Okay I'll ask away. I'm trying to fit a high resolution image in a canvas by scaling it down. After manipulating it, I want to convert it back to its original resolution. Is there any way to do this?
@coderredoc where are you getting the binary data from? If it is from xhr, you can set the responseType property to "arraybuffer" to get the response as an array buffer.
It's markdown. 4 spaces at the beginning of a line indicates a code block. You can wrap in backticks for inline code (will not work if the message is multi-line) see: chat.stackoverflow.com/faq#formatting
Why is it considered bad? (The SO question is not very clear about my use case, where I'm writing throwaway code: stackoverflow.com/questions/802854/…)
@nhahtdh First and I think foremost, because it is unreliable. If you put the code in setTimeout, for example, or just in $(), the result would be quite different.
It can also break apparently well structured html, such as starting a new tag or comment without closing it. This is bad both to browsers and to the next programmer (which is often yourself).
Finally, we get much better alternatives. Even the worse of them, innerHTML, does not have these side effects.
@nhahtdh Let's just say document.write is a mess. It is one of the very few specs that gives me headache.
The 'spec', if you can call it that, is an attempt to document the erratic behaviours of various old browsers. Even with a 'spec', modern browsers does not totally agree on how it works as you have experienced.
@Meredith Somebody should make a library that converts all bad practice functions into things like that to "certify" that you're writing a halfway decent web site.. window.eval = function(str) { alert('he wants me to eval.. hah!'); return NaN; }
@AwalGarg The month that JSLint started complaining about not putting every single var at start of function, including loop vars, I stopped using it. It was many years ago. Never looked back.
@Kippie The ES syntax does say semi-colon is optional. And that HTML comment in JS may be comment, too. Or that document.write may inject characters into token stream under some situations.
Should be more like, "This site doesn't work with ES5.1.50 or less" because ES5.1.51 supports that feature you require, regardless of which browser you're using
@Neil I read it from browsers' blogs. It happened quite some years ago, so the best I can give you now is a compat table kangax.github.io/compat-table/es5
This is the c++ equivalent of checking the byte size of int, depending on the system and creating complicated workaround classes so you can treat "int" the same throughout your program
@AwalGarg Can't say I agree with that. We are busy enough building new things. If we can rebuild less old things, that is more time we can spend chatting.
@Neil This is the natural result of "those who deliver first, wins". It is not healthy for long term development, but it helps browsers to stay in market. Look at IE's market share; it has long and stable version update. Or Firefox before the rapid update cycle.
for example, KeyboardEvent..which was deprecated in favor of KeyboardEvent..keyCode. Updating your code for this change is 5 minutes. Even a build tool can automate it. keyCode is now deprecated in favor of .key and same thing here.
@Neil Have been hearing that since last decade. We do have much, much bigger batteries now, an order of magnitude bigger, true. But power consumption raise faster.
Speaking of power consumption, Atom x3 and x5 really gets me excited. I didn't think Intel can improves on Bay Trail so fast and so much!
modalInstance.result.then(function(data) {
someService.update({id: data.id, name: data.name}).then(function(result) {
return result;
}).then(function(data) { console.log(data); /* is it possible to receive result here */ });
@yarden.refaeli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
fetchData sounds like a method, I used result so that it looked generic, actually it was a userShortlistService .. so yeah, result is actually named shortlist in my code
I use data. For common patterns I keep parameter name consistent regardless of actual data type. Kind of like i,j,k for loop instead of lineCounter or elementCounter.
I think the most important point is not what you use, but is be consistent. If you name the actual data, name them throughout the program. If you name it general like me, use it throughout the program.
@Rush.2707 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I wonder : if es6 is on a the way - how would programmers wills start to embed it ? by using polyfills all over the place ? or would they just write code that 100% work which everyone can support ....I mean what is the evolution of this kind of thing?
@RoyiNamir For reference, Firefox and Edge already runs some ES6 off the shelf. New literal syntax, fat arrow, template string, destructuring, Map, Set, Promise etc. If you can control the environment (or if you don't care for now), you can use these features right away.
Hmm. What is the correct name for 'fat arrow'? Lambda?
Why does this pastie.org/10252727 result in the stream being "readable" after the two first pushes ("Some Data!") and then only after the stream has ended? This results in two lines of output, being the first "Some Data!Some Data!" and the second "Some Data!Some Data!Some Data!" (exactly 8 times).
@Chris maybe you need a server .. instead of hardcoding .. and then mayb when someone selects a directory you can cache all the image names.. not sure though.
Also, is it okay for namespace to have global variables like this,
var myNameSpace = myNameSpace || {};
myNameSpace.MyDivRef = document.getElementByID...