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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

This is a good resource for finding answers to basic questions: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript
Sweet, bookmarked! Still freshman when it comes to javascript ^^
Trying to organize a game of Quiplash over in the Android room. Anyone want to join? It'll fit up to 8 players.
I say you should join that ^
@TristanWiley Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is it possible to reload a page without $route ?
hello guys
Alexander, sup?
nofin much !
hows u doing ?
spent 4 hours playing agar.io
Ahh agario
@TristanWiley PT?
@AwalGarg i have even way superior performance than i expected
60fps on nokia lumia 525
@afonsomatos lol
I spent 6 hours playing agor.io
I spent a minute.
But don't play that at work
it distracts me
Ok, we've got three people now. Anyone want to join in on Quiplash? We need flesh. ಠ_ಠ
@nil Can I play it on the Chromecast
If you're asking whether you can host it on the chromecast, I haven't figured that one out yet
Going to try it later with family
shit I'm addicted
I have to turn off the computer it's 3:30 am
bye all
@nil The stream has been loading since ages.
Try adjusting your ad/script blocking.
I don't use any ad/script blocker.
Oh, wait, it's started streaming.
It might stop for a moment.
Going to restart it to hopefully appease the stream gods.
So, how do I join?
The room number's on the stream.
Got it, thanks.
I'd say to join the Android room so we're all talking in the same place but you have to be given write access and I don't see any owners around.
Why not just discuss in the sandbox?
@nil tell tristan my off color username's uselesschien
I am not asking for upvotes here but asking why it got downvote?
I explained it well but still I got downvote. did I miss something?
@Mr_Green Some may think it's off-topic
it's not strictly off topic, but it's close.
hmm strange
@GettingNifty Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Nicely done android 4.some odd
So I just set foot into open gl after building a little app in java, I have it all set up in eclipse ide
I'm wondering about finding game world templates I guess iits stored as XML sometimes so I don't really know where yo start
@GettingNifty just FYI, Java and JavaScript are two different languages
Where do I find templates and can they be totally stored as mark up?
@Mr_Green I voted you UP one... ;) Hows the progress going with the import? Does the XML from wordpress look readable enough?
In second life they use lsl as language and you can save an entire game build as an XML file. Java script iis similar to XML from what I understand ad it is a mark up language
um, nope.
@Asher yeah completely same but images are missing
the images are automatically downloaded to local in project folder. I just need to reattach them
morning virtual people
good morning
Gooood morning
@AwalGarg Morning stalkee
good afternoon
I want an air jet right this second.
Added some theme uxrim.com
hey guys
Hey JavaScript, welcome to bruhhhhh.
hey bruhhhh
@AwalGarg Thanks for sharing :)
stole from Hacker News anyways :D
hi all
hi Sagar
hello garg
hello sagar
jeez, get a room
I don't understand why I am not enjoying my sunday :/
@AwalGarg then have a look on this randomuser.me
i found it y'day
Or just play agor.io. i had fun playing it u no
trying to make some phone book contact list type of
@Sagar @argentum47 we will use this in chat code.
@uselesschien lol
@AwalGarg what chat code?
@AwalGarg like how
@uselesschien testing
I still dun't know d interface
@Sagar we are making a chat client
@argentum47 I am just being lazy :P
client? or bot?
@uselesschien basically you can write a transformer for any source and then use it with that client
so one client to rule them all. primarily for me joining so chat, miaou, and gmail
I try to export the indexedDB data to json , chrome console become blank :(
@argentum47 do it in another thread
@Sagar seen it, used it. it is a server+client. we just want a client.
not xmpp -_-
!!afk it is sunday and i like cookies
U make cookies?
Hey guys, quick question - do you use JSDoc to document your JS apps? not APIs or something, just your regular code
I use Docco
@AwalGarg yesterday I made my special chocolate chip cookies ;)
@yarden.refaeli AwalGarg is afk: it is sunday and i like cookies
Docco looks good
@uselesschien Docco is what marionette js uses right? looks the same
I don't think so. But CoffeeScript's annotated source code uses docco
i am struck!!
