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@Zirak It was. That and RAR supporting recovery was enough for me to swear off 7z for the next decade or so.
@Zirak the commit log shows one random dude did most of it
and he has no other projects really
@FlorianMargaine Quick, a two-way communication protocol over TCP which can be trivially implemented in all languages through all slices of the stack (so all of Java, JS, C, Lua, Ruby, Prolog, ...)
@Zirak Cup and string
TCP = Total cup protocol
@Zirak 4-bytes length followed by JSON
@rlemon This Mysterious Implementor of Brunchorwhateveritwascalled May Not Be Who You Think He Is
(which is what chrome native communication uses)
@FlorianMargaine Have you ever used json in C? How is it? Both sending and receiving data
or really, 4-bytes length followed by whatever you want
depends on what kind of data you want to send
What if I need more than 4 bytes of data
@Zirak It's actually not atrocious.
@Zirak You won't need to send more than 4gb across the network in the same message.
@ssube That sounds surprising
@Zirak JSON has strings, arrays, and maps. C++ supports all of those wonderfully, C supports them well.
Getting stuff in and out of maps can be obnoxious, but it's simple enough map_get(map, key)
@Zirak chunk it
you'll figure it out at this point
@Zirak I can't, but your client's memory limit can.
Now the transport layer: Unix sockets, TCP on some weird port, ponies?
@Zirak haven't, but the examples I saw weren't that bad
@Zirak depends. Local or over the network possible?
unix sockets. reason: I learnt about them recently.
@BenFortune Haha
(wanted a magical alternative to json-with-length, was a bit disappointed but mostly reassured)
@Zirak sockets differ between systems and have a fair amount of overhead wrt holding connections open
TCP is pretty simple
you don't have to worry about implementing retry with TCP, either
@FlorianMargaine You probably don't want over the network, if it'll be TCP it'll listen on localhost
@Zirak what's it for?
how many clients will you have at a time?
@ssube It'll only talk with localhost, so probably not that big a deal
erm...10 maybe, max? That's 10 always-open connections
@FlorianMargaine The switch-to-anything-with-taskrunner-galore
@Zirak it's not that bad tbh
@Zirak ah :)
I'd use a unix socket for that.
especially if you're on unix/linux
lets you handle the permissions with a simple chmod/chown on the file
@ssube that's the logistics question every pimp must ask
Problem is things like extensions: How can a Firefox extension talk to a unix socket?
@Zirak you need a websocket server or an http api
it probably can't.
yeah, I'd go with an http server in your case
@Zirak see how they do it
you can always use both a unix socket for local connections and an http api for management
it's not like you care about latency
It has to be bi-directional :D
that's a pretty common pattern
@Zirak why?
So I thought about giving you *all* the options:
1. Listen on a unix socket
2. Listen on some TCP port
3. Allow websocket connections over that TCP port
@rlemon websockets, but it's only browsers extensions
@Zirak uh... gonna be a pita imho...
but yeah, I guess you can add "transports"
start with only one keeping that in mind
abstracting your transports from your payload and logic is a good idea, which gives you a slim chance
@FlorianMargaine I don't really know what he wants, but I assume extension -> native application communication
sockets have similar behavior, so it could work
@FlorianMargaine Plugins both send data, and receive triggers
@Zirak they receive triggers?
@rlemon I want everything on the planet -> something communication
if you have that few clients though, why not just poll?
although I guess it is kinda ugly.
@FlorianMargaine Of course; if you choose to switch to some tab, the extension needs to do that, I can't do it from the outside.
@Zirak ah, indeed
@ssube I don't follow, how data is read isn't so critical, I'm trying to decide how to expose endpoints most trivially
@Zirak he meant http long polling
arg arg
to keep a single transport
Not fast enough
that's what she said
I haven't really investigated this yet, but off the top of your heads, would connecting to ssh from behind a mobile hot spot have inherent stability issues?
what are your latency requirements?
It needs to be action -> consequence, pretty immediate
@ssube 1ms
Instead of revealing everything bit by bit I'll just write it up and link here, reasonable?
@rlemon it'll be slow, but iirc ssh can somehow catch up short cuts
how long do your consequences take to execute? how long do your actions take to propagate?
@rlemon I do it from my phone all the time, never really had any problems except latency
@Zirak no, I get what you mean.
@ssube I'll write up and then you'll see what I want to do
@ssube he needs the client to send a request, which will open a box a la quicksilver/spotlight, type in somewhere to go (e.g. a browser tab), and send the information to the browser that he has to switch
@FlorianMargaine ONE client (out of ~300) is having intermittent connectivity issues with our server. boots him off ~10-30 minutes. the only clue is that he connects via a cellular router.
