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@Neoares You using node?
@BenFortune to do the checksum? xDDDDD
@Neoares compare the md5sum of both files
you know how to get the md5 hash of something right?
@BenFortune no, just downloaded this software softsea.com/download/Checksum-Calculator.html
@Neoares are you on linux?
Oh, thought you were wanting to script it.
Windows 8
@BenFortune why should I script something that is already scripted :D
on linux, it's diff $(md5sum file1) $(md5sum file2) in the terminal
but hey, who needs bash when you have bloatware
btw... I'm getting checksum error when unzipping a file
but the extracted file is correct
it's a mindfuck xD
@Neoares npm install -g checksum && checksum <file> sounds easier though :p
@ivarni why...
@FlorianMargaine why it sounds easier than downloading some sketchy software?
@ivarni it's even easier to use built-in...
@FlorianMargaine Do tell me what built-in checksum program there are for win8
because I never found it
use a real OS, then I'll tell you
He already stated he was on win8
installing a new OS to checksum a file sounds a bit linux master racey
@Neoares Get-FileHash
Powershell has it afaik
Yeah, but who the hell knows how to use powershell?
You also get the GNU whateversum binaries with Git Bash or similar environments
I know the basics :)
@Kippie If you know the difference between if [] and if [[]] in bash, you'll also be able to learn PowerShell :P
@Neoares Because, with most languages, coding it would be faster than finding and downloading a checksum program, when the files are fixed...
Our network is primarily windows, bar a file server
@Sheepy maybe, but I didn't know doing a checksum was that easy :P
But a good checksum tool will serve you well. Find one that integrates with file explorer.
Is there any reason why my image.onload callback is not being fired when adding a data-uri using image.src in firefox?
Nice use of the file api
@Neoares Yeah. I think I have been coding for too many years... getting hard/lazy to learn new things like Angular or even Node...
@Sheepy Well I know node, my university thesis was about Node
pastebin.com/rMk6T4ev my (actually mostly @rlemon's) code
but I'm still a noob :D
@FlorianMargaine ^ I needs your js skills :)
how can I ignore uncompressing erros using gzip?
@Neoares Oh, any conclusion? The thesis, I mean.
@Sheepy yes, Node is very powerful when you want a real time application
@Neoares Uh, depends on how you (un)gzip it. If it is command line, just redirect to /dev/null.
@PeeHaa which logs are shown?
@Sheepy I didn't gzip it, I've downloaded the file from my CDN provider
@Neoares Honestly? With a single thread language?
@Sheepy yes...
it has one thread but it's asynchronous
@FlorianMargaine Only the one outside the callback
In chrome and IE it works just fine :|
@PeeHaa ah. Not sure it works with base64 images
onload is for network operations, really
if you use .src = base64string, it's a synchronous operation
I also tried to add it outside a callback just after setting the src but then I get...
@Neoares Ok. Perhaps we have different understanding for real time application.
> NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: spangas.js:1868:0
"image loaded"
@Sheepy I did a real time MMO browsed-based game
Heya @Zirak ,
Bot is not working in room 19132 -_-
well, I started it, but didn't finish
A: Should setting an image src to data URL be available immediately?

PhrogzAs no one has yet found any specifications about how this is supposed to behave, we will have to be satisfied with how it does behave. Following are the results of my tests. | is image data usable right | does onload callback set after src | after setting src? ...

