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I'll bookmark it for later.
@Loktar dude, that slice looks loaded and delicious
what concert has deep dish?!
haha exactly
My new yoyo just arrived!!!!
Note to self: selecting surprise me under color options will almost always result in pink
I've never seen someone so excited about a yoyo
Not 4 exclamation points excited, at least.
Been waiting for this one for a while
It's the YoyoFactory Shutter, which is the model that was used to win the 2014 world champs
I'm hungry :(
Me too
Hour til lunch
What kind of cat is that?
eeek <3
The person holding the camera did not survive the encounter.
!!xkcd a-minus-minus
@rlemon Is that a "weeping angel" cat? :)
!!google weeping angel cat
@monners just don't blink.
Yeah, now I get it. Surprised I didn't get it immediately actually. I love Dr Who
I don't.
I rather hate it.
Do I throw in a .then?
.then(stats =>
 if (stats.isDirectory() ) {
 return AnotherPromise()
 else {
 throw new Error("Not a directory");
I'm just starting out with Node.js and socket.io. What's the best way to use session variables? I looked around but a lot of the answers are old
@Pikamander2 I've done them in Express
Not a link to expressjs.com, before you disregard it :P
Got it. Thanks everyone .
sup all
Anybody here use mean.io before?
I'm wondering why it has it's own packages and doesn't just use npm mean.io/#!/packages
why does this not work
msdn.microsoft.com/library/ff679976(v=vs.94).aspx has an example of radii.map where radii is an array.
so I don't see why my one doesn't work
There is no Math.square
oh sqrt.
That's my cue to go to bed
!!>Math.square = Math.sqrt;[4,5,6].map(Math.square);
@taco "TypeError: Math.square is not a function"
@taco [2,2.23606797749979,2.449489742783178]
I just rewrote that as Haskell in my head. I may have been doing too much Haskell lately.
Actually, I don't know that that's possible.
@Meredith I dunno :d
Just had two devs come on board my Meteor app, and they want to use MEAN.io stack. If they ditch the project, I'll be a little unhappy >:|
What even is mean.io?
/me shrugs
Like I get that it's something to do with the mean stack
By the time our Civic Hacking session ended today we had nothing done in MEAN
And I'm not sure they even know which one they want to use MEANjs.org or MEAN.io
It looks like MEAN.io has its own packages
I guess it just has a bunch of modules that help with building apps
So did Meteor
Though, I asked if we should remove Meteor and just move to node and they wanted MEAN. I think it makes sense
But I did all the work for 0.1 so I really hope somebody helps out
Is it just the 3 of you?
as of tonight yes
Probably a good idea to use technology that they're comfortable with then I guess
I'd assume meteor has a higher learning curve
Never used mean.io, but it seems a lot more straightforward
I wouldn't say a higher learning curve, but it's another ecosystem
Yeah, MEAN makes more sense, but we're losing some benefits, so I hope they don't show up in a month and ask "how's it going?"
Alright, gonna try to port this thing in 45 minutes starting now
Good luck
Thanks Meredith
how do you pronounce char. hard c like car, or soft c like chart?
@user3783598 Hello
I've heard both
I say car though
how about github? is it jithub or github?
Oh great, MEAN.io uses Bootstrap. Bleh
like Get
Get... Git
oh ok thanks
any help with http://codepen.io/Feners4/pen/EjONEe

