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@FlorianMargaine i figured it out
Can someone leave the room and rejoin please?
@akaRash Yeah, I'll do it
great, thanks
great, recorded. Thanks!
@Zirak for the record, my all-debs installation is getting somewhere. I have a virtualbox VM right now with debian that has almost everything I need -- emacs, awesome, iceweasel, chromium, nice awesome config, nice git config, nice tmux config, etc. (missing emacs config.) I only need a package named "ralt-lisp" that will have sbcl/slime/quicklisp (lisp stuff), and I'll be good to go.
how to fork and customize?
on the VM, all I had to do was getting a custom /etc/apt/sources.list, then apt-get update; apt-get install ralt-dotfiles
@akaRash you'll need your custom repo
e.g. mine is hosted on vm.margaine.com/debian
did you.. just... write your own distribution
not really
but you could say I did, yes
#! was basically that
all I will have will be 3 packages though
next thing we know is another distro in the race confusing newcomers to linux. well done.
yeah... sure
I love it though
I just added vlc to the list of dependencies of ralt-dotfiles
@FlorianMargaine you ever go to debconf?
apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade
and everything is installing :-)
@Nolski the program or a conference?
I've heard it's pretty great. I have a lot of friends who go and say it's by far their favorite.
why is returning json as text plain and why is it linked to devtools on localhost wtf*42
Hey what do you guys think about GWT
lol Java
this is... not ok.
I'm thinking about going with something else but idk
anyone using chromium? (not chrome)
@akaRash what's wrong with this?
devtools are linking the websocket stream to that url for evaled code on localhost
either devtools are fucking with me or I need to sleep
1 hour later…
Hi guys
Anyone here familiar with Nodejs?
Would you be willing to help me out on something? I'm sort of new at it
Oh okay. Well if you decide so, here's the link to my question
A: Receive data synchronously in Firebase

DatsikYou could simply implement a Javascript promise into your file like so: module.exports = function(word) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fb.once('value', function(snapshot) { var data = snapshot.val(); data.forEach(function(dataSnap) { v...

Well, the answer is correct on first glance
Alternatively, you could make the function take a callback
I'm trying the code out right now, hopefully it works. Is a Promise something that is builtin to JS?
Yes, in newer versions
I see. The extent of my knowledge of Javscript is just through trying out snippets of code and working on random projects. I am taking an AP Java course in high school and the syntax of Js is quite similar to that of Java. Is there an online resource or a book that you would recommend me to read get a better handle on Javascript?
I don't
I see
So I tried out the code from the response but it still wont show anything in console
Quick question...I have a question about '$provider' in Angular. I was looking at the docs and then at some other resources. Does this tutorial (thinkster.io/egghead/providers) look correct? Just want to ask before I go through it
Using a callback fixed the issue, however.
3 hours later…
Can I chain _.unique in lodash?
Does Ecmascript 6 support pattern matching for all purposes or only for destructing nested objects?
what is the mistake I am doing here, I am supposed to get an array of [text, link] gist.github.com/argentum47/… but when I run gist.github.com/argentum47/8b885ea69c9e0b34e287#file-index-js I only get the success status logged in the console gist.github.com/argentum47/… .. where as an un-promisified version works quite well gist.github.com/argentum47/8b885ea69c9e0b34e287#file-test-js
2 hours later…
@Catgocat I added you on Skype. Mind answering my email proposal?
who is antropod phobic here ?
how come if I resolve this promise: resolve(data); the data is undefined in the then handler: ` function (data) {`
@Thomas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Guys, quick Q regarding RegExp. I've got a regexp (\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d)), that formats number in a way I need it to, but recently I tried to use the precision part, that can be longer than 3 digits and discovered, that after floating point separator I get same format. i.e. 9999.1234 => 9 999.1 234. How could I make it stop when it reaches floating point symbol?
is a closure retained when I pass a function to a web worker??
Wonder how JS will be ? lo
@Reda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Eugene are you just looking for a solution to your problem? (If so, I'll give you a link.)
Q: Web Worker with catalinejs does not call my code

vamsiampoluI am creating a web worker using the catalinejs library,I create the worker using a singleton because I read that creating a worker is a costly operation. I create the worker like this: var getWorkerInstanceMaker = function getWorkerInstanceMaker(query) { var spatialQueryWorkerCreator = funct...