@rlemon just noticed your new avatar... your beard seems fake
he's sending his hardware back to me so I can check if that is the issue
@rlemon look at the ssh timeout stuff
@KarelG I wonder why :P
just tell him to get better at life
@FlorianMargaine 3 minutes.
@rlemon QoS?
@ssube meh, in a sentence: Switcheroo but for everything
@ssube I know very little at this point
it is cheaper to just send new hardware and get the old stuff back as a start
still waiting on the old stuff so I can check it out
@rlemon If the connection is really bad, ssh can of course terminate
but I do know they connect via a cellular router.
@Zirak yes, this works.
@Zirak the suggested latency for a good UX is <100ms, ideally closer to 50 (from Google's guide or something).
so polling would totally work and be really easy to implement for browser plugins
in all other cases, quick connectivity issues resolve themselves with ssh
It's like any TCP connection
sockets for everything else
but in this one case, it does not happen within the 3 minute window.
rather it takes ~30 minutes
@ssube Poll every 50ms?
@Zirak long-polling, dude
connect, wait 10s for a message, reconnect, repeat
I'd rather SSE at this point
@ssube 10s or w/e the timeout is
We'll see
@Zirak just abstract the hell out of the transport
how to desktop-gui in js? (don't fucking say node-webkit)
@rlemon If it's intermittent, then won't the timeout reset?
@AwalGarg Electron
@AwalGarg How to glide around on ice? (don't fucking say skates)
@BenFortune keep your fucking webkit animals away from me
You should totally use XULRunner, it's great
@Zirak hovercraft?
it floats over ice, it doesn't glide over it
@Zirak honestly, just do it with long polling to start off -- you'll have a quick start (there's probably some lib out there where you need a single line to do it), then you'll see if it's not enough
It glides
@KarelG it's close enough, Jan
@AwalGarg UWP, but it only works on Windows 10
I like how people prepend "universal" to platform specific stuff
@AwalGarg Universal Platform Specification
@FlorianMargaine To start off I have no idea how the GUI will look like >_>
Or how I'll even create it. Or how the server will look like. Or what it'll be written in.
@Zirak I thought you'd do it like switcheroo?
It'll have to be better than switcheroo, since it shows a wide variety of things (bookmarks, buffers, windows, tabs, applications, ...)
And I don't know yet how I'll focus windows, especially across workspaces
@Zirak you'll have to get into the X server for that
I recommend xcb over xlib.
@ssube That's for sure, I know the events and all that, but your Chrome extension connects to me: How do I know how to focus it?
You don't know your window id, and PIDs aren't enough
@BenFortune I'm just covering my ass. I am 99.999% positive when they 'cannot connect' it is because the router stopped giving our hardware a connection
It may just be impossible and I'll have to live with it. Or I may come up with something insanely hacky.
@Zirak you don't. switcheroo will ask every window for their stuff after it got a request
you'll have to though... to say like "switch to tab x" to the extension...
if you don't use HTTP, you can tell which PID is connecting and get their primary window
Say emacs connects to me. Let's say I got its PID. Now I want to switch to buffer X that's on the 7th frame (still under the same PID AFAIK) on that other workspace on your 4th monitor.
On Mars
For when you need to apologize to space.
@Zirak you'll say X to go to emacs, and send the emacs extension the info it needs to go to the 7th frame
@Zirak I don't know shit about this but doesn't the desktop manager provide APIs to scroll through different windows? I only know the GTK api and it does that. Dunno if that's standard or not.
@ssube Imaging hanging out with Schwarzenegger...
but still, for e.g. chrome. you'll likely get the list of tabs from the extensions, but how do you then send to the correct chrome instance?
@FlorianMargaine aha, and when that emacs frame tries to get focus, Awesome for instance will highlight that workspace in red, but obviously won't switch to it
@Zirak ah, awesome wm sucks
you'll have to write an extension to awesome wm
@AwalGarg Let's say there is that API. I don't know what window to send that info to, since the tab/buffer/whatever I'm looking for can be present in any of the emacs/chrome/whatever windows which're open
@FlorianMargaine That's good behaviour, I'd reckon. You don't want the Windows way of anything popping up taking your focus when they feel like it.
@Zirak They provide APIs to switch to them too (only window, not your browser tab or whatever)
@AwalGarg How can I know the window?
