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i told him to use some bleach but he wont listen
Now I actually have to go to work :(
@KendallFrey shout?
@phenomnomnominal timezones are weird af
Although I did make my first private npm module yesterday which was fun.
I bet the chat code (unbuilded) is a 100% mess just like most jquery plugins
Yeah, i'm in the future as fuck.
@Cereal take the vowels out
@SterlingArcher the wedding one, just one perfect frame XD
code for the main site looks more organized though from the looks of the exposed objects
@KendallFrey oh
@KendallFrey It only works on zigi :(
@phenomnomnominal Use capital letter i for I'm
@Catgocat hey get fucked.
ha rekt
gold star for @phenomnomnominal
I kicked him :) lol.
@phenomnomnominal thank you so much :D
That was so well said
@rlemon :D
that isn't his first kick for the day
he's gone for at least 5 minutes
!!afk going home
first time because of the dick pics?
He sent dick pics?
someones interested
Which ones though? I'd hate to see them accidentally...
@akaRash what is not understandable? :(
@towc ?
27 mins ago, by aka Rash
I don't understand @towc's code so I just think he is some kind of magician and let it roll :P
oh.. well I said "I don't understand..."
oh, ok :D
but really, if you have any questions or suggestions on how I should improve it, go ahead
I don't know canvas sorry :(
oh, that XD
I so much want to learn it but always procrastinate because I don't like animations :(
Looks fun but.. only that
check out tweenmax by greensock
that reminds me... I should start prepping my canvas talk
@towc I'll attend to try to make myself think of canvas as useful.
how would you guys like just a live-coding of a pen? You tell me the subject, I try bring it to life. And the rest of the talk will just be about me going over the details of what I've done and how else could I have done it. Or first the details then the pen itself, so you understand what I'm doing as I'm doing it
suggestion: canvas code pushed into production
you don't need me for that. Check this guy out. Also many others here have done animations that will surely make you want to learn how to use it
@towc thats a good idea, and you could share the link after
theres a lot of really cool animations on codepen
im really not sure what you use em for but still cool
@towc hey I think you're cool
does anyone have an example of integrating canvas into a "normal" site?
@nick I am looking for it too
what is a "normal" site
@nick sure. It'll be part of the sojs talks. Some of us already posted theirs, just don't spam this page please
i mean, not using canvas for a game or anything like that
but like maybe some visual effects on the side or i dunno
@nick you could make a page entirely on canvas, although it's not reccomended, so...
but the best thing with canvas is games
@nick Maps
a use case of canvas on websites that we see everyday like blogs, like this chat, like a news site, even youtube or whatever.
@towc yeah you would end up trying to re-write the whole layout engine of the modern web browser
canvas is great, I have made a couple of games using it and socket.io
@nick or instead of doing that, you just make some custom things that you know well about, instead of having to learn all that html. Again, not reccomended, but you may want to in some cases
@Catgocat good one but still that's like making a game, canvas is definitely the main (sometimes only) feature on the screen
@towc Hey what resources did you use to learn canvas?
Just curious.
@nick @towc you can't write the entire browser layout engine with canvas. simply not possible with the current API.
@Catgocat asking around in this room, HTML5 Unleashed by Simon Sarris ( totally reccomend that book ), and general derping and reading on codepen
I'm not an expert, just a derp who happened to make stuff right, always remember that ;)
@towc I have read Foundation HTML5
Have you ever heard about it?
@akaRash you're right. You can't only write it, you can also extend it
@Catgocat nope
@Catgocat I have read HTML5 Unleashed
i like Foundation but it has nothing to do with canvas
@FlorianMargaine ok
bestest book ever about html5
Someone told me that it had a stackoverflow reference ?
Anyone here use JOINTJS before?
something like that can't remember
@Catgocat yup :D Also some typos, but we don't talk about that ;)
I wish I was a front-end guy
but I'm just not
im a back end sorta guy
I'm like middle-end
i like both back and front
I'm just an end guy...
omg this sounds so dirty
had to star it XD
What a good song
i like the little bits of dubstep in it
my hears
this is what you kids listen to nowadays?
all day errday
Have you ever met a woman with ribbon tattoos on the backs of her thighs?
someone should let me in to the special club on google+
@Shmiddty back in college yes, she was a stripper and lived across the hall from me
Really nice girl
1.6 million dislikes
Jokes on you, my black friday detector caught that
@SterlingArcher also love the on screen stuff 0.o that's just awesome
whew almost clicked thanks for the heads up
i'm listening to friday by rebecca
my body just rejects it it's so amazing
A proposal for CSS which "makes sense"??? what just happened to CSS
I start having movements that I can't even control that point to the X button in the browser
@FlorianMargaine hey do you luv me
good, otherwise you'd be a pedophile
of course, only pedophiles love kids
@akaRash Everything's amazing and no one's happy
@akaRash meh. It's something preprocessors can handle.
things like flexbox are real improvements
What would be the most elegant way to change the stars' background based on percentage with JS?
no thats strike 3
the dick pics were strike 1
indeed. irritating as hell. considering tiny avataring now.
