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check this nice thing out: jsfiddle.net/ttdwd7vu/24 :
so stoopid
Easy, should be enough for players :D
why don't you move the cursor too?
like the map
I mean the "blip"
explain me more.
you are moving the map using javascript
so move the cursor the same way as the map
and it'll seem it's static
but in the end both map and blip are moving
or use an image library to merge the blip with the terrain, and display it as one image
I'm just giving ideas :D
This doesn't work. :D and no, there must be a way to let the blip stay on north america
I will never use some prescripted software like libraries or somewhat
ugh. Stupid meteor and it's obfuscated magic
Any other idea or solution. I'm settings here the whole day trying to get this fuck into america and let it stay there.
lol look at this shit: jsfiddle.net/ttdwd7vu/27 Dono if should laugh or just cry
it's the same as v26 or v25
or it seems to be the same
no, if you copy code and open in a huge window
oh, so you added responsiveness
then you will laugh :D
let's see
I would ask in SO but they banned me from questions (awful)
it jumps
whata? In my browser it simply moves in a transparent cube in middle of screen..
from murrica to africa
lol it's funny
what shall I do my lord of the rings. I'm at the end of my powers
the position of the blip is the same as if you put the mouse at the top-left
my thinking is that I only need to substract the offset from the original left and top
my thinking is you need to rest a bit
just 5 minutes for cigarette. This is my job :D
don't smoke, it will kill you
!!google foo
my geo project will kill me rather
" foo, bar, baz and qux"
I Have a problem
i have an element inside a flex
which is set to overflow-y: scroll;
!!afk lunch
@Neoares progress made. let me show you.
show me your moves - Cap. Falcon
the element inside of it has min height: 200kpx
2million wont render on chrome anyways
except you have a 666K monitor
for some reason my overflow:scroll; isn't creating a scroller.
jsfiddle.net/ttdwd7vu/28 test it locally now in browser. for some reason jsfiddle messes up
@Abhishrek Many possible reasons. Can you fiddle it ?
@DenysSéguret nope i can share a local tunnel though
first thing: does it fail on chrome and FF ?
@Maurize where's the progress
That if you move over the spot where the blip should stay, the blip will get visible. if you are not in spot with cursor the blip is invisible
76c0d5ef.ngrok.io - @DenysSéguret chrome
var cX = tX - e.clientX + 100;
var cY = tY - e.clientY + 100;
@Abhishrek nothing loads
can you try again
GET /favicon.ico 200 OK
GET /example.js 304 Not Modified
GET /bundle.js 304 Not Modified
GET /common.js 206 Partial Content
GET /common.js 206 Partial Content
GET /example.css 304 Not Modified
GET / 304 Not Modified
GET /example.js 200 OK
GET /bundle.js 200 OK
GET /common.js 200 OK
it gave me this when u tried
yes, I see it
I'm looking at it... so much complexity for such a simple layout...
oh its a demo, wrapped it up only for the UIScrollView (it virtualizes the list like iOS UITableView)
Q: Mod seems to have deleted all the answers to a supposed duplicate

NealI had answered this question Generating a random password in php a looong time ago. I based my answer off the users question and nothing to do with security etc, only based off how the user asked the question. For some reason there was a decision to DELETE all of the answers on the question, I ...

/me runs away
And the drawerview does nifty navigation pattern ( under development atm )
meeee let's go agor.io
I am going to click that link
yes, if you want to play
Where are you?
@Neoares So happy I had my headphones attached and not on my head
I am x96xpowerlesspikachu_dope
@afonsomatos im gonna lunch xD
but I use to be "bait"
@Abhishrek too complex for me, I give up, sorry
I like the default image
what would the angular listener version of this be:
   window.addEventListener('hashchange', ()=> {