@uselesschien haha thats awesome I will use it thanks!
@uselesschien this randomuser
@uselesschien Jeremy Ashkenas wrote CoffeeScript, Backbone, Underscore and Docco, so that's they all use it
@phenomnomnominal u spoil fun
@uselesschien LOL
i want to get a popup like tat
@uselesschien I eat them.
@AwalGarg That's.. great +1 I eat them too
I eat them more professionally.
@argentum47 @uselesschien chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/13215/…
@uselesschien @AwalGarg can you suggest any ideas to make it
@Sagar umm, ideas for what?
@AwalGarg popup like above image
@Sagar ah, div with position:fixed?
if you want design ideas, there is a website called dizzle I think.
@AwalGarg no, design i can manage
but onclick is not working on li from json
@Codester Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Sagar can you make a fiddle demonstrating the issue? It is hard to say what is wrong without much info :/
@CapricaSix Ok
@AwalGarg do you mean dribbble?
@Codester capricasix wont receive ur thanks
its a bot
@phenomnomnominal ah right. thanks, that.
@Sagar Oh ok Thanks !
Where should I post code ?
what does the -r option iin browserify do?
@Codester if it is only javascript/html/css, then jsfiddle/jsbin/codepen/liveweave whatever. if it is only core javascript, no dom, then jsh.zirak.me
Everytime I need dribble, I forget about it and end up making some shitty crap.
I am trying to capture a query string parameter value(tryjS_loc-href) of `filename` from this URL http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=tryjs_loc_href

I am getting the output

"Page location is: ?x=0.3076947645749897"

Here is my fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/LjL6yk8k/2/

Let me know if more details are needed.
69 stars ;o
cheeky kent
A module name or file to bundle.require()
Optionally use a colon separator to set the target.
is confusing,should i use it to require s module or to expose a module using require??
created the fiddle
can you call a prototype function from within another?
here when i click the li item i should get the complete details of the card in the popup
pastebin.com/aWsHpi8F from here, i can't access the prototype render from within observe
Is that normal? :s
@AaronHarding change it to this.render instead
@Sagar checking
@AwalGarg huehuehe thanks!
@AwalGarg sure
how come I can console.log out Render and access the render function from digging through this object tho?
oh no, that is using this, ignore that
thanks man
Any helps on the above pls ?
@Codester .split returns an array. implicit casting of an array to string mostly doesn't work well.
@AwalGarg What else should I do to solve my prob ?
@Codester extract the string out of the array that .split returns.
and use that string instead of the array. also don't refer to w3schools. see mdn instead.
@AwalGarg I don't know how to do that, but let me try out myself and if I need help I will come here
here are the docs you'll need to refer to for everything:
!!tell Codester mdn array, slice, string.split, array.join
browserify -r through -r duplexer -r ./my-file.js:my-module > bundle.js means that these 3 modules are exported by the module because you asked it to??and you can require them from a script tag because you also exported a require function?? i still do not get it
Is it possible to remove something from a function's arguments object?
I have a function that take any number of positive integers but if one of them is 0, the function fails.
You can't remove something from the arguments object. Or at least, you shouldn't want to do that. It's risky, and probably slow, if it works at all. Just validate your inputs..
you can even set arguments to "5" in sloppy mode.
okay then
@AwalGarg How do I use your especser? CTRL+P only show/hide the search bar
@Charly when the bar appears, search for something.
o.O It didn't work before I asked you and now its working perfectly...
the spec is large so it takes a while to completely download it
oh thats why
@AwalGarg, but i need it in popup
without using any 3rd party plugin
i am struck there
the popup should display below the li item

I'm going to make an advertising network for a school final project. All done by my self. But no idea how to show ads on 3rd 3rd party publisher's websites using javascript. My site in https protocol. So bad practice when I use ajax request. Do you have any idea? So how can I do this?
