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@Loktar still using webpack ? Are you also using webpack-dev-server or things like that? Any good read about those?
we just ripped out webpack
the dev server was a nightmare
yeah but webpack's still doing a good job at packing
I think System is better
AWS, GAE or Azure?
and room 17 goes quiet, sigh
Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry?
@phenomnomnominal but live reload!
I was talking from a backend API web-service point of view.
@phenomnomnominal System seems to lack of doc
@dievardump You just don't need as much doc as with webpack
@DemCodeLines Azure if you can get it free.
@Lalaland I'm running system with an http2 server, client compiles typescript on the fly. No watch or live reload needed
I guess my question was more if I should go with a web-service plan (the ones offered by GAE, AWS) or if I should use traditional hosting and host my API on some shared server or VPS.
I don't know. I just began with webpack two days ago. That's not so hard to understand I would say.
The dev-server seems weird, but I am not a big fan of live reload. I like to make my lib watch the files and press f9 to reload my css or reload the page for Js changes
when I look at `SystemJS` what I want to know quickly is :
"How to create a single bundle containing all the JavaScript files that are required if I execute app.js"
"Can I expose the result of this file so I can include it on a page and then later `require('app')`"

Those questions are not answerd *quickly* there
@dievardump well the answers are, use jspm bundle and System.import('entry');, but once you get going the mental model is much simpler/nicer
3. Install any packages from the jspm Registry, GitHub or npm:
most of my packages are privates on bitbucket :/
What are you using for package management with webpack then?
npm, I install my package directly from bitbucket with ssh
[email protected]:dievardump/my-repo.git
npm can install directly from a git repo
would jspm install npm:[email protected]:dievardump/my-repo.git work ?
it probably would
Seems that there is a plugin for that
As you can see, myDate is throwing Fri Sep 25 2015 02:25:38 GMT-0300 (Hora estándar de Montevideo) but myDate.toISOString() throws 2015-09-25T05:25:38.124Z (3 more hours). Montevideo timezone is -3 so I think that's the reason... How can I make .toISOString() to be aware of my timezone?
toISOString just doesn't, sadly. moment.js is the easier solution.
A whole new library just for this issue? =O
ohh, I'm sure you could find/make some code to do it without
@rlemon bottled my cider today. It tasted just fine. I added a bit too much cloves in it, but it tastes realy good; so not enough to be gross
Gonna open a bottle in two weeks
It was actually already slightly carbonated when I tried it from the carboy
so I only added one sugar drop per bottle (even though they're the big bottles)
@dievardump yeah using webpack-dev-server
not sure on any good articles really
mostly just looked at other peoples repos and the webpack page
they have pretty good docs
@phenomnomnominal weird, what issues were you guys having?
You guys using react?
@Loktar nah angular
Somewhere on the webpack page there's a link to something like "The Ultimate Webpack Setup". It's a good example of using the dev-server.
ah ok
Just shitty config everywhere, and it wasn't playing nicely with how we wanted out bundles
plus a shit tonne of noise in the code
in the code, or config?
or you mean the distrib code?
My only gripe with webpack is that its config based
I fucking hate dealing with those tbh
thats one of the main reasons why I went to gulp from grunt
Well, grunt is also painfully miserably slow.
yeah thats the other reason :p
how do i do stuff with this xml http request? jsfiddle.net/#&togetherjs=fnfNtct6mq
by switching to json
@Loktar bro
bah I'm working :(
yeah Im too far behind
had to make a custom select/dropdown
friggin sucks
just use jQuery™
I am
well then
we already have it in our app lol
Like work working? Or work because you can.
I wasn't going to, but I wanted to trigger a custom event
and just was like fuck it, JQ is there and easy
@twiz work work unfortunately
also we have to support IE9, so meh I talked myself into it
heh and time line
FU Jquery
IE9 isn't THAT bad.
@Loktar both. require.ensure([allTheThings], function () {}, 'name')
fuck that
Yea, react sounds like an interesting idea, but I started looking at how you have to write it and decided not to bother.
Never really had the desire for my HTML to be javascript...
