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@coderredoc care? Maybe. Know how to fix? No.
This stream explanation is so clear: sandersdenardi.com/readable-writable-transform-streams-node (no sarcasm)
@argentum47 Thanks for taking the time to look at my question, I want to avoid having a server, I want to keep it as lightweight as possible
how do you write a negative test for jasmine?
say the component (i.e. an angular directive I am writing) should fail when the user does not add a particular attribute...
fail how? Does it throw an error?
yes, the code throws an error...I mean I've written it that way...
no one bothers about css class inheritance then ??
what kind of assertions are you using?
maybe I will try an hour or 2..then I will
ask for help. Sorry if I was rude. Thanks
cause I'd do something like expect(createDirective).to.throw('some error');
<my-directive name="foo"></my-directive> should throw no error...
but <my-directive></my-directive> should fail...
var createDirective = function (template, $scope) { return $compile(template)($scope); };
whats the point of this is users is already an array?
expect(function () { createDirective('<my-directive name="foo"></my-directive>')($rootScope.$new()); }).to.throw('some error');
@SuperUberDuper perhaps creating another array reference...or cloning...
@SuperUberDuper Nothing
@SuperUberDuper To create a new array? (without referencing to the users array)
 .then(users => {
      this.users = [].concat(users);
      this.selected = users[0];
But the same could be achieved with users.slice()
@SuperUberDuper It's an arrow function, so this.users (in the wrapping function) will become a copy of users
But you can replace that with users.slice()
@phenomnomnominal what is the .to.throw('some error') part? What are you trying to say...I mean in the language of unit tests...
inside your controller for the directive (or link or whatever you're using), youd do throw new Error('some error');
okay, that error message...makes sense...
@Chris then look into node-webkit :)) , with the browser you might have cors issues .. i am not sure though
@argentum47 Thanks I will check it out
@FlorianMargaine Is that a serious website?
Is there anything wrong with this code
	    var myNS = myNS || {};
		myNS.events.add = function () {
			$(".my-tab").on("click", myNS.events.changeTab);
		myNS.Resize = function () {
			//myNS.webPart.style.height = (myNS.docElement.clientHeight - 80) + 'px';
		window.onload = function () {
@FlorianMargaine "This site uses a plugin JAVA(TM) that is not supported" D:
@user2262511 Pass your code through JSHint
@MadaraUchiha thanks found it
@user2262511 Still pass your code through JSHint
@MadaraUchiha thats what i did and found the issue :)
Good :)
@user2262511 As a general rule of thumb, all of your JavaScript code should regularly go through some sort of linter.
JSLint, JSHint or ESLint.
I like ESLint and JSHint
i see, i will always try using them, thanks
@user2262511 What editor are you using?
Most editors offer you JSHint on the fly while you type, so you don't necessarily need a build step (Although a mandatory build step that doesn't let you check your code in if it fails is more recommended)
@MadaraUchiha visual studio
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^
How do you add on the fly JSHint to to VS?
quick question, can anyone of you guys head over to standard.at and hover over a headline for me?
@GNi33 What am I looking for?
@GNi33 what?
so it doesn't happen for you guys, I guess
I did get this in my console
> Uncaught ReferenceError: OAS_RICH is not defined
that's a long webpage
on hover, the headlines turn into l337-5p34k for me and I'm completely confused now
why am I getting this: The authenticity of host 'github.com (' can't be established.
when I try install to package.json from this repo:
"AngularSlideables": "EricWVGG/AngularSlideables#master",
seriously, what the fuck :D
@SuperUberDuper How are you doing that? (before the error)
why cant i translate any page
@GNi33 You probably have some l33t extension / userscript installed
I just checked, can't find one
before the error I dont have that AngularSlideables @af
why is the option event there on chrome
@GNi33 Looks normal to me
@SuperUberDuper But what are you doing with git?
I'm linking to the branch
its normal
Are you using SSH?
when its not on npm
eh I don't know, I think I'm using https
its worked for other things, linking to the branch
I need to know what's going on here :D
is it safe to proceed?
with that warning
@SuperUberDuper Try to use ssh
What would be the best practice for making my vanilla JS functions work (on a click of a button) with input values from the page?
how do I switch to ssh for github?
Although your problem is not very clear, but give that a try perhaps it'll work.
ssh -T -p 443 [email protected]
The authenticity of host '[ssh.github.com]:443 ([]:443)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
seems worrying
should I click yes?
@SomeGuy how can I access the list of installed / active userscripts? can't seem to find it
@GNi33 Firefox?
In Chrome, they should all be at chrome://extensions
yeah, chrome
aren't userscripts different than extensions?
because there's definitely no extension installed that could cause this
Userscripts get converted to extensions in Chrome
Unless you use something like Greasemonkey
Try going incognito and visiting the page
Or make a new user and visit the page from there
it happens in incognito too
I get:

