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@FlorianMargaine @rlemon Never forget! Never SUrrender! Because its Friday!
No Justice, no peace! Black Friday it is!
@SomeGuy haha, what the hell?
@GNi33 Haven't you seen that?!
@SomeGuy haha, I guess I did some time ago
@rlemon Neat
How'd you come across that?
Oh, I haven't been to Reddit in a while
@Luggage why CS?
@SomeGuy just got my Assimil Italian book, now I'm getting serious about this stuff :D
in about 7 hours Im going to be unemployed again
will try to use Duolingo as additional training
@BenCraig uhm... congratulations.... I guess?
@GNi33 Hurray!
Contract ends, back to school in a week
You better stick to it this time!
hehe, yeah. I'm doing my best
@rlemon That is by far the worst video I've seen of that :P
kinda looking forward to the school, but not so much to the 0 income
@BenCraig Me too, but 3 weeks for me. Still haven't found another job yet :(
@BenFortune Yikes. Good luck man
yay. Meteor 1.2 first release came out
@corvid Sails > Meteor
yeah, but native ES6 now! Good no matter what the framework is
A: Should you let users edit other people's answer to encourage downvoting?

Your Common SenseNo. You don't understand what Stack Overflow really is. Don't take it as a source of knowledge. It's but a sort of MMOG, where players compete for getting as much "reputation" points as possible. Means any answer that gained its author some score is sacred. No one is allowed to question it. And ...

That guy....
@Cerbrus He's not a very nice person. He's recently got off a 9 month ban or something.
how did that guy think that that was going to a good answer I wonder
Flagging that shit.
> Whenever I run into a post from this guy, it's just extremely low quality. As a 91k(!!!) user, I'd expect him to, at very damn least, post _correct_ answers.
The misinformation and attitude in his posts is actively harmful to the site, _especially_ considering the amount of reputation he has.
A: Will Stack Overflow celebrate the 10M question milestone?

Your Common SenseYou kidding? Celebrate 9M duplicated, low quality lazy questions with quick, dirty and stupid answers? Would you celebrate 10Mth ton of garbage on a scrapheap?

Just look at his recent meta activity
It's just utter shit he's posting
you mean for all time
Even worse
How did that <redacted> get 91k rep?
answer to rhetorical question: he wasn't always that way
@Neil He seems to be much more aggressive since returning from his ban. Maybe the reflection time wasn't enough :P
@BenFortune I tend to agree ;)
I'm having to scroll further and further down to click on this channel. We need to fix that.
If we can't get more members, we should at least murder members from the other tribes (I vote PHP channel).
Do we really want PHP in here? :(
No. Just need more bodies.
@BenFortune Do we really need to ask this :p
@Luggage I'd suggest Java :p
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why cs? I liked the arrow functions. But I'm onto es6 now, more than half converted.
i vote murder. stops them joining in anything.
"hey guys, it's the same thing, only scriptier"
@Luggage javascriptroom.com redirects you by the way.
I just didn't want this place to one day be as lonely as the Haskell room.
We could run events?
but we'll refer to them as callbacks
Oct15th((err, result) => "Be there!")
This is one of the larger rooms though. Only the C++ room is bigger.
maybe it's activity or last message, then
Last message, I think
Nvm, this room is the largest room now.
@Luggage star it
'rejoin favorite rooms'
ty, but it wasn't about the my clicking on the room but about my assumed explanation of the lower position, that we were dwindling in numbers
my wrong one.
70 users logged into the chat, I wouldn't say dwindling at all.
yea, i didn't look, just assumed lower in the lst was bad since we are almost always near the top when I look
also most of those are bots
@Luggage last message, yes
like @FlorianMargaine
ohh shit, he's here
it's ok, I'm going back to bed with Cap
back off my girl!
@K-9 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'll cut you
Sounds like she's moved on.
Playing the ol' "who are you?" game.
@rlemon <3
j'aime tu
@rlemon don't play Cap too, that'll only lead to some kind of severe multiple personality disorder
(is that correct?)
je t'aime
Je t'aime
:p #inb4copy
We can hear you two whispering..
according to a google search, and my memory of French class in school. that is correct
at least, here it is.
uhhh, your memory might be wrong
That settles it, Florian must be wrong.
yeah, wouldn't be surprising
@BenCraig I'm gonna summarize it as "Canadian French sometimes isn't real French"
@rlemon I agree.
why is dataset impossibru to polyfill? Shit's kicking my arse
Canada isn't real.
@Callum and @copy are correct.

