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Huh, if I went through and removed all the (function () { })() stuff from our codebase, a side effect would be that, according to git blame I'd be the author of every single line of code in our codebase...
> I fucking built this place, you can't get rid of me
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
!!s/(fu\w+) (\w+ \w+)/$2 $1/
@JanDvorak I built this fucking place, you can't get rid of me (source)
!!s/(fu\w+) (\w+)/$2 $1/
@Retsam @JanDvorak I built this place fucking, you can't get rid of me (source) (source)
!!s/(fu\w+) (\w+)/$2 $1/ 24473312
@uselesschien @JanDvorak I built this place fucking, you can't get rid of me (source) (source)
!!s/(.+)/Very well thank you/
@catgocat That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@catgocat test (source)
@catgocat How are you catgocat? (source)
I'm fine, how are you?
@catgocat Most welcome
How do i set CFLAGS in make files ?
!!tell cat sandbox
@cat Please go and play in the Sandbox
@catgocat You kiss-ass
!!s/(.+)/Please have babies with me/
@catgocat Please have babies with me (source)
when my javascript making xhr request we can see initiator clearly on chrome developer tools. but i observed some website the xhr request initiator is "other" how it is possible to hide the javascript from chrome. i think it is more secure way. but i dont know how to do it. please help me :)
@Vishnu just don't
@catgocat ? help me :)
@Vishnu just don't
@anybidy knows? :D
@Vishnu just don't
@Vishnu 1) it's not possible and 2) people have fiddler2 and wireshark anyways
... and debuggers
@Vishnu Because that's is client code and if you're trying to hide it, bugs will be lea͠ki̧n͘g fr̶ǫm ̡yo​͟ur eye͢s̸ ̛ and NO NOO̼O​O you can't protect client-side code because it's client and everyone has access to it.
and then .. delete them .. v\o/lla
obfuscation != security
@BenFortune finally its working
obfuscation /= security
@JanDvorak that's obviously a syntax error
the makefile needs an addition -Wno-error=date-time to actually build
@SterlingArcher random humor. pointless and disgusting.
that's haskell btw :(
@JanDvorak @catgocat i know that. but see this postimg.org/image/okzwabftz this app is making xhr request via javascript but see what is showing by chrome
face palm
@SterlingArcher omg lol
the ending...
@Vishnu what am I supposed to see?
my dad just texted me " (balbalba). - Dad"
@SterlingArcher I hope you read the comments
like, I have his number no need to append -Dad to the message
face palm
@uselesschien every humor has a point
@catgocat in my app XHR initiator will be my javascript
@KendallFrey i did lol
@Vishnu Jan Dvorak certainly knows how to fix that problem, ping him twice to call his attention.
@catgocat no please no
tempted to flag
@catgocat this is not a problem just curious to know what is going on
We don't need mod attention.
@Vishnu Ok, chrome debugger registers in a nice table all your requests. It's not a security flaw.
Q: what would you call a set of icons that encompass transit, parking, elevation(terrain etc.), and eating?
A: map icons?
Right, next question.
Now worth 10 thousand dollars!
somehow I like that command
!!info ^
@SterlingArcher Command ^, created by Sterling Archer on Thu, 21 May 2015 15:14:27 GMT, invoked 1 times
i made dis
Y ?
!! !!
i wonder if that's still a command
@towc That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: d, ^, !!, π
@Jan Well, yes they are. Lets say you go to a big park or recreation area and see a sign with icons for things you can do there like bike, walk etc. What would you call those?
!! !!
@KarelG say '<([a-z]+) [^/]?>
@benlevywebdesign pictograms
@towc say '<([a-z]+) [^/]?>
will always love you hhuhuu
love that song
'<([a-z]+) [^/]?>
what changed, mine used to work
Oh wait
Okay good, thought I was about to get zolga'd
Zolga: the evil twin sister of Zalgo. Zalgo is just a show-off, Zolga actua... HALLLPPPP
!!> !!
