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sometimes code is working but most of time same error undefined
Maybe if you formatted your code properly, you'd have an easier time understanding your own code.
put a console.trace() before that callback call
and see where is the error. you'd have some kind of "undefined -> undefined" like thingy somewhere
Hi everyone. I have a scrollspy instance, and it is not taking into account the padding I have on the styling of the elements I am using scrollspy on. Could someone please take a look? Got it up here rentgive.jamesallison.co
@AwalGarg that isn't a PR
at Query._callback (e:\xampp\htdocs\games\node_modules\app.js:285:22)
at Query.Sequence.end (e:\xampp\htdocs\games\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\sequences\Sequence.js:96:24)
at Query._handleFinalResultPacket (e:\xampp\htdocs\games\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\sequences\Query.js:144:8)
at Query.EofPacket (e:\xampp\htdocs\games\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\sequences\Query.js:128:8)
at Protocol._parsePacket (e:\xampp\htdocs\games\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\Protocol.js:274:23)
at Parser.wr
Woohoo! My demo went well <3
incomplete stack trace is incomplete
@rlemon I didn't PR because it is a bit of low level change, and I am not sure if it breaks anything
@AwalGarg which is why we test it
at Query._callback (e:\xampp\htdocs\games\node_modules\app.js:285:22)
at Query.Sequence.end (e:\xampp\htdocs\games\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\sequences\Sequence.js:96:24)
at Query._handleFinalResultPacket (e:\xampp\htdocs\games\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\sequences\Query.js:144:8)
at Query.EofPacket (e:\xampp\htdocs\games\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\sequences\Query.js:128:8)
at Protocol._parsePacket (e:\xampp\htdocs\games\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\Protocol.js:274:23)
at Parser.write (e:\xampp\htdocs\games\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\Parser.js:77:12)
here is complete text then
this is not the trace I asked for, and btw I didn't ask for a trace. I told you how to debug
check events.js
line 107
i havent touched event.js
file since i m using this
Uh.. some ass has signed up for dutch Vodafone using my email address, how bad should I burn this person?
main problem is that callback(rows[0].username);
@AwalGarg He doesn't want to debug, he wants us to debug
I'll debug ur mum
i told you
i have problem in that callback
Ye, m8, he told u
whenever i use callback i am getting undefined
if i remove that pieace working super smooth like sperm
Programming is hard if you don't know how to program
1 week in this things
> if i remove that pieace working super smooth like sperm
Nick sir yes i agree
what the fuck
guys, here is a picture of my fridge, how do I fix the clicking noise in my car?
@rlemon vamp on a automobile forum?
Just hold your horses... ujwal compared his running code to really smooth sperm...
Question: why does lodash have a map and forEach if that is already natively on arrays?
I just can't even
what was wrong with my call back
I'm odding
@corvid because it wasn't for a long time
Nick sir i think your too agressive
@ujwaldhakal debug it yourself, I told you how to debug
am I the only one weired out by this?
Awal i debugged
problem with my callback
line number 285
but why problem sometimes its working most of time not
go play with your smooth sperm; we're not gonna write your code for you
@ujwaldhakal they have pills for that
@rlemon so is it still around for legacy browser support?
@corvid likely
or to work better with their own API
i am not asking you to write my codes
like, in jQuery, chaining is a concern
i am just asking flaws in my callback
why this getting error sometimes work sometimes not
your biggest flaw is comparing working code to smooth sperm
@AwalGarg sir
@ujwaldhakal I've looked through the code. Took me most of last weekend... I am happy and sad to report this (funny how that works out eh? you can be both happy and sad at the same time. You wouldn't think it is possible but here I am! smiling and crying, smiling because I have a solution. but crying because of the pain and suffering involved to get there) anyway, the issues is down around line 472. FantasyException: Lack of Unicorns.
Ugh, keeps saying this is invalid es6...
I'm gone for 5 minutes...
don't forget the smooth sperm
return _(schedule)
  .groupBy((doc) => doc.day)
  .map(function (cycles, day) {
    "name": day,
    "data": cycles.map(function(cycle) {
      return {
        "x1": cycle.start.utc().toDate().toUTCString(),
        "x2": cycle.end.utc().toDate().toUTCString(),
        "y": day.toValue()
@ujwaldhakal I am not your "sir", please stop calling me that (I appreciate the respect, though). console.trace() gives you the trace of the chain of function calls that lead you through the error, so you need to inspect the state at each of those points not just the exact line at which the error occurred.
472 line is blank
its 285
its 285 line
Sir Greg
  .map(function (cycles, day) {
    "name": day,
@corvid ^
you can't do this
missing a return { ??