@PeeHaa ^
it's a mess
@Sheepy If I redirect to /dev/null, I'll get the uncompressed file?
@PeeHaa use a setTimeout(fn, 0)
@FlorianMargaine Instead of the onload event?
@PeeHaa yeah
@Neoares Exactly. When I talk real time app, I imagine system with tight respond time requirements measured in ms or ns running on server with 64 cores.
Do I have to put it after I set the source in that case?
doesn't matter
setTimeout(fn, 0) means fn will be run on next tick, basically
so all the synchronous stuff will be executed before fn
@Sheepy oh so you talk about speed
var hide = "hide";
var yle = data.IsBulbOff === 1 ? "on" : "off";

how can i set hide value to empty if it's oFF in single line
node is good if you have tons of requests
> NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: @FlorianMargaine :(
@THE what does it look like in several lines?
!!why the hell you're not working ?
@TheLittleNaruto because you touch yourself at night
@PeeHaa hm..
@FlorianMargaine i like single line code
var hide = "hide";
var yle = data.IsBulbOff === 1 ? "on" : "off";
if(yle === "on") hide = "";
@FlorianMargaine I think I haz it
@TheLittleNaruto He is a handsome baby boy, want to know more ? stackoverflow.com/users/1944896/thelittlenaruto
Let me test
is it related to crossorigin?
Thanks PeeHaa
@Sheepy as long as it's IO, node fares pretty well. When you get to CPU, don't bother.
@FlorianMargaine Yes. Just read that message and did a quick search about the topic. Very interesting. Thanks for the insight!
So after asking further information ignore me, good
@FlorianMargaine yes it is
Removed the line and now it works with all devices but iphone
Works on ipad though
@PeeHaa maybe use 'Anonymous', as kelunik proposed?
Am trying it now
Nope. Also results in NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE:
Good luck
Or just store the image at some url...
Did Chrome just start ignoring autocomplete="off" on input fields or am I going crazy?
Q: Chrome Browser Ignoring AutoComplete=Off

Mr FettI've created a web application which uses a tagbox drop down, this works great in all browsers except my preferred browser Chrome (Version 21.0.1180.89). Despite both the input field AND the form field having the autocomplete="off" attribute, Chrome insists on showing a drop down history of prev...

