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Event emitter or whatever that is called in fancy Rx terms
HTTP in A2 will be all observable based
It's Sunday, Sunday, gotta get down on Sunday
Anyone have a suggestion to quickly get any kind of server listening on a port from command line? Some like test-server 8080
straight linux (not node or anything)
doh, python
@m59 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
Yep =D I used to use it all the time. Forgot.
Does anyone have any experience dealing with images on HTML5 canvas?
@rlemon ^
@m59 I'm lazy and use http-server
messing with docker stuff, node isn't installed
Okay I'll ask away.
I'm trying to fit a high resolution image in a canvas by scaling it down. After manipulating it, I want to convert it back to its original resolution. Is there any way to do this?
Manipulate a copy of the image
@Carpetfizz No, but you can make changes to a canvas that has the same size as the image
And scale the canvas down to another canvas which is actually shown
But make changes to the big canvas
@copy ooh interesting, I never thought about this, I'll give it a shot. What would be the best way to "copy" changes over though?
The first parameter can be a canvas
@copy sweet, that makes sense. Thanks!
wow, is going for #1 tag as most questions asked..
@CSᵠ About time.
that's gonna happen about today
Couldn't have imagined that JavaScript the script kiddies language succeed Java and .Net for development of cross platform applications.
.NET is hardly cross platform.
Was not in the early days. Not much behind Java now.
some day, these things will pass
Isn't C# not supported on OSX natively unless you use Mono or something?
Well, there are many different levels of support. :p
so... laptop dropped from 4ft and edge cracked :/
an hero
oh how much I hate favicons
@AwalGarg I'm pretty sure they are your favorite.
@AwalGarg That book you recommended me is pretty good
np :)
Awkward sentence structure, though the intent is clear.
I believe it should be "The book *that/which* you recommended *to* me is pretty good"
Don't care?
Not a whole lot
good morining everyone
can anybody tell me how to convert binary image data to buffered data?
Now just write that function.
@coderredoc where are you getting the binary data from? If it is from xhr, you can set the responseType property to "arraybuffer" to get the response as an array buffer.
can i post part of code here?
i am using node.js
Aah, sorry no idea.
now my server fetches images from another server..then it creates from response the whole binary image data
@AwalGarg.:are u there?
Yeah, but I don't know how to do it with node.js, sorry.
@phenomnomnominal.:can u just tell me the key idea?
Can't you just group it into an array of octets then pass it to Buffer?
I'm not real sure what Buffer does in node though
1 message moved to Trash can
@coderredoc Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq.
Uh, did I see utf-8 in the get image code?
1 message moved to Trash can
@coderredoc Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq.
var request = http.get(options, function(rres){
var imagedata = '';

rres.on('data', function(chunk){
imagedata += chunk
i have hit ctr-k..what is happening?
There you go
thanks @meredith
look in place of 'utf-8' i have used binary
oh, so you just need to write it to a uint8 array and pass it to the Buffer constructor
You need to hit ctrl+k after pasting and before sending.
uint or whatever ..i just need to get the image in whatever form and make aa temporary buffer out of it
@Sheepy.:yes I wil do..I have hit ctr-k last time though
Yeah, put it into a uint8 array
or you can create a new buffer and write data directly to it
var buffer=new Buffer()
then what how do I put it?
@coderredoc If it works your code will be extra indented. This extra indent means 'code block' on SO.
yes. and then buffer.writeUIntBE(data, offset...)
It's markdown. 4 spaces at the beginning of a line indicates a code block. You can wrap in backticks for inline code (will not work if the message is multi-line) see: chat.stackoverflow.com/faq#formatting
after forming the inagedata in uint8 i will write

buffer.writeUIntBE(imagedata, 0)
@Shmiddty.:ok thanks
Some browser doesn't seem to like this piece of code and render it as plain text: gist.githubusercontent.com/nhahtdh/781e2d3795cc888d08b2/raw/…
From testing on browserstack, iPad 2 (5.0), Samsung Galaxy S2 render the page as plain text
(Btw, I provide the page as rawgit link, so it is supposed to render as HTML page)
What can I do to make it work cross browser?
Try not use document.write. Use innerHTML or insertAdjacentHTML.
OK, let me check...
what does Objective-C and C++ have to do in node-webkit ?
@argentum47 Is this a trick question?
no just asking
something to do with support for mac ? or is it required ti write tthe language itself?
that I know of, there is no direct connection
though maybe there is some sort of library that I'm not aware
@Sheepy Thanks, that works
@nhahtdh Thanks God. And don't use document.write again ;-)
I'm using it for JS feature testing
you're doing it wrong.
Yeah, find other ways to feature test
What do you suggest?