@Qantas94Heavy yes.
@GabrielTomitsuka Wait, I have some questions. Do you mind sending me your skype name? Skype on linux really sucks.
Good morning everybody
@RoyiNamir JS will be the flying butterfly that C++ will never be able to hit :P
@MadaraUchiha halp.
Hey, anyone here has any experience with deploying to GAE?
@doodla Do I know you?
good call
@Eugene split by the dot and join it again.
What the hell was the kick for?
Its a legit question. :/
Pinging two unknown people, I think.
For pinging users who have not engaged in discussion with you first. You're welcome to take it up to meta if you'd like.
Who knows anybody on the internet?
> who have not engaged in discussion with you first.

A little warning plx.
The kick is supposed to be a warning, not a punishment :)
Don't be so pedantic. Anyways.

Help plx. I can't seem to find the problem. Toggling doesn't work after clicking the buttons.
openSesame sounds like magic to me
Temporary names.
Just testing things out.
No idea wth is happening in there. You have too many class names (for a demo) and stuff like .parent.parent.parent.
	For each object in this.commands array,
	I want to add an array of each two, to commands

	Something like

	this.commands = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
	commands = [ [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7]]


var commands = [],
	row = [];

this.commands.forEach(function(cmd, i) {
	row.push(cmd.cname + (cmd.params ? " " + cmd.params : ""));
	if (i % 2 != 0) {
		row = [];
}, this);

if (row.length) commands.push(row);
Help ? ^
@AwalGarg Why does .parent thing matter?
its a small snippet
In that case I don't know. I am too noob to be able to help at jquery.
@Catgocat just use a for loop
@AwalGarg show me
Any one has idea of creating karma plugin?
@AwalGarg OW your right i += 2
@AwalGarg Don't tell me let me do it
I am always right.
!!afk state all thy opinions if I shall look into the jquery API to know it or not
let arr = [];
let cur;
for (let i of commands) {
  if (!cur || cur.length > 2) {
    cur = [];
@Catgocat ^
I have an node module defined in say directory ~/ownModule. And I want to use this module as dependency for other node module say in ~/module. How should I do that ?
@AwalGarg ?
@MadaraUchiha AwalGarg is afk: state all thy opinions if I shall look into the jquery API to know it or not
What this means in "module" terms
module.exports = {'framework:chai': ['factory', framework]};
@AwalGarg I'm just using triple parent to select the bottom div( the one which is getting toggled). If there is a better way to do it, please let me know.

Basically, on clicking the green div, I'm toggling the div below, and on clicking the button, I want to change the color of the div above.

The problem is, once I use the button function to toggle/hide the second div, toggle isn't working anymore.
Madara, if you could help, it would be nice.

@RoelvanUden This works for me
var init  = ["a","b","c","d","e"],
	final = [];

for (var i = 1; i <= init.length; i += 2) final.push([ init[i-1], init[i] ])
@RoelvanUden Your code doesn't work though.
@RoelvanUden It gives me an array with 3 of length
I am creating table rows dynamically in javascript and appended it to existing table which loaded when the page get loads. But my problem is those newly added html, doesn't apply css styles
It is only for a single checkbox. I looked into console in browser and i couldn't find any errors.
when i hard code that table row, it loads with the expected styles applied
I looked into the inspect element and i saw that, when i hardcode the table row, with that css, it had created some dynamic tags have created for that element
This is the code which i hard coded :
<div class="checkbox i-checks"><label> <input type="checkbox" value="" > <i></i></label></div>
But when i see that element through browser i see this :
<div class="checkbox i-checks"><label class> <div class="icheckbox_square-green" style="position: relative;"><input type="checkbox" value="" style="position: absolute; opacity: 0;"><ins class="iCheck-helper" style="position: absolute; top: 0%; left: 0%; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; opacity: 0; background: rgb(255, 255, 255);"></ins></div><i></i></label></div>
WCLI Interface