I'm stuck trying to load the user name lists that I get from stitch api..
!!youtube forget you
!!afk civic hacking project
if I do var p=document.createElement("p"); p.innerHTML="fff"; should the fff appear on the page immediately? it doesn't seem to be working for me
You have to insert it into the page
oh, like document.write, it.. or append it to the body
I'd recommend against document.write
But yeah, append it to another element
Never use document.write(), it is writhed with uncertainty.
document.body.appendChild(p); <-- does it
There you go
yeah I know. thanks
you inspired me
americans know who that guy is.
he did a good comedy called the peep show
+1000000 for David Mitchell... :)
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
Greetings Javascriptians
@DanielKobe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone have any ideas on how to send an object from Node.js to client without serialization?
@DanielKobe huh?
you have to serialise it
does anyone know about moment.js
and moment.tz ?
@MuhammadSohail what about it?
read the online documentation of moment.js .. I never tried it :p
@JijoJohn Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i read about it
and i created the app
it works fine
but it doesn't work on mobile devices
i m wondering, why it is not wokring on mobile devices
@MuhammadSohail I find it quite unlikely that moment is the thing that isn't working
I never read the documentation of anything. :|
so do i
I only read the API reference.
I just ask on SO main :p
like everyone else... :/
Wait, API reference is the documentation?
Cwap, I've been reading documentations all this time :(
i prefer to search the web rather than reading documentatino.
i like to the point answers, no long stories
For me it kind of depends, if it's just a library I use, like underscore/lodash I don't care how it does its job but if it's a bigger part of my application, like angular or react I need to understand how it works on a deeper level
I like to come to chat and use cloud brain power to do my thinking for me
Indeed, one should be well versed in a framework that one is using.
Good morning everyone.
So yesterday someone accidentally git push -f on a branch without having set push.default to simple and therefore also force pushed master. Is there any way I can see the reflog of origin to make sure we didn't loose any commits while cleaning up?
Do I have to ssh over to the git repo?
how would you jsonify an array of buffers?
Top 5 World Languages 1. Mandarin 2. English 3. Spanish 4. Hindi 5. JavaScript
i.sstatic.net/OgG7X.png Also, PDF seems to now be the second most popular religion
I prefer mp3
Praise Napster
I shall smite thee with the power of Adobe PDFReader
It's Adobe Acrobat DC nowadays ;P
guyz any javascript way to save base64 image to png file
@AshishSajwan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello all
does anybody know any good sms sending library/
@MuneemHabib y not use API's
@AshishSajwan which API?
do you any then do tell me
limitations : IP addresses are limited to 75 texts per day. Phone numbers are limited to 3 texts every 3 minutes. - See more at: textbelt.com/#sthash.QAUX1ufD.dpuf
it's free
if you are fine with limitations
@AshishSajwan You want to save png in browser or node?
I've Json like this -->
how do i loop through it, i want FileURl and File Type
use underscore library @Simply
pls can you show me that, i dont know underscoe lib
@AshishSajwan thanks
okk, i'll go through that link
Then you have to download as data-uri
@MuneemHabib other API options blog.mashape.com/list-of-50-sms-apis
@cswl how can i decide the download location programatically
can not i do that using Javascript ot jquery, why underscore ??
You don't need underscore at all
@simpl agreed
Use Array.prototype.map
@Simply agreed ..that you can use javascript or jquery ... underscore is also javascript library.. but it has very handy functions. wrapped up nicely
What do you mean decide download location? It will just download like any other image.
He literally just needs a function that already exists in javascript without a library
thx Meredith, i'll look on it :)
@cswl i have cordova app.. & i want to capture the full screen then save it somewhere & then share that image socially
Thx Ashish, but i really dont want to use another lib for this :)
Then mention you are using phonegap/cordova .
@Simply totally agree with you .. just for one use case ... using whole new library doesn't make sense.. but if any chance you use heavy javascript then underscore is very usefull.. also underscore strings library is similar but handles string related functions..
meredith example would be appreciated
Read the docs
@AshishSajwan Are you using Canvas?
@AshishSajwan Unless you need to support IE8 then a lot of what you get from underscore is already on Array.prototype, see developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…
ya @cswl
m using canvas
@AshishSajwan hmmm OK
@cswl so how do i save a base64 as png .. m using canvas
@AshishSajwan Libraries ofcourse,, github.com/devgeeks/Canvas2ImagePlugin
my powerpoint goes black, how to fix it?
Hello boys. I have a question, I hope you can help me.
I am reading the mozilla's JavaScritp guide and came across the following.
`Person.prototype.sayHello = function() {
console.log("Hello, I'm " + this.firstName);
the question is, why is it creating the object property to object's prototype?
why not just: Person.sayHello = function() {}
hey all javascript experts
A: javascript array error - allocation size overflow

Daniel BI assume you mean StackOverflowError StackOverflowError: The Java Virtual Machine implementation has run out of stack space for a thread, typically because the thread is doing an unbounded number of recursive invocations as a result of a fault in the executing program. Found several p...

