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I thought that was rebecca.blackfriday
lol, great minds think alike
I don't know if I've ever seen a dl or dd element in real life
Why doesn't iojs support .fill I don't get it
@Catgocat node and io don't do es6
where was the try
I didn't hide anything
hiding in plain sight
I know the tactics
> We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price.
thats a nice refund policy, just like most major retailers.
@ssube Well, their slogan is "Bringing ES6 to the community"
node is full of shit and io doesn't exist anymore, so...
@Loktar no retailer is legally bound to refund you, but they are to price match against markdowns. Sales is another story.. (just a FYI tidbit of information if you didn't know)
Hmm, my images on localhost are hourglassing, unless I link to them directly, like this: localhost:8000/images/avatar_2x.png
@rlemon oh I know its not a matter of anything legal
they dont have to accept any sort of returns
@rlemon on a scale of one to butt naked hanging out of a window.. how drunk should I be for my presentation of express.io?
yea I just thought it is interesting. a lot of people assume a refund is something they are entitled too
however in the UK its different for digital items
@SterlingArcher rekt
oh hah yeah I know its funny
when I worked retail people would argue it all the time
@SterlingArcher paperbag/10
"I'm not leaving without my refund" .. no you'll be leaving when security shows up to escort you out.
@ssube I've used DL/DD on commercial projects for FAQs. And iojs supports some es6 constructs like const or let
> "Ok guys as you can shee here from the express docs, routing is done simply by using the app.route mehth*:throws up violently, webcast ends:*
@rlemon what do you mean re: price match legal obligatons
I can see it now..
@rlemon NE doesn't have the price match law
@taco in Canada at least, if a product is marked down within 14 days of purchase and you bring in your receipt they have to adjust it. This doesn't apply to sales however, just hard markdowns.
if you find something with a lower price sticker on it, it doesnt matter :(
@rlemon ok
Jordan Alexander, whoever you are, sorry, but I don't think your talk is interesting for us. It would be nice if the audience was more newbie... But we're not
MI has a law where you get it for the price its marked, which is nice.
It's just my opinion though.
@Loktar That makes sense. I've seen .99 cent items marked up
@Loktar that is true here as well. if two of the same products are listed at different prices MOST places give you the lower price, but the are not obligated to do so. I'm talking about when something gets marked down. like you buy a t shirt today and tomorrow it moves to the clearance section.
yeah, I also think its to stop people from randomly charging different prices to certain customers.
here, it is to their discretion. if a single item on the rack iis mis-stickered. well. you're fucked. you get the real price.
@FlorianMargaine me
if the stock boy fucked up and mis-stickered EVERYTHING, then you are pretty much boned to give it to them at that price.
That's fine
I don't have to give one
I detect hurt feelings.
I <3 you still bro.
@SterlingArcher give the talk bro. @FlorianMargaine just don't watch it m8
nah not at all, I know y'all know what i know ;)
@SterlingArcher seriously. it isn't just for us.
meh, they are informal talks anyway and ^
@rlemon hire a friend to sell 4K TV's for a day....
next time a noob asks for a good express tutorial, I need a resource :P
I wanted to hear it
everything in my 'suggested topics' is something you guys can find online in like 30 seconds. it might be nice to see me walk through it all tho. also then I get a practise planning and giving a talk.
yeah it will be streamed to youtube so it could beneficial anyways. so deliver it.
@SterlingArcher that said, it's still good for training purposes
if you have to do one at work, you'll be so glad it's not the 1st time
ahhh backtracking now I c
Whatever you guys want :)
@SterlingArcher could you do a talk on CF?
@akaRash more like confused.se
Depends on what about?
@FlorianMargaine see, that would benefit no one. no one wants to learn CF :P
I don't think anyone here knows anything about it, so an introduction?
@rlemon this
let newRow = ",".repeat(9).split(',');
let newRow = Array.apply(null, Array(10)).map(function() { return ""; })
Better ways? (Can't use .fill)
shim .fill
and use it
what about alternative ways
yea, putting what you have into a shim and using that
why do you need an alternative?
then when it is supported you just remove the shim
and you don't have to change your code
future proof code > all
Sorry, but what is shim.
google broken? :P
Sometimes you could cooperate
just saying
well, you can google it, or I can google it and paste the resulting description.
why waste two peoples time when you could only waste your own :P
@Catgocat let me co-operate then:
!!tell Catgocat google shim and polyfill
I find what it is but can't find the purpose in javascript.
first link
seriously now.
Is shim meant to be within our file?
Or a written library that we use, like util.
9/10 times someone says shim they mean polyfill
polyfill > shim
when possible to write a polyfill that is
if (!Array.prototype.fill) {
    Array.prototype.fill = function() {}; // polyfill
