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@NickDugger how long were you in Minnesota?
19 years
ahh you understand then
understand what?
40+c in the summer (105+f) and -40C in the winter.
need extreme heating and cooling systems
Yeah... makes no sense. We get extremes on both sides
man that's warm :/
It's also humid as fuck in MN, because we have so many lakes
@ivarni doesn't often go above 40, but it happens
I don't think I'd survive in +40
very humid here as well.
I swear, Canada should just annex MN
average for summer last few years is like 36ish
We're the same anyways
Dear God, in my country people are organizing clubs to teach programmers how to pick up women.
@ziGi that's an important skill to have
Yeah, why don't you organize a course about how to live your life
The interesting part about living is discovering stuff
@ziGi that assumes only males are programmers
I'd address that
No, it also accounts for lesbian programmers
you sexist
@rlemon it does assume that, but people in my country are quite racist anyways. The name of the course literally translated it "How to attract amazing girls with finesse"
@NickDugger I didn't say it didn't account for them. but it assumes the worst
@ziGi get a bunch of your girlfriends together and take the course.
I should take that course
make them make everyone else feel uncomfortable.
"that won't work" every time the instructor says something stupid or sexist
@rlemon well it's impossible since I am in the netherlands
Giiirrrll, you're the V8 to my javascript
yeah, and dress swaggy, right
There has been a seminar even in Amsterdam about doing this, jeez
user image
what's a "swaper"?
I have a Morris Charts question
how do you handle jumping time? (gaps)
never used 'em
@rlemon continuousLine?
@BenFortune 1 sec
making gif
but while it uploads
I'm a fucking pro pancake-flipper
Question. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Inheritance_and_the_prototype_chain#Inheriting_properties

I thought the prototype was accessed with `.prototype`, but this says you set and get with appropriate setters and getters?
@rlemon I'll do this with my wife's belly
@BenFortune I can flip a pancake 3 times and have it end up the with the same side up. Beat that.
imgur.com/a/cN5yB?gallery best gallery I've seen in a while
@FlorianMargaine New father, I see.
@KendallFrey not yet, that's the point
just wait
it gets better
I'm upset that there's no decent Windows 8 imgur app

Curious, why use an app on win8?
I mean, I guess. The win8 tablet IE is kind of fantastic, so I guess I don't see the need
@relmon my respect!
okay see how @ 21:00 it jumps to 9am
how do I close that gap
it is ugly.. I'd rather the x axis just 'shrink' in between there
Hi! My jQuery (just sometimes) won't load in my require.js app
You wanna remove the times in between?
What can cause this?
As in the library doesn't get imported?
Sometimes, it's working perfectly well and then it won't load. I do F5 after and it's ok
And there's no error anywhere in the console?
not when it worked
@rlemon Just falsify the data, simple
but when it doesn't this error came Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
up the bum with a 15 foot pole
How are you importing the library..
how is this...
Huge WTF in Java programming with URLs: (via @lukereeves) http://t.co/lW7XbKC9m0
@Cereal My app.js ->
    baseUrl: 'js/', // '../Style%20Library/js/' pour Sharepoint
    paths: {
        jquery: 'vendor/jquery-1.11.2.min',
        jqueryui: 'vendor/jquery-ui',
        jrespond: 'vendor/jrespond-0.10',
        transit: 'vendor/jquery.transit.min',
        easing: 'vendor/jquery.easing.1.3',
        mainMenu: 'modules/main-menu',
        utilMenu: 'modules/util-menu',
        sideMenu: 'modules/side-menu',
        lexiqueAccordeon: 'modules/lexiqueAccordeon',
        filtreMenu: 'modules/filtres-sidebar',
sweet jesus
@eviltrout @domenic @lukereeves And two minutes of searching reveals there is a URI class that does as expected. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/net/URI.html
@Cereal is it the correct way? I don't understand why sometimes it works well and sometimes it doesn't
It's not the lack of good stuff, it's the existence of stuff that is literally worse than shit.
Kinda like javascript?
^ Kendall Frey quote +1
@MikeBoutin I have no idea, I've never used require. It was just a whole lot of imports
@KendallFrey so, like any programming language/platform?
import com.google.pls.why.no.makesnosense
@Neil ummm no
@FlorianMargaine I'm pretty sure doing a DNS lookup to compare URLs is a breed of its own.
or should I say an inbreed
@rlemon Then just kill your boss geez.. do I have to think of everything?

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