@Zirak well, that's exactly what you want switcheroo to do, though.
Chrome gives me "here're my tabs, here's my PID". What now?
so you'll have to interface with awesome wm specifically
pgrep? There're a bagillion Chrome processes open, multiple windows. What now?
@ssube Dude I need to buy a plane
@FlorianMargaine I thought I'd also have to make it WM specific sigh
@Zirak WM APIs provides a list of windows, with metadata, and the API to switch to anyone. From what I understand, this much is enough to implement switcheroo system wide. If not, I dunno anything else so ignore me :D
This is annoying, maybe I won't do it, but I have to do with
@Zirak I'm thinking of some kind of authentication scheme. Based on some kind of fingerprint. Not sure what though.
like, list of tabs, hash of'em, w/e
@Zirak abstract it
abstract everything
@AwalGarg Alt+F2, "javascript chat". Enter. I know the tab id, I know chrome's PID. How do I focus the right window?
@Zirak you need more chi
You want WM stuff, I don't have any WM stuff, I have Chrome stuff.
@ssube Your abstraction is now diamonds
You need an abstract factory factory.
@Zirak I abstracted out the diamonds.
It'll be one of those annoying "you'll need to install 400 plugins to use me decently" kind of software.
@Zirak what OS
dunno what am I missing but the API to switch windows provided by the WM should be able to do that, so I'll go ahead and ignore this :D
Aw man, if I ever get married, that'll be my excuse for not getting a ring.
hi everyone
Wait you mean how do you determine the right window?
Instead of just focusing Chrome in general? Also won't Chrome have like, 8+ PIDs? One per tab.
@AwalGarg how do you know which window to switch to?
@AwalGarg but how do you know which one? a process can have multiple windows
@AwalGarg You can switch windows! You can switch to any window you want! How do I know which window to switch to?
You have 10 Chrome windows, which one do you switch to?
@Zirak make a fingerprint-based authentication scheme.
@Zirak Going super hacky for a sec, can you use the extension to switch to the right tab, then search the window manager for a window with the same title as the tab?
generate a hash based on heuristics and use that as the id
@FlorianMargaine Elaborate?
@ssube Thought about it, deeply suppressed for the time being.
I also thought about going over the process' memory and search for relevant strings.
@Zirak I wanted to participate in the conversation :(
get as many common information that you can between what you can get within the extension, then within switcheroo about the window, make a hash based on that, send a request to all windows saying "ok, who's <foo>?"
@Zirak last try: switcheroo works by getting a list of open tabs across all windows. These multiple tabs could be "duplicates". two or ten tabs all pointing to zirak.me. chrome provides the APIs to list them in front of the user, you provide interface to select one, and then use Chrome's APIs to switch to the correct tab. You don't care what tab to switch to, chrome does. I am saying the same is provided by your WM too, but what I don't know if all WMs do that or not. GTK and i3 do.
@AwalGarg You've missed the punch
@FlorianMargaine you could chain that with the browser extensions to change the window title on demand
@LanaKane Questions?
@Zirak browser extension starts up, connects with a unique id (guid?), server says "change your name to foo-guid", extension does it, you search the WM...
@FlorianMargaine How do you send that request?
@Rommy Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Zirak aren't all the extensions connected to switcheroo?
does git reset --hard also delete new files?
since GUIDs are pretty damn unique, you can just iterate all windows and do a title.contains
@Zirak I guessed so. /me goes back to python
@ssube not bad
Went to trash can... saw sarah palin derping with a gun
@ssube but pretty chrome specific
1 message moved to Trash can
@Rommy Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
although... not sure, actually
@ssube That's a bit terrible. What if I can't change the window title?
@FlorianMargaine if you have a plugin loaded into a process, you can probably get to the window's title
(I = extension)
@Rommy to answer you, do the || inside of the function
@ssube yup, that's what I'm thinking
@Zirak most extensions can
@Zirak for your browser extensions, you can. For other things, you're in native and know the pid and can get at the window directly.
I'd rather allocate some variable and search for it in mem
that'll be slower and require a lot more access
@RalphWiggum reset moves the head to previously known index. So yes
@Zirak it's like the fingerprint I told you, except it's going through the window title
but same concept, really
@rlemon Why can't I pass it directly ?
so long as the extension can generate a GUID and register it with the server, it doesn't matter where you search
connecting memory to a window for browsers might not work, though
both concepts are "get something common between what you can get in the extension and what you can get from switcheroo"
@Rommy because it then tries to access the variable which isn't defined. inside of the function it is defined as an argument (albeit, undefined if you didn't pass anything)
@LanaKane nice tool ..... // bookmarked
@ssube Seen the new Gitlab?
