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@NickDugger , well I tried var _this = this then passed that into the start() but it was undefined :/
Yeah I think you want bind
@kaleeway you want to use the parameter, just name it something else
@kaleeway You misunderstand how functions work...
Who unpinned my message? :-(
Step 1, don't use reserved keywords as variable names
@kaleeway You're not "passing" anything into that. That's a parameter name
Once we get that figured out, we can find a solution to your XY problem
I think we need to see more code. This is likely easily solved with a var self = this; line
and self.render();
Is there a table of "pre-requisites" for each concept in javascript? It could be a good reference.
@Luggage Ugh, var self = this should likely not be used anymore ever
This dude posted a response on my question, I am trying to finish the last bit which he left blank
Unless you like IE from 12 years ago for some reason
Q: Backbone Model cannot access attributes, given undefined?

kaleewayAll, I have encountered a strange problem with a model in Backbone where some attributes are being returned as undefined despite the console saying they are set with a value. The layout of my app is like so. TasksView TasksCollection --> /getAllTasks TaskModel --> /enrich The app fetche...

!!afk time to go home
hey guys
You can see his answer , so I am using that but struggling to figure out how to call my render from within the jQuery when
lol you blocked the street address but you left the latitude and longitude...
@MadaraUchiha it might be a solution that doesn't involve introducing ES6. .bind() may be 'more correct' but not as clear.
it looks like _this is already used for that purpose in the code on SO.
@Luggage bind isn't ES6, is it?
bind is very clear if you know what bind is
And literally every interviewer asks if you know what bind is
@Meredith I call bullshit
bind as in backbone.js context?
No. those were two different other solutions. ES6 and .bind() (es-whatever)
p.sure call, apply, and bind were es5
@Meredith @Loktar failed then heh
@Luggage .bind() is ES5
I know
@Jhawins Context?
Notice the period. Thoses were differnt sentences
ES6 introduces fat arrow functions that supercede the need for .bind() in most cases
@Meredith You said every interviewer asks if you know what bind is I'm just being picky
!!afk I have things I should do
Oh is he an interviewer
partial application and reasonable lambda syntax are orthogonal FYI
And not every but most interviews ive done ask to explain call vs apply vs bind
is this what they ask js devs
@BartekBanachewicz they're talking about bind for this not for partial application.
and i someone couldn't remember if it was apply or call that took an array, I'd be OK with that. The concepts are more importatnt.
To be honest this backbone.js framework has given me nothing but grief, I thought it would be something to quickly build a prototype with but if youre not using RESTful services and have data spread around it is hopeless
the image is loaded
and i said that sometimes work ,sometimes not with the same code
@BartekBanachewicz relatively fundamental language features? yep
@BenjaminGruenbaum eww
@BenjaminGruenbaum @BartekBanachewicz which is, by far, the most common use of bind
@Luggage yeah I don't think they care about call vs apply very much
But even knowing that those 3 methods exist puts you way ahead of the curve
It's true. I know decent devs that just scrape by with minimal JS and they don't know them
maybe I should become a js dev then
@Jhawins you fail because you don't remember :P
@Loktar Jhawins is afk: I have things I should do
@BartekBanachewicz Become a jquery engineer
I asked a scope question where .bind was a valid answer to :P
I've been stuck with this for some time now. I need to display users' previous selections on click of the "previous" button on a quiz. Whenever they move to the next question, I store an array with the data attributes of the selections, so I can reapply them. I can't make it work for some reason. The last line isn't working.jsfiddle.net/xowgc5th/1
@Luggage that's not just JS devs
Well I wouldn't expect a C++ dev to know more than minimal JS
^ this
@Loktar Fiiiine that's totally true it was the same question...
Better to be a polyglot than a master
@kaleeway not really, no
you need to be really good with at least one language
It's been like 2 months haha
1 near master, 3 good, a half dozen you can work with relatively well, and vague familiarity with everything but haskell
@kaleeway "Do one thing and do it well"
I've been learning Arma scripting language recently.. what a strange language. all it's 'commands' are like operators in that they take arguments on the left and/or right side
I liked that interview, you set me up for something really cool I had done like the day before lol
What really confused me was the query string on the closure question but I was like just ignore it that's his plan. Cause I didn't know how those worked lol
haha dude the interview must have been cake for Sean
he interviewed with friggin Amazon
that sounded pretty brutal.
he seems pretty cool so far (our new JS dev) glad they hired him on