@KarelG "SyntaxError: expected expression, got end of script"
meh, forgot the !! command.
what happened to the stop listener???
@Jan I am thinking something similar to amenities but that doesn't seem right...
indeed. Why not ideograms?
!! info !!
@towc Command !!, created by Ryan Ternier on Tue, 17 Feb 2015 23:41:07 GMT, invoked 2 times
chat is rekt for me
*wrecked or *right?
@JanDvorak learn to speak internet already
how about people learn english instead?
@catgocat That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@catgocat How about people learn english instead? (source)
@JanDvorak I could kiss you sometimes
@JanDvorak u're prepared to be introduced in mi engrish ?
oh wait, we're talking internet lingo not...
Let's play provoke the man with kick powers xD
@KarelG Are you prepared to get kicked?
it's just a poor joke from my side :(
That's why jokes should come from your brain
Side isn't funny
@SterlingArcher The biggest joke ever came from your mom's vagina
My brother?
my sister?
@FlorianMargaine Do you want someone to translate meow to portuguese
@KendallFrey is that a bothched yo momma joke?
Well then you've lost me brah
@JanDvorak no
@SterlingArcher Don't worry, she almost did too.
Police made her take you back though
Your momma is so fat, that I want to take her and have babies with her. I'm into that.
@SterlingArcher ...
@catgocat BBW baby
actually no
@KendallFrey Your momma is soooooo fat, that she learned to accept herself and gain more confidence.
!!urban bbb
@Gemtastic [BBB](http://bbb.urbanup.com/3256795) Blackened Baby Back

(Sometimes called loin ribs or simply back ribs.)

Pork ribs, usually cooked with an assortment of spices and seared until a blackish color. Commonly seen peering in.
I want an adult onesie with code on it
@KendallFrey I want an adult with code on it (source)
if (hunger > 0) {
} else {
!!s/want an adult.*/need an adult/
@Cereal @KendallFrey I need an adult (source)
@catgocat Yo momma's so fat, her Schwarzchild radius is even bigger.
!!urban Schwarzchild radius
@Cereal No definition found for Schwarzchild radius
@SterlingArcher 1/10 terrible casing WNB
@KendallFrey dude, mass and radius are incomparable units
@JanDvorak only when density isn't specified
I assumed normal density of a human body
imma snake case my foot in your ass
@KendallFrey imma snake my foot in your ass (source)
nope nope nope
the density of human body fluctuates
i snorted
!! wiki Schwarzchild
Schwarzschild is a German surname meaning "black sign" or "black shield" and may refer to: Karl Schwarzschild, (1873–1916), physicist and astronomer Martin Schwarzschild, (1912–1997), astronomer Shimon Schwarzschild (1925– ), environmental activist Steven Schwarzschild, (1924–1989), philosopher and rabbi Henry Schwarzschild, (1926–1996), civil rights activist Named after Karl Schwarzschild: Karl Schwarzschild Medal Karl Schwarzschild Observatory Schwarzschild coordinates Schwarzschild metric (Schwarzschild solution, Schwarzschild geometry, Schwarzschild black hole, Schwarzschild vacuum) Schwarzschild...
oh a black hole thing
too advanced stuff for me
So the joke is that black holes get less dense as they get bigger, your mom is so big she's a black hole at normal density
fun fact: TIL that I can detect the polarisation of light
LNIL that volcanoes and algae regulate the earths temperature
And your mother regulates the tides
she damn well better
tides are important
what do your mom do?
Your mom is the actual cause of the Moon's tidal lock
@SterlingArcher not you
Oh yeah? well at least my mom doesn't orbit around your mom
Isn't that a binary system?
@SterlingArcher yeah, that's because mine orbits yours
No, because everyone orbits around your mother
@KendallFrey Your momma is also my momma hello brother
orbception has occurred gentlemen
@KendallFrey conception has occurred gentlemen (source)
but what happens when our moms collide?
het all!
