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Part of me wants to throw my current box into the node 304 now actually ._. I wonder if the mobo would fit
Right on, it would
@ssube I can write a virus to do that
@SterlingArcher nope
To morris or socket.io?
so the issue is that the socket doesn't persist between 2 different clients on the same account right?
but doing almost exactly this in the new version does
I'm so confused.
this is running from an embedded device, so the kicker is only one account will EVER log into this
so I don't really need socket security .. that is all handled at the proxy stage
I was using the .of to organize my routes more efficiently.
Is there a way you can just broadcast the event with some sort of token that the client has?
like a session token, and if token, handle the broadcast
@rlemon Did you try a room?
instead of emit, which is a single tunnel
not yet, trying to understand why one works and the other doesn't
one is a fork of the other. added a third module that needs the socket
now everything is in the shitter
yea it makes no bloody sense.
@rlemon I usually do something like
app.io.on('connection', function(socket) {
    socket.on('join', function(id) {
app.io.on('write', function(id) {
Obviously how you manage id is subjective, mine normally come from a session
okay express peeps. tickle me this:
im using express.session
var server = require('http').createServer(app);
is the same as
var server = app.listen(port);
docs on what .listen returns confuses me
not sure but i think its different
From http://expressjs.com/api.html: *The `app.listen()` method is a convenience method for the following (for HTTP only)*:

>app.listen = function() {
> var server = http.createServer(this);
> return server.listen.apply(server, arguments);
sweet, so now I get to dig into more docs to find out what server.listen returns
awesome express.
well done
they keep changing stuff so its hard to tell
I think it returns the server instance
Since you can do var server = app.listen(3000); console.log(server.address().port); //3000
they are terrible
i think its easier to not try to understand what's going on behind the scenes :)
@rlemon require('http').createServer().listen(8000) instanceof require('http').Server is true
It's the Catalina Wine Mixer - POW!
You're Audi 5000 my friend
Still reading about IE extensions. Found this on msdn
  NoRemove SOFTWARE {
    NoRemove Microsoft {
      NoRemove Windows {
        NoRemove CurrentVersion {
          NoRemove Explorer {
            NoRemove 'Browser Helper Objects' {
              ForceRemove '{D2F7E1E3-C9DC-4349-B72C-D5A708D6DD77}' = s 'HelloWorldBHO' {
                val 'NoExplorer' = d '1'
machines writing code
>Open HelloWorld.rgs from the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio.
Add the following code to the bottom of the file:
I mean
hi, i want to print character based on there ascii values its work fine when the loop itterates from 0-10 here is the code
format your code
1 message moved to Trash can
@SajjadKhan Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq.

for (x=0; x<=255 ; x++)
var a=String.fromCharCode(x);