You can't do () => { values: [] } to return values with arrow functions?
it was arrow originally
() => ({})
wrap in parens
hey guys suggest some light weight modules to generate thumbnails
is there anything that converts whole folder's images to thumbnails in one go
@RanganathanSwamy you can write one
easy peasy
Ahh, I see, that makes much more sense
use node-gm
whole module?
node gm is what I am using atm
too lazy to write code?
it takes a little time
google "how to make thumbnails with node-gm"
dude, node-gm is crazy simple API
plus at times the thumbnails aren't visible
as in I am uploading images and in the same process I am generating thumbnails as well
at times thumbnails are not generated
squash that bug
gm(__dirname + '/images/tmp.jpg') // their upload
  .resize('80', '80', "^>") // new thumbnail
// pipe it where you want it
obviously it will take time. It's not like things happen automagically
this is basically exactly from their docs
I might have accidentally someone's mobile subscription, hopefully they won't use my email address again when they sign up for a new plan.
Awal Garg
Nick please could you stop teasing me
Oh hi @ujwaldhakal friend
no need to continue trolling if someone is politely asking you to stop it
no need to continue vamping when the room already directed you
ok fine if your happy with this fine go on tease me
also that
no need to compare working code to sperm
also that
hello @BenjaminGruenbaum
// ==UserScript==
// @match        *://twitter.com/*
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==
window.addEventListener('unload', function (ev) {
    return ev.stopImmediatePropagation();
@BenjaminGruenbaum you've been away of late? or I'm just online at the wrong times
Q: Scala with js and html integration (variable passing)

farell430I want to write a simple app but due to 3 programming languages i got some problems. I am generating inital alarmState in Scala, then I want to change it by buttons in html page, passing the states from Scala to js is simle but I`cant figure it out how to make it in other direction - to achive ...

finally fixed it
calma calma
On the one hand, they're not asking how to pass PHP variables into JS.
silly twitter doing synchronous xhrs on unload instead of using the beacon api
@rlemon all good, been pretty busy lately but all good, it's holiday season here so I'm naturally less in chat.
On the other hand, there's still a fundamental misunderstanding of variables.
ok so i have to wait for another week
see you guys byee
@Cereal now that is neat
Also, I hate my T450s's screen, it gives me headaches
@BenjaminGruenbaum could you sort me out with my issue ?
@ujwaldhakal Have you done what @AwalGarg suggested yet?
@ujwaldhakal yes friend
pastebin.com/9PziCfRc i have done this and figured out error is in line 285 code else { callback(rows[0].username);}
s/sir/my dearest lord/
@BenjaminGruenbaum please see above text
but code has only 58 lines
            if(err) { return err; }

            else{  callback(rows[0].username);
literally gave me cancer
please post code so I can see line 285
no no
when ask for help, please post full code
that return was mistake
i was just returning var
without context, that sentence is awesome
Hi Benji 2.8
@SterlingArcher yo Jordan, sup?
no Benjamin sir its with my 285 there are about 2500 lines code
Anyone here likes Arctic Monkeys?
@ujwaldhakal i can't help you if you don't shw me the code
@ujwaldhakal Then post 2500 lines then
@BenjaminGruenbaum He has ~1500 if/elses above that
pastebin.com/9PziCfRc here is code
i can't "guess" what you did wrong if you don't show me
@RanganathanSwamy Aye, they're great.
        var query3 ="SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `id` ="+id;
query is running fine too
you should use PDO, you could be opening yourself to injections
@RanganathanSwamy Saw them live in 2012
@Callum suggest some
except the famous ones
nono, this is only 58 lines of code. you want me to help you fix it or not?
@RanganathanSwamy Some whats?
Songs obviously!
not fix but why is i am getting undefined isnt my way of calling callback correct?
@BenjaminGruenbaum chillin, workin, between projects so I'm just doing random tasks
How you doin?
i will fix myself if you could guide me
you are not showing all of the code
how can we help you
problem is with that part only
if you are so smart, why are you asking?
others line are not dependend on those function
clearly we want to see more code for a reason
@SterlingArcher It's Yom Kippur here tomorrow, it's a really strange Jewish holiday, no cars are allowed at all on the streets, all the shops are closed and a lot of people fast. For the non religious folk it's just a pretty interesting holiday since everyone walks outside all day and talks to people. Not uncommon to walk for an hour and an half with a bunch of friends and meet friends who live like 5 miles away. Also cycling. Personally - doing good, just finished day 2 of a JS course I'm passing.
no i am not smart i am begineer
Also at wor things are pretty good.
Calma Calma people
@ujwaldhakal if you write node your smart. dont let people tell you different
Ujwal give them complete code man. No one stealing shit here bro
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
Node JS sucks!
