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most of us weren't there when they happened :|
@ssube People really paint their apartments?
Why would I spend all that time
so they aren't shit colors?
It's white
Hell with it. I have no desire whatsoever to paint it haha I'm looking forward to moving next summer
I can't remember what my first couch looked like
But my college couch.. oh boy we fucked that thing UP
We broke the support beam, and then the 4x4 replacement beam we installed, and then just resorted to taking the feet off because it couldn't handle it
green felt
ugly as shit.. showed every single stain.. so gross.
my first couch was also my first bed
futon for 7-8 years.
oh dear god, you need to use c# for internet explorer extensions
for what possible reason
@Cereal because c# === MS
Sometimes I sleep on the couch because I prefer it
Even though my bed is awesomely comfortable
not me, I got a baller badass bed
@SterlingArcher You jacked off on that couch precisely 943 times
I just want to plug in some javascript .tt
I used to buy cheap crap. GF convinced me to buy a $2000 bed. OMG. never again will I cheap out on a bed.
Always spend a lot of money on things that separate yourself from the ground
@KendallFrey false, actually lol that couch was when I had a gf. But, it was mostly the puppies fault
He got excited and peed a lot
@Cereal photons are free bruh
@KendallFrey not in america
the cops here keep those photons down
nobody's free in america
Oh guys I almost forgot
I shaved my beard :(
@rlemon dude, any bed over $500 is like a real change
I got a half-memory-foam thing for like $600 off amazon, ffs, and it's still nice
I shaved my bread
lady friend stays over as much as she does because my bed is so much better than hers :P
@SterlingArcher pics or it didn't happen
@SterlingArcher you are dead to me now
I don't wanna it's a baby face now
It feels so weird
@ssube riiiight
But the beard was itchy and it made my drinking tough lol
beer or it didn't happen
I'm actually going on a date tonight so I will be drinking
socket.io question
app.io.of('/dashboard').on('connection', function(socket) {
  socket.emit('foo', 'bar');// cool, works.
now, another module needs said socket so I pass it.
oh no!
app.io.of('/dashboard').on('connection', function(socket) {
later on mod uses the socket to emit shit
if the user logs in from two different clients the latter client takes over the socket.
first client is fucked.
don't reuse the socket?
@rlemon rooms?
Yikes, that's a tough one
@BenFortune never used em
I'll google now
@SterlingArcher twss
I wouldn't re-use the socket like that. I think the best thing to do is store the session somehow
Make each new connection join a room which identifies the user
I had that problem with SU, let me look at my code and see what I did. I'll ping you when I get back from lunch
So by id or something
Then you'd do app.io.of('/dashboard').to(id).emit(...)
Is there a preference between .focusout and .blur?
Has anyone ever experienced random freezes in Ubuntu 15.04? Sometimes (mostly watching videos) my screen freezes and I can't move my mouse and everything is stuck (just like if I had taken a screenshot). However, If I type on my keyboard sometimes I can get non-visual responses (for ex. listen to a video after it freezes).
I think :p
My god that dog looks like he's 90 years old
I posted it yesterday
Format your code
can't find my post now
@SterlingArcher he's a pup
format your code
@CapricaSix pls
does it look formatted?
!!tell php_purest format
@php_purest I see the problem
@php_purest Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
1 message moved to JS trash
your code isn't formatted
okay, so what is the standard way these days of getting data from MySQL onto a website with using the least amount of PHP possible?
how do i use the format command?
By not using PHP at all?
if I'm using io.of that socket is singular to that route correct? I cannot app.io.emit ??
@php_purest ctrl+k
@Asher the best way to use the least amount of PHP is to use Python
@rlemon Not that I know of
You using express.io?
    type: 'GET',
    url: 'liker/index.php?' + url_data,  //add a variable to the URL that will carry the value in your i counter through to the PHP page so it know's if this is new or additional data
    success: function (data) { // this param name was confusing, I have changed it to the "normal" name to make it clear that it contains the data returned from the request
        //load more data to "target" value div
        target.innerHTML = (data); // as above, data holds the result of the request, so all the data retur
@SterlingArcher Or ruby!
@BenFortune trying to do this without rooms first. it is a ... large application
@php_purest there is a code format tool in firefox?
avoiding large refactors if I can
Dunno if you've seen it but there's a maintained version here
You could use Haskell I'm sure but your music will have to be in vinyl format and you have to wear suspenders
@Asher nodejs, probably. Python is a pain to set up.
i refuse to touch firefox
Gotta say. That code would be easier to read without the comments
@php_purest thanks purest... that was quick. so everyone is in agreement with the $.ajax idea?
cc @BartekBanachewicz ^
@BenFortune I already answered yes to express.io :P
@rlemon This is express.*oi*
Why did markdown parse that on submit then remove it?
@SterlingArcher hi hi hi
@Asher what?
@Asher what?
@BenFortune does that sometimes
@Asher He's asking a question, not answering yours
@BenFortune what is the difference?
both frontend and backend in Haskell
This chat quickly became a trainwreck and I'm still waiting to go to lunch
@ssube This one is maintained, the other hasn't been updated in about a year
okay, so the only issue i'm worried about is can't anyone do a call to the mysql server using JQuery?
any ideas on how to fix the bug?
@BartekBanachewicz that's rpetty cool actually
@Asher that's not possible
@php_purest what I would do is look carefully at the return packet and do a breakpoint on the success jquery function.
@Asher you may want to read up on the differences between client and server sided languages
@php_purest you never told us what the bug is
@BartekBanachewicz wordpress in haskell?
why would anyone do that to themselves?
@rlemon the system in the post, not the blog, silly
the return packet is the jquery src url
while we're at it
time to write some code
I'm using a Taffy + CFM framework right now to make an API
The landing page is sweet, but CFM APIs give me the heebies
@php_purest what does your index.php do... anything fancy or just return items?
@rlemon writing a blog is bad enough, but a blog nobody will ever use?
on top of that, translating PHP to Haskell
it recieves the user input from the like/dislike button then outputs the update
or it just runs the output
posted on June 09, 2015 by Alex R. Young