also, punctuation in sentences is helpful.
@Cereal Ugh, I hated talking somebody through the Windows registry while providing phone support. So boring
i feel bad for windows techs
It's not that bad
at least windows people have actually tools and support
linux support is like "um, did you build your own kernel? fuckin hell..."
windows support is like "oh yeah, connect to the network and the latest GPOs will sync"
in theory :)
windows the type of nuqqa
why isn't gg"+yG yanking and copying to my clipboard? (VIM)
ahah my sides
@CapricaSix is there any culture to answer the Question or just perform the formalities like formatted code or puncutation @NickDugger
@SajjadKhan It depends on the time of day
Now is the time where we start getting tired and want to go home
I don't even see a question
!!rust or dirty bomb?
@BenFortune rust
10 mins ago, by Sajjad Khan
hi, i want to print character based on there ascii values its work fine when the loop itterates from 0-10 here is the code
@ssube Yeah, I worked Linux sysadmin support. If you compiled your own kernel, I couldn't touch it
nick pick dick brick
Dick brick? No thanks
Says it works, our job is done here
tablet brick potato llama
!!afk learning grunt :D
learn gulp
not that grunt is bad... but gulp is better
@SajjadKhan have you tried:
int a = 87;
char W = static_cast<char>(a);
... That's java
he knows
thats awk
does all the gulp things
nick is being a dick
@NickDugger pre-existing app, gotta use grunt
!!> Array.apply(0, Array(255)).map(function(e,i) { return i }).map(String.fromCharCode.bind(String)).join(',');
@rlemon "\u0000\u0000\u0000,\u0001\u0001\u0000,\u0002\u0002\u0000,\u0003\u0003\u0000,\u‌​0004\u0004\u0000,\u0005\u0005\u0000,\u0006\u0006\u0000,\u0007\u0007\u0000,\b\b\u0‌​000,\t\t\u0000,\n\n\u0000,\u000b\u000b\u0000,\f\f\u0000,\r\r\u0000,\u000e\u000e\u‌​0000,\u000f\u000f\u0000,\u0010\u0010\u0000,\u0011\u0011\u0000,\u0012\u0012\u0000,‌​\u0013\u0013\u0000,\u0014\u0014\u0000,\u0015\u0015\u0000,\u0016\u0016\u0000,\u (snip)
@NickDugger so its means when you tired you starting play that's good.. forum makes to help well don't worry if i got the Answer I'll 100% told you regardless what's time it is?
seems to work alright.
its c++, thought i was in the lounge :)
@SajjadKhan None of that sentence makes any sense. Are you using google translate?
So, who's doing the next talk?
i've never had the patience to set up a build system but if I did i'd go with gulp
@KendallFrey i'm planning mine for probably the first week of july
Who did the previous talk? I missed it
what are these room talks?
@SajjadKhan Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?
Did someone upload it to youtube? (@rlemon)
ill wear my beret and talk about io.js if anyone wants
if you guys schedule this stuff on saturdays, I'm gonna be really disappoint
It's looking like my (first?) talk will be about something I've barely touched in the last 10 years.
@KendallFrey women?
@rlemon my brain broke halfway through that
your toes?
@rlemon oh my god my brain
women's toes?
@rlemon great video title, @Zirak
somebody should let me join the club
omg ziraks voice
really wish i had headphones right now
my gf while I was listening to the talk: "my god is he ever painful to listen too"
That video is an hour long oh my god
Zirak sounds so young
@NickDugger (he is)
how young?
He sounds so spry for 93
@SterlingArcher should be sufficient to reach climax, no?
@SajjadKhan Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
@KendallFrey ._____.
3 mins ago, by rlemon
@SajjadKhan Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?
Wow, how did I miss that?
Please tell me I'm not the only person who enjoys Zirak's voice.
I do!
my gf thinks it is monotone and boring
Because you're not paying attention, filthy pleb
@BenFortune Having had far been used even done when anytime something wasn't doing but done been had, then having said that when then those are having to be with some, when them had even enough to have go further before having finally.
also @mikedidthis has a fucking fantastic voice.
but he is a brit.
so that might just be it
@KendallFrey He doesn't sound 94 at all.
I think he lied to us about his age.
he's 93
ew, a redwings fan.
the hell man?!
cmon hes gotta be at least 10 yrs younger than that
or maybe 93.5
but not 94
I'm british too, but my accent is dumb
I should maybe start preparing a talk for a couple weeks from now
have you tried to not be dumb?
How dare you 'ew' my avatar. :)
@Jason Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I need to find a topic
Thinking of covering the very basic components, and then a little bit of TTL
(Analog electronics being the top voted topic)
@BenFortune couldn't say, never heard it
but he is from blackpool
I can talk about this new laser pointer/pen combo that I got
I have a broad Yorkshire accent
I know you guys have WAY different accents depending on area
if someone does a talk on devtools, please tell me and also ensure that you find out some way to restore deleted devtools snippets.
Best accent is cockney
!!> Array(2).fill('test')
@Catgocat ["test","test"]
@NickDugger worst accent is kneed in the cock
Why doesn't fill support callBacks?
@Catgocat because it doens't need them
I'll give a talk once I get a job in MN and move back home
!!> console.log("HELLO WORLD!!!!1!!")
@nick "undefined" Logged: "HELLO WORLD!!!!1!!"
@rlemon Is there a better way to do Array.apply(null, Array(x)).map...
can someone ping @nick... I wanna see if it still pings me... it highlights the name, but that may be all...
callbacks are only useful for async methods. Array.fill is not
just put the next code on the next line
!!> navigator.userAgent
@nick "SyntaxError: return not in function"
@rlemon Sure that's why most ES5 methods aren't async
so why do you want a callback method on Array.fill?
@nick "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"
someone ping @nick but not a specific message reply...
for science
Because I want to make it like .map but that handles empty values
@nic test
@nick science
I still get them
@Catgocat no
The message replies threw me off. I thought they were working on it for a moment there
@rlemon yes >:(
@Nick ping
@Catgocat glhf
@Catgocat map handles empty values already
@ssube what
!!> [1, undefined, 2].map(f => f*2)
@ssube [2,"NaN",4]
he wants Array(10) to not just set the .length
perfectly happy with empty values
so he can pass it to .map without the .apply bullshit
!!> Array(5).map((x, i) => i)
@Catgocat ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
@rlemon I know what he wants. He's asking for an absurd thing by the wrong name.
@ssube undefined is not an empty value
... because Array(5) just sets .length to 5
lol didnt know that it supported already
it doesn't actually fill the array
!!> var foo = [1, 2, 3]; delete foo[1]; foo.map(f => f*2);
what wait a second
@akaRash fine
@ssube [2,4,6]
array.fill does though
@ssube [2,"undefined",6]
i no index
wish array.fill was supported already damnit.
!!> Array(10).map(function(c, i) { return i; })
@Catgocat ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undef‌​ined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
var a = [];
a.length = 5;
if you need more explanation you can find it on google
map isn't needed
but still it's pretty dirty
dunno why I added it
@Catgocat that is how array constructor works.
it doesn't fill the array
tbh everytime @Catgocat says "what" to a perfectly valid answer to one of his questions, I get irritated very much :P
@rlemon I know
so stop bitching :P
!!> [1, 2, 3].fill(4);
But it's sad :(
@Loktar [4,4,4]
or tell us all you are doing is bitching so I can ignore you :P
!!> [].fill(1, 0, 100);
@Catgocat you might have better luck getting what you wanted if you wanted real things
@Loktar []
damn, so needs to be pre-filled I guess?
@Loktar yup, that is the problem :P
!!> [].fill.call({ length: 3 }, 4)
@Loktar {"0":4,"1":4,"2":4,"length":3}
!!> Array(10).fill(69)
@Catgocat [69,69,69,69,69,69,69,69,69,69]
ah there you go, nice
the constructor does set the length of the array
!!> Array(1).fill('taco')

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