@PeeHaa that's from 2012
I had it working untill I updated to 43.0.2357.81 m
@ivarni Chrome is known for letting bugs open for a long time
without any adding hidden input fields bullshit
> Unfortunately, there have been a large number of comments on this bug with name calling, so I'm going to restrict this bug to Chromium project members only. I apologize to those of you who have been providing constructive and helpful criticism.
> Chromium developers justify this move by saying “It is the security team's view that this is very important for user security by allowing users to have unique and more complex passwords for websites.”
then they should only disable it for type="password", we have a typeahead input and right now the autocomplete dialog obscures the search-result
@PeeHaa @ivarni I'm using autocomplete="off" for inputs and its working fine here (Windows 43.0.2357.81 m)
i.sstatic.net/gchzE.png <-- not working on my box, strange
@danabnormal did you set it on the <form> or the <input> itself?
:23772604 Just on the input
<input name="ctl00$cpMainContent$txtProjectName" type="text" id="ctl00_cpMainContent_txtProjectName" class="form-control" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Mongolia office move">
one day I'll work out how formatting bloody works here....
I've <input type="text" name="streetnumber" ng-model="model.streetNumberObject" typeahead="address as displayStreetNumber(address) for address in getStreetNumbers($viewValue)" typeahead-min-length="1" typeahead-editable="false" autocomplete="off"> and it's not working, this is strange
does you browser have any data to suggest? Maybe you haven't submitted that form before?
ah hang on - is there a difference between autocomplete and autoFILL maybe?
yeah, I suppose there is
@ivarni Doesn't typeahead use it's own input box? I don't think it inherits attributes
@BenFortune Not the version we're using
I inspect the DOM and the attribute is still there
Ah, okay
We're on an ancient version of that directive though
Which one are you using?
@danabnormal type="search" nuked it
@BenFortune 0.6.0
@ivarni yeah, i reckon chrome is autofilling using previous data (address line 1, country etc) rather than autocomplete so it was ignoring the flag
@danabnormal makes sense I guess, can't use the readonly hack because I don't know how a screen reader would react to that.
Lets say I have Display fn, which has utils for display. And I have an SearchDisplay fn, which does provide fns, with respect to search display. Now I want these two functions to be linked, such a way that, SearchDisplay fn can have access to Display fn's etc
Similar to java extend
!!mdn inheritance
@BenFortune Inheritance
@CapricaSix: Yeah, in js how to do them? Link the fns, prototype to the parent fn? Is that the right way?
turing test succesful. skynet active.
@SomeGuy I know some of those words xD
Haha, right?
That's perfect because now you can read about them and know all the words!
@danabnormal On a pedantic point here, turing test is a thought experiment, not actually something you can test
@Neil well.... is it
@danabnormal ORLY?
@Neil like, yah
So how long does the conversation need to be? Does it have to cover art and literature? What is the IQ of the person that tests this? Does he have to know how to program?
How many people must be unable to distinguish or is one enough?
ermm... what's #yglfpush? I saw some of us tweeting there, and I understood that yglf is a conference... but what about push?
It's hardly something you can test scientifically
It's like saying if an apple is shiny, it is tasty. How can you prove that?
@Neil draw graphs?
I'm missing the whole conversation. Debrief?
Turing test is a thought experiment, not a test in the scientific sense of the word
Neils trying to prove he's not a bot
or something
i saw a squirell and got distracted
@danabnormal Shh! I'm human! Really!
@Neil ask a random set of people and see if the test is positive or not, also calculate the possible error
@Neil Only a bot would say that....
so it is a scientific test
@towc and so you get average percentage and standard deviation.. how does this transform into "Passes the turing test"
@Neil if the majority of that set of people says yes, then the test is passed
@towc I think we haven't even established what passing the turing test means
"a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human"
a machine passes the turing test when he convinces humans that he speaks like them
@Neil self awareness?
@towc They had a twitter stream at the conference on a projector picking up that tag
oh, yeah, that
@BenFortune oh XD
@ivarni I don't think that signifies self-awareness
> rlemon don't poop on slides
If you wrote a program to print out a line after yours, and by chance every line perfectly aligned to what the reader expected after his, it isn't a program that is self-aware
It is a line feeder
technically even a rock is self aware
shut up and go study
!!s/a rock/The Rock/
@ivarni technically even The Rock is self aware (source)
@SomeGuy to be self aware = to know that you exist, right? Or smth like that. Depends on your definition of "knowing" applied to everything, not only humans
@towc being self aware means recognizing yourself when you look at a mirror
Human babies aren't self aware, for example
has anyone used cropit ? after I zoom the image, I can get the amount of zoom, and the image offset, i.e. the x,y co-ordinates of the image which intersects with the top-corner of the preview box. Now I want to use image magick and the crop the scaled portoin of the image.. like they do in facebook photo upload ,
Generally speaking, to be self aware is to be aware of your weeknesses and strenghts I think too
Morning radio host just rick rolled everyone listening.
"We have a brand new michael jackson tune coming up for you. Brand new, never released before"
Plays never gonna give you up
When you think about it, defining self-awareness isn't as simple as it seems.
Average price of detached homes in Vancouver has hit 2.23 million.
sweet jesus
i have a table
user clicks on a button to edit its contents
then cilcks on save button
on save i want to see if he changed any value
by change i mean he really changed any value
not entering 1 then 0 and then again 1
save the contents to a variable when he presses the edit button, compare when he presses the save button
any plugin for that you know of
@Cereal home.attach(document.body).buy().detach()
let's play a game
in PHP, 2 mins ago, by ircmaxell
http://store.steampowered.com/app/370360/ <-- this game is pretty awesome
does @Loktar own this game? ^
That reminds me, I need to watch Scott Manley's video on it
Early access game though
@the why do you need a plugin
@Cereal because i am lazy
i am going to do it myself now
Looking for a plugin is more effort than doing it yourself...
Are there any mobile browsers I can install userscripts and custom css on...?
i don't even remember how to declare a object in javascript
comparing is far far away
You should learn the language before looking for plugins
@Cereal i learn it and then i forget it again
@THE That's because you don't "declare" an "object".
@KendallFrey i know, i just said it
Q: Which way is best for creating an object in javascript? is "var" necessary before variable of object?