Yeah I was like why the hell didn't they just hire him first
no idea actually. But it worked out
/me heads home
Heh, I'm happy!
/me watches that ass on the way out (not really, don't report me)
somebody stumble over to hr
aw, damn it
Do you two work together?
Yeah I started here the 11th, we are caddy corner cubicles.
so cute
So does anyone here believe in full stack devs?
I think it is better than having a backend dev and rontend
no, it's a hiring buzzword
i use nodejs so i qualify as a full stack dev
@kaleeway If you don't believe in full stack devs they'll torture you for an unfathomable eternity once you die
I'm damn close to "full stack" but don't know enough about some of the layers to be effective and most people can't be that familiar with that many pieces of tech
I am a fullstack dev, I use spring, node, sql, mysql, lamp/tomcat, jdbc, load balancing , a bit of javascript and html
@kaleeway I've done full stack before
i'm a full stack dev, i guess. I'm the only dev on the project.
To me, "full stack" means you gotta pop before you push.
like, I can set up a server and provision VMs and puppet and IPA and manage the network and set up routing and configure a database and write code and queries and configuration and deployment and set up CI and...... but half of that, not well
@KendallFrey what does that mean
@Luggage , it is great you dont need to argue with other people over APIs :)
there's no such thing as a real, good full-stack dev
Very useful skill to have. Ideally, your full-stack folks are T-shaped (know a little about a lot, a lot about a little)
Oddly enough, that's exactly what birth control pills are about too
I honestly don't know what the big deal about being full-stack is - unless you're also dev-ops.
@Nolski You'll understand when you're older working on low-level stuff
birth control is one of my favorite things ever
@BenjaminGruenbaum ugh
stop using those awful words
no using the d-word here
Is there a way to tell domparser to return a document fragment instead of fullblown document?
@loktar , are you there
Oh well, I can't get this jquery promise to work. gonna just sleep for X seconds....
i do that all the time
Did you try bind?
@Meredith , no because I am not sure what bind you referring to backbone.js bind? or ES6 bind?
@ssube despite the hate around the devop word, I think it identifies pretty well some people's work
looks like I will have to do with loops only :(
@kaleeway bind is es5
@ssube also, full stack means backend/frontend, not devop (what you were describing yourself as)
@Meredith, I read the MDN article but I am not sure how I can use it for backbone models within a collection. Sorry
I'm full stack, just make sure the stack isn't anything difficult and it is a small project.
To be honest, I'd rather just do back-end, even though I could be a full-stack dev.
@Meredith , @ssube , thanks but I fixed it using async false in jquery
Perhaps another time when I have the luxury of weeks to mess around with javascript
@kaleeway you should definitely not make synchronous requests (if that's what you're doing)
@royhowie , I would agree but im at the point of giving up and if it makes my proof of concept work then itll do for now
@kaleeway ...Don't turn async off
@Meredith , I've tried promises, listenining to backbone model events (reset, add), setinterval, none of them worked
This is working and its for small get requests so, it will do for now
So what do you think the common theme is?
morning! just noticed Chrome blocks this combobox: jsfiddle.net/q72e3u0n
inbuilt xss safety?
@Meredith, the common theme is backbone is great but if your consuming badly designed web services then your on your own. Plus their documentation is all "perfect world" stuff. So you just gotta hack it :(
I think the common theme is that you don't quite understand the technology that you're using
@Sergio lol what exactly do you think that is.
That's perfectly fine, just go back and take the time to learn it
@Meredith, I agree completely but what can I do when I dont have time and the project manager is on your back? :)
You get the duck tape out
@Jhawins i understand its to prevent someone doing POST to tha el.value, but interesting its "buil-in" XSS security
You start working on your resume
@Meredith, I am going to do a startup :)
That's a great first job, CTO of a startup
Before I go checkout this site
@Sergio it's the \
Post mortems of failed startups
@kaleeway That's actually cool
escape that and the options work.
I think I'm gonna go and play around with Electron
@Jhawins chrome 42 accepted it, 43 blocks. you suggest its to avoid having a "/" in the innerHTML of the option?
@tereško Spark Electron?
@Sergio / = ⁄
Or something
@Jhawins \/
ok, its breaking the html, makes sense...
Is it allowed to make a stackoverflow bot?
@tereško ahh, I was about to bitch. The Spark Electron is a cellular chip on KickStarter, hasn't shipped yet.
I mean for chat rooms.
!!are you a bot?
@rlemon Impossible
What is Caprica Six?
@KendallFrey Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
So it's allowed
With restrictions
There is a dozen or so meta posts on it