Wow, I did YomKippur back in hewbrew school but we never fasted or anything. Sounds very interesting!
everyone mocks me down even in school , office everywhere
How's my favorite @rlemon doing?
I miss php
@BenjaminGruenbaum meh
@RanganathanSwamy you're just noob
had a shitty week last week - but otherwise okay
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wrote node code twice today I am super smart sir
And cool on your JS course! I passed that swift course I was taking lol
@ujwaldhakal Just post the full code
I know, I am @BenjaminGruenbaum
@ujwaldhakal tell those people to screw htemselves and code on. dont let anyone tell you ur bad
@SterlingArcher sweet, how's work?
he's making cool space shit
@rlemon anything out of the ordinary of just a regular shitty week?
don't let him tell you different.
NDA and all
Listen to Arctic Monkeys - I wanna be yours and calm the fuck down
@BenjaminGruenbaum just regular shitty week
@rlemon You should've made me sign an NDA about that poop thing.
lol no lemon im not doing space shit
@rlemon those happen. How is your node thing going? Had a chance to work and clean it yet?
had a release last week
first one was a fucking mess
second one was smoother (hotfixing)
@RanganathanSwamy you know who you should say that to? The C++ room, they're always looking for new song recommendations
hope this would help
@ujwaldhakal much better
Pass it on then @BenjaminGruenbaum
its my age issue just 15 years 5 years more no one will mock me then
You say that...
@ujwaldhakal age has nothing to do with it
@ujwaldhakal Thanks!
@SterlingArcher let him dream
no people mock down by looking face
the more younger you see they tease and mocks u more
@ujwaldhakal when I was 15 I made a $78000 salary programming and when I was 16 I was leading a team of 3. Age is not an excuse to not get better.
i felt this
in your 16*16 picture I have no idea what you look like
other than you are black and white
Benji you forreal?
How old are you ujwal?
I did see that wall of code and judged you tho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
15 years
'Grande El Major @BenjaminGruenbaum _/_
@SterlingArcher yes. Also dollars were actually worth their salt back then.
When I was 15 I was sleeping my way through high school
when I was 15 I was busy becoming Kendalls father
me too reading high school and working down in office
Damn Benji, that's impressive as hell! Nicely done sir!
@ujwaldhakal You're not sending a callback to check_username_by_idon line 260 or 266
When I was 15, I fapped like crazy
@Cereal see if he used the stack traces proper...
Sleeping is fun, I was a weird kid, I was a bad student and programmed most day. Did the exact opposite of what I suggest people do here - like disrespect academics and school and be a douche
When I was 15, <insert something interesting>
When I was 15, nothing happened. I'm not 15.
when I was 15 I base jumped off of the sears tower
When I was 15, I got caught downloading massive amounts of hentai and got banned from the internet for a year
Top that, bitches
@Cereal that's awesome, you win.
Wait, banned by who?
Network administrator
really tho, when I was 15 I was working as a SQA specialist for a respectable e learning company.
Err, my parents
Banned by court is awesome, banned by your parents is stupid.
@rlemon ^^
You guys are fucking pro
still problem
i forgot two line
you were making big bucks when you were 15 and me
I was horny teenager
In other news, my brother was in Playboy: playboy.com/articles/…
big experience, yes. big bucks? no
(He’s the body in the stairwell in the first photo)
I'm still not a good programmer, I was lucky to pick a fun and nice industry at a good time. Mostly luck.
for that age, yes?
If we move to 17, I can say I was working on an OpenGL contract
@SomeKittens awesome, ping me later so I can open it (on public wifi)
hello benjamin could you look at this please tomorrow i have to go school morning
its 11:33 pm
@RanganathanSwamy you can assert how much I was making?
@ujwaldhakal enjoy school. Have you read nodebeginner.org?
that is a tremendous skill
When I was 15 I was dating a girl
i have developed half of my project
Been dating her since, been 12 years now.
just stucked in this part only
Well, 12 years in 5 days, but who's counting.
actually i am using laravel and node
Ujwal you are using node js at 15 in India Who does that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum @BadgerCat
I don't see why the urgency is relevant
@ujwaldhakal you should learn Haskell instead and use that so you're pro
@RanganathanSwamy @AwalGarg
You are better than most of them
Nepal ooh
I've actually been in Nepal for ~ a month, was a fun place.
i am not best but want to be pro like you guys
I don't think Nepal is more advanced than India
so case remains the same
not me
I am nobody
i can know ci,laravel,ionic and learning node
you've literally seen none of our code. I love when people assume we are "pro" with no shred of evidence
Benjamin and rlemon
follow them
I am 18 and two years later I will only have to brag how I used to know a thing or two more than my friends about computers. poor me :(
"I'm going to be drunk til' the next time I'm drunk" - youtube.com/watch?v=8MnF6tonFY4
no you guys know much more than me
and calma calma
What do you do Awal?