I felt the same way; you get over it, and you can write it in such a way that keeps the JSX out of the javascript-y things, and you end up having jsx template files. It's kinda strange, but it works if you do it well.
@twiz IE 9 is pretty bad, IMHO. No CSS gradient / animation / transistion, no html 5 form, no flex, no blob...
@Sheepy Yea, but most of that only matters if you care about IE9 users having things that look pretty.
right. Some components are html-heavy, as they are layout, others have little/none as they do other things. You still separate your concerns.
for example, react-router is a component that has no html (or jsx). It just controls other components.
It just seems like you will be extremely tied to using react if you start using react.
As in it would take a lot of work to re-write all your templates.
to some extent, you are always tied. Show me an angular app that coudl easily have angular ripped out and knockout or react put in it's place.
Perhaps for some of us. No flex, no blob will make most of my app malfunction.
You probably won't need to rewrite your templates. React is stable and proven at this point
Yea, I'm saying React is high on the scale. Angular not quite as much but still high.
@nick, see the function components in react 0.14?
@Nick You know what else is stable at this point? Server-side PHP MVCs.
@twiz That's not a fair comparison
It's an exaggeration.
@twiz you're right when it comes to rewriting it.
I mean it's just something to consider in the long-run
It would take a bit of work, but doing something in Angular imo would take even longer to rewrite/change
@SomeGuy may have to purchase crossclip
var MySpecialList = (props) => {
  return <ul>{props.items}</ul>;
10 years from now probably no one will be using react simply because new things came along.
tbh I'd rather just use polymere and pure components.
pure components seem nice to distribute discreet components.
react more for an app.
@twiz maybe, but the fact FB has fully bought in doesn't seem like that will be the case
@twiz 10 years ago people were like, "yo check out this sweet PHP"
ohh how times have changed
react native is a thing now as well which is pretty cool
back when we had dumb phones and practiced blood-letting.
In our software at work, each feature is a self-contained module that can be written in anything. If we have a few react modules in 10 years, it wouldn't really matter. it wouldn't contaminate the codebase, etc.
Is Google using the same frameworks it used 10 years ago?
probably parts of them
Being afraid to pick a framework because there will be new ones in 10 years is a bit absurd.
@twiz are they even using Angular ? :P
just learn the new frameworks
having the same job in web dev in 10 years is even crazy
I wont have to deal with these React apps
someone else will :)
I really REALLY hope I'm not still coding for the same tech in ten years
if I am, shoot me
Yea, but honestly, there's a level of truth with 2 years as well.
right. the goal is the put yourself in a position where you use the latest and greatest, then some other sucker gets to maintain it.
React will 100% be around in 2 years
I keep exaggerating to make a point. Stop taking me seriously people.
no doubt in my mind
its already been public for around 2 years, and just keeps gaining traction
yea, react is some serious kit. I jst got around to installing the dev tools.
Yea, but will you want to be using it 2 years from now?
Or would you prefer something else.
no idea, if there is some pure webcomponent solution with some of reacts state/prop passing then I'd chose that
I'm not really asking, just pointing out the potential scenario.
There will always be something else shiny, but I've made software choices and had to maintina them over 10 years later, so I think I feel confident saying "pretty likely i'd still like it"
all I know is I really enjoy using react over backbone/angular/knockout
> I'm a filthy hipster.
@twiz BigTable started 11 years ago in Google.
Next brew I make will follow a recipe... If I make too many guesses again, there's no guarantee that it will work like this one I just did
I had to Google what that is.
Still confused though...
Some of the biggest programs I am maintaining is over 10 years old, too. We are software engineering, after all.
i mean, I maintained code that i made myself over 10 years ago.
Yeah, I am actually a backend engineer. JS is just my hobby.
are we? a lot of engineers would disagree
"software engineering isn't a thing"
i was at xerox for 12 years (well, a company bought by xerox during that time)
Because those engineering has a few thousands years of history backing them. We don't even have a hundred. But the principals are the same.
we also severely lack the discipline and guidelines
i've regretted and not regretted lots of framework choices in that time
the only engineer I care about.
@rlemon Give us a thousand more years. Or two.
so we're working on it
Yes! We are the pioneers!
not quite engineering yet :D
@Loktar even though there are new things I want to play with, I don't regret knockout.