I am struggling with my webpage/app, and I wonder how to get a correct file loaded, when user clicks back, and popstate fires.. I have now, achived as much, as to remove the text on the page, when user click back, but I want to load in new text from the same php file, as represented in the url, and without any jQuery.. Anyone help please:)
@SterlingArcher yours absorbs everything
!!youtube worlds collide
@Loktar Oh I've seen that, that's awful
you mispelled awesome @catgocat
@Loktar oh god, ditching all, watching that again
oh snap an awesome throwback
lemme try something
!!youtube neutron star collision
eh. That one. Not a fan.
@Loktar I was enjoying the song till they said "fuck eachothers mothers"
Its time for a switcharo
!!youtube white zombie astrocreep 2000
@catgocat by law of logical deduction you just claimed to like a JT vid
!!youtube white zombie more human
ipso facto, gaaaaaaay
there we go
@SterlingArcher yes I like JT
He's a dream
White Zombie === Love
electric + metal, YEEEEAAAAAAAA!
@Loktar Thank you so much
@SterlingArcher All songs you listen too are: AAAAAAAAH WUBWUBWUB YEAHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH
when I was your age I was listening to Spice Girls.
@KendallFrey no problem bro
Im listening to it on google music now
they were hot.
love that song
@copy ^ misuse of literally, terminate pls
anyone else got love for WhiteZombie?
Rob Zombie is okay.. but he's def not as good as when he was in White Zombie
@catgocat 100% false
@catgocat @catgocat 100% true (source)
Steam CLI is awesome
@KendallFrey yea
and dick in a box is before mother lover iirc
hmmm, don't know that one
step 1, cut a hole in the box..
what if I own a horse?
look at Jan's horse, his horse is amazing
!!give it a lick
@KendallFrey Mmmm! it tastes just like raisin
Is there a way to load the corerct file from javascript?
Like, when user click back, I want to load a textfile into a div, so that some text changes on the site
but you'll have to better define the scope of your question
it is pretty vague right now
Ok, I have a page with a simple layout; Header, maincontent-with some textContent, and a footer.
the only thing that changes is the textContent, with ajax.
this works, and when the user navigates the menu, the url looks fine and all.
But I have not yet coded popstate correctly, and Ia wonder how to do thisw
window.onpopstate = function(event) {
  alert("location: " + document.location + ", state: " + JSON.stringify(event.state));
history.pushState({page: 1}, "title 1", "?page=1");
history.pushState({page: 2}, "title 2", "?page=2");
history.replaceState({page: 3}, "title 3", "?page=3");
history.back(); // alerts "location: example.com/example.html?page=1, state: {"page":1}"
history.back(); // alerts "location: example.com/example.html, state: null
history.go(2);  // alerts "location: example.com/example.html?page=3, state: {"page":3}
This question is more of a rant than anything else. It isn't posed well enough to seek input from the community and is heavily biased. — Travis J 7 mins ago
On a +21 meta post... With 3 answers and plenty of comments.
I have read alot there, still scant figure this out
Also please do not abuse the history.pushState 's first parameter
only store view specific data init.
Apparently the meta post isn't open for input, though
Ok, what am I missing out? I am simply missing the part, where my code loads the correct file, why is this in no popstate examples?
To impress the chick... Helicopter Dick!
Hehe, I am noob at this, but at least I am trying, I think I need a ned like Load function, and I try making this, but difficult to figure out the corerct logic here..
@Loktar sfw?
scene from kung fury
helicopter arm.
@Loktar Disappointed, there's no dick
@sunto need some elements
Yeah, I know that's gonna get a million stars
yeah that song is amazing
one of my favorites
@Loktar I quote my girlfriend: "If I were a dude I'd be helicoptering all the fucking time. that looks like fun"
@rlemon haha
@Loktar what do you mean?
