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sept 1st I get my house, 14th is first day of classes
wondering what it will be like the day I'm skilled enough to be desired
@NickDugger that's with the health people, right?
or AtTask, if you'd recognize that name
@rlemon no sound?
@copy hi
@BadgerCat hi
shit that scared me
rlemon got a new interests : playing with eyes
How do i return smth, so .done would chain up. ?

In one case i wait for JSON, then returning the promise like so `return getJSON(etc..)`

in other case i just assign a variable and i need to return a resolved promise somehow //??
This should be a one liner . ;)
so i need to create a deffered object ? just for that ..
what else would you like?
ok, txh
@animaacija It's not a deferred object.
It's a Promise that resolves immediately with value.
I've got a weird issue I can't figure out because I'm a complete n00b.

If I do this:

$(".cmtalert-" + healthstate + " svg").hide();

the SVG gets hidden. Awesome. If I do this:

$(".cmtalert-" + healthstate + " svg").toggleClass("unavailable");

the class isn't getting applied.

Any idea why?
!!jquery toggleClass
so my function just return Promise.resolve() and it will work ?
@animaacija Try.
@Cereal That's about as old as jQuery itself :P
@i7nvd just check the .display property to see if the element is hidden or not ...
Does Promise.resolve have (or allow) any optimizations over just new Promise? I imagine it ought to
thx, i sometimes confuse both
@KarelG Yes, .hide changes the display property to hidden. That part's great. However, toggleClass on the same selector doesn't add the class.
@MadaraUchiha no not working ...
how_process(...).done is not a function
@animaacija .then()
Q: Is "certainly possible" an oxymoron?

Wad CheberThe phrase "certainly possible" is fairly common, but it strikes me as an oxymoron. Is it?

Promises are chained with .then(), not .done()
what about .dance()?
@NickDugger That song is so great.
!!youtube safety dance lyrics
@NickDugger Write up and propose an ES7 Danceable spec
How does ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] return 10?
@NickDugger Promise.dance = Promise.then done.
[[]][+[]] returns [], and [+[]] returns 0, so I can understand how [[]][+[]]+[+[]] returns 0
wtf are you researching ?
Bleh. Angular does not like me you guys
@MadaraUchiha Clearly I neeed to use jquery more
@Cereal no
@Cereal hell no
I know what I'm gonna make! A calorie counting app/food diary.
node doesn't implement btoa native?
balls. :(
Q: HTML5 Canvas: the most simple 3D character?

BorissOliSiinI want to do make a single 3D character in a 2D world using JavaScript and HTML5's canvas. It should look like Postal 1. What are the best tools to make such a 3D model? This should not be complicated at all. Just a quick tool to do some minimal 3D things, that's all.

@rlemon Maybe you can write a library for that? ;P
it is already
lets nuke AyeAyeTea
it is just new Buffer(str.toString(), 'binary').toString('base64');
@rlemon Well, then I don't get what's the problem :S
but still
needs one more
TBH I hever used btoa anyways
and the alternative is more readable anyways
guys can you please spare me a moment. I really need your help.
ooh I love opening random URLs from noname guys
the blue rectangle that you see on the background should be my footer but I don't know how will I bring that to bottom
@KarelG Fair enough. I can't figure it out in my environment, but it's obvious there's something deeper going on. I'll keep puzzling away.
Have you tried Nicks new .dance method?
@user3783598 postition:fixed;bottom:0
sorry but it didn't worked
what do i return to chain after function ?
anything you want
muFun(ep).chain(function(){//this need to run})
ice cream
@animaacija is myFun sync or async?
What do muFun return?
sthis could be in no matter
bro it worked but whenever I zoomed in or out in it just sticks to the bottom of the browser
it returns nothing , just assigns some global vars
but what to return to chain with .chain(function(){runs})?
@user3783598 isn't that what you want?
@animaacija You don't
return {chain:function(e){(e)}} doesnt work
Just myFun(ep); continueRunning...;
Why do you insist on chaining?
yes i do
no I just want it to be on the bottom of the div container
@animaacija Why?
@KarelG - for future reference, you can't add a class to an SVG with Jquery: stackoverflow.com/questions/8638621/…
ughh , cos function returns promise in getJSON case, and nothing in other case
in that other case, function is still chaineed with done ...
@animaacija Always return the same type of data.
If you return a promise, always return a promise.
@MadaraUchiha ok, i want to simulate THAT
If you return nothing, always return nothing.
What is the most common / good enough convention for naming "this" when you want to access is from a nested function. That is access the parents' function this.