It should be more engineering than art, from my experience.
@Sheepy like a baby smacking pots. he thinks he's drumming, but we all know he's just making noise.
@rlemon Exactly. That's why we should regard it and learn it as real engineering, so that we no longer make noise. Programs/apps/sites that crash one tenth the time and crumbles in a few years, in our terms.
@Sheepy Things have been changing too much for that to entirely work though.
don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I think software isn't engineering. I'm just pointing out a lot of other engineers do not
At some point things might stabilize, but who knows.
and they have some pretty solid reasoning (most of the time)
meh, it's just words.
@rlemon Yup. Didn't mistaken you, but was perhaps a bit too serious. Need a smiley. Here you go. :)
Things are changing rapidly in all engineering disciplines since industrial revolution. You can still build a hut with brick nowadays. With new eco-friendly recycled bricks that didn't exist 10 years ago. But If you want to build big, high, lasting towers, you may consider better proven frameworks.
We lack discipline. And it frustrates me. I can't be confident that a new hire with three years experience is better than a new grad. A new grad is willing to learn. The "senior" one may have learned all the wrong lessons. By his/her own.
> a bit too serious
your name is sheepy
could any one point me to the implementation of Array.prototype.map in V8's source code...
It's a good challenge to find it yourself
And then we will see a new SO #JS question asking where it is.
hey javascript heroes
good morning
Well, not today :)
what are the techniques to lazy load scripts in angular js?
Oh yes that's me
@EuphoriaGrogi You don't really do that in Angular one.
!!google lazy load scripts in angular js?
Q: Bundle Scripts in Angular with MVC

EuphoriaGrogiIn my shell page "index.html", I need to include all the necessary files (js, css, etc). Sample : <!-- 3rd party libraries --> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/angular.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/angular-route.min.js"></script> <script type="text/j...

@rlemon load only the needed scripts
@SomeKittens What is the reason behind?
@CapricaSix lol when you're looking for an answer and you get a powerpoint instead
@EuphoriaGrogi Everything needs to be registered when Angular starts for DI purposes.
there's hacks around it, but they're just that - hacks.
@SomeKittens what if I have a huge application, it takes time to load the shell page in this case.
or create a tiny, separate app for the shell.
Or don't use Angular
@copy haha
angular is nice robust and fast
everything u can asked for
Angular 1 has its own set of problems.
problem #1: ugly font in logo
Apparently not fast enough, otherwise won't need lazy loading.
#2 homepage looks like a bootstrap getting started page.
A1 is decently speedy. There are a few places you need to tune performance (gee, Kittens, if only someone would give a talk on that) to really get the best out of it.
@Sheepy His trouble is file size, which is another issue entirely.
@SomeKittens when are you giving this talk?
i will give a try the suggested way in this article
ang observe if this is efficient
What's wrong with minification? How big is your JS?
cant tell right now
im just making a base
to be reference by our upcoming projects
sounds like you're prematurely optimizing. It'll cause a lot of bugs down the line for something that may never be useful.
hmmmm maybe not, ill just tackle all the possible scenarios which we referenced from our old projects
@Sheepy I just checked out one of your top answers (the gif compression one) and holy sweet mother of jesus dat +500 bounty
@EuphoriaGrogi Don't hesitate to ask about them, I've done a lot of Angular work. Do you use Batarang?
what are the features of Batarang?
did they ever fix that?
@SomeKittens yah i need supervision
i spent all my college days playing dota
so I try to learn now as fast as I could,
@ʞɔᴉN Yeah. That is quite a bounty. :)
That is quite an understatement :P
Helps a lot with debugging Angular
@SomeKittens thanks!
im using the updated on
how to use this?
the what?
wasn't there two versions, the old one that worked and the new one that didn't?
Oh. And that's not the answer where I wrote an unsharp image filter in javascript. Yeah. Good bounty.
@Sheepy how much did you get for the filter one?
the stable one @SomeKittens, there is already a tutorial avaialbe in chrome hihi sorry for my english
@ʞɔᴉN I think 100 or 200.
not bad, not bad
@EuphoriaGrogi The so-called "Stable" Batarang is version 0.4 and the real one is version 0.9.1
you tell me which one's more updated.