Nick Ts. sent in most.js (GitHub: cujojs/most, License: MIT, npm: most), a reactive programming library designed for working with streams of values and events. You can use it with WebSocket, DOM events, and it should work with fantasy land and Promises/A+. Let's say you've got an HTML

@argentum47 hahaha that is brilliant
"Monadic Reactive Streams" sounds like something you go to the clinic for
@php_purest hello
fuck.. the client side uses angular
if (is_readable("..\secure\db_conn.php")) {
} elseif(is_readable(".\secure\db_conn.php")){
@php_purest (scratched head) okay are you sure your getting the right variables &item and &type to php?
Oh god does all php look like this
@php_purest I just said hello sir, why so rude :(
yes, i alerted them in dev
@Cereal no!
@Cereal more or less, usually more
if ($view == 'l' || $view == '') {
    echo " <input type = 'button' value = 'Dislike' onclick = 'run_like( \"d\" , \"$item\" , \"$type\" , \"likage_$item\" )' > ";
this if will never run
I thought those were chained with else if's
it will if the value is they like it
Gotta say, as awful as PHP is, Laravel is really good
@php_purest okay, so it gets to php okay, are you loading this into a MySQL database the results... I imagine you checked that too?
@BenFortune how so, I saw a pres on it, and was unimpressed
i know the function works, but not the reciever
@Catgocat Ubuntu freezing while watching videos is related to flash. Try watching html5 videos.
var a, b = +$(this).attr("id");
@BenFortune that's because it's a cross between angular, java, and rails
I never got around to fixing this issue.
so it'll look good until you use it
it just outputs a <script src="liker\engine.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
@ssube I have used it
I'm torn between the Number conversion and the jQuery attribute D:
TIL +"" will convert to a Number
@Cereal Don't you mean string?
@ssube it looks "okay" when using too, atleast initially.. just like the language it is written in.
no, he's talking about unary plus/minus
!!>var a = +"123"; console.log(a);
Nvm, I see what you mean
@Cereal "undefined"
@Cereal "undefined" Logged: 123
don't be lazy, always use parseInt
it works better
or Number()
Use Number
omggg steam stop locking me out of game activation
So know we'll have to add -edge- prefix to our css code.
I got 62 games for 30 bucks!
@ssube Number > parseInt every damn day of the week
unless you need to change radix*
62gb of crap for 30 bucks, you mean XD </troll>
Speaking of crap, I filled my 1.5tb hdd the other day
Need more storage
HD porn?
@rlemon new Number?
@Catgocat No, just lots of scat
!!> Number("123")
@ssube why would you ever 'new' it?
@akaRash 123
@akaRash "SyntaxError: unterminated string literal"
@rlemon because it's an object?
I really need to put my 4k monitor to use
why would you call a constructor without new?
!!> "1234567890".split('').map(Number); // I am not a smart man
@rlemon [1234567890]
@ssube because you don't need an instance of Number, you just wanna cast it to a number
and the constructor does that
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
@rlemon [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
It's a wrapper object
And that is what the specification dictates, so it is correct to use.
Changed my mouse cursor color to black, now it looks more like OSX. Still can't afford a mac.
Also, fun fact: +"123" does 100% the same thing as Number in any standard compliant JS engine.
even internally
@akaRash fun fact: everyone already knew that
@rlemon @apsillers that's an evil overload. Why is it better than parseInt?
@akaRash miao?
@ssube I can pass it to map
@Catgocat just like your mom, you are completely misinformed about my dark magical powers
@akaRash You think you're the only mom stalker?
I've been taking pictures of yours last Christmas, but they're still printing.
@Catgocat your printer is very slow
Hey guys, how can I make a dynamic function like action.func in AngularJS? e.g.
<a ng-click="action.func(attr);">{{action.name}}</a></li>
and in controller:
$scope.attributeActions = [{name: 'remove', func: $scope.remove()}];
@FlorianMargaine Not really, but her fat takes many pixels.
@Catgocat I was just breaking your joke.
@FlorianMargaine I haven't understood your sense of humour yet. But I'm close.
!!> new String("1234567890")[new String("split")]('')[new String("map")](new Number["constructor"]);
@Cereal ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undef‌​ined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
@taco $scope.action = { func: function(){} };
@FlorianMargaine thanks
Just tried it and I get a syntax error with the {} brackets
Q: Validate email address in JavaScript?

pix0rHow can an email address be validated in JavaScript?

@FlorianMargaine should it maybe be () not {} ?
What's the verdict on that?
New Epic Rap Battle (have been waiting for this for months now)
Is the regex in that first answer good enough or not?
@Cereal new Number["constructor"] is new (Number["constructor"]) not (new Number)["constructor"]
@DemCodeLines [^@]+@[^.]+\..+
and Number.constructor is Function
so you're doing new Function, which makes a do-nothing function
I have decided to install sublime text 3.. it was a long decision.
Looks nice ^
have fun not developing
True I just stare at it and think how beautiful.
@Catgocat you were a brackets guy, right
@taco Yes in W8
!!>var window = new Window; new window["String"]("1234567890")[new window["String"]("split")]('')[new window["String"]("map")]((new window["Number"])["constructor"]);
@Cereal "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
@Catgocat What OS are you using now?
@taco Ubuntu 15.04
eww :p

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