Or innerHTML I guess
innerHTML, textContent, insertAdjacentHTML, createContextualFragment, or good old (and slow) createElement & createElementNS. Any more suggestion?
textContent if you're not adding html
It is sad to see that, in all JS communities I frequent in, people never stop asking about document.write problems.
We should petition Google to label these sites "deprecated". They are worse than w3school!
Why is it considered bad? (The SO question is not very clear about my use case, where I'm writing throwaway code: stackoverflow.com/questions/802854/…)
@nhahtdh First and I think foremost, because it is unreliable. If you put the code in setTimeout, for example, or just in $(), the result would be quite different.
document.write = function(){ alert('dont use this site it sucks');}
It can also break apparently well structured html, such as starting a new tag or comment without closing it. This is bad both to browsers and to the next programmer (which is often yourself).
I'm just curious why it breaks in the cases above. I'm not going to use it in real code anyway.
Finally, we get much better alternatives. Even the worse of them, innerHTML, does not have these side effects.
@nhahtdh Let's just say document.write is a mess. It is one of the very few specs that gives me headache.
The 'spec', if you can call it that, is an attempt to document the erratic behaviours of various old browsers. Even with a 'spec', modern browsers does not totally agree on how it works as you have experienced.
@Meredith Somebody should make a library that converts all bad practice functions into things like that to "certify" that you're writing a halfway decent web site.. window.eval = function(str) { alert('he wants me to eval.. hah!'); return NaN; }
Yeah just have a chrome extension that lints all of the js files on the page
I guess we already have it. Like JSLint. And most IDE has static warnings.
Most developers don't lint their code
I'm pretty sure
@Meredith that linter will fail on most decent sites which minify and bundle code.
Morning all
Can the developer tools in chrome monitor websockets? Playing around with SignalR and would love to see what my client is receiving
@Kippie Developer Tools > Network > WebSockets
@AwalGarg The month that JSLint started complaining about not putting every single var at start of function, including loop vars, I stopped using it. It was many years ago. Never looked back.
jslint is a bit cranky
There should be a clear distinction between best practice and "you know you really should surround that if block with curly brackets"
use hint instead of lint, it's not as strict
Though it will complain if you don't put a semicolon everywhere
well I can understand that.. a missing semicolon in the wrong spot can completely change the meaning of the code
@Kippie That sounds good to me. :) I do cleanup all missing semicolon reports.
Yeah, syntactically I guess they are required, but in many cases your code would be fine without it (though it may fuck up when minifying)
I only want JSHint to make "esnext" turned on by default and not complain on stuff like if(foo = bar) (instead of if(foo === bar)).
Other than that I like JSHint quite a lot.
with respect to other languages, javascript is a versioning nightmare
Would we really miss anything if websites from the 90s stopped working?
with respect to other APIs, DOM is a nightmare of a nightmare
@Meredith but there's that one geocities site that I still visit for its wonderful blinking text and animated gifs of babies dancing!
I think the space jam site still exists
I'd miss that I guess
@Neil you can always use an old browser :)
@Kippie The ES syntax does say semi-colon is optional. And that HTML comment in JS may be comment, too. Or that document.write may inject characters into token stream under some situations.
would be nice if we had like a property that gives the javascript version, guaranteed to have a specific set of supporting features
How about we fork Firefox (presently the most standards compliant browser), and make it more standards compliant!
!!xkcd standards
It would be enough to have all browsers support the same features with the same version
@AwalGarg Compared with Chrome, I am pretty happy with Firefox's standard compliance...
@Neil They do. They all supports ES5.1 now.
@Sheepy is there a way to check that?
@Neil Didn't that help get us into that mess?
User agent sniffing
Problem is, we have no way to say, "my code is ES 5.0 so please run it in compat mode". Partly because there doesn't exist a compat mode.
@Meredith user agent sniffing is anti-versioning
that's like oh hey! I'm using chrome, so I'll use chrome features.. that's bad
You're still testing if you're running in a specific environment
Not testing features
Should be more like, "This site doesn't work with ES5.1.50 or less" because ES5.1.51 supports that feature you require, regardless of which browser you're using
@Neil I read it from browsers' blogs. It happened quite some years ago, so the best I can give you now is a compat table kangax.github.io/compat-table/es5
Why not "this site requires feature x"?
Especially since entire versions of es aren't rolled out at once
@Neil yeah, except opera mini, all major browsers (ie9+) are 100% compliant towards es5.1 (except for some nitty bugs maybe)
Meredith is right. It is the only practical solution for now.
@Meredith Because if your site depends on more than one feature, which is likely, you'd have to check each feature individually..
@Neil that can practically make JavaScript engines way faster.
This is the c++ equivalent of checking the byte size of int, depending on the system and creating complicated workaround classes so you can treat "int" the same throughout your program
Not really
@Sheepy And why is having a single version not practical?
The only reason why it isn't practical that I can see is because it isn't this way already
Code using deprecated stuff should never exist. Backwards compatibility is the root of all evil.
