position css property? Intention is to get hands-on with position property
@Sheepy yes
@overexchange SO has a feature called "code snipped" so that we can run your CSS straight in the question/answer.
@Tarun You may also be able to ajax submit to W3C's validator. May need to use data url. Try searching around and see if someone tried it.
@Sheepy here is the code
Read: miserable developers, laugh at newbies, commercial stackoverflow strategy (in other words), etc. This is not a good asked question, even the question is large and with many asks inside it. Almost too broad, but I think that question makes all of you laugh and nobody marks it as should be closed. I laugh very minutes too, but this doesn't pass the stackoverflow rules test. — Marcos Pérez Gude 47 secs ago
Heading offline now, bye~
Many asks!
English probably ain't his native language
@Sheepy I'm looking for client side library
Kinda ironic
I expected them to all look different :P
It's good that none of you opened it in Opera 11 or IE 7
or elinks
@Cerbrus That was a fun answer to write
Me likes
Groovy lets you write var foo = myObj?.getProp() which I guess kinda makes sense but I believe it's just a shorthand for var foo = (myObj !== null ? myObj.getProp() : null)
CoffeeScript has that too. And I believe there's a proposal for it somewhere.
There is, at strawman IIRC
        myURL = buildURL('dev');
@OliverSalzburg love it!
@OliverSalzburg Holy shit that's hilarious
@OliverSalzburg That's the DICSS guy and similar, right?
if(Bro(object).doYouEven('lift') === Bro.TOTALLY) {
@Zirak Yes
A very inspiring human being
if ( ({})<=8 ) {
    // yeah, you get it...
Jesus christ
ionic authentication with express,passport and mongoose ...somebody?
@Marian074234 ... The usual way.
@BenFortune hello
@rlemon I want to make my own booze.
Also pizza.
how many training days do you get per year ?
@Mathematics None
@BenFortune if we class spending time in JS room as training even then ?
In that case: 365?
isnt there any free hosting for node js and php i just want free trail peroid if it works i am going to buy
Oh wait, not sure about that php part.
i just want web hosting main thing i cnt afford vps
using vps would help me out its damn expensive
£1.99 a month is expensive, okay.
@ujwaldhakal You can have free node instances on many* providers. They get expensive as they scale up. A cheap VPS is anywhere between 1~5 euro. A good VPS is ~10. Is that expensive?
2 pound for vps?
@ujwaldhakal Yes
site please
Many places.
And then there are heroku, modulus, etc
I can vouch for host1plus.com/vps-hosting though
I used lowendbox for some VPS's too. I run "SERIOUS STUFFS" on 10euro ones..
I have a dedi which I just branch VPS's on if I need one
Oh Azure has 10 free instances too if you have msdn
cant i have web hosting with node and php?
You can set it up on a VPS
Do it yourself, it's a good learning experience.
Then you can decide what goes to node and what to PHP
Hm, I lost my vps.
Doesn't make too much sense for an all in one package anyway.
Forgot to renew it.
@RoelvanUden Doesn't azure give you a "spending limit" (75-150€), with which you can just use services as you see fit?
@Kippie It does. And up to 10 web sites AFAIK (which are small instances)
@RoelvanUden I like to mix node/php behind nginx :p
Ah, thought you'd just get billed for those as well
if i have vps
then it would be difficult for me to host my site
@BenFortune I never said it doesn't make sense to do it. I'm saying that a 'all in one package' makes little sense to provide both PHP and NodeJS. It's really a specialized solution and not a generic all-in-one package you see everywhere.
ok fine i can install all those node php manage sites etc but domain hosting on vps would make a system admin?
We're devs. We can do everything. We're so much better than sys admins.
@ujwaldhakal So you're looking for shared hosting which supports node?
Not going to happen
You can run PHP on heroku though.
node and php
my app requires both
How does one just lose a 47-carriage train?
> "You'd think all we'd have to do is follow the track … but it is not that easy."
i am new to nodejs and MEAN. i have gone through a lot of tutorials and i think i know the basics. But how do I go forward from here? any resources or suggestions?
@SonaliGupta Make something
Build stuff.
@KendallFrey @RoelvanUden Can you suggest me some projects I can build?
@SonaliGupta Use your imagination
A multiplayer game
A career
@KendallFrey thanks!
4-man chess, websocked-based, multi-player.
i tried this and
1 message moved to Trash can
@ujwaldhakal Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
setinterval not working
@BenFortune You read my mind
when my socket.on runs immediatly the work functions runs without delay
@ujwaldhakal setInterval(work, 6000);
@ujwaldhakal setInterval(work, 6000);
4-man chess is a real game, you know
@ujwaldhakal setInterval(work, 6000);
Something something 4-man your mum.
@ujwaldhakal setInterval(work, 6000);
confuse on this javascript
i am from php background cant stop using function();
if you were french I'd have a link for you.
@BenFortune That URL is confusing
@FlorianMargaine tried to read your blog. after minutes I realized that it is french.
@OliverSalzburg Didn't even notice haha
so being french
@Maurize :)
@ujwaldhakal because the link is in french
You should do multi language.
@ssube Any idea how to view large commits in Gitlab without it 502ing?
this was the link I was referring to, btw margaine.com/2012/08/31/…
so there are not any free web services for my kind of app
@BenFortune Find out why it crashed, then add more memory ;D
for batman lovers
Oh oh, 9gag. Haters gonna hate.

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