@DenysSéguret oki :-) no probs
I'm using ui-router
anyway what are the possible causes for it ?
it works perfectly if the div is directly in #container :-/
#miaou (https://dystroy.org/miaou) has almost 1.5M messages! Client-side perf: much better than reddit mobile ;-) cc @paul_irish @DenysSeguret
What is it about this JavaScript web game agar.io that keeps prompting people to ask questions about how to circumvent CORS to modify it?
and is there an official policy for handling those questions? I've just been politely telling people that we can't tell them how to modify someone else's source.
Wow. I have missed Stack Overflow... I have not been online fully for almost 2 years, and now they pull me in with fun meta BS. yay!
sorry, maybe this isn't the right place to discuss the topic....
@Neal you started it
seriously, complaining about meta bs after posting a question on meta?
I seriously think I have "Thanks in advance" burned into my monitor lol
@FlorianMargaine haha no I did not. Whoever deleted everything did :-)
Okay so I have a question... can you have a front end config? Something like environment variables for the back end framework
@corvid Yes.
We have a front-end require config
Have it open source? I am not using require.js, is it still possible?
guys anyone developed on react.js?
@corvid you can use require in open source code.
I know that hah I am saying can you make a config like structure without using require.js?
@corvid Yea. just use an object I guess... you would need to make it global though :-|
after my little break the mindfuck can go on. cheers.
guys I'm writing a basic checkout cart. what formula would I need in js to calculate the price of something multiplied by the quantity? cost * quantity = total
I can't find one simple enough I can understand
you dont understand cost * quantity?
I do, otherwise I wouldn't have written it
I don't understand how to convert it to js.
a * b = c
thats it
now how would I write that in .js?
ta da
that is js
@BenCraig ;-)
Okay, I'm a big noob, I'll confess.
Oh my.
@jams same as in any other programming language (wo)man...
!!> 5 * 6
Well... it's backwards JS
@BenCraig 30
@RyanKinal Whoa! how are you man?!
Invalid assignment and all that
@Neal Haha, not too bad
How about you?
@RyanKinal How is life? What have you been up to?
@RyanKinal Pretty good :-)
Life is okay. Work sucks, but music is good. Had a gf, but don't now.
var a = ?; // cost
var b = ?; // quanity
var c = a * b;
@RyanKinal I am sorry. Come work in NY with us :-) Life is pretty good for me. Had a son 9 months ago :-D
Nice! Congrats!
@RyanKinal I know he is the best :-D Giant though. He is already wearing 18 month clothing. ha
Guys, i need to display a compatibility informative message when someone access my web site , saying that it's only Firefox compatible for example. Should i be doing this server side with PHP or client side with JavaScript ?
@Joseph Yes.
bm-designs.de/test master scripting! :D
@RyanKinal How is everything else? Caught any good fish lately?
I may be a snob, but if I encounter a website that only works in a specific browser, I generally move on to some other site.
Ummm. No? No fish. Oddly, that's the second time somebody has asked me about fishing in the past 24 hours.
@Claies we dont support IE<9 but we dont tell anyone that.
Even though I am by no means a fisherman
@Neal Yes server side, or yes client side ? :)
window.oncontextmenu = function(){
	alert("Yeah, try to rob arround.");
	return false;
Fucking why
@Joseph uh huh.
@RyanKinal ;-) Thanks for all the fish :-D
@BenFortune why what?
well, I understand older non HTML5 compliant browsers, but if they are HTML5 compliant, there is no reason a site shouldn't work.
People who disable right click have a special place in hell.
It's a good thing I already have a special place in hell
@BenFortune baaah it is reeealy disabled.
@BenFortune haha I know, was kidding.
Now to be serious. Someone can see a solution for my problem`?
I encountered a site that tried to trap F12
it was in Canada on IE, and in the North Pole on Chrome
jsfiddle.net/tzqnn9mL Maybe someone knows how to solve the problem.
that arrow must like the cold weather.... :P
> The problem
What problem?
the blip is moving but it shouldn't
You need to move it with the background.
Since you're moving the background and not the outer div
@Neal I'll take that as a yes JS.
@Joseph maybe.
@Neal Be nice ?
@Joseph sure. :-D
@Neal JS ?
@Joseph For what?
@BenFortune If I make it move it with background the blip is moved with mouse
@Neal for my question above ?
4 hour layover in toronto whiiine
@Neal o/
is there a fast method to get unbanned from questions?
var james = {
    job: "programmer",
    married: false,
    sayJob: function(this.job) {

        console.log("Hi, I work as a" + this.job)
throws an error. How do I reference the argument inside the block?
@AwalGarg Hiiiii!
@Joseph backend I think. but the FE may be reliable as well?
y u no come often ;D
@StevensHaen show me one working example of an argument with a dot in the name.
@AwalGarg I am working :-) I have not come in a while. And when I do I get sucked into meta. so that is fun ;-)
23 hours ago, by ThiefMaster
@uselesschien Prolonged exposure to PHP destroys brain cells. Didn't you know that?
@Luggage Ok, you make a good point
@Neal haha saw the meta drama :D
@AwalGarg fun fun fun
@Maurize Answer a huge amount of questions in an excellent manner and get them upvoted whilst upvoting other's good questions and answers.
@Neal I don't know, who's the expert here, me or you ?
buh, can anyone think of a little bit more of an efficient solution for this off the top of their head? Seems bad.
@Gemtastic thanks. Will try that.
@argentum47 I managed to write a prototype for the flat dependency resolution, but don't know how to inject them :/
npm doesn't provide any API for wrapping over. it just says "you can even write a wrapper". doesn't state how.
@SomeKittens Hahahaha
I can even imagine hipsters getting tattoos like that
Any good theme for sublime text 3 besides afterglow and spacegray?
And that includes icons.
crap.. what was that theme someone posted in here a few days ago...
@afonsomatos Material is nice
@BenFortune Haha, I was just looking at it.
material looks a lot like one of atom.io's default themes
But it's too much blue
I don't like it
Any more suggestions?
is there any way to list what feeds are subscribed here?
the really good themes are hard to find in that mess of so many
@afonsomatos There's a darker version
@BenFortune where? I can't find it
Hey guys, is there a way that I can edit videos with JS?
@BenFortune thanks man
Google's empty
@Deep whaa, possibly
@Deep Fluent-ffmpeg
@AaronHarding I basically just wanna add a few overlays to a video, posiblly cut and re-arrange some parts
@BenFortune Should I google those things? IDK what you mean
@Deep fluent-ffmpeg is a javascript api
well node api
ah ok
It's just a wrapper for ffmpeg
But it's probably the closest you're going to get.
ah ok
I'm still open for more theme suggestions

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