Current version: 1,0,0

A cool program where you can do all these cool stuff without needing not to do cool things because everything is alright.

List of available commands <command> [params]

  help                  damn [call] [forme] [and you]
  shutup <people>       fuckme [fuckwho]
@Qantas94Heavy sure. This is one way to go. I just thought, that if I have so to say partially working RegExp already, then it might be easier to change it, rather than doing some additional manipulation.
This looks like a cool default help command response for my CLI module.
wCLI interface <version 1.0.0>

A cool program where you can do all these cool stuff without needing not to do cool things because everything is alright.

List of available commands <command> [params]

  help                  damn [call] [forme] [and you]
  shutup <people>       fuckme [fuckwho]
Looks better now
@MadaraUchiha hey, can you confirm with any mod in the blue room that the socket authentication endpoint checks for the validity of the origin header?
that is, the url returned by successful auth from chat.stackoverflow.com/ws-auth
in the JSON response
well, s/mod/<balpha/marc/<insert internal dev here>>/
I need help. Somebody.
That is a sentence. And an invalid sentence.
That is technically a correct sentence, but could be better written as "That is a sentence. An invalid one." or "That is an invalid sentence".
Made 508 lines of code without documenting anything.
Now I'm sad.
!!tell 23729227 youtube lion king 3d
I tried doc-comments yesterday. Here is what I ended up with: github.com/awalGarg/chat/blob/master/static/connection/…
@akaRash That would change the meaning.
@KendallFrey deal with it
People are going to love working with you in the future.
me? why?
You made up your mind on documentation/comments.
I don't see what value they add :( But hey I tried atleast.
// mm.js
exports = module.exports = function (fn) { return fn("Hello"); }

// main.js
var mm = require('./mm.js');