Ok so I am poking at raw rtc connections in browsers without peerjs (yes I know only chrome and ff support them) and I could use some help from a networking guy. developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API/… this states that the signalling medium is used to get SDP for each peer. What is stopping from an uninvited user to join the same SDP?
@Shmiddty ping
How do you unignore someone from mobile?
Does anyone know of a good way of detecting whether I'm on a Stack Exchange page? Better than checking against stackexchange.com, stackoverflow.com, superuser.com, ser... yada yada
@KendallFrey check the availability of the StackExchange object. But it doesn't work on chat pages.
@rlemon trolling
and ofcourse any page can have that object :/
@akaRash Good catch, +1
@JanDvorak here?
> lol, like some of dem Walmart folks.
I'm here
@rlemon I feel like that was probably known long before the advent of x-ray technology
@Shmiddty okay so how you wanna change this ??
bigger font?
yellow? red? not black?
Give me like 45 minutes, then I'll be home
and I'll hop on a hangout or something
but then I can't watch parks and rec while coding :(
sure you can
unless you do that naked
then I'll have no part of that
> Most knees are inside of bodies.
Conscience question: you get a job offer with significantly better salary but your company can't miss you because they have some major projects. Can you leave?
How much do you like money?
Counter question, your company is running low on funds but you have bills, do they keep you?
@Meredith I thought you were an owner
hmm I guess I'm just clueless
Counter Counter question, will your company take this offer and counter it with better compensation?
I thought you were a JS room owner
Someone made me an owner for like a week idk why
It's not like I do anything here
@Jonathan depends if you care about money
heh, well if you want to be one Ill nominate you
Nah it's ok
@rlemon yeah thats what I would do if I loved my current job
imo if i liked the people and what the company was for, more so than with my current place, then i would consider it
but in the end, a business is a business, when there is no money flowing, cuts will be made and you could be one of them.
I'd ask for a raise and then leave if they don't want to give me one
I need the money, ooo oo oo oo, that's what I wan't (that's what I want).
@Meredith neither do I. Just take it.
Are you an owner
yeah his name is like dis
@phenomnomnominal you represent all JS writing Kiwi's everywhere
you are an ambassador
@rlemon ah yes, all three of us.
Yeah you got something
hes our token down under mate :P
I just shitpost on bird watching forums
    Guys , i need help
    i spent days on that problem
    when i write
     var id = $("img[title='" + imgtitle + "']").attr("id").replace('Img', '');
sometime work , sometimes not
i try to make sure that img is rendered
i write
 [].forEach.call(img, function (entry) {
                if (entry.getAttribute('imgtitle') == champNameParam)
when i debug , the array sometime have all images , sometimes doesn't have all images although all images appeared on the page
it actually works
oh god the possibilities are limitless omg
@Bassem you need to make sure they are loaded.
does this mean free blowjobs whenever I want?
[].forEach.call(img, function (entry) {
                if (entry.getAttribute('imgtitle') == champNameParam)
Yeah images are a pain to work with because you need to make sure they load
look up a image preloader, or something similiar
Guys , it loaded in document.ready using ajax function
where da hell are you
:( i need help
41 secs ago, by Loktar
look up a image preloader, or something similiar
document.ready fires when everything is loaded into the dom
!!google wait for image load
Has nothing to do with images loading
@Abhishrek come to gtalk IMMEDIATELY!
I've got a tiny green avatar up there, just sayin
guys quick question my brain isn't working too well today
if i have a cookie stored on the users browser with a session id
@meredith , so where can i call my images instead of document.ready
@akaRash He's gotta finish coming to young mature chicks first
@loktar , what is image preloader
Well, attach a listener to the image's onload event
@akaRash whaaaaat's RTC? :c
nvm brain started working again
IT is a verry cool thing
lookup webrtc
webrtc is neat it deserves more attention
still in a rough state right now imo
@akaRash lol @Abhishrek is well versed with webrtc
welcome to like 2012 when we were all going crazy in here about it
I know that is why I am pinging him
maybe 2013 i dont remember now I'm old.
no it is about 2014's w3 revision
the older api is stupid
I'm just being rude/joking around @akaRash
why do you keep using that account rather than awal?
you on vacation or something
Oh is that awal
Hey awal
I am using nightly a lot these days
hi @Meredith
hey guys I'm having an issue with highcharts, can anyody help?
I am just a lazy ass
@adamgouldie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Just ask your question
need to figure out where to put the development profile and use the main account :/
I've asked this question here but looks like the person who was helping has gone offline
Q: Highcharts ajax not working