@khajvah when you do new Person() all functions of the prototype will be available from the instance.
Java answer on JS question
guys, is this valid syntax? if (x > y && a < b || x > y && c > d) { alert('foo') } ?
can anybody help me on this question please
Q: How to add Points(cities) on google map path between source and destination?

LearningI am having two textbox source and destination with google auto complete feature in which user will define his/her travelling path and i will show that path on google map with drawing line between source and destination. I am dynamically generating 5 textbox in which i am binding google aut...

Dangit, so many questions in here where only guys can answer :/
@phenomnomnominal yeah, I get it. But if we are implementing a function for the current object, is there a point to implement it for Person.prototype?
or they just did it for demonstration?
@khajvah it depends if you plan on making more of that same "class"
But yes, in this case it is just a demonstration. That's the point of documentation
@BurningCrystals yes.
I see, thank you
@JohnSnow yeah, so much for inclusivity right
@phenomnomnominal thanks man!
don't start shit like that, it doesn't add anything
@BurningCrystals I'm not necessarily a man
Well, they specifically ask for guys implying all girls can go I dunno, write some code?
@JohnSnow I asked for boys :P
@phenomnomnominal oh.
@khajvah Sorry, guys and boys
Oh well.... I suppose noone wants me to answer them anyway... I know nothing after all.
i am using select2 4.0 and it is not allowing me type on focus, allowing me to type after click only

need help for this.. thanks in advance
A: javascript array error - allocation size overflow

Daniel BThis is related to string concatenation, namely your doing too much of it ;) There are size constraints, see these posts: Firefox throwing js error in for loop "allocation size overflow" Invalid String Length/Allocation Size Overload JavaScript As described in the second link, maybe using an ...

It's simply misinformation
Hello @Cerbrus
@Cerbrus Congratulations, you have been labeled "the guy who knows stuff". Enjoy your random pings ;P
@Cerbrus - I need your help. I got stuck in ExtJs. I have posted question many times but no one replies either busy with others or don't know about ExtJs. If you know then try to solve my problem.
!!welcome PuneetChawla
@PuneetChawla Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm not your personal problem solver
Hello @CapricaSix. I know this rule.
@PuneetChawla Then why do you break it?
First i discuss with @Cerbrus.. Said Hello to him.. after that i replied to him @JohnSnow @CapricaSix
@PuneetChawla Hello!
@PuneetChawla I have to write a GET request with request, how do I do it? Can you do it for me please? I said please!
You randomly pinged me, that's hardly a discussion
Then you shoved your question in my face
I don't appreciate things being shoved into my face.
Unless it's nuts.
@PuneetChawla Also I have this issue with threadpooling; I don't know how I as the developer is supposed to manage them. What should when I design my database connection?
@Cerbrus Ohhh myy
@PuneetChawla Why do I have to write the long methods required by the framework when I code? It's ugly and annoying with functions bigger than 10 lines.
@PuneetChawla Why aren't you answering me? I said please! :(
I think the point has been made now
I don't know @JohnSnow
@PuneetChawla I'm the one who doesn't know!
Ok.. sorry for disturbence @Cerbrus, @JohnSnow, @CapricaSix
!!tell PuneetChawla bot
@PuneetChawla I'm actually a bot, so don't reply to me.
Or maybe everyone just assumes she's a bot, but she responds to !!tell <name> bot to keep up the appearance
don't lie to us, Cap!
Told you... that's exactly how a human pretending to be a bot would react..
Now we know who not to put as an examinator for the turing test ;P
or a bot pretending to be a human pretending to be a bot
Ok, ok, it's actually really me who's a bot.
@JohnSnow I knew it!
Wait, am I a bot?
@Neil That's exactly what a bot pretending to be human would say ;P
@CallumBarclay Thanks for the link. It's a bit dated, though I got some useful info out of it
The fact stuff like this shit get upvoted depresses me.
Also the answers.
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@BenjaminGruenbaum public int getCeiling(double val) { return 23; } //success!
@BenjaminGruenbaum How do they even know what to answer? :S Do they see something magic in the code I don't?

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