I am good at other things
@rlemon not even when copy/pasting it? One would normally think otherwise...
besides programming
Lemme dig a picture
always been a good speaker
I'm good at making booze
and my name is not Rangathan
and that photo is not mine
and fish
am i the most youngest guy in here?
ohh and I can dig a mean hole.
I'm good at making other people do my work for me
@ujwaldhakal Nope
using fake shit to ask stupid questions
@ujwaldhakal no
I hate you
rlemon you asked me for code i gave you so what was with that line?
You disappointed me lad
@rlemon You should create a blog or something on how to make alcoholic beverages.
This is me after I landed from a parachute, also this is 2012 so selfi sticks were not yet a thing.
@ujwaldhakal I stopped reading at the horrendous block of if statements
Well, I didn't land, I glided
@ujwaldhakal do you love new-lines?
Yeah "glided"
oh sorry
This is at the annapurna pass.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You seem to live a very fun life
hehe literally yes
Being dragged face-first into the ground for 50m is not "gliding"
Did you visit India as well @BenjaminGruenbaum
benjamin you been here n nepal?
I got hit by a rogue selfie stick in mexico
It's either "grinding" or "very-closely shaving"
Gliding through the earth, Madara.
i am actually making a game and stucked (shy)
@MadaraUchiha "Extremely Low-Altitude Gliding"
@RanganathanSwamy yes, but for a short while, I intend to return to India, very beautiful but very hard culture.
here is a pic of my Gizmo tshirt
@ujwaldhakal yes, for about a month
no one reviewed by code?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Okay so where did you go? Taj Mahal?
oh next time if you come you can stay with me in my little home
Gliding through @KendallFrey's mom
@ujwaldhakal I might be a masochist but if you are a masochist too, throw it at me.
i dont know that masochist
Which masochist you don't know?
seems like i am not having the reviews of my code today
masochist mean?
@JanDvorak pastebin.com/9PziCfRc enjoy
@RanganathanSwamy yes, I went to Agra too, lemme find that pic
Agra SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
:( ok good night every one
Never been there and I never intend to visit that place
@JanDvorak wait, here is the long version pastebin.com/W03gUtJJ
my friends went there and reviews are tragic
!!urban masochist
rlemon checking/
You high af@BenjaminGruenbaum
Is that a zip up collared shirt?
Benjamin earning alot and enjpying
wish i had that type of life
@rlemon dark theme feature: make it obvious what my messages are
@RanganathanSwamy not high in this picture.
@ujwaldhakal you are a kid for god sake calm down
I'm not earning that much, and I'm mostly enjoying my friends not my money.
@ujwaldhakal L2: I guess you mean "it's" (contraction of "it is"), not "its" (possesive pronoun)
@BenjaminGruenbaum You look high or tired
after 5 years
Lots of people in this room have a lot more money than me.
I don't care very much, and they probably don't either.
@ujwaldhakal L7: *challenger
@RanganathanSwamy very tired, this is not what I look high like at all
@BenjaminGruenbaum in this room? Dunno about that.
@SomeKittens inb4 rlemon tells you to make a pull request
yes @JanDvorak
Until my first paychecks come in I'm the brokest here lol
@Cereal I think even @rlemon's smart enough to not request CSS from me.
@ujwaldhakal L15: no idea what myaan is
oh sorry
@SterlingArcher Broker than no money at aw'?
@SterlingArcher Did you switch jobs?
@Callum aw'?
what was my own comment (shy) actually in my pc i copy pasted
sorry (shy)
@SomeKittens yup, today is the start of week 2
@SterlingArcher all
Okay... I was kicked out, but why?
@SterlingArcher congrats!
@ujwaldhakal obj1, obj2 aren't great names for arrays
I bought new shoes, and it sounds like I have high heels when I walk down the hall xD
@SomeKittens thanks <3
where at?
(nor are ary1 or arr1)
now its just a sample rule
no more Java?
@SomeKittens I really don't have that much money, I have an apartment worth around $500K (and a $120K mortgage on it), I have about $50K in the bank and that's about it. I make well but not that much (less than you valley people for sure) and my wife doesn't make that much either. I'm not proud or ashamed of my money. (conversion rate)
if everything works fine i am upgrading my app to version 2.0
@Callum more or less. lol At this current time I have $220 to my name for the week (I was able to last over a month without pay)
more than this

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