@ssube halp: github.com/ssube/web-template/blob/master/gulpfile.js#L90 what if I want to have sourcemaps in a different file?
and why include jquery and handlebars by default?
And what if I don't want that terrible .es6 extension?
@AwalGarg it's a template, you can change whatever you want.
@MadaraUchiha what do I need to set it to to have sourcemaps in a different file?
webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html this just says "source-map" but doesn't specify how to specify path :/
@AwalGarg where shld i keep my popup box html
@Sagar create a template in your html markup itself. then clone it when ever you want :/
webpack config is a fucking nightmare.
@MadaraUchiha ah right, thanks.
@AwalGarg thanks, but how to clone
!!tell Sagar mdn cloneNode
@AwalGarg is it a javascript function
It is a DOM API function, part of Node.prototype
see the link Caprica posted.
@AwalGarg ok, thanks
sure :)
@AwalGarg but it is too high for me
@AwalGarg for a popup like this
I dunno :/
@AwalGarg I have never used node, so i said high
my req is simple, when i click the li item a popup should appear with a bigger image and some more details
but i am not able to understand how CloneNode helps
here is found a link related to CloneNode stackoverflow.com/questions/4427094/…
with working examples
I dunno. All I know is I hate front end with passion.
Terribly needlessly complicated tooling.
@AwalGarg LOL, i got it
> The intent for negation would be for a pattern starting with ! to match everything that doesn't match the supplied pattern. However, the implementation is weird, and for the time being, this should be avoided. The behavior is deprecated in version 5, and will be removed entirely in version 6.
is there any fucking thing which will ever "work" in front end?
@Sagar did you ever jsfoo bro
@MadaraUchiha Were you playing agar? There's a guy named Madara Uchiwa
@afonsomatos I'm not playing right now
And I never misspell my name.
ok then
Oh that's your real name?
@MadaraUchiha ofcourse you do. you have done it right now. the right name is s/ara//
At first I thought that 70 stars was ridiculous. Then I realised that to many it is proof that in some place, at some point in time, someone slept with a developer.
@phenomnomnominal I liked it better at 69
!!> parseInt('Infini',24)
@uselesschien 151176378
@uselesschien Did I prevent you ? I didn't even answer it fast...
BTW, I don't often answer, I was just passing by, there was no answer in more than one minute, I was bored, I answered ^^
Guys I'm trying to print modal via javascript command window.print()
@DenysSéguret @uselesschien.preventAnswer()
My content fits perfectly on one page but the problem is, it also prints a blank page. Why is that so ?
I mean it makes 2 pages
file a bug
1st is printed with the content but the second one is printed blank
Anyone else has the same issue ?
yes, file a bug
What do you mean ? @AwalGarg
I mean report a bug on the bug tracker of the browser exhibiting this unexpected behavior.
wass up guys
i have a very straightforward , yet twisted question about js
Jquery actually
there is this internal method callled $.buildfragments()
can somebody tell me what is this method for ?
In this sentence `The first argument specifies the type of
image, such as image/jpeg , or image/png ; the latter is the
default if you don’t specify the first argument`
What does the word latter mean?
@uselesschien you mean the other way around ?
JavaScript has been voted the best jQuery plugin for 10 fucking consecutive years.
@afonsomatos In this case, image/png. latter means that, given two options, you're referring to the second one.
@afonsomatos Contract with the former, which would have referred to image/jpeg, the first option.
Oh so it means that in that case image/png is the default?
function foo(format='image/png') {}
because it's the second one?
Can you give an example of that word in a sentence?
(another example)
Two common household pets are cats and dogs, the latter of which is known as "Man's best friend.".
Got it, thanks :)
@argentum47 I summon you.
@argentum47 come to miaou
A book I'm reading has a reference to jsPerf.. too bad it's not online ;x and I'm too lazy to clone.
@copy ping
very nice
@uselesschien Prolonged exposure to PHP destroys brain cells. Didn't you know that?
got a problem with a siidebar but dont know where its coming from xquisiteshisha.co.uk/blog
@ThiefMaster Hey, it's just a correlation. It's entirely possible that brain cells being destroyed makes people want to use PHP!