Is it self? _this?
@animaacija We already told you, use Promise.resolve()
jQuery promises can be chained with .then() as well
Standard promises chain with .then().
@Trufa var that = this;
I don't understand why you insist in using the non-standard .done().
@Trufa I think it's preferred to bind the function
@Trufa Use .bind() or .call()
var thatOrWhateverYouWantToCallIt = this; is a horrible hack that should die.
but ii i wanted to understand how to chain ?
@Madara what's the alternative? Pass scope?
46 secs ago, by Madara Uchiha
@Trufa Use .bind() or .call()
@Madrara derp. Gotcha.
@MadaraUchiha ok, how does that look like, I don't understand exactly how bind helps
It's easy to understand once you've read through
!!> function fn() { return {chain: function(fn) { return fn(); }; }; } fn().chain(function() { console.log(42); });
@MadaraUchiha "SyntaxError: missing } after property list"
@MadaraUchiha I have no idea what happened:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn-chat.sstatic.net/chat/css/chat.meta.stackoverflow.com.css?v=3e101a301527">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="//cdn.sstatic.net/stackoverflowmeta/img/favicon.ico?v=3e101a301527"><link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="//cdn.sstatic.net/stackoverflowmeta/img/apple-touch-icon.png?v=3e101a301527"><link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Chat for chat.meta.stackoverflow.com" href="/opensea
awesome THx a ton :**
!!> function fn() { return {chain: function(fn) { return fn(); }; }; } fn().chain(function() { console.log(42); });
@MadaraUchiha "SyntaxError: missing } after property list"
Bah, whatever
guys can you please help me fix the footer of my site arabiaue.x10.bz/activities/playlist.html
@Polyducks I need IE 8
!!tell user3783598 google sticky footer
@user3783598 That's not a question
i dont know how to stick it to the bottom of the container
@Trufa var that = this; then.
so I just wrote an app to email all of our clients each with a unique link (easy stuff)
SUPER nervous to run it
You have no choice if you need IE8. And may God have mercy upon your soul.
@Trufa then use 'var that = this'
don't wanna fuck it up and spam
@rlemon efail is horrible :(
@rlemon run it on test data first?
@rlemon Can you just run it with an list of just your email addresses?
already have
ofc it is tested
@Polyducks welp, thanks then, I'll read up on how to replace it with the bind
you never know until it's live
or just polyfill bind
@Trufa Just go with that=this. Nobody is really going to care.
@CapricaSix thanks bro.
except maybe these guys
@JanDvorak That's probably a better choice
@JanDvorak ie8, can't add to .prototype iirc
@@user3783598 You're welcome honey.
"She's got no strings, to hold her down..."
@MadaraUchiha yes , still ` Promise.resolve()` worked for me, when changed .done() to .then()
@JanDvorak I can't if I need IE 8 right?
(var that = this)
> The bind function is an addition to ECMA-262, 5th edition; as such it may not be present in all browsers. You can partially work around this by inserting the following code at the beginning of your scripts, allowing use of much of the functionality of bind() in implementations that do not natively support it.
polyfill means add a piece of javascript that simulates bind. However, others have mentioned that you can't add to the prototype in IE8, so maybe it's not doable.
I could, but I don't know if it worth it
@Polyducks That's because string is too thin and can cut into her skin. You should use a quality rope instead.
@ssube thanks, that's why I came here. Now I can go back to work.
@ssube how about a scarf?
@Trufa my advice is to just try it and test on IE8, and then use 'var that=this' anyway just to throw the middle finger.
Honestly I prefer var that = this over .bind
@Polyducks I'll read up a little bit and then decide
same. It feels more readable.
.bind 4lyfe
@JanDvorak Can't say I've ever tried that, but it would probably work.
@Retsam I prefer lambdas over both.
I found out about labels and breaking loops yesterday. It reminded me of GOTO
arrow functions FTW
@MadaraUchiha I mean, sure if you're living out in future world, but for those of us stuck in the present...
@Retsam Uh... babel?
Yeah; assuming I had full control over the project I'm working on, we'd be using babel.
var that has most of the performance problems of bind, but none of the clarity.
.bind is slow in a crazy high performance cases
like, I wouldn't use it for a canvas animation
but everything else it is fast enough
but, you should be caching the results of bind almost any time you use it
that's the benefit of bind over closure, is that you can save the result
is anyone using jxcore?
@rlemon Just like you wouldn't create a function for every frame, you wouldn't use .bind() every frame.
You'd use it once, and cache the result.
How can you "save the result" of bind in a way that you can't do with closure?
@Polyducks @JanDvorak @MadaraUchiha thanks for the help
@MadaraUchiha not always possible if your code isn't good :P I remember having a utility function that needed context ( I thought it would be easier ) so I have to rebind in a loop
bad idea.
@rlemon .call()?
it was a while ago
@Retsam To save closure, you have to create a wrapper function that creates and returns a new function that uses the closure, but if you call that repeatedly, you still don't get the same thing back.
I replaced with that/this iirc
@Trufa welcome, honeypie
You can't really save a function using closure in any meaningful way.
@Polyducks <3
@ssube You could write the function to return the same function back every time.
Not even that fancy, just lazy evaluation of a local variable?
@Retsam If you wrap it again, yeah
@ssube .bind() can do anything that that=this can (speaking about context binding here)
But .bind is a lot clearer
now you have a factory method, a wrapper to memoize, and your actual code
bind is far better
And it also allows you to not rely on a magical that in your functions
best feature about .bind is preseeding arguments
@rlemon That
fn.bind(thisArg, a, b, 1, 2, 3);
Sure, maybe for that one specific case where you need to do essentially memoizing bind is clearer. But I find var self = this far clearer in most cases.
@rlemon I've done that a few times when chaining promises
@rlemon what would you use those arguements for?
@Retsam So you have a magical self in your functions
It's an implicit dependency.
@MadaraUchiha those break testing.
how's bind any more explicit?
@MadaraUchiha There's nothing magical about it. It's really obvious from context what self is.
!!> function add(a,b,c,d) { return a+b+c+d } add.bind(null, 1,2,3)(4);
@rlemon 10
@Retsam It is completely magical and not explicit in the least.
@Retsam Well, it depends whether you have such a context
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, it's called not writing crap code.
You can't test the inner function, either, since the outer function is keeping hidden state.
If you want to unit test your contextual function, you can't do that, because now it has to exist inside a closure.
I use currying way more in Haskell than in javascript

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