Maybe if browsers implemented whole versions at a time
@Neil Because no one controls the non-core JS features. Ever. Most JS features are the result of browser arm race. One of which we are currently in.
But maybe a browser has all of es5.1 except feature x, and features y, z, and w of es6
If you ask the browser for their es version and it says 5.1 and you try to use feature x, you're boned
Or if you want to use feature y but you can't because it doesn't list its version as es6 because it's missing most es6 features
@IanClark o/
\o @Awal :) - you well?
@AwalGarg Can't say I agree with that. We are busy enough building new things. If we can rebuild less old things, that is more time we can spend chatting.
@IanClark yep :) yourself?
@Sheepy And you understand that this is an anti-pattern
I see why it is this way, but that doesn't mean it is best practice
@AwalGarg Yes TY :) - Other than Monday morning tiredness :(
@IanClark haha same here :P
@Sheepy You don't have to rebuild old things. You just have to swap out the deprecated parts and replace them with the new shiny stuff.
And if stuff gets changed a heck lot, something must be terribly wrong with the previous thing and it is thus very much righteous to update your code.
Ideally people would update their code to fit new standards
we're only encouraging this anti-pattern by using features specific to a certain browser
But it's a lot more expensive to employ a developer and host a site than it is to just host a site
@Neil This is the natural result of "those who deliver first, wins". It is not healthy for long term development, but it helps browsers to stay in market. Look at IE's market share; it has long and stable version update. Or Firefox before the rapid update cycle.
@Sheepy IE has a large market share because it was the default browser for many years and because most people don't know otherwise
for example, KeyboardEvent..which was deprecated in favor of KeyboardEvent..keyCode. Updating your code for this change is 5 minutes. Even a build tool can automate it. keyCode is now deprecated in favor of .key and same thing here.
setTimeout with timeout value 0 excetues instantly ?
@user2262511 pushes to event loop, jumps to next instruction.
If firefox had been the default browser upon installation of windows, firefox would dominate (and likely firefox would not be as decent oddly enough)
@Neil You mean had?
@AwalGarg that's long then, thanks anyway
@AwalGarg It doesn't really matter how long it takes to make the changes
@user2262511 No. They run about 10ms later.
@Sheepy tbh can't afford that
If a website either a) doesn't know about the change or b) doesn't have someone to implement the change, it's not going to get changed
@Sheepy oh, glad to see that's changed then
@user2262511 Then you may need some other approach. setTimout has a minimal interval, which is platform or even system state dependent.
For example, on a mobile device with low battery, IE will tune down timer frequency.
I heard lithium battery technology is on the verge of having 10 times the capacity
that means potentially you will only have to recharge your smart phone once a week
Idk I hear about new amazing battery technology like once a month
did you also hear the one about the quick recharge?
Idk I don't read the articles
@Neil Have been hearing that since last decade. We do have much, much bigger batteries now, an order of magnitude bigger, true. But power consumption raise faster.
Speaking of power consumption, Atom x3 and x5 really gets me excited. I didn't think Intel can improves on Bay Trail so fast and so much!
What's the deal with those?
Just a new line of processors?
From my experience, it's the mobile experience that Intel (and Microsoft) have been betting on.
@Sheepy It wasn't really necessary so i removed it
@user2262511 Exactly :)
I don't use my smartphone to run 3d games, so as far as that goes, I'm relatively happy
If it gets a little faster, great, but the bottleneck these days for computers or smartphones is no longer the cpu
Recharge your smart phone once a week? I already do that.
So I could go to once a month? Yay.
You should use your phone more
For example use it to surf reddit when you're supposed to be working
^ should ?
But, why? I have a desktop so why would I use my phone instead :P
Well I got Office 2013, IntelliJ, GIMP, SQL Server, etc. installed on my Atom pad. It has replaced my Core i5 notebook.
Which wouldn't be possible without the new Atoms and windows 8.
because of the awesomeness of the super ultra amoled display
SQL Server on a tablet? That somehow seems like a bad idea.
I'm sure microsoft has a version for tablets.. it wouldn't surprise me.. sounds like the kind of thing microsoft would do.. but still
Well, at least it is not Oracle. Oh I also got WAMP.
Long Live the Queen is still there. Poor Elodie. Haven't visited her for two months now.
putting sql server on a tablet sounds a bit like the mongolian army, in addition to raiding and pillaging, also does house parties for children
it's just funny in my mind how microsoft would try to sell that idea :P
Does that Mongolian army rides Sheep? :)
modalInstance.result.then(function(data) {
  someService.update({id: data.id, name: data.name}).then(function(result) {
    return result;
}).then(function(data) { console.log(data); /* is it possible to receive result here */ });
@Sheepy yes, but you have to pay an additional 10%
modalInstance.result.then(function(data) {
    return someService.update({id: data.id, name: data.name});
}).then(function(result) {
    /* it's "result" there... */
oh.. ok
How do you guys generally name the promises in these cases?