@ThiefMaster can confirm. used php. has dead brain cells.
@ThiefMaster reduces other type productivity too.
fixed it yaaay
Take it easy//
@FlorianMargaine pong
@ThiefMaster php best lang, my brain nice, no cells ded, stop
Prolonged exposure to thievery destroys a lot of things, btw.
is it possible to limit file size uisng javascript
oh, please
Guys how can I restore the original page when the user navigates back from browser ?
For example I redirect the user to a new page when the user chooses an option from the <select>
But the problem is when the user presses the back button from the new page the last selected option is still selected !
@uselesschien How ?
@ZahidSaeed that's a feature, and that's what the user expects. so don't mess with it.
But that option is still selected
I'm using .on("change") event
The user have to change again and again to go to that specific page
Chrome doesnt support pointer event, ie doesnt support touch events
wow just wow
look how polite ffox is (:
@Abhishrek IE doesn't support mouse events?
oh dear
For what I know, IE supports mouse events.
@afonsomatos they were ambitiotious about unified pointer events a lil too much
escalated prematurely
PHP is awesome. works() or die()
First time I'm hearing an Israeli judge saying things which aren't complete bullshit about the subject of internet censorship.
Well, in C..
doestWork() ??!??! die();
@Zirak absolutely beautiful
lol they have more than I expected
Where the land is putrid and a substantial portion is offended by basic human decency, but there're hot girls being shot at with hot dogs.
whoa why is the land putrid?
So many Indian burial grounds after what you've done to them
lol, well I'm part native american as well so what they did to us id say :p
fortunately all the people that did that are also in burial grounds, those bastards.
Killing black people though is still socially acceptable, right?
If not...uhm...got some shovels?
i like nights so much
good night
Play five nights at Freddy s in ur lucid dreams, good night
@Zirak Can proudly say already seen it lol
what are the advantages of indeirect eval
jsfiddle.net/666wjpph < Is this chocolate color? Wtf
svg 1.0 colors are messed up
is there a faster way to get scrollPosition without touching the DOM ?
Why would you want not to touch the DOM?
I don't really know how you defined "touch", but that is what I usually use ^
id="top" and #top in the url .. :P
function foobar(data) {
  return eval(data);
would this be indirect?
(0, eval)
Indirect means not directly accessing the function, which can be achieved with an expression that yields the function (and therefore is allowed in strict mode). The comma operator, evaluates both statements and yields the last one. So ("shit", eval) would work too.
@argentum47 Why would you want to use an eval anyway?
I was trying to make this command evaulate like caprica
I find no other way :(
@copy for miaou, I like the idea of acting as a proxy for privacy matters, but becoming an anonymous proxy means you can/will get blacklisted. Any solution for that?
@argentum47 Have you considered looking at caprica's source code and looking how it was made there?
@FlorianMargaine A web proxy?
@copy for the images
but that is in a webworker..
@FlorianMargaine Where does that get you blacklisted?
@copy web or not, it's still an anonymous proxy
Who would blacklist you? The hoster?
@copy good question. @DenysSéguret might have more info
Web filters?
@argentum47 Other way to evaluate scripts inside a worker is self.importScripts though.
@afonsomatos as in html5rocks website the inline workers one?
jsfiddle.net/xae3sjct Hey could anyone tell me why this doesn't work? I'm trying to understand the asynchronous nature of javascript. Thanks!
@argentum47 what?? It's not very well supported, I just mentioned because yolo but don't use it for static code it will become a mess rapidly.
(@BenjaminGruenbaum you've probably seen it already 4 times, but on the off-chance)
@argentum47 check MDN, it's so much better.
@anath2 Well, asynchronous functions generally return immediately
Without waiting for the callback to happen (in fact, that's what the callback is there for)
So when you ask for the object immediately after calling your function, it still hasn't populated, it will be populated sometime in the future.
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