@FlorianMargaine but it was a bit cold so I thought maybe I should warm it... I am just gonna get it to room temperature now (and yeah I am gonna take new milk) thanks
And yes, that also ruins the proteins a little. Lots of nutrition is lost when you pasteurize it. That's why "raw" milk from the cow is way more nutritious.
If you think cats demand a lot of attention, DO NOT PLACE YOURSELF AS THE CARETAKER OF A BABY! If you think a dog demands a lot of attention, DO NOT PLACE YOURSELF AS THE CARETAKER OF A BABY!
Today I'd like to discuss an article that always comes up in Google when searching for SQRL. Debunking SQRL on the Security Stack Exchange Blog.
I find it disheartening that an article that frankly has a lot of misleading "facts" is ranked high in Google, and I was hoping we could discuss about ...
@Abhishrek There is a lot wrong with the windows target. Bad plugin support, back button that doesn't work to navigate, incorrect viewport width (not 320px), custom tfont rendering problems, text occassionally selectable for no reason at all, and all that after winstore issues you need to shim for no real reason. I guess i need to pour a lot of time into this..
@AlexanderSolonik you said something is not working, which means javascript is buggy. so you need to file a bug that javascript is buggy. how is that a joke?
I am new to jQuery and I have been try to look up the bootstrap transition.js(line 50) code and figure out how it works in there. I have stumbled across the following :
$.event.special.bsTransitionEnd = {
bindType: $.support.transition.end,
delegateType: $.support.transition.end,
@Zirak Looks interesting. I'm not sure if it's sensible to use an FS for this purpose, do you know other uses of filesystems like this (I know there's procfs). No output and no user confirmation can be a serious problem. You've probably encountered the case where you want to uninstall a package and Debian decides to take down half the system with it
@FlorianMargaine pointed out that FreeBSD has something similar with its ports system. I checked that out, and it's partially what I want. The part about lack of output and interactivity is exactly why I seriously consider keeping it a read only filesystem.
It's not as pretty as moving directories around (even though I'd love for it to be that elegant), but running /pkg/all/foo/install is still loads better than alternatives
@Zirak I wonder how to handle the whole thing... If it's persistent, it means we need to watch for changes in /var/lib/dpkg/lock or something, if it's not persistent, it's going to be slow as fuck
when closing the lightbox i need to use history.back() to avoid spamming the history, but to do that safely i need to know that i didn't open the page directly instead of getting there from my js code + pushState
@Baldráni Have to run to a meeting, but there are no .durationNight things for that array to grab and arrayDuration is not defined before .sort is called
@ElliotBonneville If it's a personal or solo project and you have time for playing around, I'll suggest a evolutionary approach: Don't invent a directory structure upfront, make it up as you go along.
@Zirak it is solo. that's an interesting thought. I guess I could get bogged down trying to get the "perfect" folder structure, is that what you're driving at?
@ElliotBonneville That's part of it. Another is that you don't know right now what you'll need, what you feel comfortable with, and so forth. You can't know until you're in the middle of things.