source: i speak french
Great source
@rlemon yeah... not grammar though
I speak jabbascript
source: grade 9 french class
@FlorianMargaine well then our education system is fucked. because I can remember learning this while conjugating verbs in french
I speak American English. It's like normal English but more self-important.
According to twitter, Brendan Eich is looking for a, "Node.js Hacker"... pls
A node hacker? Someone who breaks node apps? Are node apps not usually distributed by source?
@Luggage is Canadian english more apologetic?
Canadian English is like British English, but it holds the door for you.
hacking means to code, especially when not formally trained.
Anyone that uses the word hacker to describe a developer just loses 10 cool points
it's also mis-used to represent cracking, but this is usually clear from context.
read the dictionary definition
which dictionary?
I dunno, I just googled it
the google dictionary
I win!
!!define hacker
@rlemon hacker Something that hacks; a tool or device for hacking.
> hack1
cut with rough or heavy blows.
"hack off the dead branches"
synonyms: cut, chop, hew, lop, saw; slash
"Stuart hacked the padlock off"
use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.
"they hacked into a bank's computer"
That cleared that right up.
!!define computer hacker
@rlemon No definition found.
!!define hack
@rlemon [hack](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=4629) (transitive) To chop or cut down in a rough manner. [circa 12th c.]
They hacked the brush down and made their way through the jungle.
second definition is what you want
"use a computer to gain unauthorized access" -- has nothing to do with programming
Well, programming could fall under it
but it's not used to define a programmer
when used in this context (e.g. "kernel hacking") is means to code, though
Sure, programming can fall under the umbrella, but the end goal of hacking is about security
though, maybe they really are hiring people to hack into (i.e. crack) node-based systems..
I doubt it
I think Eich is just being an old person
so the meaning is clear then.
You darn whippersnappers with your Node.js and your ninja hacker skillz
clear as mud!
You are letting your pedantry get in the way of the fact that you know the exact meaning from context.
The word is being used incorrectly, that's not pedantry
I hacked ur mum last night, broooo
that is rape
you chopped her up into bits?
Nah, I gained unauthorized access
see how words can mean different things?
The way he was using the word is not one of the definitions
get off your high horse
Sure it is.
No it isn't
What about the meaning I hacked this script together last night?
I'd argue that that's also wrong
@Nick you realize ebonics exist right?
I'm just fucking with you, but it really does mean coding in some contexts. I'm not making this up
Those contexts are wrong
Exactly, Callum.
Ebonics can exist, sure, but they're wrong
no, it is recognized as a form of english.
words can evolve to have new meanings
this is, after all, how English was born.
my nails evolved when I got them did
I got me hurr did up boiiii
@Luggage no
you aren't real
We're all heathens here.
put in an offer on a house... find out this morning if they accepted :|
celebrate with tacos
@taco you work(ed) for an ISP, yeah?
@taco o/
holy crap. giant lego everblocksystems.com
I may wanna buy some of this
Why not buy loads of Meccano and play with that instead, much more interesting :p
because a) I already own a bunch. and b) I cannot make a coffee table from meccano
@rlemon RIP wallet
I want to build a fort now
18 blocks is $150
Might be cheaper to buy a 3d printer and print your own :p
I am a self confessed lego addict - those would be awesome!
I wanna do my entire basement with them
it is currently unfinished.
I could frame out the bathroom with lego!
@ssube I didn't make shit at the ISP. I now work for the people who bring you Rick & Morty. Much cooler
how do I distinguish between programatic clicks and user clicks?
former = document.getElementById('#foo').click();
Just pre-ordered a steam controller
MouseEvent.mozInputSource exists for FF
but only FF
Q: In jQuery, how can I tell between a programmatic and user click?

Kevin OwockiSay I have a click handler defined: $("#foo").click(function(e){ }); How can I, within the function handler, tell whether the event was fired programmatically, or by the user?