The name result strikes me as a little misleading
I'd use user or whatever the result is
I use something like fetchData or fetchUser
@yarden.refaeli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
fetchData sounds like a method, I used result so that it looked generic, actually it was a userShortlistService .. so yeah, result is actually named shortlist in my code
I use data. For common patterns I keep parameter name consistent regardless of actual data type. Kind of like i,j,k for loop instead of lineCounter or elementCounter.
I think the most important point is not what you use, but is be consistent. If you name the actual data, name them throughout the program. If you name it general like me, use it throughout the program.
@Sheepy - I agree - consistency is the key
Is there precedence of && over || ?
false && true|| true //true
Yes just found it. there is a precedence. thanks
@RoyiNamir AND comes before OR
Yes. wasn't so sure
@Rush.2707 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anyone can help for javascript code to dynamically bind video's in a div
@Rush.2707 like?
@Gaurav u have to bind video dynamically by using javascript
@RoyiNamir Or you could be paranoid like me and always use parentheses
@Rush.2707 any example?,, how do you want to implement?
like a drop down from which you'll select a vid & then it will be displayed
@Neil or you could use a language that doesn't care about operator precedence
@Gaurav No no ..... i want to display 10 or more video on a page. but all videos will come dynamically
@FlorianMargaine So what, like basic?
can i bulk load modules shimmed with browserify-shim?
@FlorianMargaine then you use even more parentheses
@JanDvorak heh :P
but at least there's no ambiguity
or J
or Assembly
@Rush.2707 from URLs?
Haskell and prefixify most operators: (&&) (a||b) (c||d) or and [a||b, c||d]
and $ zipWith (||) [a,c] [b,d]
... or just use same damn parentheses
I wonder : if es6 is on a the way - how would programmers wills start to embed it ? by using polyfills all over the place ? or would they just write code that 100% work which everyone can support ....I mean what is the evolution of this kind of thing?
@RoyiNamir babel
@RoyiNamir "Polyfill" (more like transpiller) until the major browsers support it.
@Gaurav yes
@Rush.2707 USE IFRAME?
sorry for caps...
any link
@RoyiNamir try writing some es6 code in here: babeljs.io/repl
@Gaurav Link you can give ??
@Rush.2707 jsfiddle.net/gauravmohla/9econapf with vid...
@RoyiNamir For reference, Firefox and Edge already runs some ES6 off the shelf. New literal syntax, fat arrow, template string, destructuring, Map, Set, Promise etc. If you can control the environment (or if you don't care for now), you can use these features right away.
Hmm. What is the correct name for 'fat arrow'? Lambda?
Lambda, yes.
@Gaurav tysm
Thanks. It is so boring....
Hey guys, I kinda forgot to come back and help someone yesterday, are you online by any chance?
Can I help anyone while I am here? lol
help me write an awsome library
the article says: "The difference between Ramda and Underscore comes down to two core concepts: currying and composition." but something like
@argentum47 library to do what?
@AwalGarg something awsome "D , thats the thing about awsome
!!nudge 2 to fetch
@AwalGarg Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
@AwalGarg Nudge #3 registered.
@argentum47 ReferenceError: something is not defined
For the 3rd time I am writing custom code to handler shortcuts so I figure I'll write a shortcut module.
@AwalGarg nudge to fetch
While I am here I think I should ask one of you smart people to look at my question and give me an opinion :P
!!nudge 3 to fetch
@AwalGarg Nudge #4 registered.
Why does this pastie.org/10252727 result in the stream being "readable" after the two first pushes ("Some Data!") and then only after the stream has ended? This results in two lines of output, being the first "Some Data!Some Data!" and the second "Some Data!Some Data!Some Data!" (exactly 8 times).
.something { display:inline }

does this means, something will inherit .composite class ?
@AwalGarg nudge to fetch
Maybe it senses the data is available after the 2 first pushes. But why just after the 2 first pushes, and then only after the stream has ended?
Well it actually just fires "readable" once but the .read() method still doesn't pull all the data in the first place, only after the two pushes.
@Chris maybe you need a server .. instead of hardcoding .. and then mayb when someone selects a directory you can cache all the image names.. not sure though.
hello everyone
Also, is it okay for namespace to have global variables like this,

var myNameSpace = myNameSpace || {};
myNameSpace.MyDivRef = document.getElementByID...
i am trying to solve tha same problem of converting binary imagedata to a buffer so that it can be passes to pdkit..any idea?
@user2262511 yeah
!!google css class inheritance
@OctavianDamiean are you okay, dude? just checking...
Paris Hilton has shown that you can't inherit class :P
is there anyone to care about my problem?

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