@sunto your fiddle is broken
@rlemon heliboobter
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null
hard to debug any real issue
unless... thats your issue, and if so you're missing markup :P
not for me, it contains only javascript
@sunto react ?
 var button = document.getElementById("menuButton");
button.addEventListener("click", showMenu, false);
the problem is that I have no cluue how to include popstate event correectly
I have it working on my page, no wrong messages etc..
Problem is when user navigates with back button etc, then nothing happens
or now, the text is actually just removed, but wont come back again,m unless I click a link in the menu
So, how do I get it working, so that it loads the correct file, like my ajaxfunction does, but maybe from the info it can read from my state property? Because that is changing correctly, and url is changing correctly, but noething happens on the screen
can we see some of your actual code?
@catgocat That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@catgocat That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Erm wtf
Hey, I have a service running on my server which regularly collects some data. The server is a REST server, I want to get the most updated data from a GET request. If the data is not updated send empty object. I don't want to involve any database on my server data. Is there a good way to handle this ?
darkyen00@krypton-500-201IN:/media/darkyen00/Dev/work/website-bp$ npm install
npm ERR! Error: EACCES, mkdir '/home/darkyen00/.npm/object-assign/2.1.1'
npm ERR!  { [Error: EACCES, mkdir '/home/darkyen00/.npm/object-assign/2.1.1']
npm ERR!   errno: 3,
npm ERR!   code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR!   path: '/home/darkyen00/.npm/object-assign/2.1.1',
npm ERR!   parent: 'gulp-sass' }
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
probably a mess to read through the code, but as I can see, the problem is at line 36-42, what goes in between there to make this work, or in between line 46-55.. :P
Looks a bit like the twitter streaming API, when there are no tweets; nothing is send ?
How many of you would consider bookmark and favorite to do the same thing?
@benlevywebdesign not in the same app
if the app only offered one of the two, I would assume similar or exact functionality
i.e. they allow me to revisit in an instant
Agriologist boned rho
Coaxer sundaypunch
it's a haiku
review my code
What if you assume that favorites is something you like and not necessarily a way to get back to something quickly(although you could do that)...
@benlevywebdesign what if I don't?
If I click 'favorite' on some object (article, plugin, porn video, etc) I expect that app to provide a screen that lists my favorites.
@JanDvorak yes, I could replace it with readFile 'out.txt'
github lists repos you starred (favorites) and I use that as a bookmark
mapM putStrLn [a,b,c]
oh nevermind
that's too overkill, to map and sequence it
or maybe I'm wrong?
mapM putStrLn $ map format output doesn't care how many lines are there
maybe use mapM_
since the result of the IO action doesn't matter
or sequence_ $ map (putStrLn.format) output
yeah it's equivalent
changing code
anything else?
perhaps line should take a (pure) RNG rather than being in I/O and relying on the system one?
I need to get a random number using getStdGen
To select randomly from the list of words
Sure you can do that outside line?
but I need to get a new random number each time I use it
with newStdGen
map line over a bunch of RNGs?
What is RNG?
random noise generator?
random number generator
by which I mean the seed
@JanDvorak For each generated number I need to generate a number that is the required syllables less that number.
So I get random words with different lengths.
I don't see how to do this with simply a map.
I surely need to give a look into it.
Besides that, anything else?
minor thing: ' ': on line 20
' ' is a char
++ operates over lists
at L29 you slice line. Perhaps you should echange the arguments?
concatenating " " from the left is the same thing as consing ' ' to the same string


Haskell. We endorse Alex' attempts to learn Haskell.
@JanDvorak you mean str ++ (' ' : str) ?
@catgocat you don't need the parentheses
other than that, yes
if you two are going to have a prolonged discussion can you move it to the appropriate room?
and in L29, I don't get it, what slicing?
ahhoy hoy
in Haskell, 33 secs ago, by Jan Dvorak
(`line`wordList) is a lambda, (line wordList) is simple function application
@FlorianMargaine Thanks for the well wishes

Haskell :: Room

Haskell, the purely functional programming language.
All my steam games work on Ubuntu .... giggles
that was manly

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