@taco That is cool. Do you know anything about smaller-scale network appliances, though?
hope it works in ie8
I'm considering buying a pfsense SG-2220 for my house.
Curious if there is another brand/distro that makes better small router appliances.
@ssube what's it do?
@taco pfsense is a router/firewall BSD distro. DHCP, local DNS, NAT, all that good stuff.
@ssube You can install pfsense on a raspberry pi
we have a habit of sending our current router into swap, but I know pfsense with 2GB+ of RAM can handle the load
I've been running pfsense on an esxi machine, but want to move to an appliance to save power and simplify the network.
what the fuck is the point of selling something on Amazon and hiding the price?
where? I've never not seen a price
Wow... why?
It costs 1900 maple leaves.
literally says "Price Hidden"
The price is too dynamic
That doesn't make sense
I mean, I guess they don't want their price in search results (google), but why?
@ssube ok cool
Well you sometimes see vendors selling for $0.01 on Amazon with $1000000 shipping
That's still stupid
"Price: See price in cart"
yeah, i think it's very stupid
That's a link, for me
I mean, I've seen this shit on sites like bestbuy
but never on amazon
That opens a popup that shows the price....
@taco I'm in a weird spot where our traffic can knock down a consumer router, but we don't need 10Gbe or BGP or anything Cisco offers.
anyone here know about solar cells?
is a decent amount cheaper than
Why the tits is element.classList not an array
They make sunshine into powah :D
I know that they generate electricity from the sun
I know solar cells, me
I also generate energy from the sun
I am robert plant
vitamin d
@rlemon Grandad has a couple on his boat, I helped him install them. Don't know much about them though
@Nick Your most attractive feature, other than jCurry.
@BenFortune yea they both spec out the same.
I'm just curious if one is better, I know nothing about the manufacturers
@rlemon The pictures have that weird illusion effect
With the dots
They look exactly the same, probably just different retailer prices
yea but the difference could be one is a more reputable
or slightly better QC?
idk. I emailed my dutch friend.
he'll know. they save money
only drunk dutchmen spend money
note that "drunk" works the opposite way for the Dutch, since they contain alcohol naturally
Dutch people contain alcohol naturally?
"Friday" is a song by American recording artist Rebecca Black, written and produced by Los Angeles record producers Clarence Jey and Patrice Wilson. It was released on March 14, 2011, by ARK Music Factory as Black's debut single. The song features a rap verse from Wilson, uncredited on the single. Its music video caught a sudden surge of hits after Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Rifftrax comedian Michael J. Nelson called it "the worst video ever made" on Twitter and the song was featured on the Tosh.0 blog. The song's reception was highly negative, mainly because of its songwriting and Black...
Greeting from the Lounge
No they are not.
Get a Samsung 850 Evo.
@rlemon No, not at all
@rlemon eh. Kingston is super low end.
that is a good price.
Or a Crucial MX100.
Samsung or Intel for SSDs.
Crucial are really good for the price ATM, can get a mid-high end 250gb for £50
I have some Kingston RAM in a cheap box somewhere, but only because it's dirt cheap and mostly kinda works usually sometimes.
> mostly kinda works usually sometimes
I currently own crucial, adata, OCZ, and Intel ssd's. only the adata has failed
Sean Kingston
Works 60% of the time every time.
@Nick never works
@rlemon I have an OCZ that's been up for years and working great.
I've had a slow, mediocre week. I wanna go home and get drunk
a revodrive, at that, which were not known for their reliability
@Nick Drinking before 10AM makes you an alcoholic.
I don't wanna go all weekend without my gaming pc
@ssube I have a family history
but no, I want to go home when I go home
and then get really drunk
and play video games
@ssube I have an x2 which still runs perfect
@ssube only if that is a daily activity
@ssube Or Scottish. Or at a music fesitival.
@Callum who does alcohol at a festival?
I should get prime one of these days. I'm starting to buy more and more online
Absolutely can't go wrong with samsung, I have 3
@ssube Pretty much everyone who can get their hands on it.
840, 840 evo and an 850 evo
I didn't know they made SSD's that big
what the fuck
why would I ever need 16tb?
(as a consumer)
4k porn
@Nick 4chan archive, comes to mind
It's pricey
@Nick For what you get, it's really not
@Nick idk. I have easily 4tb of crap on storage drives from the past 4 years.
and I don't really download much
I can easily see that being filled.
@BenFortune SSD aside, I got a 3TB HD for $100
also, AAA games are all like 60gb, with 5gb saves. :D
@Nick I paid £100 for my 6tb
I got mine a couple years ago
Got mine last week :>
I have a handful of 2tb WD Black drives
The 6tb is a WD red in my NAS
Yeah, WD has been my go to for external storage, but I'm not overly fond of them
I have a 1TB external and a 256GB internal harddrive (I think)
Could I download more storage for my internal harddrive?
@Callum No, but you can download more RAM
I have 240 ssd in my laptop, and 1tb in the second bay.
but laptop is strictly for coding.
Only one slot on my laptop :(
currently houses my 840
I gave up my dvd drive and put in a drive caddy
have 840 evo, 850 evo, agility 3 and revodrive in my main rig
@rlemon I would too if my laptop provided a caddy
can somebody explain me a thing pls
> Any good sites that I can download some RAM from? My computer tells me i'm low on memory. Thanks in advance
why does grunt ignore my file changes
Stupid proprietary bullshit.
@BenFortune what laptop?
@rlemon Lenovo, can't remember model
uglify is uglifying old stuff.
It was cheap, and pre-superfish
everything Lenovo I've ever owned was a POS
I thought Lenovo was decent
Wiped it and shoved linux on immediately obviously
india is an astonishing place: mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/…
Had it about a year, no problems
India is a backwards place that has some cool geographic features
@tereško Saw that earlier, the Mirror don't half like to exaggerate though.
the source is somewhat suspect
While it's not nice, "paraded naked with blackened faces" is hardly rape.
Either way, India is still a backwards place
@BenFortune I assume those are two separate things in said council's ruling
@BenFortune some Lenovo's allow that, but if you want swappable bays in a laptop, get Asus
they still make really nice stuff
@tereško Ah you're right, how awful :(
@ssube I absolutely despise Asus's touchpads
@BenFortune why would you ever use a touchpad?
either get a mouse or just work the nubbins
I hope this doesn't sound too bad, but I can't tell what is a name of a person vs a place vs a organization in that article
@rlemon neither can their government because the records were forged and incorrectly filed
@ssube Because I'm a pleb
/bureaucracy jokes
I use my touchpad when I'm not at work
I leave my laptops mouse there
I use the magic trackpad for my mac. It's a lot more efficient than a mouse
My l33t specs (totally dank as fuck)
Track point is great, you should get used to it if your laptop has one
Whenever my laptop isn't docked, I rely solely on the nubbins.
Trackpads are like the blind midget cousins of the touchscreen.
My new PC is set up :D
@MadaraUchiha ooh :o
In JSDoc, how do you specify that a command has n arguments? Eg, let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) then doing something with that.

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