God I hate you right now
I don't like her voice at all it sounds like a sheep
anyways its tuesday
but without the unstable voice
@SterlingArcher I had never heard of Hopes Die Last before a few minutes ago. I'm not sure about how I managed to live in this world before that 0.o
just lov'em
Aren't they awesome? Checkout Unleash Hell and Never Trust The Hazel Eyes
In order, if you're watching the music videos
@towc hey I followed u on github
hey enter the van
I have icecream
@Catgocat it's been a while since I've done something there...
@SterlingArcher I really am not sure how are they not popular where I live. They're just too awesome for my neighbourhood I guess?
@towc may I ask what are you doing in terms of learning
@Catgocat you may, but the answer is not much...
@towc mebbe, not sure what the boot country likes
@towc how old are you
old enough
@Catgocat no, I'm not in the legal age for marriage, sorry
@towc you're 15 like me
let's fuck it's legal
@Catgocat yup
@SterlingArcher to be fair the hardest rock here on the top of the boot I've ever heard is what we call "soft rock" in the rest of the world... so...
hey guys
hey guy
How be ye?
could be better
how come?
well i need lunch
but im not that hungry
so i have a dilemma you see
oh no
Im so sorry
yeah... sighs
remember, you can always suicide. No need to cry
don't go silent on me. It's scary @nick
who says I was crying
Don't suicide, it can kill you.
srs question guys, can I have an epitaph if I choose not to be buried?
!!define epitaph
@Cereal epitaph An inscription on a gravestone in memory of the deceased.
I mean, yeah
I have a <table> with a <tbody id="problem_area"> that has data loaded into it via AJAX. I'd like to be able to grab EVERYTHING in the <tbody> tag and submit it in a HTML form. Can anyone help on this? I'll load an image of what I mean in a sec.
@gtilflm Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ty gti, room was getting pretty depressing haha
My question may be depressing as well though so.....
@gtilflm Hi
Got all the parts to build my sons computer, was about to start forgot to place the order for the ram
/me facepalm
i think you can get everything as a string if you use document.getElementById('problem_area').outerHTML
is that what you were looking for?
@Loktar awwww I wish my dad would have built my computer
innerHTML should work if you dont want the table tag
@Loktar ha luckily ram's easy to get and pretty cheap
@nick: I pretty much suck at javascript. So, I'm fully sure how to use that.
yeah, placed the order on Amazon
now i have to wait until Thursday
Is there a way to "echo" the document.getElementById('problem_area').outerHTML to see if I'm getting the right content?
Also, how would I pass that to a <form> for processing?
@gtilflm console.log
@gtilflm yeah use console.log(document.getElementById('problem_area').outerHTML)
yeah put that in your console
and im not sure about the form
@Loktar don't you have a store nearby?
yeah I mean I could have went to Bestbuy
and price matched the ram
but im lazy :P
lazy bastard
@nick: console.log got me <tbody id="problem_area"> </tbody> but not the content in it.
Where do you guys buy cheap very cheap computer parts / keyboards etc ?
Here in Portugal things are really expensive because we have to import everything from the US
try .innerHTML
and that sucks
dx.com but you'll be waiting
@Catgocat cheapest is usually online, i just do a little searching
@rlemon free shipping to PT? wtf?
!!watch parks and rec or work on arduino or work on code.
@rlemon work on arduino
@Catgocat 7-10 day shipping is a lie.
I've had stuff take two months
@rlemon is it worth it?
depends on what you need
I get most of my arduino shit from there
but know it takes a long time
computer parts / keyboards / mouses
but for a $5 arduino who cares
@Catgocat fasttech is also cheap
but also slow shipping
what's the cheapest?
and more trustworthy ?
you'll have to compare on a part per part basis
all are big businesses and have no problem with trustworthy
but when you are snail mailing shit from China it takes a while.
yeah if it comes on a boat youre fucked
do they take more for shipping in countries besides usa?
Holy shit, arrow functions just landed (under a flag) in V8 :D
hey when someone gets a chance can they approve my request on the google+ page
@BenjaminGruenbaum woot!
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, but "not stable enough to be in canary by default"
can't wait until their in w/o the flag
I guess it is an improvement
@rlemon my hero
@SterlingArcher no, THIS screams @Jhawins ...
@rlemon how the fuck does that thing run
it doesn't
looks more like a roll to me
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, once again :D nice
on arrow functions: what es6 feature is going to "change your life" most. i'm voting destructuring, once i figure out what the hell it is
Why is it that almost all comment sections on any site end up being nothing but complete biggoted shitstorms?
Also, was it always this way? I can't remember
@akaRash proxies seem like a dangerous, awesome meta-programming trap
Proxies are fairly common
@akaRash think they might confuse someone who's trying to understand your API
API should be definite, using proxies should not prevent anyone from understanding any API.
@akaRash maybe understanding why internals don't do what they expect given the API is a better way to put it
I don't understand how proxies and understanding an API mesh?