Does Skype have plugins? Can Skype plugins change the GUI title?
you can prefer the title for browsers and use memory for native, single-process/thread stuff
@BenFortune yep. It looks sweet. We're rolling it out on the 5th.
@KarelG I agree!
Going to try and push people from Slack to Mattermost, too.
@ssube I upgraded today, integrated CI is really nice.
@Zirak no plugins.
@BenFortune can you disable it?
@rlemon got it ty
@BenFortune quick list of what's groundbreaking?
@Zirak on linux, you can only have 2 windows for skype at max though, so some things are simpler
we'll be piloting gitlab ci at some point, but for now, we need it gone
@ssube the website makes it look 90% identical to Slack (stylewise)
but yeah, switching to to a specific user is going to be painful...
But with less features
@ssube I don't think you can disable it per-say, but rather just not use it.
@LanaKane yeah, plus it integrates with gitlab for our existing auth. We just need the mobile stuff.
@BenFortune that will be bad. I need to globally disable it.
@ssube Mobile stuff?
Slack is nice on mobile?
@LanaKane slack mobile clients
@ssube A new look? Good enough of a reason for me to switch :D
@LanaKane no, but I have about 60 people using it
@ssube I think it's nice. We have ~50 people on it too
mid/upper mgmt really likes the whole mobile thing
@GdnMaximus not bad
there are enough of them that I can't just kill mobile for chat
most of our users (100+) are web-only, but a few (maybe 20-30) are mobile primarily
@ssube Can't see anywhere to do that :/
Let me check the config
@BenFortune For the record its "per se", not "per-say".
Percy Jackson
@Retsam Thanks Jan.
@BenFortune he was nice.
@FlorianMargaine Haha true
@FlorianMargaine *He
@Zirak shut up Jan
Hi, I've got question regarding Chrome Dev Tools.
Do I understood correct: to monitor dom elements for changes when pages loads (is refreshed) I have to set Break on "Subtree/Attributes modifications" or "Node removal" option and the reload the page, right?
But when page's reloaded, this option get's auto unset. Why?
@FlorianMargaine *Shut :(
He was more of a Grammar Mormon than a Grammar Nazi. They're both well-dressed and have a motive, but the Mormons are far more polite.
@ssube Yeah, can't globally disable, maybe in 8.1
@spaffy Because it's not the same element any more, it just looks like the same element.
Using Chrome 45.0.2454.93m on Windows 7.
@Zirak no, only the first word is capitalized. "shut" was the second word. Noob.
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
@Zirak hey noob
Is Mattermost that golang/react chat that's like slack?
@Zirak so maybe you could tell me, how could I monitor for changes made in dom when page gets loaded?
@spaffy mutation observers
@spaffy I unno
@BenFortune yeah, and OSS I think
Nice. There's only me using this git but might install it to try it out.
I've got some script that adds inline style to some anchor tags on page load and I'd like to locat this script.
@spaffy zirak is lying. he knows everything including how to write the exact code you want. he even has it written, but won't copy paste it here.
Miaou > mattermost
!!should I learn MGL or H?
@Zirak You should learn MGL
@ssube mobile is also well done ;-)
(on miaou)
@FlorianMargaine they have good, working mobile?
@FlorianMargaine, @ssube Thanks for the discussion, I'll think about it
I checked their tracker and it didn't say much about mobile
@AwalGarg how to find those mutation observers?
@ssube I meant miaou
@spaffy they are in the console
@Zirak -> Awesome DE, aye/nay?
@Zirak didn't joined the party because i already know that you're a maid... Now, please continue on caprica
Yay my profile broke 200k people helped
@FlorianMargaine yeah, but I can't exactly roll out miaou as our enterprise chat :P
@Callum It's my main DE for some time now, so aye
@ssube why?
@ssube Or can you!?
@AwalGarg what? How they look like?
@FlorianMargaine Who provides enterprise support for it? Does it have LDAP authentication & authorization? Group support? Integration with Gitlab and Jira?
@spaffy LEDs
Google is incredible \o/
Hail DDG
@Callum ddg wont give you a free phone number to call and recieve calls from.
not LDAP, I guess. It's in node, can't you support it? :P group support? As in, private rooms? Gitlab and Jira not supported, but there's already github, adding other providers is a matter of asking dystroy
@Abhishrek No, but I got a free tshirt.

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