JamnaSo far I saw three ways for creating a object in JavaScript, which way is best for creating a object and why? I also saw that in all of these examples the keyword "var" is not used before property, why? is it not necessary to declare "var" before the name of a property as it mentioned that Prope...

I have an Audio in JS and want to load an audio file that's behind an authorization mechanism that requires a HTTP header. How can I make send a header I want?
@RoelvanUden good question. I wonder if loading through ajax first, then loading again will use cache, which will make it work.
@FlorianMargaine Hm, since the Audio file can be ridiculously huge, it absolutely needs to stream. Hitting a 1GB audio file just to prime a cache is a bit too much. Still, an interesting thought.
@RoelvanUden ah, yeah, not feasible.
didn't think it'd be about streaming.
hits itself
@BenFortune that looks like exactly what he wants :)
Yeah, that might be it, except that it's for video and img, not audio?
iirc audio inherits from video
Ah no, it inherits from HTMLMediaElement
But should still work
@BenFortune Do you happen to know of a doc that shows how to do http header auth via the attribute?
@RoelvanUden Still trying to figure it out myself. All I can see is crossorigin="use-credentials"
Indeed. Hm, curious.
Or audio.crossOrigin='use-credentials'
Try it and see what it does? :)
Reading the spec now
Looks like it uses Fetch under the hood
Can you pass the credentials to the URL?
No, HTTP header only.
Well, maybe I have a solution. We appear to have two end points for audio.
I can use the other one. Still remains an interesting question though :D
Here's the game. every time you come by a unsecured wireless printer, print this: isotropic.org/papers/chicken.pdf
Ask on main? :P
I really hate asking questions on SO :-)
@rlemon I pass about 30 on the way to work.
The coffee shop near me also has a printer hooked up to their public network, why I'll never know
@BenFortune start printing :P
Droidsheep becomes very fun :P
19 hours ago, by php_purest
you only need traces if you have a bug in your system
brilliant. Never thought about it this way.
also hello
@argentum47 cool try it out and let me know what happens
I'm guessing that guy needs lots then
I am completely a fan of this @php_purest guy.
He's from Minnesota, but I swear by Thor's hammer, that he's not the majority... Most of us Minnesotans are actually quite bright...
I'm not, he constantly spams main with his "plugin"
two exceptions until yet
When retrieving a localStorage item in the console, it returns either it's value or null. Can I check for it's existence with if then?
@NickDugger aren't Minnesotans the guys playing hockey and crashing head vs head every night?
@FlorianMargaine uhhhhh, good point, actually lol
@FlorianMargaine It's Wild, I tell you
Minnesotans are generally outdoorsy
We do this thing every year called the polar plunge
Translation: Most Minnesotans can't afford houses.
In the middle of the winter, we cut a big hole in the ice, and jump in
Fuck. That.
we do that in the summer
We do strange things in Minnesota
buncha wannabe Canadians
@BenFortune i hate you
We are the Canadians of the US
I just read all of the code on his account
now I'm sad
You have been cleansed.
@rlemon /r/eyebleach
@NickDugger Oy, that's a Scandinavian tradition!
@ivarni Minnesota was generally settled by Norwegians and Swedes
so yeah
I'm a good bit Norwegian by heritage
and Irish
Effin redhead
How does it feel to know that no matter what you do, you'll smell?
@NickDugger sure beats having a swedish heritage
@ivarni What's wrong with sweden? lol
The only thing Sweden has that we don't have in Norway is good neighbours :p
in Minnesota, we've corrected that. It's called Minnesota Nice, though all it really is is passive-aggression
@NickDugger reminds me of vim
"come to try, stay because you can't exit"

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