// Works
// Doesn't work
Help? ^
!!> var log = console.log; log('foo'); // won't work
@akaRash "undefined" Logged: "foo"
@akaRash It returns undefined, but that's how console.log works
In node console doesn't need context
damn right
@rlemon english please?
well what I meant is, the this value is lost when referencing methods.
It is english
But why does that happen?
Ask Brendan Eich.
So it doesn't preserve context you say?
Why the hell not?
17 secs ago, by aka Rash
Ask Brendan Eich.
So I will have to .BIND every function if it depends on the context?
thats bullshit
same with functions passed to event registrars, setTimeout, etc.
Or I can do this: mm(function(data) { process.stdout.write(data); })
Wrap it with a function
do whatever you want. jump off a boat.
I am almost finishing my command line interface module, can you guys check it out later?
I still have to do all documentation.
documentation ain't no necessary
I think it's better because it has many methods
Well not that many, but it's better to do some documentation
If it is intended to be used as a library, documentation is important
It is rlemon.
No one will use an undocumented library
I think the design of my library is very cool.
No one will use it anyways.
You guys can then tell me what should be better.
I'll use ES5 for now.
To support most platforms.
And it is fully compatible with readline module
They can work together very nicely.
!!spec with
@Zirak I probably can't make it to the talk today. Make sure there's a recording
@copy, @phenomnomnominal There'll be a recording available on youtube
!!> with(Math){sin(PI)}
@crl "SyntaxError: strict mode code may not contain 'with' statements"
I really need to fix that
Shouldn't all ES6 code be run in strict mode only? Why does the ES6 spec even contain the with reference?
There's still non-strict mode code in es6
How should I document my library? Directly write in its github repo?
Maybe I should build a small website.
Write in jsdoc comments and generate the documentation
I'm sorry, what?
!!tell Catgocat google jsdoc
I don't know how to say it much clearer
@crl there is a feature is microsoft edge browser that lets you make notes on website - i think its a great idea!
@crl sounds legit
> because they generally can't write fast enough to get everything down — which ultimately helps them learn.
oh, all apple machines. no doubt they couldn't get it right.
@Catgocat the only guy with a pc is an old man
looks like alienware
@FlorianMargaine hey there is another lady in the 4th row on the left
@FlorianMargaine Where can I download the original emacs for linux?
@Catgocat ask google?
if you're on ubuntu, apt-get install emacs24 is usually enough...
@Catgocat "think different"
@FlorianMargaine thanks
@FlorianMargaine Because I was searching for emacs but couldn't find downloads, only documentation.
actually the usually question would be "which linux you're using"
because most of the distros have some built in application management system
@Catgocat in general, apt-cache search <package-name>
@FlorianMargaine I know, but I didn't know that most of the apps were in the software center
ubuntu has apt, debian has deb, redhat has yum .. etc
@tereško debian has apt too
"by default"
yes, by default
how do I remove this cursor??? insert doesn't work
debian netinst has apt-get available
thank god...
arch has pacma!
dpkg doesn't install dependencies for you
it'd be a huge PITA if debian didn't have apt by default
well , I am a freebsd user .. I look at most linux software management tools and think "cute, now run along"
@FlorianMargaine How do I turn my cursor normal
@FlorianMargaine It has that terminalish cursor
@Catgocat get used to it, it's fine
but I want the other one
the one that is slimmer you know
@tereško apt-get is really not bad.
your brain is slim
But I don't like this cursor.
@FlorianMargaine help
@Catgocat M-: (setq cursor-type 'bar)
And where do I type that?
@Catgocat follow the tutorial though, if you want to get started in emacs.
you wouldn't ask this question if you had.
!!google tutorial emacs
@Catgocat why don't you install a normal GUI editor ?
yeah, don't use emacs
@tereško What, emacs isn't normal?
If you don't intend on finding things out for yourself and learning to deal with shit, don't use emacs
emacs/vim is what you use at 4AM on the productions server when everything went tits up
just use nano and be done with it
nah, they're fine
especially when the tutorial is on the emacs start screen
I think I will order in some sushi
you're right, I'll stick with gedit for now
"use nano"; //ffs
@Catgocat try Atom or Brackets or Sublime Text 3
@tereško I've tried all those, they're very fancy in a way that bothers me
I like them simple.
or eclipse or webstorm or w/e...
"fancy" ?
If only there was a gist which listed recommended editors
@Zirak Now it's the time
I knew it xD
Everytime you link that gist here I have to poke you that you have to update the builder tagline.
Nobody cares about you
Zirak I recommend gedit: Simple and easy-to-use text editor.
@Catgocat which were the "fancy features" that bothered you?
syntax highlighting ?
@Catgocat Have you seriously used anything else?