@rlemon curious about what context or languages they're common in? other than custom getters setters in JS, C#
In computer programming, the proxy pattern is a software design pattern. A proxy, in its most general form, is a class functioning as an interface to something else. The proxy could interface to anything: a network connection, a large object in memory, a file, or some other resource that is expensive or impossible to duplicate. A well-known example of the proxy pattern is a reference counting pointer object. In situations where multiple copies of a complex object must exist, the proxy pattern can be adapted to incorporate the flyweight pattern in order to reduce the application's memory footprint...
proxies are literally used everywhere
in different forms ofc.
ok, i understand the pattern
but understanding them shouldn't be 'new'
and if it is, it shouldn't take long to pick up
@user128268 are you talking about delegation of properties being "not so visible"? Then the usage of proxies is either not required, or you have complex code which is already difficult to understand.
but it's not often that you see that pattern overwriting internal engine handlers, at least in my experience
@akaRash this is kind of what i'm talking about, but more in the sense that you're getting access to internals that a consumer might not expect to be overwritten, like apply, getPrototypeOf, ownKeys, etc.
@user128268 consumer doesn't get access to them
consumer gets access to the result of what you've done to them
correct, and the result should be what you want to expose.
people can add to Object.prototype today (as an example of something bad we can do). there will always be dumb things and silly people doing them. push knowledge of best practice and hope for the best.
Proper usage of proxies can simplify your code to great extents specially when dealing with lots of modularized parts of code interacting with each other
They are in FF since v18 and I love them.
i'm going a little more boring with my favorite: modules
modules are awesome as well.
i've wasted way too much of my life figuring out file loading order for grunt concat/minify workflows
I'm trying to escape apostrophes in a string that has HTML in it like this: replace("'", "\'")

However, this isn't working. The apostrophes still are getting used as if they are HTML on the page instead of just being treated as plain text. Any ideas?
' are ' in SGML as well
@gtilflm I think you're missing something
!!> "\'"
@KendallFrey "'"
!!> " ' " === " \' "
@KendallFrey true
' is not a special character in SGML. So you don't escape it.
So, I suck at javascript. What should I be turning this into: replace("'","\'");
!!> "\\'"
@akaRash "\\'"
Like this then? --> replace("'","\\'");
ok, trying now
but you don't escape ' ._.
y u no understand :(
Didn't work
I don't know what SGML is
!!> "'".replace("'", "\\'")
@rlemon 2.5 euro... weird
@akaRash "\\'"
other than the bot's stringification being weird, it works here
Fun fact, I have a 3c bill in my wallet right now
@KendallFrey still. "don't print this on your 2 euro coin." prints it on 2.50 euro coin
@gtilflm you can replace "SGML" to "HTML" in what I said and understand again.
kinda funny
@KendallFrey best I got is a mint $2 bill
ohh and some silver quarters
The full line I'm working with is this --> return $('<div/>').text(value).html().replace("'", "\\'");
but those are not as cool imo
I'm really not getting the !!> part.
it is a bot command
evals js
why are you ignoring me :(
> beat the French at their own game of finding ways around EU rules
!!> function add(a,b) { return a+b; } add(4,5);
@rlemon 9
@rlemon $2 USD?
I was about to say...
took me a second there ;)
So return $('<div/>').text(value).html().replace("'", "\\'"); should be
!!> return $('<div/>').text(value).html().replace("'", "\\'");
@gtilflm "SyntaxError: return not in function"
@gtilflm dude, @CapricaSix is a chatbot
Right. This is happening in a function
I didn't know $2 CAD in paper was a thing
!!> invokes the javascript eval.
@rlemon "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
it is a way to show you how things work in the chat
!!> 1+1
@rlemon 2
don't replace ' with \' in the HTML context. It is not "escaping" anything. You are just replacing one character with two characters which is not very helpful.
if you don't believe me, enter this in your browser's url bar: data:text/html, \'
@gtilflm why not document.createElement and .setInnerText
@akaRash: HOw can I effectively "escape" an apostrophe?
Fun Fact part 2: I have 4 currencies in my wallet
@gtilflm do it while the value is a string
how many times do I need to say this :(
Reread my chat to you.
"escape" is in quotes.
I may have a way around this
it's a hack though.
@gtilflm What exactly are you escaping it from?
The string is going to be put as a value in an <input> tag.
where no escaping is needed
So, <input type='hidden' value='JAVASCRIPT STRING'>
In JAVASCRIPT STRING, there are double and single quotes
and how is it getting in there?
javascript string?
serverside js?
If a single quote is present, it ends the value='' part of the <input> tag.
inb4 innerHTML
> this song saved my life.
i was in the hospital with a coma for six months when the nurse walked in and turned the radio on. this song started playing. i got up, and turned the radio off.
It gets there via ajax and is held in a javascript variable called "data".
why do you have js code in a hidden input?
I didn't know ajax could populate inputs
please tell me you're not sending it to the server
I'll be processing it in a form.
explain what that actually means
The content of "data" is randomly generated.
So, I want to generate the content, then "grab it" and send it for form processing.
A string is a string, javascript or php. There is no such thing as "javascript string".
This would be SO much easier to screenshare. I'm assuming that's not an option in these chat rooms, huh?
@akaRash wellll.... <?php 'a string'.prototype; ?> ????

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