adam gouldieI'm finding the highcharts a mind field to get working outside of the demo examples. When looking at stackoverflow there are tonnes of examples done in so many different ways for many different situations. I've tried to take bits and pieces of the code to get it working but to no avail. I am t...

Title Shortener gist updated, in case any fucks are given
how do I get the multi series to load in the graph?
I give [].indexOf('foo') number of fucks
No matter what I try it doesn't work
So does that mean you're taking a fuck
fucks aren't like credit. no "taking" if it is negative.
@KendallFrey did you ever try mine?
adapted from yours
the number one? na
no one can help or had a look?
[].length fucks.
okay so webrtc is cool
@AaronHarding I KNOW RIGHT?
@AaronHarding yes.
yo man I'm confused with this stackoverflow stuff
We can write a simple userscript for so chat to integrate completely private messages between users.
someone got angry at me for not plus 1 the answer, when I replied because it didn't answer the question and still looking for help, now the comments have been deleted?
yeah, sweet
do you people like delete stuff so only good stuff shows or something?
yes delete all the things
sometimes i feel like the web is coming back around to the same technologies as flash was ~a few years ago but so well implemented
I think I'm gonna abandon stylesheets, and do everything inline with JSX
is that dumb
@mosho lol
just like JSX is, yes
how is JSX dumb
(what i mean is vector graphics, complex animations that are gpu accelerated, and now user media and peer to peer connections are all now native)
@akaRash youre trolling on your sock account lol. Your opinion is sooooooo valuable.
I am not trolling
jsx seems pretty dumb if you don't know a lot about it
JSX is the greatest thing since modules imo
but what about individually wrapped cheese slices? surely it cannot be better than that.
I'm not paying for paper
I'd rather the cheese slices stick together
you're stupid
I hate to have to take all the paper out before I can make a big ball of cheese
@Meredith I second that motion
stupid is just who I am
Don't worry im pretty sure my iq is like 85
lame attempt at a burn? or border-line sexism?
When 3 or more Canadians gather, the proper term is an "apology," an "apology of Canadians."
I don't know where to use "twss" so I just use it when I can't think of another reply :(
!!urban twss
@akaRash TWSS Short for [that's what she said]. Only to be used in situations where saying [that's what she said] would be deemed inappropriate. Usually said under breath and pronounced twiss.
I don't understand that definition
!!urban that's what she said
@KendallFrey that's what she said The most versatile joke on Earth.
Here's an example
"This is really hard"
"That's what she said"
Any time someone describes something as hard or long, you can say twss
It's so hot in here, I'm dripping wet
no, really, I need A/C
ok, I haven't dripped yet
@Meredith ohhh ok
That's Worryingly Hot Sounding.
@phenomnomnominal just like everything about you
@Meredith hey look twss where s is your mum ok?
so how was it?
brilliant. totally astounding.
!!google jquery webrtc plugin
not.. unexpected
@rlemon I want a freezie
doesn't everyone?
does a tool exist that takes a big js file and map all the functions calls inside it?
and makes a tree or something
function dependency tree
I can use esprima to make something like that, shouldn't be too hard
A: Get a list of all functions that are called by another function

Trevor DixonEsprima may help you. It is a Javascript parser that can help you do static code analysis. Here's a quick example (http://jsfiddle.net/fyBvT/): var code = 'function funcA() { funcB(); funcC(); } function funcB(){ funcD(); } function funcC() { funcD(); } function funcD(){ console.log("This func...

challenge: write a string that when passed to function red (str, initVal) { return [].reduce.call(str, Function, initVal); } gives a valid javascript function. chose whatever initVal you want
@rlemon yeah, I just saw that
red([], function() { /* anything */ })
that's not a string
Works with "" too
no no no. that's not the point
see, that's where you're wrong
the point is to do whatever you want under the rules
the returning function should be made from the string, not the initVal
bad rules are bad.

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