@tereško Not features, I think there are too much things going around (now I sound like my grandpa)
@tereško lol
@Zirak my short sentence is added
@Zirak I have used Sublime 3, Brackets, Atom, nano.. eclipse (when I did PHP with a plugin I can't remember)
oh, you are the guy who came in asking how install javascript?
oh, gedit extensions
@Catgocat care to elaborate, because this is how opened ST3 looks like: i.imgur.com/Ce9J8Ij.png
I have no gedit extensions though.
no sure what are those "too many things" you are talking about
No auto-complete
No auto-brackets
I write hardcore
@tereško Looks really ugly to me
right ... I see
@tereško your sublime text window is larger than the resolution my laptop supports :(
vi is hardcore, not gedit.
@akaRash i'm kinda not sorry
You're all bunch of gedit haters.
you can't even exit vi
Mom, Florian is bullying me.
@Catgocat I love gedit.
@akaRash me too let's fuck
let's fuck your mom
well, I gave up at the point when he/she said that he/she doesnt want autocomplete
I mean, it's fine by me without autocomplete.
I just really don't care.
Because I type fast, so..
I gave up there
13 mins ago, by Catgocat
!!google tutorial emacs
oh, you type fast
I usually spend most of the time thinking, not writing
@Zirak update your editors' gist
don't say that when copy is around
@Zirak Yeah put recommendation on gedit
yeah @Zirak update the gist you lazy ass
/me doesnt recommend a single editor
I have all three, each for different aspect of development
No one cares about you.
"all three"?
Jquery .slideToggle() isn't working for me. Can anyone help?
@Catgocat no, only you
@FlorianMargaine brackets, atom and sublime
@tereško weird
Brackets looks ugly on linux, just saying.
Basically, once you click the button in the toggled div, nothing works.
Atom crashes all the time on linux, just saying.
And I have no idea why that is happening.
@doodla what is the point of var array = $previousDiv.attr("class").split(' '); ?
or of the $previousDiv.removeClass() ?
@Zirak Are you still going to do that broadcasting today?
@tereško Basically there can be any one of red, green or orange class. And I need to work with that.
@Catgocat No it doesn't
I was originally thinking of only removing the one class, but later decided to remove all the classes and re-add them.
@Catgocat Sure
I know those two lines of code are fucking it up, but don't know why.
@Zirak are the slides ready?
err, will you have slides?
Slides? pfft
@doodla are you aware that "array" variable is never used ?
so, let me repeat it again: what is the point of that line?
@teresko ignore that line. I mistakenly copied that snippet from my original code.
@FlorianMargaine I hope rlemon doesn't see this
@doodla well , this is what's causing the problem $previousDiv.removeClass().addClass('card-content white-text animate red lighten-1');
I know that. Just don't know why.
Well, I found out about 5 mins ago.
I also don't know how to solve the problem. Or how to do it better.
remove the color and add a different one
is it really so hard ?
I'm new to javascript.
so... yeah.
its hard for me right now. Well, not exactly hard, but I don't know the most direct, simplest way.
try the complicated way :)
I did. Doesn't work and @tereško is making fun of it. :(
@FlorianMargaine @tereško Anyways, I'm still learning, so if you could let me know a better way, I'll be using that in the future.
@doodla Bullying is frequent here get used to it @FlorianMargaine
Is this JSDOC comment alright? I've just began trying it out.
 * Creates an Interface Object
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} [config=] - The config object (takes later-editable properties)
 * @param {string} [config.name=null] - The name of the program
 * @param {string|string[]|integer[]} [config.version=null] - The version of the program
 * @param {function} [config.outfn] - Function to be called to output information (with .output)
 * @param {string} [config.description=null] - The description of the program
@doodla use debugger (or better, chrome dev tools) to find out what's wrong, how the code goes, what the flow is, etc.
@FlorianMargaine I know how to do that. Its just that the breakpoint isn't triggering.
@doodla what does that mean?
@FlorianMargaine What do you think the problem is?
no idea.
the fact that the breakpoint isn't triggering should tell you something though
problem is jquery
it silently fucks something up, which is why event doesn't get triggered anymore
@tereško adding the animate class breaks it
OR the problem is caused by messing with materialize.js classes
they're css classes. Not quite sure how that could fuck up JS
classes aren't "css classes"
classes are a part of the DOM
I'd try to use a real click handler
Can't hurt, and it might be something overriding onclick
Do browsers apply CORS to non-HTTP services? Say that I use ENet bindings (a UDP wrapper) for Node.js and then use Browserify to bring that over to the browser, and I try to connect to a server. Will it work or will it get blocked?
@FlorianMargaine as in $("#divName").click(function(){}); ?

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