<- Batarang maintainer.
Someone took the code a while ago, called it "Stable" and never updated it.
now we get bug submissions we fixed months ago because people are on the "Stable" one.
So can we ignore all the crap reviews on the the "real" one now?
I'd imagine a lot of people are still being pushed towards the 0.4 version simply because of the reviews of bugs and crap
yah you are correct
the stable is the lower version
so +1 if you could one-star "Stable" and review the real Batarang.
why did they leave that hanging?
@EuphoriaGrogi Dunno. As far as I can tell they're not making any money off of it. Though they could have modified it to inject ads, etc.
because the official version was buggy, so some guy uploaded an older version that was stable
that's my interpretation
@ʞɔᴉN maybe
you also have a point
0.5 had some rough spots. And by "rough spots" I mean broke entire sites.
but, y'know, we fixed 'em
@ʞɔᴉN And you reminded me to update the Java HTML viewer question. Java 8 now bundles the WebKit engine.
are the hints following the angular coding convention if any?
Consider renaming placesExplorerController to PlacesExplorerController.
Consider renaming usersController to UsersController.
there's a browser engine built in Java?
@EuphoriaGrogi Not all of them are universal.
TitleCasing controllers is not a 100% thing, we just recommend it.
@SomeKittens where did u work now?
I currently work for a security firm called Norse corp. We have a neat map
though yes, others on the Batarang team work at Google.
brain read that as meat map
got sad when it wasnt
@ʞɔᴉN Not exactly. I have read the sourcecode; it is a Java wrapper around WebKit. But it is part of the official Java Runtime so it is zero configuration and as cross-platform as the runtime.
@SomeKittens I feel like such a hacker watching that
@Sheepy interesting
@SomeKittens cool site neat map
what is this for?
You can use it as JavaFX or Swing Component. Almost as good as native Java. But faster. Thanks to it, I can now embed web app in Java app. The Java-JS bridge is decent. Not intuitive, but fully functional.
That's real-time attacks against our honeypot network.
owww thats cool
i want to experience to work something like that
is this open source?
It is. Doc: docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/web/… Source code is also open and left as an exercise :)
java @.@ hahaha
@EuphoriaGrogi The map? No.
will take a look on that
Our apartment literally doesn't have water right now.
lunch lunch luch
The map is cool. I should show it to my boss :)
@EuphoriaGrogi you want to work on what the visualization, honeypots, realtime data?
@Sheepy Where do you work?
would you allow me?
@SomeKittens In a small web firm in Hong Kong.
@EuphoriaGrogi Well, I can point you to some good resources
@SomeKittens rip
nn all
@ʞɔᴉN do you have any?
Weee, I'm helping \o/
Good morning btw :)
First one in the office and I already filed my first WebStorm bug for today
Wow. Just discovered that Wikipedia has a timeline table that list browser releases by year, below every browser's entry.
Hey, Any one have any idea about Kendo Grid in angular ?
i need a help in virtual scrolling in kendo grid
You know, browsers have real scrolling. No need for virtual scrolling
@m59 tango down
@Cerbrus Morning (source)
Thanks, cap ^_^
Good morning to you too :D
virtual scrolling sounds cooler
At least Cerbrus is here
like virtual reality
We have a strong contender in the "most useless edit ever" competition: stackoverflow.com/posts/32731696/revisions
And of course, the edit pushed it into the reopen queue :/
@ivarni Replace the ... with for an even more useless edit
Looking for Node.js & Angular.js people for small freelance gig.
To be specific, you will be creating questions..
hey wizards. Need some jquery-ui help. jsfiddle.net/psbtsmf2/1 . Currently when I resize the first inner div (pl1) vertically it also drags the second div around. Anyway I can fix that?
@Adrian Well, what do you expect to happen instead?
i want them to be independent
if i resize one, the one should not be affected at all
So you want them to overlap?
i can drag one on top of the other now anyway
Oh, I see now
@Neoares o/
@Maurize \o

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