on the day it's implemented, it'll be used instead of your polyfill.
which is why it is recommended.
your code never has to change to support the newer native implementation
!!barren or carney
Should I write a library and do if (!Array.prototype.fill) { Arr..fil = ... } ?
@rlemon carney
!!mdn Array.prototype.fill
almost all newer methods have a polyfill section in the bottom
use it.
they will likely be the closest to the actual implementation and will/should be pretty fast
But where will I drop it? Randomly in my app? It would look too nasty. Drop it into a package? How would I activate it ?
It wasn't a rhetorical question though.
ugly but works.
someone might have a better solution
But seriously how do you personally do this?
@Catgocat JavaScript is a dialect of the ECMAScript specification controlled by the ECMA International organization and the members of it's TC39 committee. Engines like V8, Spidermonkey etc. (which have no relation to ECMA International) implement the specification into engines which can parse and interpret string code according to the ECMAScript specification.
If the TC39 committee decides to add a feature to the specification today, vendors of the engines might not be able to add the feature today itself and probably would not be able to ship it by today itself. So we have detect if the e
if I need array.fill in a module I'd include the polyfill in the module and only use it there
@akaRash I'm glad you know how to copy and paste.
or at the very least, limit the number of modules I use it in
@Catgocat find that anywhere on the web, I challenge you ;)
I wrote it just now.
@rlemon What if you have only a main application.
@rlemon That solution looks nasty though.
you should have modules breaking your application into smaller maintainable bits
@Catgocat polyfill directory, then use something like modernizr to pull them in for the client, or just pull in the modules as you need them
he needs them in node. and you can't just 'include' in node the same way you can other languages
unless there is new magic, you have to do something similar to what I wrote above.
personally, I wouldn't modify the prototype, and there's probably an array fill module for node anyways
spent like two hours trying to debug why NPM couldn't publish to our internal registry
pushed a patch of Nexus during the middle of the damn day
turns out it was because CentOS has NPM 1.3.6 as the default version
(2.11.0 is latest)
I hate CentOS
NPM ran and claimed to succeed, but the packages didn't show up
I hate NPM
CentOS always wants to give me shit.
never fails.
I also dislike NPM. I pretty much am not happy with most stuff on the computer
@rlemon what's wrong?
@FlorianMargaine this exact second? well, I'm kinda gassy
that's the pizza
for lunch I had a hot dog.
@rlemon right?
computers are awful
shut up I love computers
because you never lived life without. us old people know the powerfulness of a stick and a ball.
entertainment for DAYS
I started working on computers maybe 2-3 years ago and I am 17, so I know what life without computers is ;)
did you have a computer growing up? when did your family first get a computer?
My parents had half a basement wall covered in these small paper websites and would send me down there to learn things.
2-3 years ago.
fair enough
@ssube ohh yea, we had the $4000 encyclopedia set
valued today at: fuck you, wikipedia bitches.
the first time I saw a computer I thought it is something made for people like our prime minister and I will never be able to touch one (it was in a dark room in my school)
How do I compare two objects created with new Image()?
... what lemon says below :/
you wanna see same picture?
unit testing
explain what you actually need.
compare as in what? like comparison between two numbers could be >, <, <=, >=, === etc.
@SomeKittens if you need to compare the actual images to be the same or different, Canvas is all I can think of. If you need to compare image offline, linux cmp command, if you need to just see if it is the same resource, check src values and height/width I suppose (if stretch/crop matter)
you can use structured clone algorithm on the two objects and compare the results.
postMessage employs structured cloning
I'll just check the srcs
> Structured clones can duplicate ImageData objects. The dimensions of the clone's CanvasPixelArray will match the original and have a duplicate of the same pixel data.
@FlorianMargaine I could do that
Pros and cons, my experience with it, etc
make a survey :P
ColdFusion is bad and I am a terrible person for using it ~ Lessons learned by Jordan A.
yea the survey was a great idea. I had no clue what I should talk about first.
now I let you guys make the hard choices for me
@rlemon anything but fish
I WILL be doing the fish tank one eventually.
maybe not first
@SterlingArcher make a survey on g+
And in a territorial battle with another coral, they extrude their intestines on the other and digest the other coral alive?
@FlorianMargaine dammit
@SterlingArcher like rlemon did :P
@SterlingArcher mad survey brah.
hard on.
Ok hold on
Im not G+ savvy
What does Socket.io solve on top of regular ol' WebSockets?
channels abstraction
I've only ever used WebSockets, wondering if socket.io abstracts anything
@FlorianMargaine channels?
err, pub/sub channels
@SterlingArcher use strawpoll please :(
@MadaraUchiha rooms