npm ERR! Cloning into bare repository '/Users/me/.npm/_git-remotes/git-github-com-ericwvgg-AngularSlideables-git-489b8322'...
npm ERR! Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
npm ERR! Permission denied (publickey).
npm ERR! fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
npm ERR!
Maybe it's just something the website's doing to you for some reason, then
maybe I'm slowly going crazy
!!bing public key git error
@afonsomatos That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: ping
Oh, why wouldn't that work?
@SuperUberDuper Just google and find out help.github.com/articles/error-permission-denied-publickey
because Caprica doesn't want to use Bing
!!ask bing
@afonsomatos That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: afk, asd
!!google public key git error
she's cool with google though
@GNi33 I was joking, I didn't expect it to use bing
which still doesn't explain why this website is doing this to me
standard.at, stahp!
class name, what should come in body
I have head & body
then in head I have tabs
and these tabs have bodies as well
what should i name them
Is wrapping the funcs in my script in an object considered a good usability practice?
@StevensHaen yes
@DenysSéguret Depends
use the module pattern, or an established module system
@DenysSéguret That means I'll have to put settings/vars in another object, or risk polluting the global scope otherwise
@StevensHaen I may have misunderstood your question, then. If you have many functions, use modules (whatever their pattern) and keep your variables near the functions needing them
@DenysSéguret singleton are evils
!!google singleton are evils
@yaron module pattern isn't synonymous with singleton pattern
Hi, any "nock" users here ?
the HTTP mocking node.js module
If anyone is familiar with ws: github.com/websockets/ws/issues/513
Interesting. I've just searched a little, and it looks like there's nothing for socket.io either (when using the ws transport)
We might be needing Ben to build a poc crashing a server (well... why are you looking at miaou ?)
If somebody wants to test crashing Miaou with a huge ws message... you're welcome but please tell me before ^^
Indeed. I'm thinking this propagates to pretty much every WS server in njs.
I don't have time to check that right now,but yes, probably
Same here. Will probably take a look tonight again.
I've pinned your message. I'm sure it's more relevant to our interests than Paris Hilton
*"The data size of 50 Gb may contain performance issues on ios device"*.