@SomeKittens rooms?
@MadaraUchiha namespaces
@MadaraUchiha check out primus.io
@MadaraUchiha So I can emit to room 17 and only clients that have joined the room will get it
@Loktar How's that different from just connected to a websocket at a different URL?
write once, swap out socket engines at will.
@SomeKittens Why not just subscribe to ws://whatever.com/rooms/17?
@MadaraUchiha I wonder the same
Vote on my GPoll you sheep
@akaRash the idea of the g+ community is so this is all organized in a single place
no straw polls
yeah g+ is a better choice, sorry
@MadaraUchiha I think that might be how it works internally
at least with namespaces
I fail to see the abstraction here
You abstract a string behind another string?
It falls back too when websockets aren't available
that was the only feature I cared about when I used it
@rlemon isn't Kazak adorbs
but then I switched to primus
and used straight ws instead.
socket.io (and thus express.io) fall back?
socket.io will fall back to long polling if websockets aren't available
but.. what doesn't support them anymore?
damn only IE9 and below, nice
My only problem with socket is that it changes the passed data to the client and adds "spec variables" in front of it which makes inspection harder.
yeah, I guess anything with canvas has sockets
@Loktar it's the opposite actually :P
what do you mean @FlorianMargaine
@Loktar it does long polling, and upgrades to websockets
long polling by default
@Catgocat rlemon is afk: home time.
@FlorianMargaine why would it do that instead of falling back?
@ssube so that it's sure it's working
I know the result is essentially the same, but why upgrade?
@ssube do you know how websockets work?
oh, so it opens a polling connection, waits for a response, then upgrades?
I mean, the handshake?
not at that low a level, not really
@akaRash That looks good
(I mean the theme)
@akaRash that's a really nice desktop. What WM/theme?
@ssube @Catgocat github.com/horst3180/Arc-theme (the WM is likey GNOME Shelll)
@ssube websocket start at http
and it issues an Upgrade header
Is it for Unity or Gnome?
@Catgocat both, and other wide range. Please read the readme :/
Oh it works both nice. By the way is that theme of yours in Unity or Gnome?
It's Gnome right?
yes, GNOME
How do you search for things?
I like gnome but the missing search bar ..
But it does not work with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
@Catgocat hit the super key
Does it work on gnome too ?
I know Unity is the super key.
super key is the super key. gnome or unity.
Does your spacebar key change in windows?
I meant its functionality
"Super" key is the name of a particular key.
No, my spacebar turns into a spaceship.
It has no relation to any OS/WM/software.
I asked if the super key had the same functionality (to open the Search Bar) in Gnome.
@Catgocat oh, yes. Pretty much.
have alook at this code here , chopapp.com/#c8wmwnue (will take a few secounds for the code to show)
now its a plugin code , but my point is , in plugin code or for that matter in any form of JS , there is usually alot of functions involved
@Catgocat GNOME shell covers the entire screen if you hit super, though. not sure if there is a way to change it.
unity allows you to maximize and restore the dash, otoh
@akaRash When you mean Gnome shell? What are you refering to?
what do i do , if i want to find out the number of functions in a modular JS script !
Basically I don't know what gnome shell is.
Number of function*
Or is it the same as gnome ?
@Catgocat like unity, GNOME (please capitalize or don't capitalize the first letter :/) is a DM.
@Catgocat naa , don't want a code review !
yeah, same thing
Oh ok right
What text editor best fits in ubuntu personally to you ?
for what?
For text editing
coding javascript
nano is definitely the text editor for ubuntu. It looks simple but you can't actually accomplish anything with it.
coding javascript -> code editor -> sublime text/scratchpad/builder/zed/gedit/nano in decreasing order of preference
also, aren't you asking this to me for the 4th time?
I know right .. :(
@ssube please tell this to Zirak :(
@Zirak @akaRash says you can't accomplish anything
Is Scratchpad only online though?
@ssube did you know you could have syntax highlighting in nano?
scratchpad is codemirror with more keybinding options compatible with 3 major text editors and integrated with FF devtools so awesome es6 support without transpilation.
@FlorianMargaine that too, automatic, unlike extension detection used by other code editors
@FlorianMargaine I don't really care, since the keybindings and general usability are pretty absurd.
shut up
I'm more than happy with vim
nano is great and does all the things.
not gonna disagree, I'm an emacs/vim guy.
I need to learn vim :/
especially since I might get pro/side-moted into a devops role, so I'll do less JS and more Bash/Python
using vim is good for you
how do you navigate files in vim? manually writing the paths?
is there any fuzzy file search or something?
ok :/
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw I hate to choose code editors
@FlorianMargaine looks awful but ok
@FlorianMargaine Can you take a look at a way I found out to make a sustainable polyfill kind-of library?
// app.js
var polyfill = require('./polyfill.js');
// ...
polyfill.forEach(function(arr) {
	if (!arr[0][arr[1]])
			arr[0][arr[1]] = arr[2];

sure, paste here
// polyfill.js
var polyfill = [];

polyfill.push([Array.prototype, "fill", function() { /* ... */ }]);
polyfill.push(/* ... */)

exports = module.exports = polyfill
It seems ok to me though
Why not
// app.js

// polyfill.js
if (!Array.prototype.fill) {
    Array.prototype.fill = function() {};
But the polyfill.js is meant to have many polyfills
and polyfills are supposed to not replace the polyfilled function if it already exists
// polyfill.js
var polyfill = [];

polyfill.push([Array.prototype, "fill", function() { /* ... */ }]);
polyfill.push([Array.prototype, "other", function() { /* ... */ }]);
polyfill.push([Array.prototype, "again", function() { /* ... */ }]);

exports = module.exports = polyfill
you're always adding your polyfills
@FlorianMargaine no to you
you should only add them if the native function doesn't exist
But in the foreach, I check for the native function.
Check the app.js
// app.js
var polyfill = require('./polyfill.js');
// ...
polyfill.forEach(function(arr) {
	if (!arr[0][arr[1]])
			arr[0][arr[1]] = arr[2];
only handle in the polyfill.js file...
@Catgocat horrible
you're making complicated code for no reason
But If I am adding too many polyfills, isn't this solution better? Without having to do it manually.
function polyfill (proto, name, fn) { if proto.hasOwnProperty(name) return; proto[name] = fn; } polyfill(Array.prototype, 'fill', function () {});
^ is also ~bad
var polyfill = [];

polyfill.push([Array.prototype, "fill",   function() { /* ... */ }]);
polyfill.push([Array.prototype, "other",  function() { /* ... */ }]);
polyfill.push([Array.prototype, "again",  function() { /* ... */ }]);
polyfill.push([Array.prototype, "fill2",  function() { /* ... */ }]);
polyfill.push([Array.prototype, "other2", function() { /* ... */ }]);
polyfill.push([Array.prototype, "again2", function() { /* ... */ }]);
polyfill.push([Array.prototype, "fill3",  function() { /* ... */ }]);
but atleast better than what you have
@Catgocat why don't you use the classic way to write polyfills?
meh; do w/e you want
@FlorianMargaine Because If I have too many polyfills it's ugly to write all of them using if statements.
then use what I posted
@FlorianMargaine And it will look bad to drop them randomly into my app, no?
@akaRash It doesn't make sense if you are checking for prototype methods.
where am I checking for proto methods?
when you write polyfills you do
if (!Array.prototype.fill) Array.prototype.fill = ...
No need to check hasOwnProperty
you aren't making sense
What do you suggest @akaRash
maybe you weren't able to read it properly because of a single line, so here ya go:
function polyfill (object, method, func, fix) {
    if (typeof object[name] === typeof func && !fix) return;
    return object[method] = func;

polyfill(Array.prototype, 'fill', function fill (val) {
    // do magic here
again, listen to what florian said
@FlorianMargaine The problem is where am I going to drop that code? In the node? It will look nasty. In modules? How will I run it?
Only using eval..
@Catgocat use es6-polyfill then
@akaRash babel does what I showed him
11 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
// app.js

// polyfill.js
if (!Array.prototype.fill) {
    Array.prototype.fill = function() {};
1 min ago, by aka Rash
again, listen to what florian said
@Loktar thanks :D
npm install and require, done.
@FlorianMargaine Oh, so the if-statement does run
Oh, I thought it wouldn't.. ooooooooooooooh ok
I'm really really really really dumb.
clever bastards
@rlemon So no need to use eval, just requiring the file works.
@FlorianMargaine Why can those objects be shared between modules but not normal variables?
fun fact: I still don't really know what the "the game" meme is about :/

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