Gee, you think?
"pretty new" means "don't look at this question". It's impressive how many stupid questions start with "I'm pretty new to".
is it possible to use __dirname in meteor?
@DenysSéguret It was in the re-open queue, of all places
So I kinda had to read it
lol @ "3rd-eden"
completely off-track guy
Yeah... which is strange if you look at his repositories...
yeah, weird
memcached maintainer should know better
I'll guess he misread
@Neil they go hand in hand though
unless someone is really clever and use prototypes, they endup using singlenton for there modules
@RoelvanUden I agree, a method to set a max size. Although it doesn't make sense to make it the default, as there are times you actually want to send large amounts of data.
@yaron It's hard to tell if you're trolling or if you know something. Can you explain how you modularize your code and avoid polluting the global scope ?
@DenysSéguret by using namespace ? how can i troll with someone who i know knows about design patterns... just trying to comment about what i know
init() is called everytime I click the button Add/Remove could anyone tell me why?
Do you have a click event listener? What line is it on?
@uselesschien thanks!
I am calling the toggle() with a button
What line is it on in the jsfiddle? I'm not gonna skim through it all
Is there anyone here with knowledge on SVG Beziers?
Beziers are simple. It's those quadratics that you've gotta watch out for
I gave them the boot already
@anath2 what is the button element that you're clicking? It could be that you need to prevent the default behaviour, because the button is refreshing the page
@afonsomatos Indeed. :-) It should be an option. An important one. :P
@DenysSéguret I started learning Design patterns several times, but gave up as not many people agree on best practices
and there are so many right and wrongs
Sounds like an even better reason to learn more patterns
I'd take it that no then
@NickDugger I have the toggle function which is empty right now
@ivarni it going to take years, am trying to though but not in a rush
@anath2 #1: Don't put javascript in your HTML (using onclick attribute). Put an event listener in your javascript. #2: You need to prevent the default behaviour of the button click. I will show you these things. GIve me a few moments
whats with the !!? is it an automated system?
@NickDugger Thanks in advance
!!google eval is not that evil
http://jsfiddle.net/qx32C/2435/ - how can I keep both divs always in same row (display:inline) didn't worked,
when resize it splits over 2 lines
@yaron As width is 50%, the border and margin and padding change the width so the two boxes can't fit and then they break
I cut out all other code, just to show you what you should do with the toggle
@anath2 Just so you know, what was happening is that your button was trying to submit the form, which resulted in a page reload. using e.preventDefault() prevents this behaviour, allowing you to override the actions that you want for that button.
can anyone recommend a way to write sequential animations?
I'd like to trigger say 5 different elements, doing different things, on mouseover
but also not re-trigger the animations, letting them finish before they can be fired again
@AaronHarding Have you looked into Greensock? greensock.com/timelinelite
@AaronHarding !!> new Array(10).join(' animations')
jQuery doesn't seem to have any native support of this, and i'm not familiar with any other libraries
@AaronHarding it does have, search it
@NickDugger no, i haven't. but i will, thanks
@afonsomatos really? doesn't it just turn into callback hell though?
and a lot of killing tweens via groupOfElements.stop()
i wouldn't call that exactly 'native'?
@AaronHarding It does but you can work it around using promises.. or function declarations :P
@afonsomatos go on..? :p
@AaronHarding animation().then(animation2).then(animation3)
for an example: one element should bounce up and down with a variable distance 2 times, whilst one element's animation fires off after a .2s delay, and another animation will fire off after .6s delay
and how about preventing from the animation chain being called again until it's finished? i couldn't find anything on that without some separate variable
@anath2 I made some edits; removiung the inline onclick attribute, so you can see it without errors in the console: jsfiddle.net/do0kdr1q/3
@NickDugger Thanks a lot!
@afonsomatos thanks
no problem :)
I'm doing a keygen on my mac but after I done it I don't see it in my .ssh folder
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in .
Your public key has been saved in .pub.
The key fingerprint is:
should be like
Your identification has been saved in /Users/you/.ssh/id_rsa.
How can you resize an image and keep the same aspect ratio?
using the most basic of maths
@NickDugger you beat me to it
@SuperUberDuper what command are you running?
:24026827 img { width: 100%; height: auto; }
@afonsomatos jsfiddle.net/qx32C/2443 what if i add margin to first box - it starts moving down again :(
Because if you set margin the overall width changes.. try padding instead
hmmm ok
i want put some space in them which is why using margin
padding won't going to add any space to them
Or use those boxes as wrappers, and inside them use elements with margin etc
decreased width to 49.7% and margin-right:0.3%, works fine
@NickDugger yeah stupid mistake. The method required strings instead of numbers, for some reason...
@yaron That is going to fail if 49.7% returns something like 500.6666666666
It won't break but it won't be fully 50% overall, but it's a good workaround.
thanks :)
jsfiddle.net/anath2/do0kdr1q/4 line :- 154 could anyone tell me why I can't assign objects like that?
It should be Object right? with caps O..
@anath2 why can't you assign objects like that? what behavior do you expect that you're not seeing? do you get an error in the console?
@Mr_Green Don't think that's the issue I have a anonymous callback function on line 144
or is it actually the scene.add on line 156 that's giving you trouble?
@apsillers When I look at console.log(models) I don't see my object
where is the console.log(models) statement placed?
@apsillers line 156 works fine
@ on line 18
loader.load is asynchronous; you need to console.log chronologically after the load callback
Q: Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? - Asynchronous code reference

Fabrício MattéGiven the following examples, why is outerScopeVar undefined in all cases? var outerScopeVar; var img = document.createElement('img'); img.onload = function() { outerScopeVar = this.width; }; img.src = 'lolcat.png'; alert(outerScopeVar); var outerScopeVar; setTimeout(function() { ou...

@apsillers Thanksm I'll look at that question now
in angular if I want to have some code not related to angular but only simple dom manipulation (like using the jquery slimscroll) , where should I place it ?
don't use jquery
why are you against using jQuery with angular?
@yarden.refaeli why would you want to use jquery?
@ssube I dunno if it fits so why not
@yarden.refaeli it's a very slow, mostly obsolete library filling features that most users now have natively
@yarden.refaeli coz using jquery wouldn't let me think things the angular way.. and I don't know much jquery ..
does changing the body class really cause an repaint of the whole page?
amd I reading this ( developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta ) right that <meta> is valid but not <meta /> or <meta></meta> ?
yeah meta has no closing
I'm not an angular user, but from what I gather you shoudn't need to use jquery with angular except to, say, embed controls that have a jquery dependency.
JQuery's mindset is "find the controls that match your logic and put the proper data in them". Angular's mindset is "put markup on your controls that tell them where to pull the data from".
@Luggage yup
@Luggage <meta> is definitely valid, <meta></meta> is deinitely invalid; not sure about <meta />: html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#the-meta-element ("Tag omission in text/html: No end tag.")
In the little Angular work I've done, the only jquery I used was because the $("selector") syntax is shorter and more convenient than document.querySelector. And Angular implements that subset for you anyway.
i'm going with <meta>
@apsillers there are very few self-closing tags
not enough.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan why not just function $(str) { return document.querySelector(str); }
How sad. The issue I reported on ws has been closed due to someone elses comment that the owner didnt like :/
@AaronHarding Because Angular already gives me the jqLite library: docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.element
just use mootools
@NickDugger still better than desperately trying to jam jQ into everything like @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
I think MooTools had a lot more potential to be great than jQuery ever had, but damn, people... Stop trying to put things where they don't belong.
@ssube *raise eyebrow* Desperately jamming jq? Have you actually read my earlier comment?
if jqLite (or full jquery) aren't abused and only do the minimal dom manipulation on top of angulares normal abstraction, then I don't see a problem
jquery isn't bad, it's jsut abused heavily
@Luggage it actually is, on account of it being much (much) slower than the other options
especially its animations, which just don't work in a lot of browsers
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yep
@Luggage Looks like "self-closing" void element tags are valid (html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#start-tags), basically because the HTML5 parsing rules allow a fully-ignored (but legal) final / character in a void tag like <meta>
Has anyone here successfully used PhantomJS?
In our Front End Standards doc, I made sure to bold, "Do not use jQuery to loop over data objects. Use a for... loop. Only use Jquery's each for DOM elements"
@StevensHaen many of us
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ah oaky, thanks
jQuery should ONLY be for DOM abstraction... why it even has an XHR wrapper is beyond strange
@NickDugger it uses to fall back to ActiveX and stuff, before XHR was standard
but that was a long time ago, IE5-6 era
@ssube No, I get why It's useful, but it doesn't make sense to be in a DOM library
oh. Yeah, they just threw everything into one library.
My biggest issue with jQuery is that it tries to do everything, and creates bloat because of that fact. Just handle my DOM, and we're good to go.
@NickDugger lies. Jquery is better than Javascript.
a co-worker just told me you can install webassembly already
is that true?
The way this issue was handled on GitHub is very disappointing...
one does not simply "install webassembly"
Damn. The way this issue was moderated is very disappointing https://github.com/websockets/ws/issues/513 #websockets
@DenysSéguret wut
> open a new issue if you want to have a normal conversation
Q: Error unexpected token } with multiple target

AfrgunWhat wrong with this code ? i got error line 2 Unexpected token } $('body').scrollspy({ target: '.navbar-fixed-top', '.navbar-fixed-top-menu }); Please correct me..

cv please
@JanDvorak the conversation was normal. The closer just said something stupid...
Dude's missing a '
Newt Gingrich
@DenysSéguret Dillybob said something stupid, 3rdeden closed
@JanDvorak github issues don't allow moderation, do they?
so one idiot made some stupid comments, owner couldn't delete, had to close. Makes pretty good sense.
so, what is the correct way to handle this?
@AaronHarding there is a client-side JS library that atkes webassebly and converts it to normal JS so that you can use it in any browser
that may be what he meant.
The repo owner can delete comments
Or at least edit them
I just tested on a repo I own that has a bug report from another person
@Luggage isn't it a wasm interpreter though?
I'll have to find the source but the way I read it is that the client receives webassebly, plus a JS libarry that will then jsut parse and generate normal JS and feed that to tthe browser
kind of like client-side coffee-script or JSX or such
a client that supports web assembly, would not need the extra step, of course.
Also, supposedly, since webassembly is well structured it is fast to make the JS out of it
Why would you compile WASM -> JS?
makes less sense than a pickled turd
It's not ideal, but it's to be able to use webassembly before every browser supports it
Oh, you're saying for now, just like we transpile ES6 downward?
@NickDugger backcompat
Understood. I thought you meant that you would do this as your end goal
in this case you transpile your es6 to webassembly, then the browser, if it needs a 'polyfill' will just transpile that to ES5 (or whatever)
Hello, does anyone have experience with jquery ui range slider?
@andex Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok I will
Hey all
Any Backbone.js fiends in here?
Q: Backbone.js wait for all models in a collection to sync?

kaleewayI have a collection called, "Tasks" that can have many Models called "Task". After I make an initial fetch with the collection, inside each Model init there is a separate fetch made to enrich the Model data with a further request. My question is, how can I get my view to listen to each model in...

Could someone answer this question. stackoverflow.com/questions/30962396/…
Anyone here familiar with Mocha testing framework
@andex: Hi
@andex This doesn't really look like a question but like a "finish my work" request. You don't even state a problem.
@FlorianMargaine Yeah I made this new one :)
@DenysSéguret His problem is that he needs you to finish his work, gosh.
Hoping to proceed with a reasonable discussion.
Hi Monish
@RoelvanUden looks like it's going that way
@ Denys, I will clarify
I've decided to start using the node cluster. Should I jump straight to Cluster2?
Man, you just love to get yourself in deep.
I learn top-bottom, that's just my personality. It wants to fast-forward, which is wrong most of the time

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